A list of puns related to "Normal People (TV series)"
Like exes meet again and fall in love with each other again
Or they still love each other but are in different relationships but theyโre still in each otherโs lives and they end up together in the end like the show โnormal peopleโ
Or the guy gets cheated on and the wife wants him back but he chooses the love of his life like along came Polly
Or like the notebook where they always loved each other and they get back together
Or like he was ugly and he grew up and became hot and rich or something along the lines of that like old school sweethearts reunite and fall in love type stuff
Donโt recommend always be my maybe and if possible recommendations should have happy endings because I really need to imagine and experience a fucking happy ending in my life rn
So I definitely lean more towards film/cinema. And at the expense of sounding like a douche; I prefer films by auteurs. And I really like indie & foreign films. But recently Iโve been kind of on a TV series kick. I watched Maid, which was fantastic. Great acting, great story with a lot of nuance and told with a great sensitivity. I watched and loved Reservation Dogs. I thought it was quirky yet really heartfelt. Though a difficult watch, I watched Underground Railroad, and thought It was a masterpiece. I watched The Chair, and thought It was a really smart comedy. So, just wondering what show I should dive into next, and thought Iโd come to Reddit for recs.
Thanks :)
I just binge watched the show and read the book a day later in one sitting so it's safe to say I'm emotionally drained. I think that the book is very entertaining, straight to the point (definitely no filler pages) brutally honest and realistic for a romance story. The characters are definitely very complex.
However, it left me feeling somewhat uneasy compared to the tv series which I thought was absolutely beautiful and a lot less dark. Connor's tv character was quite accurate to the book while to me, Marianne was far more troubled in the book than in the series. Not sure if that was intentional or if it just came across that way to me since there is no narration and direct insight into their thoughts like in the book.
For one, the book heavily implies that she has some kind of an eating disorder, which the series leaves out. Her relationship with Peggy is a lot more toxic since she gaslights Marianne about her relationship with Jamie and enjoys her misery. Then there's the whole submission sex thing and unusual power dynamic between them. The book says that he knew how to give her what she wanted, to leave her open, weak, powerless, sometimes crying after sex. The way I understood it is that that's not something she actually likes but rather something that stems from her conviction that she deserves to feel degraded and awful since she's inherently a bad person. That would make sense given her psychologically abusive family who kept assuring her that she is unlovable and worthless. I get that people are different but that seriously shouldn't be anyone's "version" of normalcy. That and and being willingly so dependent on someone and in their power seems extremely unhealthy. While Connor clearly loves her, would never physically hurt her and cares about her well being, he is also very much aware of his power over her and "has never been able to reconcile himself to the idea of losing this hold over her, like a key to an empty property, left available for future use", which is unsettling to me. While they both definitely brought each other goodness, she still lacks an inner life that doesn't include him. That part made me especially miserable to think about. From this perspective I think the show handled the ending much better because it seemed like they were giving each other an opportunity to work on their problems seperately and maybe meet again in the future. In the book she says that she finally believes him when he says he loves her but right afte
... keep reading on reddit โกFor me is truly a twin flame story.
Betty really honed into the vibes of NY
Normal People really honed into the vibes of Ireland & UK
Which hits me cause I grew up in both cultures
Astounding TV right here
Whats your top series you watched this year?
It's the realistic heart warming emotional bit that I love. Must have an atmospheric soundtrack.
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Normal People is a Hulu and BBC Three television series directed by Lenny Abrahamson and Hettie Macdonald.
Starring Daisy Edgar-Jones, Paul Mescal, Eliot Salt, India Mullen, Aislรญn McGuckin, Desmond Eastwood, Fionn O'Shea, Leah McNamara, Sarah Greene, Eanna Hardwicke and others.
