80mg Riboflavin-5-Phosphate has a very huge effect on me while 300mg of regular B2 has about no effect at all. Placebo or real? and why?


Rather reputable dude on youtube was saying that riboflavin 5 phosphate is just broken down to regular riboflavin and there is absolutely no use in taking R5P.

BUT, I was taking regular B2 since years, on and off, up to 300mg a day for various reasons. Like MTHFR stuff, PNPO Stuff (possible inability to convert pyridoxine to P5P) and possible MAOA warrior gene (MAOA deficiency), all based on my Dante Labs genetic testing. And also severe migraines.

The regular B2 did something, but the effect was very subtle. Also I mostly took it with regular B6 (not P5P). The idea was that B2 will help converting it to P5P already.

Now I tried one the same B6 pills (80mg) with one 80mg Warnke riboflavin 5 phosphate pill, and it just makes me so extremely relaxed to the point that I went back to bed dozing after taking them after waking up with no need to sleep anymore! Also it was kind of like a very happy high state.

This was reproducible 3 times on 3 different days in the past weeks. The combination makes a bit too tired and relaxed, BUT I'm the most agitated person due to ptsd, adhd and autism, among other things. Not even the strongest tranquilizers work so both me and doctors gave up on them.

Has anyone felt really different on riboflavin 5 phosphate compared to regular Riboflavin? It makes no sense scientifically but these seem like two completely different things to me AND I'm 100% sure about both containing the right thing and dosage so please help me out here :).

πŸ‘︎ 20
πŸ‘€︎ u/ArbitaryUsername
πŸ“…︎ Jan 09 2022
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MHTFR; Pyroxidal-5-Phosphate (B6)

I have suffered with neurological symptoms mimicking B12 deficiency since 18. It was precipitated by a vegan diet and courses of proton pump inhibitors (Stomach acid reducing medications)

My doctors said I fit the bill for it but my B12 numbers were always high and did not fit the bill, My MRIs are also clean, and I have low inflammation markers and I’m not showing antibodies.

Despite a myriad of other issues like childhood ADHD, and severe anxiety in adulthood.

This confused me until I did a DNA test and found that I carry the MHTFR gene, I also have the PNO gene that reduces pyroxidine conversion to Pyroxidal-phosphate conversion in the liver.

P-5-P is directly involved in the synthesis of GABA, Serotonin and Dopamine. It also helps the body clear AGEs (Advanced glycation end products) that come from eating processed food, red meats and fried foods.

P-5-P also supports haemoglobin and restores oxygenation in cells. Cancer is one Avenue being researched with P-5-P because cancer cells are cells that shift to a state where they don’t use oxygen but fermentation and anaerobic glycolysis.

P-5-P levels are reduced in cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, depression, Anxiety fibromyalgia, diabetes etc…

I’ve started taking 100mg of P-5-P along with 100mg magnesium and 40mg of riboflavin (Riboflavin restores MHTFR metabolism)

I’m worried about B6 toxicity ; I’ve seen one study (Cell study) which showed B6 toxicity is caused by the inactive form pyroxidine, inhibiting the active form pyroxidal-5-phosphate. B6 paradox, Supplementation with high pyroxidine inhibits B6 function.

Pyroxidine increases BAX and capase 8 two neurotoxic cell death signallers but not P-5-P.

There are studies of B6 deficiency epilepsy where 100mg/per kg cured the seizures but not pyroxidine (Most common form)

Should I be worried about just 100mg?

πŸ‘︎ 7
πŸ‘€︎ u/Turnmaximum55
πŸ“…︎ Dec 12 2021
🚨︎ report
Triple phosphate crystals in canine urine sample, pH 8.5
πŸ‘︎ 9
πŸ‘€︎ u/dripdropdanny
πŸ“…︎ Jan 07 2022
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P-5-P (Pyridoxal Phosphate) vs Pyridoxamine

When choosing the best supplementation form of Vitamin B-6 it really seems to stem down between Pyridoxine HCL and P5P (or PLP). Though P5P is a little more expensive it seems to not have the same toxicity as Pyridoxine HCL. My question is this. Is P5P better than Pyridoxamine? I believe that Pyridoxamine has been banned by the FDA. It's being seen as more of a drug than a supplement since it contains the ingredient Pyridorin. The company Biostratum back in 2009 was running trials using it, but lost funding and never completed the trials. Seems to be that the FDA and Biostratum went back and forth. But now another company, NephroGenex might finally finish the trials. So, do you think Pyridoxamine has the potential to be better than P5P or do you think P5P is still superior? Thank you all and have a great night.

πŸ‘︎ 2
πŸ‘€︎ u/carterjcr
πŸ“…︎ Oct 21 2021
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