Very informative website on Image Morphology: dilation, erosion, opening etc…
👍︎ 3
👤︎ u/RMSEP
📅︎ Feb 07 2016
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Morphological Image Processing | Erosion | Best Set-Theoretic Explanation of Erosion by DeepEigen

DeepEigen recently shared public lecture on Morphological Operations - Erosion, here is the link to the public Lecture: Erosion_Youtube_DeepEigen

Instructor Sanjeev Sharma explained Erosion mathematically, the type of explanation is not available in any Book/Research Paper/ University Lecture. Please give a valuable feedback to the lecture.

The video is a part of the course Introduction to Robotics & Visual Navigation Module I: Computer Vision.

Here are some other public lectures by DeepEigen: Public_Lectures_DeepEigen

👍︎ 2
👤︎ u/shani_786
📅︎ Aug 09 2020
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Cannabis leaf shape is not predictive of THC & CBD content in hybrids. Naming conventions based on leaf morphology (sativa vs indica) do not correspond to the cannabinoid chemistry in plants with hybrid ancestry, finds new study.
👍︎ 1k
📅︎ May 14 2021
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How Martian araneiforms get their shapes: morphological analysis and diffusion-limited aggregation model for polar surface erosion…
👍︎ 3
👤︎ u/scio-nihil
📅︎ Oct 31 2019
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Cannabis leaf shape is not predictive of THC & CBD content in hybrids. Naming conventions based on leaf morphology (sativa vs indica) do not correspond to the cannabinoid chemistry in plants with hybrid ancestry, finds new study.
👍︎ 153
📅︎ May 14 2021
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Yet Another Erosion
👍︎ 8k
📅︎ May 09 2021
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CIA Chief: Erosion of democracy is a very real problem in many parts of the world…
👍︎ 9k
📅︎ Apr 16 2021
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Hyphomycete with a "shockwave" colonial morphology.
👍︎ 180
👤︎ u/Xiambola
📅︎ Apr 24 2021
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What microorganisms grow straight up this way? Why is it that it’s growing straight up and not more towards the agar?? I know one can not solely identify any microorganism by morphology and appearance just sincerely curious.
👍︎ 131
📅︎ Apr 12 2021
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The Erosion Of Personal Ownership - Everything From Your Fridge To Your Tractor Can Change Without Your Permission.…
👍︎ 2k
👤︎ u/speckz
📅︎ Apr 22 2021
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Hi My wife 30F and I 32 M have been TTC since April 2020.All her blood work and HSG look good as per her GYN. My Sperm parameters all look good too I think. Below results are with 3 day abstinence. Is volume a concern? And what about Morphology just above 4 %. Please comment. Thx
👍︎ 4
👤︎ u/astzz922
📅︎ May 18 2021
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Galápagos rock formation Darwin’s Arch collapses from erosion
👍︎ 447
📅︎ May 18 2021
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2% morphology and vericocele confirmed…. Any advice??

Hi all! Me (25F) and my husband (26M) have recently gotten back the results of his SA. His SA was according to the Kruger Strict Criteria, and the urologist we went to said all his other numbers were in the normal range, but his morphology was at a 2%. The urologist also confirmed my husband has a vericocele in his left testicle.

All this to say- the doctor acted totally cool with these results. He said that at some point my husband may want to get surgery but didn’t recommend it now and basically told us to just keep trying for x amount of time. Part of me felt like he was just being so casual since we are on the “younger” side of things. He even stated that since I have another 10 solid years of good reproductive age that he wasn’t worried. Which really irritated me. I have been trying to research morphology and vericoceles and everything seems so unclear. In your opinion, should we advocate for vericocele surgery sooner? Is 2% morphology a concern? Has anyone had any luck with morphology improvement issuing certain supplements?

I certainly want to be proactive, but I don’t know what the right choice is to make. I’m hoping I can get some advice here. So far everything I’ve read online makes low morphology/ vericoceles either seem like no big deal, or it makes it seem like a huge deal. I would just like to hear other peoples thoughts.

Thank you all.

