A list of puns related to "Flow graph"
This is an article that I wrote yesterday, that avoids ALL of the popular false value propositions (such as solving complexity or forecasting) and INSTEAD focuses on ACTUAL value propositions such as comparing generated graphs to real world statistics in order to question assumptions about what is causing statistics.
Please note that I completely avoided the word "systems thinking" because it is a loaded word that itself contains a lot of false assumptions. Instead I focused ONLY on using stock and flow models to represent an analog computer.
*If your goal is to "make money" then you can sell hype and charlatanism like everybody else in the big data world, BUT my interest is more towards providing actual value in terms of seeing problems with bad metrics and sloppy interpretations of statistics.
I would really like to see the flow rate of my nozzle presented on a strip chart plot like the thermals are. While I'm dreaming, it would be cool if I could also plot speed and a configurable horizontal threshold marker for either axes. I think I know the answer, but is there any way to do this?
I'm beginner in Golang. Created a flow package that would allow to perform actions in flow using graph. Please checkout repo: https://github.com/sujit-baniya/flow
Feel free to comment or suggest any ideas and improvements.
Can you suggest GitHub repos that have collections of flow graphs?
What I'm trying to do, is output a file containing pulse-frequency modulated pulses, from an input file containing WAV audio (open to using other FOSS tools). I want the 450MHz signal to pulse at full power for a specified period of time (say 100 microseconds), every time a peak is detected in the WAV file (which may also require resampling). I've looked through the available core blocks in GRC, and this flow graph contains the ones that seem to be relevant: https://imgur.com/a/WWtB7eM
What is the best approach to write PFM to a file, to be transmitted by a HackRF later?
This writeup about using PWM to play audio is close to what I'm after.
Anyone have good resources for identifying covid in Flow Cytometry?
In operations research class we studied the Ford-Fulkerson algorithm and at the exam we have to run each iteration by hand (in a sort of pseudocode). Since we're not implementing it with coding we don't need to use BFS/DFS and we can just pick random augmenting paths each iteration.
However I didn't understand how to test if there are any more augmenting paths (by hand).
In the book "Introduction to Operations Research" by Hilier Lieberman they write:
>To illustrate, consider the network of Fig. 9.7. One interesting cut through this network is shown in Fig. 9.10. Notice that the value of the cut is 3 + 4 + 1 + 6 = 14, which was found to be the maximum value of F, so this cut is a minimum cut. Notice also that, in the residual network resulting from iteration 7, where F = 14, the corresponding cut has a value of zero. If this had been noticed, it would not have been necessary to search for additional augmenting paths.
This is Fig. 9.7. with the original network
This is Fig. 9.10. with one of the possible minimum cuts among many
This is the residual network after iteration 7
I don't know how much this would help me since I would have to check it by hand. If I want to check if there are any more augmenting paths, I need to find the minimum cut, but how do I check if a cut is the minimum one? Don't I have to compare it with the max flow? Then it would result in a sort of infinite loop/circular logic where to find one I need to know the other?
On Wikipedia this is written:
>When no more paths in step 2 can be found, s will not be able to reach t in the residual network. If S is the set of nodes reachable by s in the residual network, then the total capacity in the original network of edges from S to the remainder of V is on the one hand equal to the total flow we found from s to t, and on the other hand serves as an upper bound for all such flows. This proves that the flow we found is maximal. See also Max-flow Min-cut theorem.
I don't understand what they mean by some notations. What is "the set of nodes reachable by s in the residual network"? When drawing the residual network you draw the graph with all the nodes in it instead of only illustrating one path so the set "S" includes all nodes already from the way I understood it. And what is the "remainder of V"?
So is th
... keep reading on reddit β‘Has anyone figured out a streamlined system for using spreadsheets to graph models? It seems like there could be basic math formulas that can be linked together into online spreadsheets that let users graph columns, so that it would be easy to make online functioning models. For example, a basic math formula for a stock attached to a formula for a flow attached to other stocks. A column in a spreadsheet can be graphed, and a column can represent quantities over time.
The math seems easy. (If beans are flowing from stock1 to stock 2, then you know that the total of stock1+stock2 stays the same, so wouldn't it just be a matter of graphing a column for stock1 and graphing a column for stock 2, then the math for a basic flow is (beans in stock1 - Rate-of-flow*number-of-minutes) + beans in stock2 = Total number of beans.So it would progress as stock1 (50 beans) + stock2 (0 beans) = 50. Then 45 beans + 5 beans = 5040 beans + 10 beans = 50
If 3 stocks drain into 1 stock, then the total amoung those stocks stays the same, the graph the quantities in individual stocks.
A bitmap picture of the stock and flow model can put the numbers in context.
Image of Bow River flow rate graph since March 2020 (max range) - link to that graph
2013 floods show up clearly in historical data table. 410 m^(3)/s for June that year vs 223 m^(3)/s historic mean. So cool to see the annual cycle from about ~50m^(3)/s in winter to ~200 m^(3)/s in summer - much greater difference than I would've guessed!
This paper has a new and original approach to proving the conjecture.
The authors believe that they found the proof. Do you agree?
Hi all,
My reading has taken me to "A study of irreducibility in C programs". I can't actually read this as its behind a pay wall, which im not sure this one paper is worth the signup or $50 yet.
The road to that paper - I'm aware of the costs (pros and cons) to handling irreducibility. I am curious as to what the current mainstream compilers (LLVM, GCC) do in this regards.
The overall vibe around this area and my impression of the summary of "A study of irreducibility in C programs" is implying that the industry decided to not handle irreducibility.
Does anyone know the internals of GCC or LLVM enough to know if they do handle irreducible graphs, or if they leave them?
Kind regards,
M β
Hello Squad, I decided to price out graph based on estimations of internally generated cash flows. The value was lower than I anticipated. For the Graph to be worth a $10B market cap it would need 833 billion queries per month assuming a 10% return. At today's query volumes it is worth $24M total ignoring costs to actually query the data so this can be viewed as an aggressive number. Can you all cross-reference my assumptions for reasonableness and let me know if I am missing anything? Thanks. Calculations below (they wouldn't let me publish a picture so video it is I guess).
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