A list of puns related to "Nell Donnelly Reed"
CIA Nominee Leaves Door Open to Torture, Making Senate Vote a Test of Principles
>The nominee has in the past called CIA staff who engaged in waterboarding “patriots.” ……………
>One senator has already pledged to oppose Pompeo’s confirmation. “At a time of massive attacks on privacy, I will strongly oppose Congressman Pompeo as CIA director,” Bernie Sanders announced on Friday.
Rep. Mike Pompeo wants to revive mass surveillance program
>A Kansas lawmaker wants the nation’s spies to get back their access to mass surveillance data that allowed the federal government to track communications of potential terrorists.
>And that’s not all: U.S. Rep. Mike Pompeo, a Republican from Wichita, says that eventually he wants the National Security Agency to be able to restart its bulk collection of metadata and combine those records with even more information: financial and “lifestyle” details that would be accessible in a huge, searchable database.
>To that end, Pompeo has introduced the Liberty Through Strength Act, which would restore the NSA’s access to “business records, telephone call records and other tangible things” collected under the defunct Patriot Act.
>The bill also would strengthen the FBI’s authority to access communication transaction records, including people’s names, addresses and billing records. The bureau would have to certify to service providers that such information “is relevant to an authorized investigation to protect against international terrorism or clandestine intelligence activities.”
>And the bill would make permanent a provision of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Amendments Act, set to expire next year, that allows the NSA to capture the content of communications by foreign citizens living abroad.
>The provision prohibits the NSA from intentionally targeting anyone in the United States. But civil liberties groups say it skirts Fourth Amendment protections against unlawful search and seizure by allowing the content of Americans’ emails, instant messages, browser histories and social media posts to be swept up indirectly in the course of an investigation.
[Senator Bernie Sanders on NSA, Big Brother and against Mike
... keep reading on reddit ➡I'm from New Zealand however I hadn't heard of this case until it reappeared in the media today.
Jim Donnelly worked at a large steel mill in Auckland, New Zealand and disappeared after arriving at work one morning. He went into his office, missed a subsequent meeting that morning, and was never seen again.
A massive search took place of both the mill and other areas where he may have been to, but Jim has never been found. His car was initially thought to be gone from site but was eventually located parked far from his usual car park.
5 days later, his hard hat was found next to an industrial acid bath on the mill site, and when drained his palm pilot, identification card and his work key was in the acid bath. No human remains were found, and his home and car keys have never been located.
His wife is still searching for answers even after 17 years.
I would prefer we focus on the technology than trying to kick people out of our community. It is impossible to achieve and only makes us look more hostile. 🌈
Personally, I appreciate his efforts (particularly when risking his real name in the process). I think everyone gets a little enthusiastic and gets overly invested in discussion details now and then, but we're all pushing for the same thing here.
Bygones, y'all.
Era il lontano 2014 quando una battuta su Berlusconi veniva censurata in una puntata di How I Met Your Mother. Al tempo eravamo freschi di Berlusconismo e la puntata era trasmessa da Mediaset, perciò nessuna sorpresa sulla censura che comunque fece abbastanza notizia.
Io personalmente me ne ricordo pure un'altra, avvenuta nella puntata 03x02 della (bellissima) serie Veep, sempre nel 2014:
Battute originali: Has POTUS gone nuts? We can't have a crazy president. -In Italy they do.
Traduzione: ...non possiamo avere un presidente pazzo! -Ne abbiamo avuti tanti...
Fast forward a otto anni dopo, nel presente, quando l'altra sera mi sono stupito (ma non sorpreso) che non abbiamo ancora superato ed elaborato tanti anni di Berlusconismo da far sì che una battuta poco lusinghiera sull'ex cavaliere rimanga incensurata nell'adattamento italiano di una serie americana. La serie in questione è Succession, un capolavoro di serie tv della HBO, in Italia trasmesso da Sky. Puntata 6 della terza stagione, la famiglia protagonista (ricchissima proprietaria di un agglomerato dell'informazione in stile Murdoch) è riunita per decidere quale candidato presidente degli USA spalleggiare finanziariamente. A Shiv non piace il candidato simil-trumpiano e dice questa battuta:
Tradotta nell'adattamento italiano così:
Francamente l'accostamento Putin/Bolsonaro con Berlusconi mi pare ingeneroso nei confronti di quest'ultimo ma comunque l'autocensura che ci siamo imposti mi fa pensare che, alla fine, tanto superiori della Bielorussia poi non siamo.
Supereremo mai il Berlusconismo?
Sono giorni molto frustranti per chi lavora nell'ULSS 6 e per chi si serve di questa azienda sanitaria. Non so se riuscirò a mettere abbastanza enfasi su quanto la situazione sia GRAVE.
