Car model pun
👍︎ 17
👤︎ u/zdave182
📅︎ Sep 18 2014
🚨︎ report
Carbon streaming is the ultimate green investing

Date 7/30/2021 Speculator midagedinvestor86 Contributors

Strategy Bullish / Stock (20% of portfolio, will likely go higher) Ticker $OFSTF Entry Price $1.40 Price when I exited TBD

Hello! I’m a stock speculator and investor that is very bullish on carbon credits and companies in the space.  This is my thesis on what I see as the best company in the space: Carbon Streaming Corporation.

I’m not a financial advisor and you need to make your own decisions about what you do with your own money, I am just telling you why I am so bullish.


Carbon credits are a relatively new commodity that few people have even heard of yet.  The market is growing at a rapid pace and is estimated by at least one leading natural resource investor (more on him later) to be larger than the oil market by the year 2050, maybe even as early as 2040.  That is not a typo, the growth in carbon credits is expected to make carbon credits the largest commodity market in the world in 30 years time. This is from a base of only about 1.5 billion this year total and only $320 million this year in the voluntary carbon market specifically.


Why will this market grow so much in the next few decades?  Because going green is good business!  Regardless of whether you believe in man made global warming, this is one of the greatest money making opportunities of a generation and it would be foolish to not recognize and capitalize on it.

The ESG (Environmental, Sustainability, Governance) trend is unstoppable and requires that businesses around the world change their practices to make the world a better place.  One of the biggest ways of doing this is to lower their carbon emissions. While many countries around the world are creating cap and trade schemes, there is also a rapidly growing “voluntary” carbon market. Some companies such as large oil producers are in a business that will always generate massive amounts of CO2 emissions however they can “offset” this by producing or alternatively purchasing carbon credits.  Why would they do that?  Because they want to lower their cost of capital and make their shares attractive to the rapidly growing pools of capital that are mandated to only invest in ESG friendly companies.  By lowering their carbon emissions by purchasing carbon credits or bui

... keep reading on reddit ➡

👍︎ 16
👤︎ u/treesrlyfe
📅︎ Jul 31 2021
🚨︎ report
[Hiring] Community Support Manager at Who Gives a Crap

Oh, hi!

Do you want to challenge yourself at a high-growth startup AND make a difference in the world?

apply here!

A bit about us:

Hi, we’re Who Gives A Crap! We make eco-friendly toilet paper (as well as tissues and paper towels) and donate 50% of our profits to help build toilets for the 2 billion people in need.

We love doing good, and we happen to be exceptionally good at it too! To date, we’ve donated over AUD$8.3 million (roughly USD$5.9 million) to fund sanitation projects around the globe. We’ve grown quickly – selling directly to customers across three continents and have established a strong B2B business in Australia that’s expanding to the UK and US.

Our team is made up of over 100 amazing humans working out of Melbourne, Los Angeles, China, and Manila. We’re working hard to reach our ambitious goals and diversify our product range to ensure we can have the greatest impact possible – both for the planet and its people. With your help, we’re hoping to increase our annual donation 10-fold in the next couple of years and continue to make the most beautiful, eco-friendly goods around.

A bit about the role:

As our Community Support Manager you’ll play a key role in supporting and growing our digital customer community. Reporting into our Head of Customer Experience, you’ll set the standard in delivering top notch customer support through public facing channels, both organic and paid.

You won’t be an island though, think of yourself as part of a global tribe. You’ll collaborate super closely with our Content Team Lead (currently hiring for!), directly lead our Melbourne based Community Support guru, and partner with our Customer Happiness Team in the Philippines.

You’ll be adding eyes, ears and lips (we’d say nose too, but smell-o-vision doesn’t exist.. yet) to Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, product review sites and any other online forums where Who Gives A Crap is a discussion topic, not just a question.  You’ll establish and ramp up how we contribute to discussions, solve problems and learn from conversations with customers and consumers. You’ll wrap all that knowledge up into powerful, easy to understand and insightful learnings that help us to wipe millions of bums world wide!

