The Stock Market Movement

So there's two day traders looking at the commodity stocks for office supplies on their computer. "What's the movement on desks and chairs?" asks the first stockbroker.

"Um, that's moving up," says the second. "We should get into it."

"Okay what about stocks for desktop computers? Are they moving?" says the first.

"Yep, they're dropping," says the second. "We've got to sell that off."

"Okay what about paper? Is that moving?" says the first.

"Paper? No," says the second. "Paper is stationery."

👍︎ 45
📅︎ Oct 08 2013
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One of my favorite dad jokes that I nailed a few weeks ago.

So I'm heading to an office to turn in some paper work with a friend. It's a little windy outside. As I get out of the car and set my papers on the roof of the car to grab some stuff from the car my friend says,

"Hey man, you better watch that paper and make sure it doesn't fly away."

So I say: "Don't worry, it's stationery."

👍︎ 5
👤︎ u/hpclone25
📅︎ Aug 30 2014
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