A list of puns related to "Ioan Slavici"
Am vazut pe facebook cateva reclame despre aceasta facultate doar ca pe website nu apar multe informatii. Sunt persoane aici care au urmat programul de licenta Tehnologia Informatiei si mi-ar putea da cateva informatii? Ca exemple de informatii: cum sunt profi, cat de ok e materia. Orice alta informatie e bine venita!
"The Lucky Mill" is a Romanian book about a young man, Ghiศฤ, who goes in a downward spiral in the search for money. It's similar to Breaking Bad in the sense that it presents how money can corrupt a person.
The story begins and ends with the dialogue of an old woman, who warns Ghiศฤ about his search for money: "Let man be content with his poverty, for, if it is a question, not the wealth, but the peace of your hut makes you happy. But you will do as your heart desires, and may God help you and cover you with the wing of his goodness. I am now old, and because I have had and still have so many joys in life, I do not understand the dissatisfaction of the young and I am afraid that, now seeking a new fortune in old age, I will lose the one I had until the day from today and to give at the end of my life the bitterness that I know only out of fear. You know, you do; don't listen to me." The main character follows by not listening to the words of the old woman, ending up in a long story about how he got in all sorts of illegal businesses.
In the end of the book, the main character loses all control, he kills his wife, the villain of the story kills himself because he's about to be caught by the police, the inn catches fire and the old woman says: "I felt it wasn't going to work out; but that's how it was given to them! ..."
Let's see what went on here. First off, the senex is also called the "old wise man" by Jung. A character mustn't be a literal old wise man to embody that archetype, but here it's literally an old wise... woman.
The first thing that we see is that the woman warns the characters about the dangers of money. In other words, she tells them to sit the fuck down and not get involved in anything, to "stay in your place". This is how the demonstrative (Model A) function operates in Socionics (creative in Model G): we try to mock the function, to discourage the use of the function in the first place to protect our dual from their PoLR. It's the "critical parent" because it discourages any use of the function in the first place, it criticizes any use, nothing is perfect. It's like a cranky old man who isn't satisfied by anything. "Stay tf in your place and don't use this function".
However, we notice that the woman is only a passing character and doesn't intervene in any way in the story to actually prevent the characters from getting "possessed by money". She warns them, tells them to do as she says, but if not she doesn't intervene, only t
... keep reading on reddit โกInca la 1886 scrisesem drama ยซGaspar Voda Gratianiยป, pe care i-am trimis-o Directiunii Teatrului National din Bucuresti. La 28 Martie s. v. 1886, am primit urmatoarea scrisoare: Stimate domnule Slavici, Desi nu am onoarea de a va cunoaste personal, cunosc din reputatie numele D-voastre, stiu ca ati luptat mult pentru cauza nationala, de asemenea ati scris si mai mult pentru raspandirea literaturii romane. Faptul ce s-a Intamplat aseara In sala de lectura a Teatrului National, de fata fiind directorul general, membrii comitetului si Intreg personalul artistic la citirea piesei D-voastre โGaspar , Gratianiโ mi-a umplut inima de dezgust, Incat nu m-am putut opri de-a nu vi-l face cunoscut si D-voastre. Usurinta, nepasarea si mai ales batjocura cu care se trateaza scrierile literare pentru Teatru, cu deosebire ale transilvanenilor, a ajuns un ce revoltator! Usurinta ridicola cu care s-au apreciat scrierile lui Vulcan ce-a trimis si trimite necontenit pentru a fi jucate aici mia prevestit raceala si batjocura cu care va fi primita si piesa dumitale. Desi domnul Urechia, Impreuna cu Maiorescu, a citit piesa dumitale si, gasind-o buna, a recomandat-o cu deosebita atentiune comitetului teatral, totusi domnul D. Olanescu, membru In comitet, autor si traducator al mai multor piese clasice, a gasit scrierea dumitale nula si ridicola pana In ultimul grad. Pentru a altera si mai mult gustul ce-ar fi putut prinde artistii de piesa dumitale, domnia lui, D. Olanescu, care o citea, a Inceput sa imite dialectul transilvanenilor, sa-l exagereze chiar, ceea ce producea ras mare printre auditori. Afara de asta, artistul care era sa joace pe Gratiani, neconvenindu-i sub nici un chip acest rol, deoarece avea sa Invete mult pe de rost, a refuzat cu usurinta de a-l juca si prin urmare Directiunea a gasit de cuviinta a respinge piesa dumitale, desi se gasesc Inca 2-3 persoane printre artistii teatrului care ar fi putut sa faca o frumoasa creatie din acest rol. Un alt motiv a mai gasit Directiunea pentru a respinge scrierea dumitale si acesta ar fi ca aproape toate frazele sunt repetate de doua ori si ca piesa ar fi scrisa In dialect transilvanean, deoarece e scrisa de un transilvanean, ceea ce a facut pe domnul Olanescu sa se opreasca din citire si sa adauge urmatoarele cuvinte textual: Doamnelor si domnilor! Trebuie sa stiti ca piesa e scrisa de un transilvanean, In stilul ยซRevistei literareยป, si taranul din Transilvania e atat de bou, Incat fiecare fraza si fiecare cuvant chiar
... keep reading on reddit โกMฤ gรขndisem azi, cum ar suna รฎnceputul eseului vostru preferat ศi la ce operฤ este.
