I'm so proud

Sorry this will take a little setup. I have 2 adult kids. Son and a daughter, both are married. Both now have young children of their own. I have been a dad jokester for years..

We have a "family chat" on Facebook messenger with me, my wife, our son, daughter in law, our daughter and her husband.

Conversation just happened:

Daughter in law: Hey does anyone have a wheelbarrow we could use?

Daughter: Yep, I have one I borrowed from mom and dad you can have.

Me: too funny

Daughter: yeah we should call it a "wheel-borrow"

I just realized that I have officially passed the torch. The next generation of my family is successfully dad joke punny. Years of puns have paid off!

👍︎ 9
👤︎ u/Sunbaked4u
📅︎ Aug 19 2022
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