A list of puns related to "SU 8 photoresist"
Ovo su recimo papiri koje glavna gospođa želi da ljudi nose okolo. Ovo je primjer njenih masterplanova za štrajk. U biti plan im je dat te dokumente, odbiti dati potvrde/testirati se, i zatim tvrditi da su spriječeni ući u školu, pa čekat štrajk. Ovo će vjerojatno bit dosta dobar meme. Ima tu svakaj.
>Imamo tim odvjetnika koji zastupa sindikat.
>O Bože zar ima još netko tko nije shvatio da je pristanak na testiranje presuda ....
>Danas sam u školi pokušao predati ZAHTJEVE koje ste sinoć objavili, no nitko ih nije htio zaprimiti (ni urudžbeni, ni pravnica ni ravnatelj). Na kraju sam otišao u poštu i preporučeno sam ih poslao. Jesam li dobro postupio? Osim toga ravnatelj mi je najavio da će me najvjerojatnije suspendirati do promjene odluke. Može li on to? Napominjem da sam jedini u školi (od 25 ljudi bez covid potvrde) koji se neće testirati. Ostali imaju Covid potvrdu
>S obzirom da kovid redari mogu dobiti kaznu od 10 tisuća kuna, čini se da ravnatelji malčice imaju problema sa pronalaskom kovid redara. Moguće da mnogi koji će samo raditi svoj posao nisu svjesni da će biti tuženi i da za to mogu na više načina odgovarati. Redari 10 t kuna, ravnatelji 500 t kuna. Jedan kolega ispričao da ga je njegova ravnateljica zvala da ga nagovori da bude kovid redar. Svi vi koji samo radite svoj posao znajte da ćete biti tuženi za to!!!
>Šefica me sad zvala Pitala me dal ostajem pri svojem. Jesam li nabavila potvrdu. Rekla sam joj da je to osoban podatak i da me to ne smije pitat, ona kaze: Ipak smijem. Pita me dal ću se ići testirati danas ili sutra, rekla sam da ne planiram. I da me štiti zakon. (Radim u vrtiću) Jel to baš moram danas dostaviti ili mogu i sutra? Nemam više kome predati. Koje su mi opcije? Edit: ovlastila je racunovotkinju da me ne pusti u vrtić.
Jedna od moderatorice je objavila proroštvo Patricie King za Hrvatsku. Ugasila je komentare za tu objavu lol. Kaže da Bog diše na Hrvatsku
>Zahtijevajmo raspuštanje vlade i prijevremene izbore!!!
>Kolege sa potvrdama! Očekujemo vašu potporu da ćete stajati s nama ispred škole kao da ih i nemate. Potvrde će vam brzo isteći a onda ćete biti u istoj kaši s nama. Nemojte misliti da vi nećete doći na red.
>Ja sam predložio, pa adminica odbija - idemo svi u vožnju gradom sporije od 30km/h. Napravit ćemo prometni kolaps
... keep reading on reddit ➡Datestamp and Images: https://imgur.com/a/udaa2uT
THX 789:
Original Massdrop-branded THX AAA 789 amp. I'm the original owner, and the amp has been boxed up for nearly the entire period of ownership. Used for approximately 10 to 15 hours total. Very few signs of use, if any. Operates flawlessly. Comes with original packaging and power cord. Given its lack of usage, have decided to part ways.
Asking $200. Price includes shipping and PayPal fees. Only shipping to CONUS.
SMSL SU-8 v2:
SMSL SU-8 Version 2 10th Anniversary DAC. Minor nick on top of device, otherwise in very good condition. Functions flawlessly. Comes with original box and all original accessories (remote, USB cable, power cable). I'm the original owner.
Asking $150. Price includes shipping and PayPal fees. Only shipping to CONUS.
Willing to combine the two at a discount given that they make an ideal pairing for someone looking for a good balanced combo.
All sold. Thanks all.
Cuando eso sucedió yo tenía creo que 6 años mi cerebro omitió algunos detalles, pero recuerdo que yo subí muy despacio a la casa donde sucedió eso y Vi como aquel hombre había matado a la niña y a la mamá con un machete estaba todo el piso cubierto de sangre, y el señor bañado en sangre, corrí con todas mis fuerzas por el bosque durante horas mientras este tipo me perseguía llorando y gritando con miedo de morir.
Me metí en un río escondido en una pequeña cueva y permanecí ahí durante dos días y dos noches hasta cuándo decidí salir y huir hasta mi casa. Este suceso me persigue día y noche y ah afectado mi vida de manera muy dura puesto que mi padre maltrataba a mi mamá a tal punto que incluso el cogía un machete y le pegaba con la plana del machete a mi mamá. No eh podido superar esto y me llevo un profundo dolor en mí ahora soy un adulto con 24 años y una hija y sigo sin poder sobre llevarlo, tengo miedo porque se que yo podría convertirme en un maltratador o quizás en un asesino por culpa de ese hecho. Cuando era menor solía asesinar animales no sé porque lo hacía, pero mi temor ahora es tan grande que no veo a mi hija ni a la mamá de mi hija por miedo a convertirme en ese tipo de persona por un momento de irá. Mi vida a Sido muy dura pero no puedo sobrellevarlo llevo rencor en mí y mi ex psicóloga nunca supo cómo ayudarme no se que hacer aveces solo quisiera suicidarme no puedo más con todo esto son muchas cosas que llevo en mí y mi temor es inmenso.
Ahorita la mía de Hasta que te conocí de Juan Gabriel y ustedes? Extrañan a alguien? Saquen ese recuerdo de ese amargo amor...
