[Pro Football Hall of Fame] Hall of Famer Curley Culp passed away today at the age of 75. Enshrined into the Hall of Fame in 2013, Culp played 14 seasons of professional football w/ the @Chiefs 1968-1974), the Houston Oilers (1974-1980) and the @Lions (1980-81). twitter.com/ProFootballHO…
👍︎ 249
👤︎ u/dman6233
📅︎ Nov 27 2021
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(WARNING may contain gaphic story description) Hi everyone, so I'm not sure if the date is exact. I read this book in 2013 or 2014, so the date it was published may be different. All I can remember about it is that it is thick and orange or yellow. It has multiple short stories in it and the only story I can remember was about a girl who I think had a boyfriend and she got pregnant but didn't know it until it was too late. She didn't want her boyfriend to find out so she reached inside of herself and pulled out the baby. I think she wrapped her baby up and threw it away in the trash can. Someone found the baby and when her boyfriend found out, he discovered the baby was a girl.

👍︎ 2
👤︎ u/live15
📅︎ Jan 14 2022
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Uplifting news: An elementary school establishes a club sponsored by The Satanic Temple and the school corporation supports them. kwqc.com/2022/01/12/mcsd-…
👍︎ 8k
📅︎ Jan 12 2022
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the interview the brave and stunning mod of antiwork did on faux news is truly inspiring and smashing the corporations!! v.redd.it/7pa79wjje0e81
👍︎ 647
📅︎ Jan 26 2022
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Американский журналист и политолог Дэвид Саттер впервые приехал в СССР в 1969 году, спустя семь лет стал корреспондентом в Москве. В 1980-е годы Саттеру было запрещено пребывание в СССР. В 1990-м он получил возможность снова посетить Москву. В 2013 году его изгнали уже из путинской России. Интервью. svoboda.org/a/schastje-v-…
👍︎ 5
👤︎ u/Forjoin
📅︎ Nov 13 2021
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Travis Victor Alexander was an American salesman who was murdered by his ex-girlfriend, Jodi Ann Arias (born July 9, 1980), in his house in Mesa, Arizona. Arias was convicted of first-degree murder on May 8, 2013 reddit.com/gallery/pkvevs
👍︎ 12
👤︎ u/freeredbot
📅︎ Sep 09 2021
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[TOMT][MUSIC][1980-2000s] Lyric or classic-like music similar to Enya or Blackmore's Night that played on radio in 2013.

Firstly, English is not my primary language and this is the first time I'm posting on Reddit. So I apologize for any typos or other errors.

In June 3rd 2013, 3:20 a.m., I was listening to a radio and then this song popped up. It started with instrumental music, more like a violin, about 30-45 seconds of introduction. Then a female voice started to sing. In the chorus, she sang something like “oh, darkness (….) oh dark night”. The singer sang very little in comparison with the rest of the song, that was, at majority, instrumental. At the time, I thought this song sounded very like a classical music with oriental chords.

I thought it was Enya. Therefore, I listened to Enya’s entire discography looking for this song. However, I could not find it. More recently, I discovered the Blackmore's Night song Shadow Of The Moon and I found very similar to this “dark night/dark knight” song. I looked for, but could not find it either.

The lyrics may be “dark night” or “dark knight”. But I remember that always started with “oh, darkness”.

I emailed the Radio Station, but they said that they had a politic of not revealing the name artist’s name. Because the song was more important than who made it.

👍︎ 3
📅︎ Aug 01 2021
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Mars corporation uses CHILD SLAVE LABOR for cocoa and news about this just broke. Don’t get fooled by the deliberate “progressive m&m” distraction. amp.theguardian.com/globa…
👍︎ 274
📅︎ Jan 23 2022
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Time Travel "Tuesdays": Back to the Future (1973), Timerider (1982), Timestalkers (1987), Rubinrot (2013), The Time Machine (2002), Summer Time Machine Blues (2005), and Somewhere in Time (1980)

Been a while, and I know it's not Tuesday but I finished several more movies and am adding them to the recommendation list

Back to the Future

I saw the title and my initial thought was that it was a play on the 80s movie. But then I saw the 1973 premiere date and got confused! Turns out it was indeed a play on the 80s movie, but only when sold in the US. Originally it was titled "Ivan Vasilievich Changes Profession"

This movie was great, though I fully expect I am missing out on a lot of humor and commentary since I don't speak Russian and was born in the US just before their fall.