You’ll become our resident expert in the tricky subjects our customers care deeply about, inclu

... keep reading on reddit ➡

👍︎ 8
👤︎ u/willywilko
📅︎ May 28 2021
🚨︎ report
Mathematisches Modell vom Kurzquetsch im Januar - und Berechnung des nächsten Quetsches

Hallo ihr lieben Affen, vor allem die mathematisch interessierten unter euch.

Lest euch mal diese schöne Papier zur Mathematik von Margarinenanrufen und Kurzquetschen durch:

Kurzzusammenfassung (bin aber ehrlicherweise nicht besonders tief eingestiegen, da steckt noch einiges mehr drin):

  • Kurzquetsch ist möglich wenn
  1. Margarine anruft
  2. Genug Geld in den Markt fließt (FOMO)
  3. Folgender Wert (genannt s) über etwa 1.23 ist: Aktien kurz / Durchschnittliches tägliches Volumen
  • Dann lässt sich anhand bestimmter Parameter (vor allem s) auch die Größe des Kurzquetsches berechnen, im Januar war das eine Steigerung um 1900% die vorhergesagt wurde und auch in etwa so eingetreten ist
  • Dann lasst uns mal kurz rechnen wie es Stand heute ist:
  • Durchschnittliches tägliches Volumen gerade Pi mal Daumen 2 Millionen
  • Kurze Aktien laut Ortex: so 8.8 Millionen
  • Kurze Aktien laut Superstonk: 1 Milliarde
  • Kurze Aktien laut /u/rocketapes: Sagen wir mal 50 Millionen

Dann ist s irgendwas zwischen 4.2 (offiziell), 50 (meine Schätzung) und 500 (Superstonk), aber auf jeden Fall größer als 1.23. Ist also gut möglich.

Wie groß würde dann der Quetsch (FOMO noch gar nicht einberechnet)?

Die Formel schreib ich hier nicht auf, ist aber gar nicht so kompliziert.

Im kleinen (offizielle Zahlen) Fall wären wir bei etwa 720%, also etwa 1.100$.

Laut meiner Schätzung (50 Millionen kurz) wären wir schon bei 4870%, also etwa 7.300$.

Und wenn wirklich eine Milliarde kurze Aktien hier rumfliegen, sind wir bei etwa 10.000% oder 150.000$ pro Aktie.

Nicht schlecht oder?

👍︎ 228
👤︎ u/RocketApes
📅︎ Dec 30 2021
🚨︎ report
SONY announces second Vision-S EV modell. New company announced for mobility efforts.

SONY will build its own EV cars.

“The excitement we received after we showed off the Vision-S really encouraged us to further consider how we can bring creativity and technology to change the experience of moving from one place to another,” said Yoshida, before revealing the new Vision S SUV prototype. “This is our new Vision-S SUV. Vision-S has been developed on a foundation of safety, adaptability and entertainment. Safety has been our number 1 priority in creating a comfortable mobility experience. That has not changed when building this SUV. A total of 40 sensors are installed inside and outside of the vehicle to monitor safety.

“In terms of adaptability, we have connectivity that enables us to build a vehicle that continuously evolves. It also makes it possible to personalize the cabin for each user. With 5G, it enables high speed, high capacity, and low latency connectivity between the in-vehicle system and the cloud. The VIsion-S also evolves mobility as an entertainment space,” said Yoshida. “The VIsion-S also evolves mobility as an entertainment space, including gaming experience and audio. We have learned more about mobility through our exploration of VIsion-S, and through our partners who have supported this effort.”

Just announced at CES.

👍︎ 39
📅︎ Jan 05 2022
🚨︎ report
Gerade auf r/socialism gebannt worden, nachdem ich gesagt habe, dass autokratischer, chinesischer Staatskapitalismus kein erstrebenswertes Modell für Linke sein sollte.

