🌎 Northern Mid-Atlantic Ridge: Terremoto - Earthquake - Séisme - Sismo (5.6 Mww, at 23:26 UTC, from earthquake.usgs.gov)

> 📈 5.9 Mww, registered by 5 agencies, 2022-01-10 23:26:45 UTC (gibbous moon), Northern Mid-Atlantic Ridge (28.48, -43.62) ± 1 km, ↓10 km likely felt 240 km away (service.iris.edu)


> 🌖 Terremoto! Earthquake! Séisme! Sismo! 5.6 Mww, registered by 4 agencies, 2022-01-10 23:26:45 UTC (gibbous moon), Northern Mid-Atlantic Ridge (28.46, -43.67) ± 4 km, ↓5 km likely felt 210 km away (earthquake.usgs.gov)


👍︎ 3
📅︎ Jan 10 2022
🚨︎ report
Earthquake: 2022-01-11 07:27HKT M5.0 [28.6N,43.6W] near Northern Mid-Atlantic Ridge mobile.twitter.com/HKOEAR…
👍︎ 2
👤︎ u/Bonus1Fact
📅︎ Jan 10 2022
🚨︎ report
[scars TW] Mid-Atlantic ridge - Iceland (art by me, @shiroganejpg)
👍︎ 127
👤︎ u/nisabp
📅︎ Oct 19 2021
🚨︎ report
Mid ocean ridge basalt from the Northern Mid Atlantic
👍︎ 516
📅︎ May 02 2021
🚨︎ report
[ROLEPLAY]HMS Queen Elizabeth DESTROYED at Mid Atlantic Ridge, can Ireland's Blackest Hour get any Blacker?


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###The Guardian


January 1st, 2031

#HMS Queen Elizabeth DESTROYED at Mid Atlantic Ridge, can Ireland's Blackest Hour get any Blacker?

>SUMMARY: "In a single beam and blast of misfortune, the HMS Queen Elizabeth aircraft carrier sank beneath the sea"





Is this the blackest hour of Ireland? As France lies defeated within and without, the Republican Navy's lead ship - HMS Queen Elizabeth carrier - lies at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean. An unknown force has destroyed the ship with a single, devastating blast. Oceanographic and seismographic survey reveals the blast to be identical to the event that destroyed the HMS Vanguard and HMS Victorious nuclear submarines.

Previous hypotheses of a natural death of those submarines, but underwater volcano, mudslide, or otherwise, have been thrown off the table. This targeted nature of the attack clearly belied its intelligent nature, leaving theoretical physicist and the defense ministry alike scrambling. No weapon could possibly be this energetic, and yet appears to have targeted Ireland thrice now.

An eyewitness described the disaster:

>"An inexplicable beam of light rose from the ocean surface, reaching for the skies. And with a thundering crash, we knew the Queen Elizabeth was gone. I was lucky enough to have shied away from the blast. My buddy Martin didn't share my good fortunes; says the last thing he saw before his retinas burned was the Queen Elizabeth, back broken in two."


Concerns about a possible German "Wunderwaffe" have naturally risen to the forefront of the public mind. The minister of defense has urged calm, claiming that: "If the Germans had such a weapon, they would have used it in cracking Fortress Holland.". He further promised that "Ireland will find out why our brave men and women were killed."



*© 2030 Guardian News & Media Limited or its

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👍︎ 5
📅︎ Aug 30 2021
🚨︎ report
🌍 Southern Mid-Atlantic Ridge: Earthquake (6.8 M, at 11:10 UTC, from quakesearch.geonet.org.nz)

> ⭕ Earthquake! 6.8 M, registered by scevent, 2021-08-16 11:10:09 UTC (daytime) Southern Mid-Atlantic Ridge (-53.31, -9.87), ↓15 km likely felt 450 km away (quakesearch.geonet.org.nz)


👍︎ 10
📅︎ Aug 16 2021
🚨︎ report
[EVENT]Irish government gives green light on deep sea mining of Mid Atlantic Ridge, despite loss of HMS Vanguard and Victorious, and ecological concerns


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###Financial Times


November 2nd, 2027

#Irish government gives green light on deep sea mining of Mid Atlantic Ridge, despite loss of HMS Vanguard and Victorious, and ecological concerns

>SUMMARY: The Mid Atlantic Ridge has been under oceanographic investigation for the past 5 years, showing considerable potential for commercial deep sea mining. The unexplained loss of two nuclear submarines in this region has caused concern for safety, and commercial exploitation disallowed. The Irish government has deemed the region “sufficiently safe for mining activities”, and lifted the ban.



