A list of puns related to "Yes or No"
Myslím, že ne všichni ví jaké jsou rozdíly mezi registrovaným partnerstvím a manželstvím, tady je krátké shrnutí z volebního programu Piratstan, jiný krátký přehled mě teď nenapadl;
“Mezi manželstvím a registrovaným partnerstvím jsou rozdíly v důstojnosti, postavení dětí a mnoha dalších praktických i ekonomických otázkách.[9]
Děti, které vychovávají páry stejného pohlaví, mají mnohem méně práv a právní ochrany než děti vychovávané manželi. Registrovaní partneři si na rozdíl od manželů nemohou osvojit dítě druhého partnera ani dítě z ústavu, nemohou být ani společnými pěstouny a v případě rozpadu registrovaného partnerství se děti ocitají v právním vakuu, bez právního nároku na výživné a kontakt s druhým rodičem.
Děti mohou náhle ztratit bydlení, protože registrovaní partneři nemají ze zákona možnost společného nájmu bytu. Při smrti rodiče nemají děti v registrovaném partnerství právo na sirotčí důchod a na dědictví. Je ohrožena péče o dítě a jeho zdraví, protože jeden z registrovaných partnerů nemá stejné právo na zastupování dítěte, na informace o jeho zdravotním stavu a možnost rozhodovat v případě ohrožení zdraví dítěte.
Registrovaní partneři nemají právo na vdovské nebo vdovecké důchody, a jsou tak nespravedlivě více ohrožení chudobou při smrti partnera. V registrovaném partnerství nevzniká společné jmění manželů, které zlehčuje mnoho administrativních úkonů a partnerský život obecně, například při koupi bytu nebo získání parkovací karty.
Rovnoprávnost sňatků podporuje 61–67 procent populace.[7]”
Pozn. mělo to být manželství pro všechny ale už mi to nejde spravit
End of the school year is approaching and I was wondering: is there a tradition to give a little gift to the teachers (primary school)? How about the ballet teacher?
A part from what is tradition, we are vary happy and grateful of how all of them did. But it would be useful to know what is customary.
Zurich, if that matters.
Everything being built today is a response to market forces of at least 2 to 3 years ago. There is an intertemporal mismatch between when demand sends a signal and supply can be brought on market. This leads to higher volatility in housing markets, SFR and rentals. There seems to be a tremendous amount of supply coming on the market right now and more to follow in a few years. Real prices for rentals look to have limited upside as they have already had large increases.
I recommend REreno for information on local development issues. Here is a link to the blog post: https://rereno2.wordpress.com/2021/07/05/ennui-2/
I've found a job that pays about $10k more than my current job, with the same responsibilities. The company is also an affiliate of the current company I work for so there is quite a bit of crossover.
I got to the part of the application that asks for my current work information, and it's asking for a "contact name" (no email or phone number required). Then it asks for permission to contact this person. I'm not sure what to select here since I haven't told my boss that I'm applying for other work. I would hate for my boss to find out that I applied for this position, so I'm not sure what to select.
Nobody expects the Spanish indecision.
I am posting this solely because people are talking about this ‘discovery’ (which has been turned in to the Pinellas County Sheriff’s Department) as being linked to Brian. At this point, there is nothing to say that it certainly is or is not. Please do not spread rumours.
By Michaela Mulligan Published Yesterday Updated Yesterday
(Sunday, 24 October)
Christopher Sacco was fighting a large fish. Or so he thought. He’d already lost it once and he wasn’t going to lose it again. When he finally reeled in the line, he realized he had the catch of the day.
But it wasn’t a fish. Instead, it was an abandoned gun.
Sacco, 35, was fishing off the shore of Fort De Soto Park before noon Saturday when he reeled in a Publix plastic bag. Inside the bag was a black revolver, with a rock secured to it by red and white twine.
“You’ve got be kidding me,” Sacco said to his friend. Sacco’s friend looked over to him. “I found a gun,” he said.
“He looked at me like, ‘Are you serious,’” Sacco said. “I’m like bro, I found a freaking gun.”
Sacco called the Pinellas County Sheriff’s Office to report the gun. The Sheriff’s Office confirmed deputies responded to a call at Fort De Soto at 11:46 a.m. Saturday.
Officers took possession of the gun and placed it in property and evidence, a spokesperson for the Sheriff’s Office said.
The weapon was entered into the Florida Crime Information Center and the National Crime Information Center. Deputies were also notified of the gun, the spokesperson said.
Sacco and his friend were fishing near a playground area at the park. Fort De Soto was hit hard by Red Tide, Sacco said, so not many people were around, except for a few canoers on the water.
“Usually there’s a whole bunch of people,” Sacco said. “What if some little kid found it?”
The officer who responded to the report called the situation “a first,” Sacco said.
Sacco posted a photo of the gun to the Facebook group “Tampa Bay Fishing Club.”
Sacco, born and raised in Tampa, has been fishing since he was 9 years old, but never experienced anything like Saturday’s catch.
