A list of puns related to "Perchance to Dream (novel)"
Was reminded about this last night while going through some old photos with the wife.
For the first few years after we graduated the wife and I lived in an apartment. Nice place but of course the walls were paper thin. Life was good until we got new neighbors, a pair of guys who would play their stereo super loud until 2 or 3 am during the week. Kept us (and other neighbors) awake and miserable. They mainly did it on weeknights because they would work / be gone from the apartment almost every Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
Life became really sucky. Their speakers were up against the common wall to our bedroom which made it completely impossible to sleep. We (and other neighbors) tried talking with them, going to the complex's management, even calling the cops. Never got more than a few days respite then they were right back at it. They were also assholes in other ways, parking in other people's reserved spots, etc. Basically aholes.
It got to the point where it was affecting my job performance. I worked at a big defense systems company as an engineer and had several electrical engineer friends. One of them made me what he called an "interference box". It was basically an amplifier with a variable power output that I could put near the common wall that would cause massive distortion and noise to come out of any speakers within a 10 to 20 foot radius. Made it impossible to use their system. I got to where I would turn it on around 10PM and leave it on all night - it made a bit of a buzzing noise itself but not bad, I'd just cover it with a couple of pillows and I could sleep. If I turned it up all the way it would also mess with their (and my) TV.
These guys tried all kinds of things to fix their stereo. Bought new (and bigger) speakers, line filters, etc. Nothing worked. I'd hear them bitching about the situation and grinding each other's gears over who had broken the system. They eventually got the apartment complex's maintenance people involved but that didn't help either. Life was good again.
One day they packed up and moved out, skipping out on their lease. They were not missed. New neighbors were quieter than us. Stayed in the apartment until we bought our first house six months later.
Welcome to the Batman: The Animated Series Rewatch!
Synopsis: After being knocked out in a mysterious warehouse, Batman wakes up in a world where his parents are alive, he is engaged to Selina Kyle, and someone else is Batman. IMDb
Counter | New | Total |
βIβm Batmanβ | 0 | 1 |
Batman disappears on Gordon | 0 | 3 |
Alfred makes a snarky comment | 0 | 38 |
Bat signal in sky | 0 | 0 |
Purchase the Blurays (or DVDs) or stream on DC Universe, YouTube, iTunes, Amazon Prime, Google Play, or Vudu
We will be following the production order. Next week's episode is "The Cape and Cowl Conspiracy"
If you haven't yet, come check out our Discord chatroom!
Okay, so I'm not even sure if this counts as fantasy although it's certainly not sci-fi. See the story I'm trying to write heavily involves dreams.
The protagonist, let's call him Neil, is meant to start having these strangely vivid dreams and then the person he dreamed of appears while he's awake. It's always the same person, let's call her Tia, although she occasionally looks different like dyeing her hair a different color or having tattoos that mysteriously vanish upon a second visit. The two of them start to strike up a flirtatious romance before Tia tips her hand and references something that happened IN Neil's dream. Pulling the rug out from under his sense of reality further is the realization that Tia's never once interacted with anyone but him while he's awake.
Now here's where things get harder for me. Tia isn't a mere dream or hallucination, nor is she created from Neil's subconscious. She is something entirely separate from Neil that just happens to be living rent-free in his head, literally. The question is . . . what? I mean she has to come from somewhere or have some kind of origin. I'm just stumped on the specifics and even my journeyman's level of mythology knowledge isn't giving me an easy road. At least not one that doesn't cast Tia as being outright evil in nature.
Not only that, I was kind of going with maybe toying with the idea of making it ambiguous to the reader whether Tia genuinely is supernatural or if Neil really is just getting too much into his own head. Should I chuck that idea entirely or can it still work at least for a little ways into the story?
So A ) Any suggestions on what Tia is? B ) How ambiguous can/should I make the supernatural elements? C ) Both Neil and Tia's names are references just for the Hell of it. The former is a still living creator, the latter a figure of mythology. Take your best guesses.
I'm dropping the Serling shtick. I can't keep it up. Basically the idea is that I saw some episodes of The Twilight Zone as a child and I want to revisit it. It's an iconic piece of television and I like that it's episodic so I can skip around. I was a dumb kid ("One for the Angels sucks. It's not even scary!") so I'll find something new even in rewatches. Also I looked up all the twists on Wikipedia because I was a dumb kid. Hopefully those stay buried. I'll mostly be looking at the original 60's series but never say never. It's worth mentioning I don't have Season 4 so we'll save our Jess-Belles and Printer's Devils for later. Browsing through the catalog, one of the episodes that made a huge impression on me was Perchance to Dream. I remember it being terrifying, and it had a cat in it which is always good. But this cat's out of the bag and diving feet-first into... the Twilight Zone.