Warum feiern die ganzen internationalen, linken Subs eigentlich unterdrückerische Autokratien so hart, selbst wenn diese überhaupt nichts mehr mit irgendeinem linken Erbe zu tun haben? Kuba oder UdSSR kann ich vielleicht noch irgendwo ganz entfernt verstehen, aber China?? Lol

👍︎ 354
👤︎ u/Staktus23
📅︎ Nov 09 2021
🚨︎ report
Just want to say, Fuck Modell and the Ratbirds. Let’s Go Browns!!!
👍︎ 353
👤︎ u/CButler19
📅︎ Nov 28 2021
🚨︎ report
Somebody trolls King Von by asking would he ever do a feature with Modell, Tyriq, P5, or Malcolm
👍︎ 139
📅︎ Dec 13 2021
🚨︎ report
Why? How do I fix this? They are the same modell but I cant get them to behave the same
👍︎ 55
📅︎ Dec 26 2021
🚨︎ report
«Olaf Scholz hat unglaublich viel richtig gemacht» - In Deutschland hat die SPD mit einem linken Programm die Wahl gewonnen, sagt der Politologe Tarik Abou-Chadi. Und er vergleicht das deutsche sozial­demokratische Modell mit jenem in Dänemark und Portugal |…
👍︎ 10
👤︎ u/LaTartifle
📅︎ Jan 02 2022
🚨︎ report
Säulen-Modell / Terrassenmodell beim Sparen

Hallo zusammen,

ich bin gerade dabei meine Finanzen neu zu strukturieren.

Man liest ja häufig vom Säulenmodell und dass man bevor man ETFs bespart Schulden abzahlen sollte und ein Polster von 2-3x Monatsnettogehältern als Puffer weglegen sollte. (siehe "Anlegen mit ETF" von Finanztest)

Schulden habe ich endlich keine mehr. Bin Mitte 30.

Wenn man >3000 EUR netto verdient, erscheint es mir etwas viel 9000 EUR auf ein Tagesgeldkonto mit 0% zu legen als Notgroschen, v.a bei der aktuellen Inflation.

Mein Plan wäre aktuell:

  • 4000 EUR auf ein Tagesgeldkonto zu legen als Notgroschen.
    • Monatliche Miete ist 930 EUR, man kann also wenn was passiert damit schon 2,3 Monate überleben.
  • ca. 2000 EUR auf dem "Konsum-Giro" als "Spielgeld" liegen lassen -> spontan Kurzurlaub, Essen, feiern, Konsum -> ich spare gerne, aber ich will auch gut leben.
    • Fixkosten inkl. Miete sind dabei nicht berücksichtigt, die werden immer an Anfang des Monats auf ein Zweitkonto überwiesen wo nur die Fixkosten abgehen monatlich inkl. Miete.
  • Alles was übrig bleibt über den 2000 EUR in meinen ETF-Sparplan (A1JX52)

Wie macht ihr das so?

👍︎ 13
👤︎ u/Rusticalo
📅︎ Dec 28 2021
🚨︎ report
[Schiffer] New York state Governor Kathy Hochul says those who get vaccinated at the Barclays Center/Modell’s site will get two free tickets to a home game.…
👍︎ 310
👤︎ u/iksnet
📅︎ Nov 02 2021
🚨︎ report
Made a little video about how to modell this bottle that lately came up. There are still some details wrong and there are some problems in the end but it really shows how it is done. Can be modelled in 30minutes if you know what you are doing.
👍︎ 7
👤︎ u/Ezydenias
📅︎ Jan 10 2022
🚨︎ report
Boobie (Jaro City) 🕊 calling out STL for getting Modell (STL) 🕊 and Dale (STL) 🕊 killed
👍︎ 69
📅︎ Nov 27 2021
🚨︎ report
Ungeimpfte werden ausgesperrt: Uni Erlangen-Nürnberg führt 2G-Modell ein…
👍︎ 72
📅︎ Nov 15 2021
🚨︎ report
Synthanorma Modell 316 - Kraftwerk Computerwelt LP promo pic, 1976
👍︎ 17
📅︎ Jan 07 2022
🚨︎ report
[Schiffer] "New York state Governor Kathy Hochul says those who get vaccinated at the Barclays Center/Modell’s site will get two free tickets to a home game."…
👍︎ 94
👤︎ u/Evilsj
📅︎ Nov 02 2021
🚨︎ report
Solow Modell