#NormalPeople, #LennyAbrahamson, #HettieMacdonald, #DaisyEdgarJones, #PaulMescal, #EliotSalt, #IndiaMullen, #AislinMcGuckin, #SarahGreene, #DesmondEastwood, #FionnOShea, #LeahMcNamara, #EannaHardwicke, #KwakuFortune, #KillianFilan
Culture humans are described as varying a lot in terms of skin and hair colour. I think itโd be interesting to get various people of colour to play the leads, but dying their hair a skin colour too look drastically different. That way theyโd still look human but not like they belonged to any race native to Earth.
When Peter Jackson did that to make islanders look alien in King Kong 2005
.....I mean I think thatโd be more creative than just doing the star trek bumpy forehead thing
There's a show that I want to find, but can't because I don't remember its name. It was aired perhaps 10-14 years ago. It could be older though. I only managed to catch a few episodes, and I remember that each episode was a separate story. It was sort of eerie and haunting.
I remember one episode quite clearly. It started with a lady whose neck and head were covered in bandages. It was implied that she went through surgery to make her "beautiful" and "normal" so she could fit into society. Later when the bandages were removed, she was revealed to be a very pretty lady. But she was horrified and devastated as she looked into the mirror they gave her. It was implied that the surgery failed. In the end she was exiled to a place where people who didn't fit into society lived. Some physically deformed people looked on as she walked towards that colony. A good-looking man held out his hand to her and she took it.
I can't get it out of my head lol if anyone knows what this tv series might be, please tell me. Thank you.
I think it was on The Outer Limits or The Twilight Zone but not sure really.
This does not come from the console itself. When the system is turned on the TV displays the Xbox logo and makes a very loud chime/choir noise. Similar to the sound the Xbox one made in the same situation but significantly louder.
All other sounds on the system are at a normal volume but this noise is twice as loud as anything else at the same volume setting on the TV.
How do I turn this sound off or down? I see a lot of people talking about the chime the system itself makes. But that's not my issue at all. This comes through the TV.
English isn't my native language (not even my second language).But I do love to watch british series in english and if available with subtitles(not often the case somehow). Imagine my confusion when a unrelated looking 30 year old calls the older women character Mom. Because it didn't happen to often on my viewings (maybe Ma'am isn't that common) I was confused but I put it always aside as me being not attentive enough. Only with the magic of subtitles was I able to understand how much of an moron I was.
He was tired of being pushed around
Some people thought that Tiffany was far too evil in the tv series. The biggest example was her chopping off Nicaโs arms and legs off to prevent Chucky from taking control of her body. People think that Tiffany is supposed to be a sympathetic villain compared to Chucky. The thing is, Tiffany was never meant to be seen as sympathetic. Tiffany is supposed be seen as a monster with no redeeming qualities. When it looks like she has sympathetic moments, itโs always subverted in one way or another. At first glance her views on romance seems like a redeeming quality but itโs actually twisted.
Her ideal of a lover is someone who is completely subservient to her. Just look at how she treats Nica. She had a soft spot for Jesse and flirted with him in Bride but that was due to Jesse fitting her ideal of a lover. Think about it, Jesse would have done anything for a woman he loved. This is why Tiffany was jealous of Jade, she had a lover who was completely subservient to her though Jade didnโt see Jesse that way.
Tiffany admired that Jesse fitted her ideal lover enough to save him from Chucky. Itโs no different to how she saved Nica from Chucky because she fitted her ideal version of a lover like Jesse did. If Jesse agreed to Tiffanyโs offer to be in a relationship with her then it would have turned out very badly for Jesse. If Jesse got to even one argument with her, Tiffany would have killed him.
Tiffany does love her son Glen. The thing is though, that love for him isnโt enough for her to abandon her killer lifestyle. She tried to make an attempt at being a normal person for Glen but eventually became unsatisfied with this lifestyle so she went back to killing after Seed. Tiffany would rather pursue her own happiness than set a better example for her son. This was shown even at the end of Seed, she kills a housekeeper for petty reasons.
Tiffany was always a monster, the tv series just made it less subtle.
There are a wealth of options nowadays, but here are some pointers as you always get someone asking for recommendations, and I'm also making this for posterity (in case anyone comes across this post via Google).