It's still spooky. Part of that is just me being particularly spooked by funhouses and statues and all that. Even when people say they're silly and cheesy I can't help getting spooked. But most of the spook comes from Robert Florey's directing - I'll have to get back to some of his other episodes. According to Charles Beaumont, Florey strove for quality and "[this episode] might have been the most expensive MGM feature." It shows. Right at the beginning we trail along a low-angle shot of a building, making it look powerful and imposing. After that we cut between Edward Hall's weary face and people cycling in and out of the building, emphasizing how nerve-wracking such a trivial task is for him. It instills a sense of anxiety and curiosity, like an opener should. With how quick these cuts are I start to feel dizzy, there's a distinct sense of vertigo here. In my previous review I think I gave off the impression that written stories are capable of conveying more information than television. That's obviously not true, and this episode serves as a deep contrast to how much TV can add with shot composition, movement, and sound. Granted I haven't read Beaumont's original story but I can't stress enough how great Florey's directing is here.
This episode plays with fear and paranoia and takes its sweet time to build up to Hall's serialized nightmares. The fear of someone hiding in your backseat is all too real and the way it's shot really makes me anxious. Just like the beginning we flash between Hall's panicked face and a seemingly innocuous object
... keep reading on reddit β‘LINK TO CHAPTER 1: https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/a0pwrw/perchance_to_dream_warframe_fanfiction_chapter_1/
When was the last time you felt pain, Tenno? Does your Frame let you do that?-- Iβve always wondered.
Either way, Iβm sure you can feel more than P850 did-- or P690, or Q625, or any of the others. Iβm sure youβll feel a twinge of this or that if I just twist here, or squeeze there-- ah, see how you wriggle!
But thatβs not pain youβre feeling.
Youβve never felt pain.
Truth be told, Iβve never felt pain either-- which isnβt to diminish the efforts youβve made, Tenno; I wouldnβt dream of it. Youβve worked very hard.
But Iβve never felt pain, youβve never felt pain-- neither did your squadmates when the Ancients overwhelmed them. Neither did your Kubrow when the statue fell. Yes, I heard the whimper, just like you heard the whimper, but no, it felt no pain.
Nobody in all the world-- in all the worlds-- has felt pain-- nobody at all, except for the Grineer.
βFor the glory of the Queens!β
Grineer ground-commanders feel pain when they shout to inspire their troops.
βFor the glory of the Queensβ
Grineer troops feel pain when they murmur back to their ground-commanders, all in unison.
For the glory of the Queens
Grineer, every single Grineer, feels pain with every single thought they ever think-- every move they ever make.
For the glory of the Queens
Lieutenant Ger felt pain when he picked up his rifle.
For the glory of the Queens
Lieutenant Ger felt pain when he rose from the bench of the drop-ship, when he followed his brothers and sisters single-file towards the open bay at the back.
For the glory of the Queens
Lieutenant Ger felt pain in exactly the way P850 didnβt. Like a thin coat of dust, layering everything. Like the floor, like the air. His bones were made of pain. His skin was made of pain. His eyes could see nothing but pain. Lieutenant Ger hurt the sort of hurt you feel when you canβt remember not hurting-- when the arm youβre dangling by is broken in two places, when the one leg still supporting you has a heat dagger halfway through the calf.
Have you ever made a wish, Tenno?
I wish it didnβt hurt
Lieutenant Ger wished it didnβt hurt.
This whole System really has gone to sh
... keep reading on reddit β‘You ever wonder if it's relevant that we only ever see Yangs dreams? We've seen them twice now, once at the end of volume 2 where she imagined meeting her mother, and once in volume 4 where we see the extent of her ptsd.
In both instances, before and after her trauma, the world is dark and the details are distorted and hazy. This could be to save money and time on background design, or maybe a metaphor?
Could her dreams be used to show deeper parts of her psyche that can't be conveyed otherwise? Is the background colors similarities to the grimm lands important?
I don't know, just something to think about.
1 2 3 4 5 6 [7] (https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimrequiem/comments/5ja0b7/wraith_part_7_firsttouproot/) 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15
16 17
18 19 20
21 22 23
Part 24: Pale Shadows
Part 25: The Words of the Dead
[Part 26: Dragon of the North](https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimrequiem/comments/5vzu9h/wraith_part_26_drag
I wrote this for a class last semester. Obviously, it includes characters that are no longer living, events that now can't happen, etc. Let me know what you think. This work is licensed under CC-BY-SA. Enjoy!
There's a growing demand for SF/fantasy adaptations for movies and TV.
Novels, especially ones with several interwoven narratives, are often better suited for TV series than movies. It's tough to shoehorn all that information into a 2-hour format, so to make a movie, a lot of important stuff gets cut out.
The viewing public loves the new 10-hour high quality TV series format. And studios seem to love the name recognition of adapting popular SF novels/series. Right now there are several SF/fantasy adaptations in the works, including Altered Carbon, The City and the City, Foundation, Old Man's War, Gateway and The Dark Tower.
