A list of puns related to "Trocadero (band)"
I was wondering if in one of the RT podcast or drunk tanks, if they mentioned how RT meet and partnered with Trocadero, to do the soundtrack of RvB. If so can you share a link or episode number, thank you.
went when I was 11 and was amazing and terrifying. Some kids believed aliens real. Anyway - not sure if anyone else went but they should bring it back.
Trocadero Coffee Bar Masterton
95 Queen Street, Masterton 5810
Sunday 09 January
11:17 am - 12:30 pm
Self-isolate, test immediately and on day 5 after you were exposed at this location of interest. Further isolation and testing requirements will be provided by Public Health.
Record your visit online or call Healthline so our contact tracers can get in touch.
Also: Masterton Medical posted:
Wednesday 12th January 2022: Drive thru Covid Swabbing will run 10-11am and again from 3-4pm. If you just need a text, you can access our drive thru from the Colombo Road entrance during these times. If you are unwell and require assessment you will need to phone us.
If I'm not mistaken, iTunes doesn't offer lossless downloads, and you can't buy the CD off of the Rooster Teeth store anymore. Does anybody here have a copy?
Happy Halloween everyone! This stage prop was from either the 2000 or 2001 Halloween show (I can't remember which one) at The Trocadero Theatre in Philly. During the toilet paper fight, after Black No.1, Peter just grab it and threw it into the pit. I was able to catch the base of it but the top of it was broke off by someone else in the process. I figured I'd post a couple of pics of it. Man, I miss seeing them on Halloween....
In timp ce pregatesc un alt post despre Grupul de Economie Aplicata am aflat si de minunatia asta.
Asa ca fac un update la postul despre Florin Citu
Domnul Florin Citu incepe sa aiba un parcus profesional foarte interesant (folosim CV-ul de la finante)
Noiembrie 2003 - Decembrie 2004 Economist - Banca Europeana De Investitii (gurile rele spun ca nu prea poti sa intri aici daca nu ai o sustinere politica din partea statului al carui cetatean esti)
Ianuarie – Decembrie 2005 Economist/Consultant -Consultanta pentru companii private din sistemul financiar-bancar.
Dupa cum vedeti Citu omite sa ne spuna ca de fapt este vorba despre ONG-ul Grupul de Economie Aplicata infiintat de Daniel Daianu fost ofiter DIE (intre timp am aflat ca ambii parinti au lucrat in Securitate DSS).
Grupul de Economie Aplicata se transforma in societatea comerciala GEA Strategy & Consulting unde Citu este actionar alaturi de niste personaje foarte intersante (pregatesc un post despre aceasta pepiniera de talente in noua politica reformatoare)
Ianuarie 2006 – Ianuarie 2007 Economist Sef ING Bank Romania
Ianuarie 2007 – Martie 2011 Director Piete Financiare ING Bank Romania
Oare presedintele ING Bank Romania - Misu Negritoiu (1997-2014) l-a luat sub aripa lui pe tanarul Floin Citu doar pentru vocea si talentul sau?
Nu cumva faptul ca a lucrat la GEA cu Daniel Daianu fost ofiter de securitate DIE a fost exact piesa care lipsea din puzzle?
Daniel Daianu si Misu Negritoiu s-au intersectat prin celebrul club de la Trocadero.
Aprilie 2011– Octombrie 2016 Consultant/Economist - Consultanta companii cu capital privat si institutii publice pe probleme de administrarea riscului de curs valutar si de dobanda, politica macroeconomica, produse financiar bancare. - Consultanta si analiza economica
Asta e o alta perioada in care domnul Citu omite sa ne spuna pentru ce firma a lucrat.
Dar aflam ca a fost actionar in Macroanalitica SRL impreuna cu Daniel Daianu si Lungu Laurian (un alt actionar din GEA Strategy & Consulting).
> în data de 13 aprilie 2018, Viorica Dăncilă emite Decizia Primului Ministru nr. 174/2018, privind desemnarea unor reprezentanți în Comisia Națională de Fundamentare a Planului Național de Adoptare a Monedei Euro. Este vorba despre numirea a 11 membri, dintre care doi sunt nimeni alții decât Daniel Daianu și Laurian Lungu
I was just a girl when we met in the parking lot on that warm spring night. You mimicked me when I hid my blushing face in my hands. I never told you, but looking back, I think I actually fell in love with you that night.
A little more than a week later, you held me in your lap and asked me to be your girlfriend. How could I say no?
Another week went by, and we made love for the first time in the living room of your parents' old house. You made me feel things that I never knew I could feel. You made me feel beautiful and cherished.
For 4 years, we spent as much of our time together as we could. We loved each other fiercely, even when things got ugly. You stayed by my side through my cancer diagnosis and after we lost our baby, far before we were ever ready for one. You were my person. Then our love met its inevitable end, I thought.