Shurik is a scientist experimenting with time travel in his apartment. By accident, he traps his landlord (Ivan Vasilievich) and a burglar (George) in the past. At the same time, Ivan "The Terrible" Vasilievich is brought to the present! Madcap adventures and zany comedy ensues!

The surprising thing to me is the amount of social commentary that made it past the Soviet censors for this movie. For example, there's a scene all about how all the stores are out of the part Shurik needs to fix his time machine, so he has to go to the black market!

Visually this movie is great too. There's cheesy(sometimes hand-drawn) effects but they work entirely well. The costuming and sets are gorgeous as well!

According to what I've read, there's a lot of jokes written on the basis of language (the difference between modern and 16th century Russian in particular). Unfortunately I have NO idea on these and would love to watch again with someone fluent in Russian.

Even though I missed all of those jokes, the rest of the movie still had plenty of humor. I will recommend this film to anyone interested in Soviet cinema. This is a well executed film and I would love to watch it again.


The opening audio over the credits for this movie reveal the most open and public experimentation with time travel in any of these movies so far. A company is straight up having a press conference talking about their yet-to-succeed time travel experiment. As they begin their experiment Lyle Swann, a dirt bike racer, happens upon the middle of their secret testing area and ends up sent back in time.

He rides off in the old west without a clue what's happened to him. And I'll be honest, it does take a bit to get going (most of the beginning is just Lyle riding around in the desert doing tr

... keep reading on reddit ➡

👍︎ 3
📅︎ Aug 05 2021
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What are some good sources of news that are as unbiased as possible, preferably not run by the same handful of corporations?
👍︎ 24
📅︎ Jan 06 2022
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Six corporations control 90% of the U.S. media - and they are feeding you globalist-approved narratives, not real news or real truth. Unplugging from the lying corporate media is key to gaining wisdom & knowledge
👍︎ 282
👤︎ u/Boo_Randy
📅︎ Dec 19 2021
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Corporations, trade groups gave over $8 million to GOP election objectors following Jan. 6 riot, new study shows cnbc.com/2022/01/03/corpo…
👍︎ 2k
👤︎ u/M00n
📅︎ Jan 03 2022
🚨︎ report
[@decalspotters] Honda has announced its 2022 motorsport plans earlier today - unveiling a new logo for HRC (Honda Racing Corporation). HRC will now be responsible for Honda's automobile racing activities (including F1) alongside its motorcycle racing projects. twitter.com/decalspotters…
👍︎ 460
📅︎ Jan 14 2022
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Fox and The Big Lie Part 2 (2021) - Second part of the two part special on how Rupert Murdoch's Fox News promoted Donald Trump’s propaganda and helped destabilise democracy in the United States of America. From Australian Broadcasting Corporation's Four Corners program.[00:45:18] youtube.com/watch?v=gWJhq…
👍︎ 5k
👤︎ u/wowzap
📅︎ Aug 30 2021
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Fox and The Big Lie Part 1 (2021) - First of a two part special on how Rupert Murdoch's Fox News promoted Donald Trump’s propaganda and helped destabilise democracy in the United States of America. From Australian Broadcasting Corporation's Four Corners program. [00:45:40] youtube.com/watch?v=QsBqU…
👍︎ 8k
📅︎ Aug 26 2021
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From the Archives: A newly discovered document undercuts a key storyline of the anti-Soviet Afghan war of the 1980s that it was Charlie Wilson’s War, wrote Robert Parry on April 7, 2013. consortiumnews.com/2021/0…
👍︎ 13
👤︎ u/idspispopd
📅︎ Aug 17 2021
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Hail Satan!!! Uplifting news: An elementary school establishes a club sponsored by The Satanic Temple and the school corporation supports them. kwqc.com/2022/01/12/mcsd-…
👍︎ 99
📅︎ Jan 12 2022
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“I follow the science” is code-word for “I read a headline from a multi-national, trillion-dollar news corporation, and I’m gonna choose to believe it because these corporations have been a constant in my short pathetic life.”

