A list of puns related to "Girls Lean Back Everywhere"
My wife asked me if I (a guy) could do it then showed me this YouTube video, but I can do this no problem. Is this a real thing or just one of those weird trends that's completely made up?
Two weeks ago today I gave Mods notice of my intent to take an indefinite hiatus and I stepped back from my Mod responsibilities, but not away from this Community. Today that self-imposed hiatus comes to an end as I make the somber decision to resign my role as a SuperStonk Mod. I am also coming out of the shadows to share with you all my Authentic self: Who I am; What I believe in; and Where I hope progress, conviction and the current of life takes us all. I do these things not out of ego, but because to not do so would create a duality - a duplicity - that I don't want to live in, or with - a Stonk me and an IRL me. So, I must step back from my role here, to step forward to serve Apes with my Work going forward.
After this week's concerted FUD campaign against Mods I wanted to take a moment to peel back the curtain and let you know what it's like to be a Mod at SuperStonk. First, the work Mods do for this sub is intense and what we face, literally, seems beyond sane at times. The bizarre, shifting, divisive and calculated FUD campaigns are never ending. The stakes are high. Everyone's emotions are on edge. With this backdrop, Mods serve Apes tirelessly day in and day out to do justice to the faith this Community puts in them.
Most Mod work is unseen by design and therefor by structure and definition it is thankless work. And though they are and must be public figures at times, they remain modest as best possible. Mods know they are not "other than", they are Apes first, Mods second. It's a core value and shared ideal of all Mods. But Mods' work and unique commitment to this sub and community should be recognized, respected and appreciated for what it is - dedicated and selfless. So thank a Mod today, and tomorrow, and be patient with them everyday. They work FOR you, and for your families, and your dreams.
As one of a handful of moderators here at SuperStonk on that first fateful Sunday, I watched this Community grow from 1 to 100,000 in 24 hours, and grow to, as I'm writing this, 420,069+ members. (Coincidently, on[ 4/20 my Karma hit 69,420](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments
... keep reading on reddit โกFormat - sets x reps Monday : Push - 55 mins including warm-up. Tuesday : Cardio - 50 mins. Wednesday : Pull - 55 mins. Thursday : Push Friday : Cardio Saturday : Pull Sunday : Cardio
Edit : let me write about beginner struggle as well. I couldn't do one pull up, now I am able to 11. I used to practice with resistance band, I used to do as many reps as possible using bands. I remeber using 4 resistance bands & feeling embarrassed about my incompetence in pulling my own body up. But I didn't give up. Slowly I reduced the bands. Bands helped me gain strength very quickly. & Soon I could do 4 pull ups, then 6 & now 11. Then I added weights. I could hardly do 8 push ups, now 25. I started with RR which is presented here. I followed Reddit Recommended Routine for around 3 months. It helped me understand the basics of movement, constructing my own routine & gain initial strength while losing fat. Now, my present routine is like this...
Push routine : ( 2 minutes 30 seconds rest in between exercises )
RTO Dips - 6 x 6 ( slowly came to 6 reps in 2-3 weeks, initially could do 4 ), 3 minutes rest between sets.
Ring push ups - 5 x 8 ( I can do 25 ground push ups, but on rings, push ups are hard ) , 2 minutes rest
Ring flys - 3 x 8 ( rings around waist height ) 1'30" rest
Shoulder Press - 20 kgs weight - 4 x 9 reps.
Handstand practice - now can do for 35sec x 3. Wall assisted for now.
Pull routine : (2'30" rest in between exercise sets)
Weighted pull ups - I add 7 kgs weight, Plus I increase weight/reps weekly. 6 x 6 reps, to failure. (3' rest)
Inverted Rows - 3 x 12-13 ( legs bent, I am exhausted in arms , 1'30" rest )
Ring face pulls - 3 x 14 reps ( I try to squeeze at the end, I feel my rear delts tired towards the end) ( 1'30" rest)
Pelican curls - 3 x 4-5 ( I release i.e. go towards gravity/eccentric almost ho
Obviously a lot of rest, but what do I actually go today???
I very much had a whole Luna Lovegood impersonation going on for a few years. Just played up the weirdness of ADHD brain to the max, saying the most random (in the 2007 sense of the word) things as complete non sequiturs, powerclashing in insanely bright clothes, drawing all over my hands and just acting like I was too creative and interesting to pay attention. Looking back it was definitely a masking attempt, and I feel like I can't be the only one here who did this.
Surprise, 13 year old me, you are not a magical fairy who wandered into the mortal realm, you just have an undiagnosed neurodevelopmental disorder!
My video wouldn't upload properly so here's a Imgur link instead.
any help is appreciated
So I know this might be picky, but I just picked up an A80J 65in and I'm using a soundbar, so I have the feet set to allow that. The TV is sitting on a level table (I did use a level) but the entire TV when you look at it from the side is angled back quite a bit. So much so that I had to put little shims under the back of each leg to try and angle it forward to make it look straight. I double-checked the legs to make sure they were in properly and they seem pretty idiot proof, so I'm wondering if this is something others have seen, or is it just me?
I turn 30 in August and have approximately $250,000 in investments. When I was 23, I started graduate school for math, but dropped out due to mental health reasons. I ended up starting a career in Human Resources, and now earn $130,000 in a VHCOL city. I neither love or hate my job, but know that I am not doing what excites me or is fulfilling.
I live very frugally (perfect for a PhD student!), and I believe my savings rate is 70-80%.
I'd like to return to graduate school for math. Do you think it makes sense to save to a certain $ amount and then applying? I'm thinking 500k, which my calculations have me hitting in 2 years.
Part of me is also not feeling super confidant about leaving such a high paying job with incredible benefits (free health insurance, a traditional DB pension, 401k contributions, and more). It's hard to walk away from that. Which leaves me feeling like, maybe I need to work until I hit 1 million before leaving, which my estimates have me hitting in about 6 years.
Either way, I plan on independently studying math until I FIRE, whatever that number happens to be.
Any advice for me?
Edit: The purpose of getting the PhD would be to go work in the industry (quantum computing).
Tuesday back to buisness
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