During s3e22 when doug finally decides that he is going to swim in the sacs pool , he yells “YUSPA” while in the air….If you watch the opening credits the producer and writer for king of queens name is “CATHY YUSPA” I’m curious to know if this was a accident or if it was accidental.
👍︎ 24
👤︎ u/4-Run-Yoda
📅︎ Dec 04 2021
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[#83|+13390|365] Rare picture of a black female Union soldier, 1862. Her name was Cathy Williams and she had to pose as a male to be enlisted at the Time..She was part of the 38 Regiment, Infantry Division and was called a Buffalo Soldier. [r/OldSchoolCool] reddit.com/r/OldSchoolCoo…
👍︎ 2
📅︎ Dec 25 2021
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Lin Wood crashes a Mercer Law admin Zoom meeting that is discussing the removal of his name from a classroom. Wood compares himself to Jesus, defends his tweet calling for Pence’s assassination, and verbally spars with Dean Cathy Cox. youtu.be/0J1Kzf9t3OE
👍︎ 487
📅︎ Jul 22 2021
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Oh Cathy, if Cathy wasn't your name what would your name be?
👍︎ 3
📅︎ Sep 21 2021
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What female name has a similar sound to Kevin for example Keith to Cathy?
👍︎ 5
👤︎ u/kevinjm86
📅︎ May 15 2021
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This little cutie's name is Catherine or cathy
👍︎ 17
📅︎ Dec 02 2020
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Changed some labels and names. 1) Gave football stars full names. 2) Changed Ella back to Frizzy. 3) Gave the surfers original from the chinese edition their own label. 4) Gave holiday surfers like Rabbot their normal holidays. 5) Made Morgan a Cambridge surfer just like Noel and Cathy reddit.com/gallery/jo3ee9
👍︎ 15
👤︎ u/xxNoahxx64
📅︎ Nov 04 2020
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S8: E7 – Does anyone know who Mike Tibbets is in real life? I know who he is in the context of the show, but is he just an extra? Or like a production person, what’s his name? As a side note, I think Michael Scott could have made it work to get Mike Tibbets and Cathy together if he were around.
👍︎ 9
📅︎ Sep 17 2020
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My mother's name is Kathy. After my father died, she got remarried to a man whose recent ex-wife was named Cathy. Reason they were divorced? Cathy had left him for a woman named Kathy

My mom had also recently divorced a man who was the father of a girl I dated in high school. We had broken up by the time they were married, so for a few years my step-sister was my ex-girlfriend of two years

👍︎ 10
📅︎ Nov 25 2020
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Cathy Young: If you still think that “but Antifa means antifascist!” is an argument, consider that the official name of the Berlin Wall in East Germany was “Antifaschistischer Schutzwall,” or “antifascist defense barrier” twitter.com/CathyYoung63/…
👍︎ 561
📅︎ Aug 08 2019
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What associations do you have with the names Cat and Cathy?

I'm thinking of changing my name to Catherine and calling myself either Cat or Cathy for short. I'm interested in any associations people have with these names, like how people would imagine a Cat or Cathy to be without meeting them. I'm also vaguely considering Wren as a nickname (as in Cathe-ren) but I think that it might be a bit of a stretch. If you have any alternate suggestions for nicknames I'd be happy to hear them. Thanks!

👍︎ 4
📅︎ Jul 21 2020
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Updated the list of characters tool with recent changes (Ella name change, Football guys, Tankbot, Callum, Jack, Cathy, Noel). LMK if you see errors! common-better-yam.glitch.…
👍︎ 3
👤︎ u/alonamit
📅︎ Oct 22 2020
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[All In The Name] Cathy VS Cruella von Deth: The Tale of the Cursed Needle


When a mother from Halifax learns to sword fight, not everybody is supportive. However, her fortunes improve when her golf caddy finds a magic knitting needle. After achieving her goal, the mother turns to gambling then is killed by mobsters.

It's evening at the sword academy. Students in full plate metal duel across a circle of swept concrete. Above them, the ceiling is open to the purple sky. From his podium, Bladesmaster Kevin oversees the practice.

With the benefit of his high vantage, Kevin is the first to notice when the academy's heavy wooden doors creak open and a thin woman dressed in stretch pants and an apron pokes her head in. Kevin waves her over. "Don't be shy! Come on in!"

Wide-eyed, the woman picks her way between the duelists, pausing her and there to appreciate a sudden lunge or admirable slash. When she arrives at the foot of the podium, Kevin leaps down to greet her. "What can I do ya for?" he asks.