And no, my “independent research” isn’t just reading someone’s posts on Facebook. I don’t even have a Facebook.

I’m sorry theres so many retarded people today who have apparently never heard of books, and immediately think of social media when they hear the word “research”.

It’s amusing how many naive little children still genuinely believe these media outlets are “for the people”…


👍︎ 137
📅︎ Dec 02 2021
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NPE idea about the state of corporations. New public information : % of active members last 14 days. So new players can join to active corporations and not dead husks with bloated numbers.

I meet a new guy yesterday that was looking for a corporation, active one and i could not give him any decent information except, check zkilll, but as he was not interested in PVP this information was worthless to him.
This got me thinking that huge improvement to the NPE would be providing this kind of information to new players.
This way people will know that 500 char corporation they are about to join have 3 active members.

If we want to keep new people pointing them to corporation with active people will be huge step forward.

This is nothing complicated, at specific point in time calculate how many characters in corporation logged in last 14 days.
All data is already in game, what is needed is just to give this information to new players.

👍︎ 194
👤︎ u/HisAnger
📅︎ Dec 30 2021
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Why Don’t We Call Corporate Handouts “Corruption”? The Biden White House purports to be worried about corruption — just not the kind now dominating American politics, in which every new policy includes gigantic giveaways to corporations. jacobinmag.com/2021/12/co…
👍︎ 2k
👤︎ u/Qu1nlan
📅︎ Dec 09 2021
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Anyone else lost complete faith in our Police and criminal justice system? We need a new public service for the people,not a beefed up security firm for corporations funded by the people.
👍︎ 39
📅︎ Jan 26 2022
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Remembering American Journalist Michael Hastings (1980 –2013): "A few hours prior to his death, Hastings sent an email to a few colleagues and friends, warning that he was onto a “big story”. He also told them that he was under investigation." inteltoday.org/2021/06/18…
👍︎ 30
📅︎ Jun 18 2021
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Wall Street Just Invented a New Type of Corporation To Help Elites Buy Nature Itself surviving-tomorrow.com/p/…
👍︎ 573
👤︎ u/JayBrock
📅︎ Dec 09 2021
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What do news organizations (or corporations that involve TV camera operators) look for new applicants?

Hi there. Figured I'd ask here as I might get some better insight. What do corporations/TV stations look for when hiring people as I seem to be going nowhere, but I wonder if this was my fault or am I doing something wrong? Below is my (I'll try to make short) history regarding my video experience. If you're not interested, go ahead and go to the last paragraph as I state my question there.

Since I was young, was always fascinated with the world of television and strived to become a camera operator (especially seeing many of the behind-the-scenes footage of many TV corporations in the 80s and 90s).

In high school, I was deeply involved with our (now defunct) television class being both a camera operator and a video editor, where I filmed a high school news television segment, football games, and high school plays/events. During this time I was also a camera operator working on a mini-documentary for a private company involving small homes, but this was never completed due to the owner passing away.

In college, I applied to an internship for the video team within the marketing department and worked with them for about a year before I left due to COVID moving everything remote and wanted to finish my college degree which I was close to finishing at the time. I graduated in May with a degree in Aviation (I'll elaborate more in the next paragraph), with a double minor in Television and Business.

I always disliked in the end that I pursued and finished an Aviation degree as I was interested in becoming a pilot back then, but have since changed my mind seeing how I enjoyed working in the television (not film) industry. It also didn't help I was "convinced" by many to finish my Aviation degree as it was an "engineering degree" and I'd be looking more positive than those with a "BA" degree and this was something I struggled with until I was in too deep to be able to switch degrees. I hope to recoup my losses by at least getting a television minor and relying on my past experiences as a camera operator/video editor.