So what novel or series would you love to see on the small screen? Bonus points if it's a lesser well known novel that is probably going to get overlooked, but would adapt surprisingly well to TV.
-starts out with regular highschool drama to set backdrop, boy is fat, thereβs a Mean Girlβ’ in the neighborhood he has a crush on
-one day he stumbles upon some mysterious shop and blah blah blah guy gives him some item or makes him make a promise or some shit and then BOOM heβs skinny
-he gets the girl
-she ends up liking him for who he really is
-creepy shit starts happening when the thing that made him skinny backfires, or because he didnβt do something he was supposed to or whatever
-i THOUGHT it was called Soul Eater, but I tried googling it with a description and came up with Nada. Maybe that is the title, but if it is i still canβt find it anywhere.
From what I've read it seems that to get accepted as a PhD student you have to publish paper in undergrad to show your potential. At least for international students.
My current position: My field is Geophysics. In my university professors mostly teach only. I approached a bunch of professors asking if they have some research questions that I can work on. They told me to study, to read more and find yourself a research question and work on it and publish. I've tried that for 2-3 months, read lots of research papers, implemented them, but to come up with some novel idea seems impossible for me. This approach seem a little bit unrealistic to me.
How do you do some novel research in undergrad?
And after accessing all my options, I think there is no other way around than publishing paper. I have above average grade point, but I'm not topper. I'll have decent but not excellent recommendation.
Should I give up and prepare to join an industrial job?
I've come from the verge of suicide to finally chasing my dreams! I love talking about myself (same as anyone) so I'm glad to take questions!
About the novel, my thoughts so far are to showcase the widespread issues of Western society; a puer with a dead-end job, failing marriage, scientific interest, disregarding the supernatural, etc. He witnesses several terrifying dreams about him being sickly and dying, and after medical diagnosis finds he has a terminal illness. He continues having fantastical dreams and a near-death-experience which prompt him to seek out therapy. Unfamiliar with depth psychology, he discovers a Jungian analyst who shows him the process of individuation and he becomes infatuated. He believes the profound dreams he's having can be used as tools to prepare him and others for the afterlife, but the dreams also start to overtake him and turn him psychotic, threatening institutional intervention.
I would love to hear your thoughts, your profound and meaningful dreams you want to share, if you know of resources/case studies for diseases people found through dreams, and the psychology of split personality/bi-polar/psychotic
Much appreciated :)
EDIT : I need help with buttons and the goto plugin, see below
It all started with this small exploration simmulator I made, based off the r/backrooms : https://perchance.org/d3q56lxwm0 and the battle simmulator from the examples page : https://perchance.org/battle-simulator-one-turn-per-click-example
I wanted to make a simple game using Perchance, and created a dungeon simmulator, where you can chose to sneak pas ennemies or to battle them, each option with it's pros and cons : https://perchance.org/r8ajhuppit
Then I made an other version, introducing an end goal, some basic narration and a customizable levelling system : https://perchance.org/kt532mmiwi
Using the goto pluging, I'm trying to create another version, but it'll take longer to create than the other versions. I'll keep you updated when it's finished or if I need help with perchance
EDIT : I need help : https://perchance.org/dungeon3#edit
I already got two problems
1 : I need to put a goto before putting a button, or else when accessing the place it shows nothing :
This shows everything a want to show :
Hello there, traveller. This is my [goto(Shop, "shop")]<br> <button onclick="outputArea.innerHTML += Item.Hpot.buy">Health potion ([Item.Hpot.price])</button><br> [goto(Town, "Go back ?")]
This shows only the title of the place, "Shop":
Hello there, traveller. This is my shop <br> <button onclick="outputArea.innerHTML += Item.Hpot.buy">Health potion ([Item.Hpot.price])</button><br> [goto(Town, "Go back ?")]
Is there a way of removing the first self referencing goto without breaking the generator ?
2 : Even when using the first goto, the button does nothing when clicked on
<button onclick="outputArea.innerHTML += Item.Hpot.buy">Health potion ([Item.Hpot.price])</button>
However if I copy this part and paste it in the HTML section, it works again, only it shows at every page, and not just the "Shop" page. Is there a way to implements buttons at only certain pages using goto ? Also, I tried putting the <p id="outputArea"></p> inside the Shop page, but it doesn't seem to do anything
Also, the problems might be due to an other part of the generator, please check
... keep reading on reddit β‘Getting most of the bibliography why it's so cheap on ebook sites and wanted to know which version is "better"
Did the sheriff and SWAT team forget about the mass grave they found?
Does anyone have novel ideas for stopping recurring dreams?
By novel, I mean something different than the advice one finds in the first few pages of Google results from websites like WebMD.
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