“To actually catch something like that, like a gun tied to a brick, somebody didn’t want that gun to be found,” he said.
Generally speaking, how do you feel about monster moves that possess a Hunter?
On one hand, I don't want to take away player agency. But on the other, this is a pretty common trope in MotW-style stories.
i got a couple questions, because i’ve been thinking about trying this...
does it actually work? (mind you, i have never made homemade edibles so i dont really know the process of it)
does it make the whole oven/kitchen smell?
Hello everyone, Thanks to this sub I have been able to possibly prevent a huge buying mistake in a vehicle. I have a 2021 jayco jay flight 184bs and was looking for a vehicle to tow it with. I almost landed on a pathfinder but someone here had put a very handy spreadsheet which I used and found out that it was not going to work.
Long story short, I now have a 2018 titan with the towing package. My question is should I buy a weight distribution hitch with sway bars or would that be overkill? The trailer dry weight is 3571 (equipped) and its max weight is 4300. The tongue weight I believe is 400.
Any suggestions are welcome.
Thanks again. (Btw very new to this and this is our first trailer)
Edit: Thanks to everyone for your suggestions and advice. I am going to purchase the Husky Center line TS. It comes recommended by quite a few of you folks as well as the trailer dealer.
I did check the truck manual and it is not required, nor do I have any built in sway control. It is just a good idea with the trips that I have planned with all the hwy driving.
I use it along side my Microfreak Synth via Midi to play live
Vegan, btw, you fucking murderer.
What's ypur opinion on going chemtank as mythic on ww? Is it any good? What is the best mythic in your opinion?
I have a tattoo appointment in Feb 2021 to get mine done, it's a tattoo I've been wanting ever since I was 14 years old (currently am 21 years old) but I've always chickened out. Now the time finally has come and my appointment is finally set and I'm super excited!
But I didn't get a lot of nice responses from others around me and here's why; People compare it to the Nazi Swastika since they think that Voldemort and his followers are basically an equivelant of Nazi's. Now... I don't see it that way at all and I don't understand how anyone could. To me, they are fictional characters and nothing more than that. Therefore, I don't support Voldemort's intentions/beliefs in any way nor did I ever claim to do so. It bothers me, but to be fair, I'm not letting this stop me. I'm still getting this tattoo because it's my body.
But that is not the reason as of why I'm posting this thread.. the reason why I'm posting this, is because I want to know what other people think of this and if there's truly only ''hate'' for this tattoo.. also since I don't see a lot of people getting this tattoo and I'm genuinely curious whether that's for the reason mentioned above. What do you think of the Dark Mark tattoo? What do you think of people getting them tattooed? Is it too much? Let me know!
Ps. If you have one, feel free to share a pic :)
...or, third option: are you insane like she's making you feel with her mixed messages?
EDIT: Jeezum Crow!! (as they said in my redneck highschool) This thread blew up!
Because I can't reply to everyone, I just want to say thanks so much for all your replies, the concensus is more or less unanimouse that "If it's not a Hell Yes, it's a No". The reasons for interpreting such mixed signals as "No" are still worth debating.... In my case I am lucky because I can be sure it's not due to lack of interest or any intention of manipulation (because the female is too sweet, flirty, and humble for those to be plausible). But it definitly may be another dude in the picture or more likely (I hope) an oppressive, toxic family situation that is the root of my woes.
Love you all, as I always will.
PS/ 2nd Edit: I'd like everyone to remember that while many women do give mixed signals and "lead men on" the motive for that is not always manipulation! In some cases, the confusion is due to the woman genuinely desiring a relationship but being tentative or even just plain scared due to previous bad relationships or trauma. All humans want some form of closeness, but most have been hurt by closeness as well. You might say the very thing we all want most is the same thing which has hurt us all the most.
They haven't responded to me yet(got email on Monday to an invitation) which I think is good? If I was denied, wouldnt they get it over with already?
I found a vacation home two hours from my home. Close to where I grew up. Has acreage (5), trees (I love trees) and privacy. House is 20 years old in good shape. I want to buy it as a vacation property for me. I am 63 years old, single, no kids. Here are the facts: my net worth is 4,000,000. 1.25 million in cd's at 2.7 to 3 %, 1 million in in bonds, 250,000 in stock index fund, 150,000 individual stocks, 500,000 in bond funds, the rest in treasury money markets and cash. I think it would be a good addition for diversification but I am retired so my portfolio has to sustain my lifestyle. I currently spend around 70,000 a year
Any thoughts on whether this is a stupid idea are appreciated.
Just got to A20 on all 4 characters and I'm going for A20 heart. What's the general strategy for the elite and the campfire key? Is going for the 1st possible flaming elite a good idea?
Edit: Lots of great answers. Seems like general consensus is to take it late unless you are strong for the act you're in. Red when there is no value in that campfire (most of the times last). And blue is pretty obvious. So it depends, like almost everything else in this game. Thanks
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