If you made it this far, essentially, I have been applying nonstop to news organizations and media companies as a camera operator on LinkedIn and have gotten nowhere. I am wondering how screwed am I because they see I have an "aviation" degree and if I should go back to college just to get my "television" degree instead. Or am I doing something wrong that's causing these corporations to automatically deny me on the spot? As I really would love

... keep reading on reddit ➡

👍︎ 5
👤︎ u/jetrun15
📅︎ Jan 02 2022
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Remembering American Journalist Michael Hastings (1980 –2013): "A few hours prior to his death, Hastings sent an email to a few colleagues and friends, warning that he was onto a “big story”. He also told them that he was under investigation." inteltoday.org/2021/06/18…
👍︎ 22
📅︎ Jun 18 2021
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Nazis prey on the disenfranchised and angry. So does News Corporation theshot.net.au/general-ne…
👍︎ 1k
📅︎ Sep 25 2021
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BREAKING NEWS - Elder Stevenson being kept on as director for IPO of NordicTrack corporation, where he will be earning $911 million (nearly a billion dollars). This is entirely inappropriate, for numerous reasons.

The Salt Lake Tribune just released the following article: https://www.sltrib.com/religion/2021/10/12/debut-stock-offering-by/

In short, Elder Stevenson owns 13.8% of the company that makes NordicTrack. He has had many opportunities to step back and be less involved with the company but he has chosen to remain involved as one of its directors.

Being a director of a public corporation is a significant obligation. The SEC and federal laws impose strict fiduciary duties on directors of public corporations. In the SEC filings for the IPO, the company brags about Elder Stevenson's "leadership in global organizations" and highlights some of his accomplishments he achieved during his time as an apostle.

TBMs are defending Elder Stevenson's actions on social media, saying, "So what? He made a great investment. Good for him. The Church knows what it is doing and God is guiding them. You shouldn't be surprised that they are making a lot money. Plus, he's probably going to give it all to the Church anyway."

There's a lot to unpack with stupid, asinine comments such as this, but perhaps the important takeaway is that this is not so much about his investment (still, it's like the LDS Church just ignores what Jesus said about rich people and seeking riches). The most significant problem is Elder Stevenson's involvement as a director of a public corporation.

When a young men begin an LDS mission, they are told they are being called "Elder" in the same way the apostles are called "Elder" because missionaries, like apostles, have been called to set aside their worldly life and serve Christ. Except, they say "you're only setting aside your life temporarily; the apostles are setting aside their worldly pursuits for life." (queue fan-girling "Wow -- so amazing 😍").

Elder Stevenson is a perfect example of how the LDS Church doesn't give a shit about appropriate ethical lines or actually pursuing the gospel Jesus taught. Elder Stevenson will be attending board meetings, signing board resolutions, and steering the company's corporate policy and strategy, making nearly a billion dollars, all while humbly professing to be one of the Lord's anointed who left behind his worldly ambitions. The LDS Church says it has a policy against GAs and apostles serving on corporate boards, but for some reason Elder Stevenson was granted an exception. They don't say why he was granted an exception. Could nearly a b

... keep reading on reddit ➡

👍︎ 633
📅︎ Oct 12 2021
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The Green Inferno (2013), an often overlooked homage to Cannibal Holocaust (1980), is a gory feast for splash horror fans.

“A group of student activists travels to the Amazon to save the rain forest and soon discover that they are not alone, and that no good deed goes unpunished.”

Of course, no movie had had the same effect, cultural affect and repercussions of Cannibal Holocaust, but Green Inferno is really unfairly overlooked. It follows a rather linear and predictable plot line, but is a joy ride for splasher fans. Additionally, there are few movies who were able to capture the suffocating nature of a tropical jungle as well as he did. So I certainly recommend it for everyone who hasn’t watched it yet, and invite everyone who did for a re-watch.