👍︎ 4
📅︎ May 18 2021
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LST/HST method for side of tent autos that grow with a Ruderalis/Indica morphology of 1 kola + 4 nodes of branching
👍︎ 8
📅︎ May 02 2021
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A friend has started making 50 second morphology videos if anyone is interested!…
👍︎ 23
👤︎ u/Rigigin
📅︎ Apr 23 2021
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IUI 2 worked! Low AMH and poor morphology was losing hope it would happen!! Freaking out. Today I am pregnant.
👍︎ 141
📅︎ Mar 30 2021
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CEO of The Washingtonian: "I worry about the erosion of office culture with more remote work"…
👍︎ 90
👤︎ u/holyeffman
📅︎ May 10 2021
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Mould spores (conidia)- Presumptively IDed, from this morphology, as Cladosporium sp.
👍︎ 8
👤︎ u/Xiambola
📅︎ May 16 2021
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Images showing how beavers can drastically trasform the water flow and morphology of a river
👍︎ 221
📅︎ Mar 08 2021
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Above Average in Everything BUT Morphology?

Three months ago, I made a thread here asking for assistance on how to increase my husband’s motility and morphology. His first sperm analysis results were as follows:

Total Motile Count: 56 million

Motility: 17%

Morphology: 0%

We took the advice here to get him on a vitamin regime (NAC, CoQ10, Fish Oil, Zinc, L-Carnitine, Vitamin D, Men’s Multivitamin) and daily 30 minute icings for three months. Yesterday, we got the results of his second SA:

Total Motile Count: 254 million

Motility: 70%

Progressive Motility: 68%

Morphology: 1%

It’s such a huge improvement!! But his morphology is still below average. My RE seems to think his results are okay for now, but should we be concerned regardless? Are there any vitamins specifically for increasing morphology?

👍︎ 7
👤︎ u/Kiltina
📅︎ Apr 08 2021
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Templatic morphology in Mirja

Just wrote all this up for the Conlang Mailing List; figured I might as well post it here as well.

Templatic morphology, of a sort best known from Semitic, is minorly relevant in my conlang Mirja. Mirja mostly has normal concatenative morphology (alongside a host of phonological processes that screw with the resulting sequence of phonemes), but it has one template-based morphological process (or possibly two if I decide to go along with my idea for another one): plurality is indicated by making sure the last two syllables of a word follow a (C)VVCV pattern:

nali 'person' > naali 'people (in general)'
rhakama 'leader' > rhakaama 'leaders (in general)'

(This is usually a kind of collective plural rather than a true more-than-one plural, except with pronouns.)

This pattern doesn't get realised until after the addition of any other morphology:

naliri 'person-OBL' > naliiri 'person\PL-OBL'
rhakamara 'leader-OBL' > rhakamaara 'leader\PL-OBL'

It will end up overriding skeletal positions that are incompatible with the pattern, even if they're part of the root; and roots that already fit the pattern remain unchanged:

anna 'friend' > aana 'friends'
maali 'cat'~'cats'

So what happens to words that are only one syllable, and don't have enough material to fill the template in the first place? It seems like you just copy and paste:

ma '2sg' > maama '2pl'
no '1sg' > noono '1pl'

However, it turns out there's no copying involved whatsoever: you've just replaced the shape of the word, but not the underlying segments. From an autosegmental perspective, you still only have the segments /ma/ or /no/, they're just associated to a CVVCV skeleton - with the result that e.g. one /m/ is multiply associated to two C positions. In a lot of languages, there's no non-theoretical motivation for this analysis versus the copy-paste analysis, but in Mirja there is - because there's a morpheme that's just a floating feature bundle* that docks to the last consonant of a word and turns it into a voiceless fricative:

ma '2sg' > mha [ɸa] '2sg\TOP'
no '1sg' > nho [θɔ] '1sg\TOP'

When this attaches to a one-syllable root word that's been extended to fit the CVVCV plural template, both of the 'copies' of the consonant are altered:

maama '2pl' > mhaamha [ɸaaɸa] '2pl\TOP'
noono '1pl' > nhoonho [θɔɔθɔ] '1pl\TOP'

From a theoretical perspective, there's only one cons

... keep reading on reddit ➡

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👍︎ 29
👤︎ u/sjiveru
📅︎ Apr 10 2021
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Any tips for low sperm morphology?

