A list of puns related to "Grand Duke Jean Of Luxembourg"
Edit: Message from H.R.H *Henri de Luxembourg.
Dear fellow citizens,
In these difficult times, it is important for me to share these thoughts with you.
As you all know, the number of Coronavirus infections has again increased massively over the past few days. In Europe and around the world.
Luxembourg has not been spared by this second important wave. Of particular concern to me is the fact that there have been infections in hospitals, where staff have been infected. Added to this is the news that there is at the same time a resurgence of infections in old people's and nursing homes.
Because of this new increase in infections, the situation in the health sector is tense. All the medical staff is doing an extraordinary job. They are doing their utmost to ensure optimal care.
But it is also important that everyone who lives or works in Luxembourg helps to stop the spread of the virus again.
We all have a responsibility towards our loved ones, especially towards vulnerable and elderly people.
Solidarity and respect require us to abide by the rules. We owe this not only to our fellow human beings, but also to nurses, doctors, nurses' assistants and all hospital staff.
Restrictions that limit our daily lives and freedoms are exceptional measures that are not taken lightly. But they are currently necessary and appropriate in the fight against the pandemic.
Thus it is essential to limit social contacts to the strict minimum. It is in fact the small gestures that can have a significant impact.
I am counting on the solidarity of all of you, so that we can best control this second wave.
We must act now. Only together will we succeed in overcoming this ordeal.
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