In general, Eli Roth is, a rather underrated director, being responsible for both some modern cult classics such as Cabin Fever (2002) and Hostel (2005), and being the one who introduced us (in a very eye-pleasing way) to Ana de Armas with Knock-Knock (2015).

He is constantly producing and funding indie horror movies and is a driving force to keep the genre fresh.

I really look forward to what else he comes up with and I’m at least intrigued about what he’s going to do with “Borderlands”, although I’m skeptical about some casting choices.

👍︎ 9
📅︎ Jan 31 2021
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Zachari Logan (Canadian, b. 1980), Datura, from Eunuch Tapestries, 2013. Pastel on black paper, 90 x 59 in.
👍︎ 134
👤︎ u/ijarritos
📅︎ May 03 2021
🚨︎ report
Glenn Greenwald - By far the greatest amount of disinformation and Fake News comes not from QAnon, FB or random YouTubers, but the largest media corporations. Here's a segment on MSNBC with 2 straight minutes of lies about the Assange case twitter.com/ggreenwald/st…
👍︎ 60
📅︎ Dec 12 2021
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New CDC guidelines around quarantine after exposure favor corporations over people. WTF is going on?
👍︎ 193
📅︎ Dec 28 2021
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[Cimini] #Patriots at #Jets: This will be only the fourth time an 0-8 team (or worse) has played on Monday Night Football. In the last matchup (2013), the 0-8 Bucs upset the 4-4 Dolphins. 2007: 0-10 Dolphins lost to 7-3 Steelers. 1980: 0-11 Saints lost to 7-4 Rams. twitter.com/richcimini/st…
👍︎ 77
📅︎ Nov 09 2020
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If one day a new technology allows renewable energy to be significantly more profitable than non-renewables, the world will be up to a surprise of how fast energy corporations can move to scrap all existing plants and transition immediately
👍︎ 20
📅︎ Jan 26 2022
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When they demolished the North Towne Square Mall (1980-2013) in Toledo, OH, they left the foundations and walkways connecting the stores
👍︎ 636
📅︎ Aug 06 2020
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Glenn Greenwald - By far the greatest amount of disinformation and Fake News comes not from QAnon, FB or random YouTubers, but the largest media corporations. Here's a segment on MSNBC with 2 straight minutes of lies about the Assange case twitter.com/ggreenwald/st…
👍︎ 114
👤︎ u/veganmark
📅︎ Dec 12 2021
🚨︎ report
Remembering American Journalist Michael Hastings (1980 –2013): "A few hours prior to his death, Hastings sent an email to a few colleagues and friends, warning that he was onto a “big story”. He also told them that he was under investigation." inteltoday.org/2021/06/18…
👍︎ 3
📅︎ Jun 18 2021
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A wave of shoplifting crimes are attracting front-page news, while the $15bn stolen by corporations from workers receives no coverage at all theguardian.com/commentis…
👍︎ 144
📅︎ Dec 09 2021
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Megacorp: a new podcast focused on unethical behavior of corporations. Thoughts?


Haven't seen much on Reddit at all about it. Couple episodes out so far focused on Amazons treatment of their workforce. Curious what people think so far. Imo the subject matter is pretty interesting so far, the host is a bit colloquial for my tastes, the ads are just brutal. Way too many for the length of the episode and there was one for a mobile game where the same ad played 4 times in a single episode. Will keep listening but hoping he smoothes out the rough edges a bit.

👍︎ 274
👤︎ u/mark5hs
📅︎ Dec 14 2021
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The antiwork (or rather anti-corporation) sub is on Fox News this morning /r/antiwork/comments/s8jc…
👍︎ 11
📅︎ Jan 20 2022
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New sunglasses seller have warehouse in US seek for corporations
👍︎ 27
📅︎ Jan 12 2022
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The corporation’s wealth is in the news again! markets.businessinsider.c…
👍︎ 66
👤︎ u/NoPharmBro
📅︎ Nov 15 2021
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