I pushed you out of my mind, but in truth, you never left my heart. I mostly avoided the places we used to go, and the things we used to watch or listen to together. Eventually, I suppose I got used to it.
But then after 7 years of being strangers, around the 10th anniversary of the loss of our daughter, I got a nagging feeling out of the blue that told me to message you. And so, I did.
Eventually, "How are you" turned into "Yeah, I miss you too", and it didn't take long before I found myself at the other end of a video call with you. You mimicked me when I hid my blushing face in my hands.
I'm not going to include "Intro" and "Blood Gulch Blues" since they are so iconic/symbolic to the show.
Here's my top 5:
Runners up:
Thanks for reading. Please give these and the rest of Trocadero a listen. Great music.
Anyone else know what happened to the trocadero dansant signage underneath the cultural centre walkway? I just noticed they changed the signage with something else and it’s making me a wee bit nostalgic. It’s been there for ages too...
Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ioaRKsqCCOw&ab_channel=Trocadero-Topic
Mainly the part I want is the part repeated from the beginning to 0:18, but any other part of the song would also be good.
We were driving from La Defense to the Eiffel Tower. On my right side I saw green space and kind of an open air market/restaurant with Asian language on it. I don't know exactly the place or what it was called, hopefully someone can help!
Thank You!
Bonjour !
J'ai conscience que le flair peut ne pas correspondre, mais je savais pas lequel choisir...
Aujourd'hui à midi mon téléphone a failli être volé par un homme au parc en bas de la place Trocadero. Heureusement, j'ai pu le récupérer.
Je voulais faire ce post pour remercier encore une fois les deux personnes qui me l'ont fait remarquer. Je sais pas ce que je ferai sinon. Je sais pas si l'un d'eux le verra, mais mille mercis les parisiens.
I’ve been composing music for RvB since 2003 starting with the little guitar thing.
I founded Trocadero back in 1997, and we’ve been continuously providing music for RvB, a show that I fell in love with after watching the first twenty seconds of Season 1, Episode 1.
Also present:
David Levy - /u/DavidLevyMusicRT/ — he’s composed for RvB since Season 13, he’s also done mixing and sound design for RT and composed the music for gen:LOCK. We frequently collaborate together, and little known fact, he’s a bad ass drummer.
Violet Heart - /u/VioletHeartMusic/ — guitarist, pianist, keyboardist, and vocalist for Trocadero, most recently heard all over Season 17 as well as the end credits song (I’m My Best) Enemy. Also has her own kick ass band.
Meredith Hagan - /u/Terraphim/ — her awesome arrangement and performance of Contact called Contact Redux probably made you a tad lachrymose. She appears on featured RvB songs like Slingshot (S14), Rush (S16), and Violet’s new arrangement of an old song Blood Gulch Blue (S17.)
Finally, we’re happy to announce that Season 16 soundtrack is now on iTunes, and Season 17 soundtrack will be available on iTunes in coming days. (If you don’t see the soundtracks on your favorite platform, i.e., Spotify, just give them a few days to propagate.)
-nico / trocadero
EDIT: Thanks everyone for your questions, kind words, and comments. We really appreciate it <3. Closing the shop for now.
If you missed this, you can always go to https://www.facebook.com/TrocaderoNet/ where it's an AMA 24/7!
Was poking around the depths of my spotify account, and came across an old playlist of Trocadero songs from way back when, and was wondering if they still were making music besides the RvB soundtracks.
Their Spotify page doesn't list anything beyond season 12, released in 2014. After doing some poking around, I realized that the Trocadero credited on the Season 15 soundtrack, the Spotify album anyway, is not the same page. However, the only album on the new Trocadero page sounds more like an acapella group than alt rock.
Anyone know if they have any active social media, or if they're still active outside of RT?
LV Trocadero sneakers - Fits my size 9.5 feet (label says 8 but it's wrong) 8.5/10 - $70 + ship sold
Davie's Clock Teddy - Size 48 - Worn two or so times. From a few (2?) years back so I don't know what batch it's on. Has the button rattle but they're not loud. Stain on tag that can probably be removed. $80+ ship sold
TNF Supreme SS15 Denim Jacket- Size XL - Some wear as seen in photos - $65 + ship
images: https://imgur.com/a/3TncZfD
tag + timestamp: https://imgur.com/a/NJirGST
PayPal invoice only !! Add $10 for ship in US
Jag talar nu inte om den trista, syntetiska smaken. Den finns det säkert någon som gillar, och den släcker ju törsten åtminstone. Men hur tänkte man när man döpte ifrågavarande dricka? Man kunde ju bara ha bytt ut ett vardagligt och trivialt d mot ett exotiskt och eggande z så skulle saken varit biff. Ibland vägrar vi svenskar verkligen se ett magiskt tillfälle till och med när det stirrar oss i ansiktet och det gör mig så trött.
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