Why is it that when we increase g in the solow model, Kapital and Output decrease? Given that g is technological advance this just comes off as extremely unintuitive Thaaanks in advance!

👍︎ 9
👤︎ u/lucx9999
📅︎ Dec 25 2021
🚨︎ report
Top-Down häkeln Modell Janelle. Stimmt die Anleitung nicht?


ich habe mir das Buch Top-Down Häkeln von Dora Ohrenstein gekauft.

Leider hänge ich beim Modell Janelle am Rumpf fest. Die Anleitung in der ersten Runde des Rumpfes ergibt für mich keinen Sinn. Und die Maschenanzahl stimmt nach der Runde bei mir auch nicht mehr.

Zur kurzen Info: die Passe wird in abwechselnden Runden mit halben Stäbchen und verbundenen Dreifachstäbchen gehäkelt.

Nach Anbringen der Luftmaschen für die Armpartien müsste es mit der Runde in halben Stäbchen weitergehen. Jetzt wechselt in der Anleitung auf einmal mitten in der Runde die Maschenart. Das kann doch nicht sein, oder? Wird meine Jacke nicht asymmetrisch in der Länge?

Ich habe jetzt einfach mit halben Stäbchen weitergemacht, doch jetzt stimmt die Maschenanzahl nicht.

Wäre es schlimm einfach mit falscher Maschenanzahl weiter zu häkeln und einfach die Zunahmen regulär an Vorder und Seitenteilen zuzunehmen?

👍︎ 2
📅︎ Jan 12 2022
🚨︎ report
Jemand hat in Lego ein Modell der Wuppertaler Schwebebahn entworfen. Der Entwurf benötigt noch 7000 Stimmen, um offiziell von Lego berücksichtigt zu werden.…
👍︎ 17
👤︎ u/Drbob_
📅︎ Jan 13 2022
🚨︎ report
Wait. An actual Modell of something instead of a wooden plate with a picture on it? no no no. Here i fixed it real quick with my shitty photoshop skills. No problem <3
👍︎ 289
📅︎ Nov 02 2021
🚨︎ report
Who can tell what modell omega this is? Year 1943
👍︎ 12
📅︎ Dec 15 2021
🚨︎ report
Ich habe mir einen zweiten AOC Agon AG273QX zugelegt, doch die Farben und Reaktionszeiten sind leider deutlich schlechter als von meinem identischen 2019er Modell...

Da ich (bisher) vollends begeistert von dem besagten Modell war (schnelles, flaches VA-Panel), habe ich mir nun nach 2 Jahren endlich einen weiteren AOC Agon AG273QX gegönnt.

Neben den zwei Videos unten, habe ich beide Monitore mit identischen Einstellungen (Overdrive = strong, 165 Hz etc.) getestet, sowohl individuell am selben Kabel als auch gleichzeitig.

