A list of puns related to "Nu Nu (footballer)"
From Cutterwill's post on Thursday:
Hey guys, this week's event is American football at Frontier. You can find the entrance to the arena using /place event. It will be at the normal time both on Friday and Saturday. These rules are subject to change between now and the event time based on testing. We will notify the participants of any changes.
The basics are similar to the real life counterpart, like down, distance and scoring, but there are some key differences. The field is 50x25 not including the 7 block deep end zones. Teams of 3 will square off.
Win Condition: The team with the most points after each team has had possession of the ball three times wins. This will change depending on the number of teams signed up. If there is a tie, there is overtime. There, each team will have one possession of the ball at the opponent's 10 yard line and try to score. If there is a tie after the first overtime, there is a second overtime and repeats until one team scores and the other cannot answer.
Offensive Rules: There is a quarterback and two receivers. The receivers have to be at the line of scrimmage and not in the backfield with the QB. The play begins by the QB pressing a button, which plays a note. The quarterback can either throw or run. To throw, the quarterback will shoot a spectral arrow at their teammate. If the arrow hits their teammate, they 'catch' the ball. If the QB chooses not throw, but to run, they have to wait 5 seconds for another note to play. If the receivers start early or the QB runs before 5 seconds, it is a 5 yard penalty. To keep it simple, there are no double passes or motions. These rules may change if offensive production is limited.
Defensive Rules: On defense, players tackle the opposing team by punching them. Players cannot cross the line of scrimmage and try to tackle the QB before the first 5 seconds of a play. Once the second note plays, the defense can rush the QB. If you are covering a receiver and hit the player as a pass reaches the player, that is a pass interference penalty. The ball moves to the spot of the foul and it is first down. If the defender hits a player before the ball is thrown or rushes the QB too early it is a 5 yard penalty. If an offensive player catches the ball, one player on the defense can boost their teammate by hitting them i
... keep reading on reddit ➡Opening the umbrella for the shower of downvotes, my body is ready.
Ik ben me aan het voorbereiden om eventueel volgend jaar te gaan werken en een eerste woning te huren. Uiteraard zou het nogal handig zijn om een beetje een idee te hebben van hoe praktische dingen werken. Case in point: belastingen.
Er is bijna niets te vinden op het internet dat fatsoenlijk uitlegt hoe het hele systeem van de Belgische belastingen werkt. Het enige dat te vinden valt zijn gigantische bergen losse termen die nooit duidelijk worden uitgelegd.
Kan er iemand alstublieft eens begrijpbaar uitleggen hoe al deze rommel in elkaar zit? Door private redenen kan ik hiermee niet terecht bij mijn familie.
Neem een hypothetisch geval: full-time werken bij een of andere supermarkt, bruto 2.250 euro per maand. Wat moet daar dan allemaal op betaald worden aan belastingen en hoeveel blijft daar dan netto van over?
Alvast bedankt als iemand dit fatsoenlijk uit kan leggen.
edit: damn ik had totaal niet verwacht zoveel reacties te krijgen. Gigantisch hard bedankt iedereen!
Visst kan alla säga "attans, jag skulle köpt bitcoin" och "synd att man inte investerade i amazon eller google". Men i mitt fall hade jag överfört pengar och registrerat mig på crypto.com i december för att köpa dogecoin för 10 laxar. Men, såklart är det ett helvete med svenska banker att acceptera crypto så det gick inte via Länsförsäkringarna. Provade ica banken, nja gick inte. Swedbank..nja. okej då skiter jag i det. 2,5miljoner hade det vart värt nu. Jävla piss.
Sunt curios care sunt motivele reale pentru care nu vreti sa va vaccinati si acolo unde considerati ca e cazul, justificarea lor.
Creierul surorii unei foste iubite nu a fost gasit in intregime nici dupa 5 ani. Nu c-ar mai putea fi gasit, dar intelegeti in plm ca nu e in regula sa mergeti cu 100 km/h in oras, mai ales in apropierea unei treceri de pietoni.
Si daca totusi o faceti si ala peste care erati sa dati v-atrage atentia, macar cere-ti-va scuze si invatati ceva din asta. Nu fiti ultimele gunoaie incepand sa injurati caci pana si voi stiti ca n-aveti dreptate.
From Cutterwill's post on Thursday:
Hey guys, this week's event is American football at Frontier. You can find the entrance to the arena using /place event. It will be at the normal time both on Friday and Saturday. These rules are subject to change between now and the event time based on testing. We will notify the participants of any changes.
The basics are similar to the real life counterpart, like down, distance and scoring, but there are some key differences. The field is 50x25 not including the 7 block deep end zones. Teams of 3 will square off.
Win Condition: The team with the most points after each team has had possession of the ball three times wins. This will change depending on the number of teams signed up. If there is a tie, there is overtime. There, each team will have one possession of the ball at the opponent's 10 yard line and try to score. If there is a tie after the first overtime, there is a second overtime and repeats until one team scores and the other cannot answer.
Offensive Rules: There is a quarterback and two receivers. The receivers have to be at the line of scrimmage and not in the backfield with the QB. The play begins by the QB pressing a button, which plays a note. The quarterback can either throw or run. To throw, the quarterback will shoot a spectral arrow at their teammate. If the arrow hits their teammate, they 'catch' the ball. If the QB chooses not throw, but to run, they have to wait 5 seconds for another note to play. If the receivers start early or the QB runs before 5 seconds, it is a 5 yard penalty. To keep it simple, there are no double passes or motions. These rules may change if offensive production is limited.
Defensive Rules: On defense, players tackle the opposing team by punching them. Players cannot cross the line of scrimmage and try to tackle the QB before the first 5 seconds of a play. Once the second note plays, the defense can rush the QB. If you are covering a receiver and hit the player as a pass reaches the player, that is a pass interference penalty. The ball moves to the spot of the foul and it is first down. If the defender hits a player before the ball is thrown or rushes the QB too early it is a 5 yard penalty. If an offensive player catches the ball, one player on the defense can boost their teammate by hitting them in
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