Al meu probabil cฤ ar incepe aศa: " รn recensฤmintele din 1746-1747 trฤiau doi iobagi pe cรขmpiile ศiriei, respectiv Slavity Szlav ศi Slavit Arzinte [...]"---Moara cu noroc
crede ti ca este posibil sa ceara la subiectul 3 nuvela? gen 'caracterizarea unui personaj dintr o nuvela studiata'? fiindca asa ar o singura optiune si Ioan Slavici e singurul pe care nu l am invatat. Am inceput sa ma panichez putin
Testul 4: โaparศinรขnd lui George Bacoviaโ, testul 6: โtext dramatic studiatโ
Testul 8: โaparศinรขnd lui Ioan Slavici sau lui Liviu Rebreanuโ, testul 10: โaparศinรขnd lui Liviu Rebreanu sau lui Mihail Sadoveanuโ
Subiectul 3, la simulare (uman) caracterizare unui personaj dintr-o opera studiata, de Ioan Slavici
Salut! Am spus acum cateva zile intr-un comentariu aici ca am memorat toate comentariile la romana in 4 zile, iar asta a rezultat intr-un numar neasteptat de mare de mesaje private cu intrebari. Astfel, aici am sa detaliez exact metoda mea.
P.S. textul e copiat dintr-un post de al meu de anul trecut.
Daca ai 5 minute libere, citeste, nu o sa regreti!
Inainte de toate, scriu asta la 4 dimineata dupa ce am terminat cu invatatul, asa ca scuzati posibilele greseli de tipografie / exprimare.
Acum, am vazut ca foarte multi va plangeti ca nu puteti memora, ca nu va ramane nimic in cap, sau ca ati invatat tot si acum ati uitat.
Vreau sa va povestesc despre o chestie, care sper sa va ajute cu problemele de acest tip.
Imaginati-va urmatorul lucru:
Creierul vostru functioneaza precum un hard-disk pentru calculator. Poti pune informatie in el, multa. Si cum o pui acolo? In diferite foldere, iar folderele impartite pe mai multe partitii (C, D, E, alea, le stiti). Asemanator, in creierul vostru informatia se stocheaza, dar se stocheaza intr-un anumit loc.
Acum ca ati vizualizat aceasta chestie si sper ca ati facut aceasta legatura, hai sa vedem de ce "nu va intra nimic in cap" sau de ce "ati uitat tot" :D
Informatia nu se uita, ci doar se stocheaza in anumite locuri, hai sa le zicem compartimente. Si creierul vostru blocheaza marea majoritate a compartimentelor, ca sa nu o luati razna de la atatea ganduri simultan.
Cand voi spuneti ca ati uitat tot ce ati invatat, sau ca ati tot repetat dar nu ati retinut, ceea ce se intampla de fapt este ca al vostru creier nu va gaseste acele compartimente unde aveti informatia. Si nu pentru ca nu vrea, ci pentru ca ii este foarte greu. La fel cum v-ar fi voua sa cautati un fisier pe un calculator, daca absolut toate fisierele ar fi in dezordine totala si nu ati avea un reper.
Stim de ce se intampla asta, propun sa aflam si cum reparam asta. :D
Foarte simplu actually: ne construim repere. Orice invatati, asociati informatia cu ceva familiar si greu de confundat.
De exemplu: Inveti la romana un comentariu. Imagineaza-ti ca tot ce povestesti se intampla in fata ta, in camera ta. Astfel, daca sa zicem ca ai de memorat ca Ioan Slavici s-a remarcat in sec XIX, ca a fost un realist clasic, si ca expunea viata satului din Transilvania, tu ti-l imaginezi pe Slavici cum sta pe patul tau, deasupra caruia e un calendar cu "XIX", iar el se uita la un tablou cu Transilvania.
Eh, acum
Tocmai sunt in maศinฤ dupa ce am dat simularea de BAC si la subiectul 3 a picat modalitatea de construcศie a unui personaj dintr-o opera de Ioan Slavici adica Moara cu Noroc!
I don't want to step on anybody's toes here, but the amount of non-dad jokes here in this subreddit really annoys me. First of all, dad jokes CAN be NSFW, it clearly says so in the sub rules. Secondly, it doesn't automatically make it a dad joke if it's from a conversation between you and your child. Most importantly, the jokes that your CHILDREN tell YOU are not dad jokes. The point of a dad joke is that it's so cheesy only a dad who's trying to be funny would make such a joke. That's it. They are stupid plays on words, lame puns and so on. There has to be a clever pun or wordplay for it to be considered a dad joke.
Again, to all the fellow dads, I apologise if I'm sounding too harsh. But I just needed to get it off my chest.