Das Resultat:

Leider ist der neuere (produziert: 01/2021) immer wesentlich langsamer. Das kann man auch ganz gut in den Videos sehen, wenn man auf den schwarzen "Schweif" achtet, der bei Bewegung von bunten Objekten hinterhergezogen wird (sry für die schlechte Quali). Auch die Farben sind anders (nicht unbedingt besser, auf jeden Fall deutlich wärmer). Links ist der neue und rechts mein alter AG273QX:

Langsame Reaktionszeit unten am weißen Balken erkennbar (links)

Dunkler Schatteneffekt auch hier deutlich erkennbar (links)

Da ich in letzter Zeit auch viel Negatives über den Monitor gelesen habe, kann ich endlich nachvollziehen wo dieser Hate herkommt. Ich vermute der Hersteller wird da nichts machen (können), da vermeintlich alle neueren Geräte mit solch einem schlechteren Panel produziert werden (Stichwort: "bait and switch"?)

Sehr schade sowas...

👍︎ 5
👤︎ u/d4fuQQ
📅︎ Jan 03 2022
🚨︎ report
I dreamt that the developers of the mobile game "Cells to Singularity" added a moon for venus called "the last moon", and it had the same modell as the asteroid belt.
👍︎ 10
📅︎ Jan 12 2022
🚨︎ report
Corona: Hamburg weitet 2G-Modell ab Sonnabend aus…
👍︎ 46
👤︎ u/siantre
📅︎ Nov 16 2021
🚨︎ report
Full set of Wiking Modell ships found on board U-534 They were used for identifying British Naval ships.Wiking Modellbau is a German manufacturer of scale models in H0 scale and N scale originally made as accessories for model train sets. Founded in 1932 by Freidrich Karl Peltzer
👍︎ 213
👤︎ u/vitoskito
📅︎ Nov 17 2021
🚨︎ report
Cro hat ein NFT von einem 3D Modell seiner Maske für 26700 Euro versteigert
👍︎ 83
📅︎ Oct 15 2021
🚨︎ report
Tareq Taylor fick inte vara modell för Malmö FFs jultröja…
👍︎ 26
📅︎ Nov 26 2021
🚨︎ report

Is it true that Modell beat up Von or was that just a rumor?

👍︎ 6
📅︎ Dec 03 2021
🚨︎ report
Rod Modell - Scrawler [TRESOR.312]…
👍︎ 46
👤︎ u/DubMonitor
📅︎ Nov 24 2021
🚨︎ report
Compatible Lightbars for the Modell H61993D1 Immersion Backlight for TV Mode

I'm using the H61993D1 Immersion Backlight Kit and I want to extand it with the Flow Pro or the Flow Plus Lightbars. Are these compatible with the Backlight Kit for the TV Mode? The Controlbox of the Backlight Kit has only one USB Output. I know that the Controlbox of the Backlight + Lightbar Bundle has two USB Outputs for this purpose.

Do I need a extra Controlbox and Camera or can I combine them via Bluetooth? Is the Controlbox with two Outputs separately available? Should I buy the Flow Pro or the Flow Plus Lightbars?

👍︎ 2
👤︎ u/Nilz1401
📅︎ Dec 23 2021
🚨︎ report
[SEIKO] SNAB67 Flightmaster on a Di Modell strap
👍︎ 41
👤︎ u/albertsy2
📅︎ Dec 24 2021
🚨︎ report
Dimensionen therapeutischer Prozesse in der Integrativen Medizin Ein ökologisches Modell…
👍︎ 2
👤︎ u/dr-notes
📅︎ Jan 09 2022
🚨︎ report
(1536 x 2048) Full set of Wiking Modell ships found on board U-534. They were used for identifying British Naval ships.Wiking Modellbau is a German manufacturer of scale models in H0 scale and N scale originally made as accessories for model train sets. Founded in 1932 by Freidrich Karl Peltzer
👍︎ 112
👤︎ u/vitoskito
📅︎ Nov 17 2021
🚨︎ report
Integrative Verhaltenstherapie und psychotherapeutische Medizin Ein biopsychosoziales Modell…
👍︎ 2
👤︎ u/dr-notes
📅︎ Jan 09 2022
🚨︎ report
Carbon streaming is the future

Date 7/30/2021 Speculator midagedinvestor86 Contributors

Strategy Bullish / Stock (20% of portfolio, will likely go higher) Ticker $OFSTF Entry Price $1.40 Price when I exited TBD

Hello! I’m a stock speculator and investor that is very bullish on carbon credits and companies in the space.  This is my thesis on what I see as the best company in the space: Carbon Streaming Corporation.