>VIDEO: What is Deep Sea mining?


The Irish government has given Green Light for the commercial exploitation of the Mid Atlantic Ridge. Blocks A1.35 through D2.12, which puts the approved area some distance away from the “Disaster Blocks” A1.02 and 1.03.

It is in these “Disaster Blocks” that the HMS Vanguard and HMS Victorious are believed to have been lost due to unexplained causes. Over the past several years, no such issues have occurred during routine oceanographic surveying of the blocks currently up for sale. This leads to the belief the “Disaster Block” is a local effect that does not affect Blocks further away.


Mining the resource rich ocean floor is expected to alter Irish position on the global market considerably. Ready access to mineral resources can be directly exported, but also further processed in Irish heavy industry; a market sector that is being thrown open thanks to China and Germany’s situations. Because the Irish government paid for these geological services, only Irish companies have been permitted to take part in the Auction. Current contract winners are (in decreasing order of blocks purchased):

  1. Rio Tinto
  2. BHP Group
  3. Anglo American

Most Blocks are located at an average depth of 5km, driving a wave of innovation in building technologies. The reward is a field of metallic nodules, where rare elements are ripe for the picking.



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📅︎ Aug 08 2021
🚨︎ report
[ROLEPLAY]Archeological Find of the Century? Rio Tinto Deep Sea Mining uncovers ancient ruins at the Mid Atlantic Ridge


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###The Guardian


November 30th, 2028

#Archeological Find of the Century? Rio Tinto Deep Sea Mining uncovers ancient ruins at the Mid Atlantic Ridge

>SUMMARY: Rio Tinto’s Deep Sea Mining division has been setting up a mining operation at the bottom of the Mid Atlantic Ridge for just over a year. Their most recent test drills uncovered a ruin complex below the ocean sediment. The Irish government has forced Rio Tinto to halt their mining operations due to the find, and may give them a replacement mining block in return.



>IMAGE: 3D SAI render of the archeological site


Is this the archeological find of the century? Rio Tinto Deep Sea Mining has stumbled upon an unexplained ancient ruin complex in Block A1.36 of their Mid Atlantic Ridge mining operation. The mining giant encountered the structure when one of their test mining bits unexpectedly hit the hard rock buildings, instead of the expected soft ocean sediment. This accidental discovery is believed to have damaged one of the complex' buildings significantly, and the Irish government has ordered an immediate halt of Rio Tinto’s mining operations to preserve the archeological wonder.

The discovery has shocked scientists and historians to their very core. How these ruins have appeared several kilometers below the ocean surface is a complete mystery. Throughout human history, this region has always been at the bottom of the ocean. Speculation and theories are abundant, with some people suggesting it is definite proof of aliens, or that the formation may be a natural occurrence. Allegations of a PR-stunt are also abound, but unfounded.

In order to investigate and protect the complex, the Queen Elizabeth carrier task force has been deployed. As the complex lies below the operating depths of the Republic Navy’s submarines, Subterranean Acoustic Imaging has been used to great effect in mapping the ruins.

Subterranean Acoustic Imaging is a form of echolocation or sonar, where explosives are used t

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👍︎ 4
📅︎ Aug 21 2021
🚨︎ report
[ROLEPLAY] HMS Victorious joins Vanguard in a watery grave at Mid Atlantic Ridge, only lone audio file recovered (LATE)


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###The Guardian


March 2nd, 2025

#HMS Victorious joins Vanguard in a watery grave at Mid Atlantic Ridge, only lone audio file recovered

>SUMMARY: After the loss of the HMS Vanguard nuclear research sub at the Mid Atlantic Ridge, its sister ship, the HMS Victorious, now shares in its watery grave. Cause of loss remains unexplained, except for a seismographic spike as with the loss of the Vanguard. HMS Victorious has managed to transmit an audio message in the final moments before its demise.



>AUDIO: Recovered audio file, HMS Victorious’ last transmission


Mimicking the tragic disappearance of the HMS Vanguard, the HMS Victorious has been lost in a similarly unexplained situation. The HMS Victorious was undergoing a double mission of oceanographic study and a search for wreckage of the HMS Vanguard. It’s operating area therefore coincided with that of the Vanguard. Seismographs again measured a spike in activity at this location at the time of Victorious’s loss.