Ben bir duş alıyım en iyisi
Si en realidad quieres a tu hijo deberías disculparte por haberlo hecho, ese juego implica horas y horas de dedicación para crear algo y es bastante frustrante perder el progreso, no sé por que motivo se lo hayas borrado pero me parece una muy mala decisión hacer algo así, te gustaría que alguien llegara y te eliminara tu trabajo de un momento a otro? Se más comprensible con el niño, hay otras maneras de castigar…
TL;DR, Su Bing Tian is short and robust so how is he so good at sprinting compared to tall and gracile people? Chinese sport science is worse than the west's, so what is the reason? The answer is two genes, COL5A1 and ADRB2. This is the first post of many looking into the frequencies of genes responsible for muscle building/recovery/explosiveness. The results may or may not surprise/confirm what you already suspected.
I was doing some sifting around on the internet. Mainly because of Su Bing Tian, the guy's 5'8, not particularly tall and he's of a robust phenotype. To those who don't know, gracile phenotypes (which are held by Africans) outclass robust phenotypes (held by asians) when it comes to running. So why is Su Bing Tian so good?
Chinese sport science isn't nearly as good as the West's, so, what is it that makes Su Bing Tian click? What makes him so special, he's not particularly tall either, which is a net disadvantage for him. How is he able to beat Africans (who's gracile phenotypes and their taller height gives them an advantage over Su Bing tian?)
The answer, are the two genes known as COl5A1 and ADRB2. This will be the first post of many going into full extent of which genes are responsible for musculature/muscle building/muscle recovery/high twitch muscles. The result may or may not surprise you/confirm what you already suspected. (Full sources will be posted at the bottom of the post)
TL;DR, The CC variant of COL5A1 decreases risk of stiff tendons (higher elasticity), higher chance of decreasing risk of muscle injury and fatigue, as well as higher flexibility, with it's only drawback being less endurance. The CT and TT variant both have better endurance with the draw backs of higher risk of stiff tendons, increased risk of muscle injury and fatigue, with decreased flexibility.
There are specifically, 3 variants of COL5A1. The CC, CT and TT variant, which I will explain what the differences are, the benefits and negatives that they have when it comes to Running/Sprinting and daily life.
We will be focusing primarily on COL5A1 CC for today.
Gene variant | Positives/Benefits | Negatives/Drawbacks | What it means for daily life + sports |
CC | Less likely to have stiff tendons, More likely to have decreased risk of injuries and risk of muscle fatigue/cramping and higher f |
Can be v1 or v2 but please specify. I’d prefer a sale with the remote. Comment before PM. Chats will be ignored. I have like 25 confirmed sales on /r/HardwareSwap if you want to check my rep there. Thanks!
Birsey olmaz demi
Good morning!
Today I am looking to sell a few things to fund a new desktop chain.
SMSL SU-8/SH-9 Stack: This headphone amp will juice pretty much any headphone you throw at it with zero issues, compliments the DAC perfectly.
Comes with original packaging, interconnects, as well as remotes for both units.
Asking $320 shipped and invoiced edit SOLD
Final Audio B2: Great single BA driver IEM that sounds as good as it looks. Constructed from machined steel that is both durable and light-weight.
Comes with original packaging, stock cable, and rubber storage pouch.
Asking $160 shipped and invoiced (open to trades/trades + cash on these)
Please DM/chat if interested. Shipping and invoice fees covered for me on all items. Shipping will be done through USPS Priority, and tracking info will be included.
Thanks for browsing, and hope everyone has a great Friday!
TL;DR, I promised to make a few follow up posts regarding the old su bing tian article, this is the first one. This article focuses on the genes associated with explosiveness and its ties to weightlifting/powerlifting. How does someone like Yang Su Ren manage to set the world record in powerlifting, while having only trained for 2 years? The reason is ACNT3 (rs1815739) and ACE (rs699)
As I'm sure some of you have seen the previous post I did regarding Su Bing Tian. I mentioned in the beginning section that I would do more posts regarding muscle genetics, for lack of a better word, now here you have it. This will be a more in depth post, focusing on the genes responsible for explosiveness.
Of course, as always I was doing some sifting through the internet. Asian sport science isn't as good as the wests, the west has had over a 50 year advantage when it comes to developing Olympic weightlifting as a sport and how to best prepare an athlete for excelling in olympic weightlifting.
And, when it comes to powerlifting, it is actually rather unpopular in China. So, how are legends like Yang Su Ren managing to tough it out? The guy held the world record in the deadlift for 3 years, lifting over 4.5 times his bodyweight. The guy also (According to his instagram Q&A) had only begun lifting 2 years ago before he managed to hit his world record. He is a genetic freak, being able to essentially, take on the world in only 2 years. While people usually train for at least 5 years if not longer. He's got an genetic advantage which
I've already disccused the advantage the asian morphology
The aforementioned post, a quick summary is simply that Asians are of the robust morphology which gives us an advantage in olympic weightlifting. The reasons why will be highlighted in said aformentioned post.
The answer? **These 2 genes I've selected are some of the most researched regarding explosive power and its associating with weightlifting and power
... keep reading on reddit ➡I am using photoresist technique to make a watch dial. I first apply the photoresist, develop it then electroplate and remove the photoresist. The watch dial has quite small font and other fine details. When doing the developing the photoresist I feel like I am 80% there however I don’t feel like I am getting the fine details like I should and the font is just about legible.
I know I should be able to get this level of detail. When doing a photoresist are there techniques to get fine level of detail?
Lastly I am using 2 layers of transparency paper that have my design on it to form my image. Is it possible to do a good photoresist with just one layer of transparency paper with my design on i if my goal is not to etch with ferric acid but prevent any plating from binding to those areas?
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