I’m not a financial advisor and you need to make your own decisions about what you do with your own money, I am just telling you why I am so bullish.


Carbon credits are a relatively new commodity that few people have even heard of yet.  The market is growing at a rapid pace and is estimated by at least one leading natural resource investor (more on him later) to be larger than the oil market by the year 2050, maybe even as early as 2040.  That is not a typo, the growth in carbon credits is expected to make carbon credits the largest commodity market in the world in 30 years time. This is from a base of only about 1.5 billion this year total and only $320 million this year in the voluntary carbon market specifically.


Why will this market grow so much in the next few decades?  Because going green is good business!  Regardless of whether you believe in man made global warming, this is one of the greatest money making opportunities of a generation and it would be foolish to not recognize and capitalize on it.

The ESG (Environmental, Sustainability, Governance) trend is unstoppable and requires that businesses around the world change their practices to make the world a better place.  One of the biggest ways of doing this is to lower their carbon emissions. While many countries around the world are creating cap and trade schemes, there is also a rapidly growing “voluntary” carbon market. Some companies such as large oil producers are in a business that will always generate massive amounts of CO2 emissions however they can “offset” this by producing or alternatively purchasing carbon credits.  Why would they do that?  Because they want to lower their cost of capital and make their shares attractive to the rapidly growing pools of capital that are mandated to only invest in ESG friendly companies.  By lowering their carbon emissions by purchasing carbon credits or bui

... keep reading on reddit ➡

👍︎ 21
👤︎ u/treesrlyfe
📅︎ Jul 31 2021
🚨︎ report
Carbon credit streaming is going to explode

Date 7/30/2021 Speculator midagedinvestor86 Contributors

Strategy Bullish / Stock (20% of portfolio, will likely go higher) Ticker $OFSTF Entry Price $1.40 Price when I exited TBD

Hello! I’m a stock speculator and investor that is very bullish on carbon credits and companies in the space.  This is my thesis on what I see as the best company in the space: Carbon Streaming Corporation.

I’m not a financial advisor and you need to make your own decisions about what you do with your own money, I am just telling you why I am so bullish.


Carbon credits are a relatively new commodity that few people have even heard of yet.  The market is growing at a rapid pace and is estimated by at least one leading natural resource investor (more on him later) to be larger than the oil market by the year 2050, maybe even as early as 2040.  That is not a typo, the growth in carbon credits is expected to make carbon credits the largest commodity market in the world in 30 years time. This is from a base of only about 1.5 billion this year total and only $320 million this year in the voluntary carbon market specifically.


Why will this market grow so much in the next few decades?  Because going green is good business!  Regardless of whether you believe in man made global warming, this is one of the greatest money making opportunities of a generation and it would be foolish to not recognize and capitalize on it.

The ESG (Environmental, Sustainability, Governance) trend is unstoppable and requires that businesses around the world change their practices to make the world a better place.  One of the biggest ways of doing this is to lower their carbon emissions. While many countries around the world are creating cap and trade schemes, there is also a rapidly growing “voluntary” carbon market. Some companies such as large oil producers are in a business that will always generate massive amounts of CO2 emissions however they can “offset” this by producing or alternatively purchasing carbon credits.  Why would they do that?  Because they want to lower their cost of capital and make their shares attractive to the rapidly growing pools of capital that are mandated to only invest in ESG friendly companies.  By lowering their carbon emissions by purchasing carbon credits or bui

... keep reading on reddit ➡

👍︎ 28
👤︎ u/treesrlyfe
📅︎ Jul 31 2021
🚨︎ report
Carbon credit streaming is going to explode

Author: u/treesrlyfe(Karma: 1562, Created: Jul-2020).