La notte del 3 dicembre l'Ulss 6 Euganea del Veneto (sud di Padova) è stata oggetto di un pesante attacco ransomware, vi lascio i link di qualche articolo che ne parla: (pochi e locali)
A quasi una settimana da questo attacco hacker, in tutta la provincia della bassa padovana non è possibile prenotare visite (molte delle quali sono state annullate e rimandate a data da destinarsi), eseguire esami di laboratorio, accedere al fascicolo sanitario e ai propri referti, le ricette dematerializzate sono inservibili e non è possibile nemmeno il tracciamento dei positivi al covid senza contare che in centinaia stanno aspettando i risultati di tamponi molecolari fatti nei giorni scorsi che non arriveranno più. Pronto soccorso e i vari reparti stanno andando avanti a fatica tornando a carta e penna.
Data la mole di lavoro che si prospetta alla task force informatica per ricostruire da zero l'infrastruttura, i tempi di ripristino stimati per tornare alla normalità sono di un mese.
In tutto questo poi si aggiunge il fatto che nessuno ci sta informando se sono stati rubati dati personali, sappiamo solo che è stato chiesta una cifra ricattatoria e che non verrà pagata.
La cosa che più mi spaventa è che, dal punto di vista dell'informazione, se ne sta parlando poco a livello locale e per niente a livello nazionale quando invece dovrebbe esserci una discussione generalizzata su quanto sia fragile la sicurezza informatica delle aziende sanitarie. Perché in passato è toccato alla regione Lazio, oggi a noi, e domani? La sanità sta diventando, o è già diventata, una preda facile.
Spots@$Price: 133@$10
Total+Price: $1330
Make+and+Model: Chad Nell Nevada Jr.
Price+Justification: https://www.reddit.com/r/KnifeRaffle/comments/r9j8tw/chad_nell_nevada_jr_13310/
raffle canceled but sold on facebook for 1350
Timestamp&pics: https://imgur.com/a/Hk2Ph4f
Escrow: u/cooperred for u/jay3011
Description: Chad Nell Nevada Jr. - hand satin Magnacut blade, abalone pivot, and kraken black timascus accents (clip, collars, disc, backspacer). Centered, no play/stick, and a buttery smooth action on bearings. Original owner and this one has seen some light carry/use, but could probably still pass for new (see pics/vid). Comes with pouch and CoA.
International+shipping: N
##FF no notes
venmo available
PayPal Info: [REDACTED]
Number of vacant slots: 0
Number of unpaid users: 0
Number of unpaid slots: 0
This slot list is created and updated by The EDC Raffle Tool by BlobAndHisBoy.
1 /u/thaaatguy PAID
2 /u/thaaatguy PAID
3 /u/cahobregor PAID
4 /u/DinosaurMuskets PAID
5 /u/tehbehemoth PAID
6 /u/Get_after_it_puss PAID
7 /u/thaaatguy PAID
8 /u/wisedeezl PAID
9 /u/jt61555 PAID
10 /u/SnowmanChang PAID
11 /u/EverydayEDC PAID
12 /u/Digiorno99 PAID
13 /u/BrianR383 PAID
14 /u/trilock01 PAID
15 /u/mrRabblerouser PAID
16 /u/No_Poet PAID
17 /u/cahobregor PAID
18 /u/thaaatguy PAID
19 /u/Digiorno99 PAID
20 /u/wisedeezl PAID
21 /u/madknives23 PAID
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24 /u/SnowmanChang PAID
25 /u/StevieBuns PAID
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27 /u/SnowmanChang PAID
28 /u/SnowmanChang PAID
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30 /u/SlantRhyme PAID
31 /u/SnowmanChang PAID
32 /u/SnowmanChang PAID
33 /u/Knice_Ass_Knives PAID
34 /u/cooperred PAID
35 /u/Fistknuckle PAID
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49 /u/trilock01 PAID
50 /u/EverydayEDC PAID
51 /u/cooper
... keep reading on reddit ➡He really bungles even statement and I think might be one of the most incompetent public servants in history. Fair fucks to him
CIA Nominee Leaves Door Open to Torture, Making Senate Vote a Test of Principles
>The nominee has in the past called CIA staff who engaged in waterboarding “patriots.” ……………
>One senator has already pledged to oppose Pompeo’s confirmation. “At a time of massive attacks on privacy, I will strongly oppose Congressman Pompeo as CIA director,” Bernie Sanders announced on Friday.
Rep. Mike Pompeo wants to revive mass surveillance program
>A Kansas lawmaker wants the nation’s spies to get back their access to mass surveillance data that allowed the federal government to track communications of potential terrorists.