Do your worst!
I'm surprised it hasn't decade.
Nu am vazut niciunde ceva concret, doar articolul postat de minister, dar nu il inteleg si nu am priceput ce intra si ce s-o scos. Va multumesc.
For context I'm a Refuse Driver (Garbage man) & today I was on food waste. After I'd tipped I was checking the wagon for any defects when I spotted a lone pea balanced on the lifts.
I said "hey look, an escaPEA"
No one near me but it didn't half make me laugh for a good hour or so!
Edit: I can't believe how much this has blown up. Thank you everyone I've had a blast reading through the replies ๐
It really does, I swear!
Because she wanted to see the task manager.
Heard they've been doing some shady business.
Hi! Thank you all for your suggestions.
Apologies for my formatting, I'm not great with computers. Do let me know if I could do it better.
Let me know if people are keen for an international book club! We could make a sub for it or just have a weekly thread here? :)
EDIT: u/WillOCarrick very kindly made this: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1fG5Ziipb_aiFzuj_HFozzK-8DyczhVqFEAJx40xKBzw/edit?usp=sharing
So we can edit and add to it directly! When we've got one for every country, I'll make a sub and we can start going through them book club style :)
So far we have:
|Country|Work|Author| (if country blank, continuation of the above)
|Canada|Anne of Green Gables|Lucy Maud Montgomery|
||The Handmaid's Tale|Margaret Atwood|
|USA|To Kill a Mockingbird|Harper Lee|
||The Great Gatsby|F Scott Fitzgerald|
||The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn|Mark Twain|
||East of Eden|John Steinbeck|
||Moby Dick|Herman Melville|
|England|Great Expectations|Charles Dickens|
||Oliver Twist|Charles Dickens|
||Pride and Prejudice|Jane Austen|
||1984|George Orwell|
||To the Lighthouse|Virginia Woolf|
||Frankenstein|Mary Shelley|
|Bolivia|Nataniel Aguirre|Juan de La Rosa|
|Republic of Ireland|Gulliver's Travels|Jonathan Swift|
||Ulysses|James Joyce|
|Northern Ireland|At Swim Two Birds|Flann O'Brien|
|Scotland|Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde|Robert Louis Stevenson|
|Wales|How Green was my Valley|Richard Llewellyn|
|France|Ninety-Three|Victor Hugo|
||The Outsider|Camus|
||Les Misรฉrables|Victor Hugo|
||Madame Bovary|Gustave Flaubert|
||The Count of Monte Cristo|Alexandre Dumas|
||The Three Musketeers|Alexandre Dumas|
||In Search of Lost Time (V1)|Marcel Proust|
||La Pere Goriot|Honorรฉ de Balzac|
||Au Bonheur des Dames|Emil Zola|
|Italy|The Name of the Rose|Umberto Eco|
||The Leopard|Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa|
||My Brilliant Friend|Elena Ferrante|
||The Path to the Nest of Spiders|Italo Calvini|
||One, No One and One Hundred Thousand|Luigi Pirandello|
||The Betrothed|Alessandro Manzoni|
||Pinocchio|Carlo Collodi|
|Pakistan|Collected Stories|VS Naipaul|
||Train to Pakistan- Khushwant Singh|Khushwant Singh|
||Remnants of a Partition|Aanchal Malhotra|
|Spain|Don Quixote|Miguel Cervantes|
||Platero y yo|Juan Ramรณn Jimรฉnez|
||La Casa de Bernarda Alba|Federico Garcรญa Lorca|
||Bodas de Sangre|Federico Garcรญa Lorca|
||The Life o
... keep reading on reddit โกbut then I remembered it was ground this morning.
Edit: Thank you guys for the awards, they're much nicer than the cardboard sleeve I've been using and reassures me that my jokes aren't stale
Edit 2: I have already been made aware that Men In Black 3 has told a version of this joke before. If the joke is not new to you, please enjoy any of the single origin puns in the comments
Theyโre on standbi
Pilot on me!!
A play on words.
Christopher Walken
Nothing, he was gladiator.
Or would that be too forward thinking?
Dad jokes are supposed to be jokes you can tell a kid and they will understand it and find it funny.
This sub is mostly just NSFW puns now.
If it needs a NSFW tag it's not a dad joke. There should just be a NSFW puns subreddit for that.
Edit* I'm not replying any longer and turning off notifications but to all those that say "no one cares", there sure are a lot of you arguing about it. Maybe I'm wrong but you people don't need to be rude about it. If you really don't care, don't comment.
What did 0 say to 8 ?
" Nice Belt "
So What did 3 say to 8 ?
" Hey, you two stop making out "
When I got home, they were still there.
I won't be doing that today!
They were cooked in Greece.
This morning, my 4 year old daughter.
Daughter: I'm hungry
Me: nerves building, smile widening
Me: Hi hungry, I'm dad.
She had no idea what was going on but I finally did it.
Thank you all for listening.
Where ever you left it ๐คทโโ๏ธ๐คญ
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