The woman takes a short breath, sets her jaw, and says, "I'm Cathy. I'm a housewife and I'd like to learn swordfighting."

"Then you've come to the right place!" Kevin says. "We can give you a trial right now, if you'd like."

Cathy frowns. "I do have to pick up my daughter from violin practice in thirty minutes..." She glances back at the duelists. "Which means I do have time!"

Kevin takes her over to the armoury. "Now, we've got armor in all sizes, but I might suggest you lose the apron. Also you've got a roller in your hair that'll get in the way of the helmet."

Cathy snatches the roller out and puts it in her little white purse. "I'm always forgetting those."

"No worries," Kevin says, and in short order he has her outfitted head-to-toe in plate metal. "Now, what type of sword were you hoping to master?"

"The claymore."

Kevin raises his eyebrows. "I'm not sure about that. You're a fairly small person."

"I'm very strong for my size," Cathy says.

Kevin shrugs. "Let's give it a shot." He unbolts the sword cabinet to reveal a collection of dozens of blades, from curved sabres to jagged hook swords to stubby bleeders. With both hands, he lifts a six-foot claymore off its supports. "Here you go."

When Cathy first takes the grip in her hands, the tip of the claymore drops to the ground with a clang. "Whoopsie," she says. Then she stiffens her wrists and the tip comes up level. "Easier than baking a pie," she says.

Kevin coughs. "Um, well, alright then. Let's get to it."

The two of them head into the duelists cir

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👍︎ 19
👤︎ u/shuflearn
📅︎ Mar 14 2020
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Cathie Wood sells ARK's high-conviction names even as she implies it's time to buy them. Such moves aren't necessarily illegal layer says.
  • Ark Invest's Cathie Wood said in a recent interview that when her firm's funds are losing ground, Ark looks to gear its positions towards the company's highest-conviction stocks. However, Wood's voluntary trade disclosures shows that she's actually been dumping some of her high-conviction names in recent days instead of buying them.
  • Wood told Bloomberg TV in an interview last week that "especially in periods where our style is out of favor... what we usually do is consolidate our holdings towards our highest-conviction names. [Those] are the names in our top 10 -- so the Tesla (NASDAQ:TSLA), the Roku (NASDAQ:ROKU), Teladoc Health (NYSE:TDOC), Square (NYSE:SQ), Shopify (NYSE:SHOP) and so forth."
  • However, a review of trading records that Ark voluntarily releases every day shows that Wood hasn't actually been buying any of the high-conviction names she mentioned other than ROKU, and has instead dumped shares of TSLA and SHOP:

Ark Funds Have Been Falling

  • An Ark spokeswomen didn't immediately have any comment on the firm's moves, but the trades appear to go against what Wood told Bloomberg her strategy is for periods where Ark funds are sinking.
  • From Dec. 9-14, ARK Innovation ETF (NYSEARCA:ARKK) is -7%, ARK Autonomous Technology & Robotics ETF (BATS:ARKQ) lost 4.7%, ARK Next Generation Internet ETF (NYSEARCA:ARKW) is down 9.1%, ARK Genomic Revolution Multi-Sector ETF (BATS:ARKG) shed 3.3%, ARK Fintech Innovation ETF (NYSEARCA:ARKF) is -8% and ARK Space Exploration & Innovation ETF (BATS:ARKX) -2.6%.
  • Wood's interview with Bloomberg TV seemed to imply that in such down periods, Ark will buy more of the firm's high-conviction names instead of selling them.
  • “When traditional asset managers are managing their portfolios in a risk-off situation, they’re diversifying to get closer to their indexes," the Ark chief said. "They’re buying index stocks and they’re selling our [high-conviction] stocks, so we are there to pick up the pieces.”

Such Moves Aren't Necessarily Illegal

  • Rachel Spooner, a Boston College Carroll School of Management securities-law professor and a former federal prosecutor, told that Ark can sell stocks that Wood implied she was buying without necessarily breaking any statutes.
  • Spooner said that as long as Wood is showing good faith, prosecutors wouldn't go after Ark for such a short window of seemingly contradictory trades.
  • "If she's acting in the best interest of her investors
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👍︎ 72
📅︎ Dec 15 2021
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After a life of my mother screaming, "HER NAME IS CATHERINE, NOT CATHY!" makeameme.org/meme/if-you…
👍︎ 2k
📅︎ Apr 11 2015
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In order to make painful and embarassing medical procedures more tolerable, give the instruments used in those procedures cute names such as Emma Enema, Samantha Speculum and Cathy Cathether.
👍︎ 50
👤︎ u/EyeWunderY
📅︎ Dec 11 2019
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