A list of puns related to "The Humph Trust"
Looking for kpop boy group MVs to entertain my 3-year-old nephew. He likes watching Naughty boy and Humph!. He doesn't like MVs with serious/dark tones or those with overly complicated dance moves. I tried showing him girl group vids but he doesn't want them either. lol. Unfortunately, I'm not really familiar with boy groups so I'm hoping someone could give me suggestions. :)
As a Universe myself, I saw a lot of criticism from fans about a few select things, even though they love the song.
The beginning where he says "swag" is super cringy
The choreography is too childish, makes them look like kindergartners
They hit the woah and that's super cringy too
And yet.... that's the point. It's SUPPOSED to be childish and cheesy and cringy. The music video makes it purposely clear that this is not a serious song, especially not a mature song, that it's childish and silly, if the instrumental and tone of the song/vocals didn't make it obvious.
Like yeah, it's cringy, that's why it's there. They're acting like children and dancing like children because that's the concept, and not in a creepy way. It's just a bit of fun, enjoy it, and if you don't, that's fine, but complaining what makes the concept what it is when you like the song (even though it fits the song so perfectly) doesn't make sense.
Another thing is, this is kinda their brand now too. Shine succeeded off the exact things you're calling cringy and childish now. Naughty Boy never took off as well, but it was there too. It's only fair that Cube would want them to emulate that, especially since Sha La La's concept didn't fly them any further (might be wrong though, I don't remember how well it charted), and it's good the way they're doing it without directly copying the successful song like Momoland (no shade I stan them too).
EDIT: Ninja edited a small portion to elaborate
It's 14dpo in my tfab desert I'm wandering in. So - who knows what that means. But all is still pretty great for me today. My DH is graduation Magna Cum Laude and "With Distinction" today. No wife has ever been prouder. No bfn is going to take my smile away today :)
In several forums, I have seen ham radio mentioned as a place to take conversations that result in bans from social media sites. It's false that those bans are a result of speaking about conservative topics - unless the topic is glorifying or planning violence, calls to arms, harassment of others, or spreading hate.
We are a unique hobby, granted a unique privilege and trusted to use our own judgement and skills when we build and operate radio transmitters. That trust means many transmitters available to hams are frequency agile and can be tweaked to operate out of band. It also means that we are trusted not to use encryption features of radios that are designed for the commercial bands.
This trust, and the privileges that result from it, are at stake if Ham Radio becomes seen by the FCC as a place where pirates gain equipment that lets them operate illegally or that lets terrorists plan and execute their operations.
The cat-and-mouse game in the CB world led the FCC to push regulations all the way up to the silicon manufacturers - who were forced to produce single-purpose frequency-locked chipsets, and mandated the removal of 10/12/15m bands from many Amateur amplifiers due to abuse outside the ham bands.
If you want us to continue to hold this trust - be careful giving comfort and aid to people who have no interest in gaining a license so they can learn how to build a transmitter or provide public service, but instead seek to setup "tactical comms" or "prep" or who need to know how to obtain/setup/use a radio with their friends "today" but will get a license "one day".
There are 650k amateurs - our numbers are swamped by truckers, boaters, hunters, airsofters, preppers, and militia kooks. Once that genie is out of the bottle and it's common in those groups to obtain and operate a ham radio with no real regard to its intended purpose, we can't put it back in, and you can be sure the FCC will be motivated to control the construction and distribution of amateur transceivers.
Don't let me get proven right - self-policing and self-regulation must mean something in a hobby like ours.
They all say the product is remarkable.
In reality, you can’t trust light bulb manufacturers because they only show you what you want to see.
Go to all the stores and buy out all the cashews. Woody doesn't deserve even 1 cashew and you know it. Once we get a cashew shortage in North Carolina then we can buy online and really ruin his night.
Evangelical Christians really don't like it when you point out that they really don't have faith/trust in the God they claim to believe in so much.
At the beginning, I was genuinely trying to make a suggestion of a way in which she could "serve others for the lawd," but when she gave me that lame excuse about "being afraid to leave the country," I couldn't resist.
If your faith is so weak that you don't even trust your God to protect you when you leave the country to "serve him," then you might as well stop telling others how great your faith in God is.
Because it's made in china
There has been a lot of back-and-forth on this President's actions in the last couple weeks, and I'm looking for some serious, level-headed perspectives on the matter.
Clearly not something that should be on there.
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