>And that’s not all: U.S. Rep. Mike Pompeo, a Republican from Wichita, says that eventually he wants the National Security Agency to be able to restart its bulk collection of metadata and combine those records with even more information: financial and “lifestyle” details that would be accessible in a huge, searchable database.
>To that end, Pompeo has introduced the Liberty Through Strength Act, which would restore the NSA’s access to “business records, telephone call records and other tangible things” collected under the defunct Patriot Act.
>The bill also would strengthen the FBI’s authority to access communication transaction records, including people’s names, addresses and billing records. The bureau would have to certify to service providers that such information “is relevant to an authorized investigation to protect against international terrorism or clandestine intelligence activities.”
>And the bill would make permanent a provision of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Amendments Act, set to expire next year, that allows the NSA to capture the content of communications by foreign citizens living abroad.
>The provision prohibits the NSA from intentionally targeting anyone in the United States. But civil liberties groups say it skirts Fourth Amendment protections against unlawful search and seizure by allowing the content of Americans’ emails, instant messages, browser histories and social media posts to be swept up indirectly in the course of an investigation.
[Senator Bernie Sanders on NSA, Big Brother and against Mike
... keep reading on reddit ➡CIA Nominee Leaves Door Open to Torture, Making Senate Vote a Test of Principles
>The nominee has in the past called CIA staff who engaged in waterboarding “patriots.” ……………
>One senator has already pledged to oppose Pompeo’s confirmation. “At a time of massive attacks on privacy, I will strongly oppose Congressman Pompeo as CIA director,” Bernie Sanders announced on Friday.
Rep. Mike Pompeo wants to revive mass surveillance program
>A Kansas lawmaker wants the nation’s spies to get back their access to mass surveillance data that allowed the federal government to track communications of potential terrorists.
>And that’s not all: U.S. Rep. Mike Pompeo, a Republican from Wichita, says that eventually he wants the National Security Agency to be able to restart its bulk collection of metadata and combine those records with even more information: financial and “lifestyle” details that would be accessible in a huge, searchable database.
>To that end, Pompeo has introduced the Liberty Through Strength Act, which would restore the NSA’s access to “business records, telephone call records and other tangible things” collected under the defunct Patriot Act.
>The bill also would strengthen the FBI’s authority to access communication transaction records, including people’s names, addresses and billing records. The bureau would have to certify to service providers that such information “is relevant to an authorized investigation to protect against international terrorism or clandestine intelligence activities.”
>And the bill would make permanent a provision of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Amendments Act, set to expire next year, that allows the NSA to capture the content of communications by foreign citizens living abroad.
>The provision prohibits the NSA from intentionally targeting anyone in the United States. But civil liberties groups say it skirts Fourth Amendment protections against unlawful search and seizure by allowing the content of Americans’ emails, instant messages, browser histories and social media posts to be swept up indirectly in the course of an investigation.
[Senator Bernie Sanders on NSA, Big Brother and against Mike
... keep reading on reddit ➡CIA Nominee Leaves Door Open to Torture, Making Senate Vote a Test of Principles
>The nominee has in the past called CIA staff who engaged in waterboarding “patriots.” ……………
>One senator has already pledged to oppose Pompeo’s confirmation. “At a time of massive attacks on privacy, I will strongly oppose Congressman Pompeo as CIA director,” Bernie Sanders announced on Friday.
Rep. Mike Pompeo wants to revive mass surveillance program
>A Kansas lawmaker wants the nation’s spies to get back their access to mass surveillance data that allowed the federal government to track communications of potential terrorists.
>And that’s not all: U.S. Rep. Mike Pompeo, a Republican from Wichita, says that eventually he wants the National Security Agency to be able to restart its bulk collection of metadata and combine those records with even more information: financial and “lifestyle” details that would be accessible in a huge, searchable database.
>To that end, Pompeo has introduced the Liberty Through Strength Act, which would restore the NSA’s access to “business records, telephone call records and other tangible things” collected under the defunct Patriot Act.
>The bill also would strengthen the FBI’s authority to access communication transaction records, including people’s names, addresses and billing records. The bureau would have to certify to service providers that such information “is relevant to an authorized investigation to protect against international terrorism or clandestine intelligence activities.”
>And the bill would make permanent a provision of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Amendments Act, set to expire next year, that allows the NSA to capture the content of communications by foreign citizens living abroad.
>The provision prohibits the NSA from intentionally targeting anyone in the United States. But civil liberties groups say it skirts Fourth Amendment protections against unlawful search and seizure by allowing the content of Americans’ emails, instant messages, browser histories and social media posts to be swept up indirectly in the course of an investigation.
[Senator Bernie Sanders on NSA, Big Brother and against Mike
... keep reading on reddit ➡Please note that this site uses cookies to personalise content and adverts, to provide social media features, and to analyse web traffic. Click here for more information.