I've seen many of these titles or am planning to. I need to give some of them a rewatch now that I am older. So apologies for any misinformation. Common themes include identity, diversity, trauma, sexuality, psychological problems, drug use and addiction, loneliness, coming of age, romance and friendship. Certain media are more for adults, but might still be relevant to you.
Skam and Euphoria (US) are the most compared to Skins, and both tackle topics that teenagers deal with, like sex, self-discovery, bullying and societal pressure, mental health problems, homosexuality and transgender issues, etc. Euphoria is a remake of an Israeli series that is kinda underground. A big theme is substance abuse and its effects. Skam has many versions and the same channel produced another show called Blank. Not sure how that one is, though.
Hormones: The Series is considered to be the Asian counterpart to Skins, and there are gay couples. However, expect censorship, as Thailand is a conservative country. It started with a movie that was so successful that it spawned a 3-season "lakorn" (drama). Thailand has a ton of LGBT-themed media; another one that was well-received is Love Sick (not to be confused with the British sitcom).
SLiDE was a short-lived teen drama from Australia. If you want more Aussie stuff, check out "Heartbreak High" (from the 90s) and "Nowhere Boys". "Ready For This" features an indigenous cast, haven't seen it.
The Inbetweeners is said to be the opposite of Skins - a group of losers trying to navigate the last years of school (Sixth Form).
Misfits aired in the same channel as Skins and Inbetweeners (E4). It is a series involving a group of young adults with superpowers. I really loved it.
Glue is a murder mystery said to be similar to Skins and Broadchurch.
I'm a fan of the Degrassi franchise from Canada, but it's not for everyone, as it has an educational vibe and can be a bit cheesy sometimes. I like it though, as the actors/characters grow up and there are serious topics such as teen pregnancy, drugs, LGBT issues, mental health, prejudice, etc. Known for featuring Drake (Aubrey Graham). Director Kevin Smith used to watch Degrassi when he was younger. Has many installments. I suggest starting out with
... keep reading on reddit โกThere was this tv show about people in the US who owned big cats and it followed some group of people who tried to get the owners to let go of them. I vaguely remember this one episode where a guy had a bear and/or a tiger in outdoor enclosures. The enclosure was also situated on a slight hill.
This show also talked about/showed the poor treatment these big cats got.
I have a feeling that it was showed on National Geographic.
So my brother tonight is sitting down to watch Star Wars IV with his son for the first time and we were talking about shows that we wish we could see again for the first time.
So I ask you, what is the one TV series you wish you could rewatch but with fresh eyes for the first time?
Since it's almost spooky time let's talk about some great spooky episodes that aren't from a horror-style show and aren't explicitly centered around Halloween.
Pierrot Le Fou is one of the most remembered episodes of Cowboy Bepop and with good reason, even for an episodic series its tone isn't like anything else in the series, with a character whose backstory, look, and abilities are unlike any other human. It takes full advantage of its location of a theme park putting the normally cool-headed Spike on the run in fear.
Blink is possibly Doctor Who's scariest episode, taking the simple presence of monsters that only move when you're not looking and cranks it up to eleven with Doctor Who's sci-fi universe. What makes this episode hit extra hard is that this is one of the rare episodes not staring the Doctor and his companions, rather two normal people who lack the same endless intelligence and vast experience fighting aliens.
Something similar to Peaky Blinders, Hannibal or Breaking Bad would be ideal.
Edit: Thanks for the responses. After much careful consideration I have decided to go with The Wire
I don't know if this question has been asked before but I will ask it anyway. What movie do you think would have been better suited as a TV Series?
Some films try to cram wayyyyy too much into too little and feel overstuffed as a result, personally, I think the recent Matt Damon film Stillwater would have been better as a crime miniseries since there was just too much put into the film it felt overstuffed and questions were left unanswered
What films would you say?
I need a new tv as my current one doesnโt have 4K. Should I look at getting a tv with the 2.1 hdmi? Or with 120hz? I donโt know too much about TVs. Will a 4K 60fps tv do?
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