My mom suggested to my dad and brother that they go on a bike ride...

Dad: I dunno, I'm kinda tired

Bro: Yeah, I don't think I could handle that right now

Dad: I think we've already spoken about this

Bro: Give me a brake, dad

Dad: What, you can't keep the chain of puns going?

Bro: I can kick it into a higher gear

Dad: I might have to reflect on your puns for a minute

Bro: As long as you don't tread over any of my good ones

Dad: Wheel see how long you can keep this up

Me: Hey, I like...bikes

Dad: ΰ² _ΰ² 

Bro: ΰ² _ΰ² 

Mom: β—”_β—”

πŸ‘︎ 7
πŸ‘€︎ u/ballroomaddict
πŸ“…︎ Aug 04 2015
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