Carbon credit streaming is going to explode on r/stockmarket

Date 7/30/2021 Speculator midagedinvestor86 Contributors

Strategy Bullish / Stock (20% of portfolio, will likely go higher) Ticker $OFSTF Entry Price $1.40 Price when I exited TBD

Hello! I’m a stock speculator and investor that is very bullish on carbon credits and companies in the space.  This is my thesis on what I see as the best company in the space: Carbon Streaming Corporation.

I’m not a financial advisor and you need to make your own decisions about what you do with your own money, I am just telling you why I am so bullish.


Carbon credits are a relatively new commodity that few people have even heard of yet.  The market is growing at a rapid pace and is estimated by at least one leading natural resource investor (more on him later) to be larger than the oil market by the year 2050, maybe even as early as 2040.  That is not a typo, the growth in carbon credits is expected to make carbon credits the largest commodity market in the world in 30 years time. This is from a base of only about 1.5 billion this year total and only $320 million this year in the voluntary carbon market specifically.


Why will this market grow so much in the next few decades?  Because going green is good business!  Regardless of whether you believe in man made global warming, this is one of the greatest money making opportunities of a generation and it would be foolish to not recognize and capitalize on it.

The ESG (Environmental, Sustainability, Governance) trend is unstoppable and requires that businesses around the world change their practices to make the world a better place.  One of the biggest ways of doing this is to lower their carbon emissions. While many countries around the world are creating cap and trade schemes, there is also a rapidly growing “voluntary” carbon market. Some companies such as large oil producers are in a business that will always generate massive amounts of CO2 emissions however they can “offset” this by producing or alternatively purchasing carbon credits.  Why would they do that?  Because they want to lower their co

... keep reading on reddit ➡

👍︎ 8
📅︎ Aug 01 2021
🚨︎ report
Carbon credit streaming is a new sector about to explode

Date 7/30/2021 Speculator midagedinvestor86 Contributors

Strategy Bullish / Stock (20% of portfolio, will likely go higher) Ticker $OFSTF Entry Price $1.40 Price when I exited TBD

Hello! I’m a stock speculator and investor that is very bullish on carbon credits and companies in the space.  This is my thesis on what I see as the best company in the space: Carbon Streaming Corporation.

I’m not a financial advisor and you need to make your own decisions about what you do with your own money, I am just telling you why I am so bullish.


Carbon credits are a relatively new commodity that few people have even heard of yet.  The market is growing at a rapid pace and is estimated by at least one leading natural resource investor (more on him later) to be larger than the oil market by the year 2050, maybe even as early as 2040.  That is not a typo, the growth in carbon credits is expected to make carbon credits the largest commodity market in the world in 30 years time. This is from a base of only about 1.5 billion this year total and only $320 million this year in the voluntary carbon market specifically.


Why will this market grow so much in the next few decades?  Because going green is good business!  Regardless of whether you believe in man made global warming, this is one of the greatest money making opportunities of a generation and it would be foolish to not recognize and capitalize on it.

The ESG (Environmental, Sustainability, Governance) trend is unstoppable and requires that businesses around the world change their practices to make the world a better place.  One of the biggest ways of doing this is to lower their carbon emissions. While many countries around the world are creating cap and trade schemes, there is also a rapidly growing “voluntary” carbon market. Some companies such as large oil producers are in a business that will always generate massive amounts of CO2 emissions however they can “offset” this by producing or alternatively purchasing carbon credits.  Why would they do that?  Because they want to lower their cost of capital and make their shares attractive to the rapidly growing pools of capital that are mandated to only invest in ESG friendly companies.  By lowering their carbon emissions by purchasing carbon credits or bui

... keep reading on reddit ➡

👍︎ 11
👤︎ u/treesrlyfe
📅︎ Jul 31 2021
🚨︎ report

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