Important safety warning!

An ancient Babylonian general was once involved in a plot to overthrow the king. His plot included a number of followers in the upper ranks of the army. However, his plot was uncovered, and the king threw him in jail. The king sentenced him to death without a trial.

However, from the jail he was able to secretly contact his followers to arrange to escape, meet his followers, and attack the king's palace at night. So the night before his scheduled execution, the general managed to escape from prison. He fled to a ziggurat several kilometers away, where his followers would meet him. However, the ziggurat was one of several in the area, and he wasn't sure if his cohorts would find the right ziggurat. By this time it was twilight, so he lit a small fire and sent smoke signals to indicate in which structure he was hiding.

However, the king's loyal soldiers saw the smoke coming from the ziggurat, and came to arrest him before he could meet his followers. He was executed later that day.

The moral of the story? WARNING: The searching general has determined that smoking ziggurats can be extremely hazardous to your stealth.

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📅︎ Jan 06 2018
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Dadjoked the wife this morning

My wife always wants me to get up earlier than needed, even though I have a schedule and know exactly when I really need to be up. Today, she threw some clothes in my general direction, and a minute later commented "You're not dressing!" I looked at her, smiled and said "You're not salad!" Even she couldn't help but laugh when she realized what I meant.

👍︎ 36
👤︎ u/spongebue
📅︎ Jul 25 2016
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