> Seismograph Daniel Olivaw:
> We notice this very prominent jump in seismic activity. By itself, this wouldn’t be very exceptional, as the Mid Atlantic Ridge is tectonically active and prone to small earthquakes or even underwater volcanoes. What sets these two seismic events apart is the unique signature of their shockwaves. Without going into the boring details, the events are almost identical, and quite distinct from usual background activity.
> Most curiously, we measure the Mid Atlantic Ridge all the time, and this location is no exception. Although records have gone missing during The Collapse, we’ve only measured this type of seismic event twice. First with the loss of the HMS Vanguard, and now with the loss of the HMS Victorious. I don’t know what type of morbid coincidence this is.


In the moments before loss-of-contact, the HMS Victorious was forwarding underwater sounds through high-power analog ULF transmitters with nearby Irish scientific surface vessels. The significance of the sound in relation to the loss of the Vanguard and Victorious remains unknown.

The Navy has released

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📅︎ Aug 07 2021
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[ROLEPLAY]Vanguard nuclear submarine missing at Mid Atlantic Ridge, all hands presumed lost

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###The Guardian


November 22nd, 2022

#Vanguard nuclear submarine missing at Mid Atlantic Ridge, all hands presumed lost

>SUMMARY: One of Ireland’s massive Vanguard class former SSBNs has gone missing. The vessel was tasked with oceanographic surveying of the area. All hands are presumed lost.



>IMAGE: The missing submarine was operating at the Mid Atlantic Ridge


The Irish Navy has revealed that it lost contact with the [Vanguard nuclear research submarine]( https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/HMS_Vanguard_(S28)) at approximately 3:00 AM last night. Oceanographic survey systems have measured an explosion triangulated to have taken place near the Vanguard class’ survey area.

The Irish navy has announced a large-scale salvage and rescue operation in the region, including the Queen Elizabeth supercarrier. The hopes of a rescue grow slimmer by the hour however.

In light of the seismographic data, a catastrophic nuclear meltdown is considered a possible reason. As a safety precaution, the Vanguard’s three sister ships have been recalled to port until safety of their nuclear engines can be guaranteed. Therefore, these vessels will not be taking part in the rescue operations, leaving only surface vessels.

Beyond the nuclear meltdown, a small underwater volcanic eruption or landslide are also possible explanations. The region in the Mid Atlantic Ridge where the Vanguard class were operating is both volcanic and mountainous. Reports by the sister ships describe it as “chasmic” and “difficult to navigate”.



© 2022 Guardian News & Media Limited or its affiliated companies. All rights reserved.

👍︎ 3
📅︎ Jul 04 2021
🚨︎ report
🌎 Northern Mid-Atlantic Ridge: Terremoto - Earthquake - Séisme - Sismo (6.0 Mww, at 03:18 UTC, from www.seismicportal.eu)

> 🌒 Terremoto! Earthquake! Séisme! Sismo! 6.0 Mww, registered by 6 agencies, 2022-01-04 03:18:37 UTC (crescent moon), Northern Mid-Atlantic Ridge (35.25, -35.31) ± 6 km, ↓5 km likely felt 270 km away (www.seismicportal.eu)


👍︎ 2
📅︎ Jan 04 2022
🚨︎ report
🌍 Central Mid-Atlantic Ridge: Terremoto - Earthquake (5.7 Mww, at 13:50 UTC, from earthquake.usgs.gov)

> 🌍 Terremoto! Earthquake! 5.7 Mww, registered by EMSC,US, 2021-09-01 13:50:12 UTC (daytime) Central Mid-Atlantic Ridge (-1.09, -24.34) ± 6 km, ↓5 km likely felt 220 km away (earthquake.usgs.gov)


👍︎ 2
📅︎ Sep 01 2021
🚨︎ report
🌍 Southern Mid-Atlantic Ridge: Earthquake (6.8 M, at 11:10 UTC, from quakesearch.geonet.org.nz)

> ⭕ Earthquake! 6.8 M, registered by scevent, 2021-08-16 11:10:09 UTC (daytime) Southern Mid-Atlantic Ridge (-53.31, -9.87), ↓15 km likely felt 450 km away (quakesearch.geonet.org.nz)


👍︎ 2
📅︎ Aug 16 2021
🚨︎ report
🌎 Northern Mid-Atlantic Ridge: Séisme - Earthquake (5.5 Mb, at 18:01 UTC, from www.seismicportal.eu)

> 🌎 Séisme! Earthquake! 5.5 Mb, registered by 4 agencies, 2021-06-26 18:01:23 UTC (daytime) Northern Mid-Atlantic Ridge (11.76, -44.24) ± 5 km likely felt 190 km away (www.seismicportal.eu)


👍︎ 6
📅︎ Jun 26 2021
🚨︎ report

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