I'm 27, my husband is 29. TTC for about 18 months. We're both overall healthy. My tests have all come back normal, my husbands morphology came back at 1%. He doesnt smoke or drink, doesnt even drink coffee. We eat pretty healthy and walk a lot. He's been taking a mens multivitamin , coq-10 , l-carnitine & alpha liporic acid since the 1st SA results. He retested after a few months on the supplements and was still 1% Has anyone had a similar situation?? Were you able to concieve naturally? How long did it take ? Or did you need iui or ivf? Any info is really appreciated 💕

👍︎ 4
📅︎ May 01 2021
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Derivational Morphology in Agēre reflecting phonological, grammatical, and semantic evolution from a root. Agēre's phonology and grammar are now largely carved out synchronically and diachronically so derivation is the next main challenge.
👍︎ 145
👤︎ u/Narandil
📅︎ Mar 29 2021
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Rapid modulation of spine morphology by the 5-HT2A serotonin receptor through kalirin-7 signaling

The 5-HT2A serotonin receptor is the most abundant serotonin receptor subtype in the cortex and is predominantly expressed in pyramidal neurons. The 5-HT2A receptor is a target of several hallucinogens, antipsychotics, anxiolytics, and antidepressants, and it has been associated with several psychiatric disorders, conditions that are also associated with aberrations in dendritic spine morphogenesis. However, the role of 5-HT2A receptors in regulating dendritic spine morphogenesis in cortical neurons is unknown.

Here we show that the 5-HT2A receptor is present in a subset of spines, in addition to dendritic shafts. It colocalizes with PSD-95 and with multiple PDZ protein-1 (MUPP1) in a subset of dendritic spines of rat cortical pyramidal neurons.

MUPP1 is enriched in postsynaptic density (PSD) fractions, is targeted to spines in pyramidal neurons, and enhances the localization of 5-HT2A receptors to the cell periphery. 5-HT2A receptor activation by the 5-HT2 receptor agonist DOI induced a transient increase in dendritic spine size, as well as phosphorylation of p21-activated kinase (PAK) in cultured cortical neurons. PAK is a downstream target of the neuronal Rac guanine nucleotide exchange factor (RacGEF) kalirin-7 that is important for spine remodeling.

Kalirin-7 regulates dendritic spine morphogenesis in neurons but its role in neuromodulator signaling has not been investigated. We show that peptide interference that prevents the localization of kalirin-7 to the postsynaptic density disrupts DOI-induced PAK phosphorylation and spine morphogenesis.

These results suggest a potential role for serotonin signaling in modulating spine morphology and kalirin-7's function at cortical synapses.

👍︎ 25
👤︎ u/snaxks1
📅︎ May 09 2021
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Scientists have successfully reconstructed a 66 million-year-old shark that looked similar to modern-day manta rays, providing previously unknown insights into the morphology of cartilaginous fishes of the late Cretaceous.…
👍︎ 192
👤︎ u/Furebsi
📅︎ Mar 18 2021
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Cannabis leaf shape is not predictive of THC & CBD content in hybrids. Naming conventions based on leaf morphology (sativa vs indica) do not correspond to the cannabinoid chemistry in plants with hybrid ancestry, finds new study.
👍︎ 5
📅︎ May 14 2021
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Mini Phaelanopsis has unusual morphology.. Picked up a new one (first pic) today and the petals are just so different than the typical varieties. Anybody else have this too?
👍︎ 19
📅︎ May 01 2021
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Looking for some understand on why the morphology of a P wave would be different in a former habitual smoker.
👍︎ 6
📅︎ Apr 29 2021
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Mantis, from my morphology class :)
👍︎ 13
👤︎ u/MiguelEE5
📅︎ May 16 2021
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Second SA came back .. morphology changed?? First SA was really bad for motility measures, but I suspected it was due to sample sitting out very long.. did a second SA after 3 weeks, and now it comes back saying morphology is only 1% vs 6% from first SA?? What gives?
👍︎ 6
📅︎ Apr 15 2021
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Gig economy companies like Uber, Lyft and Doordash rely on a model that resembles anti-labor practices employed decades before by the U.S. construction industry, and could lead to similar erosion in earnings for workers, finds a new study.…
👍︎ 65k
👤︎ u/mvea
📅︎ Jan 09 2021
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My Conlang's Morphology

I'm a beginner at conlanging and I decided to try to work out the morphology of my conlang. Essentially, I'm looking to see if this is "good."





  • Verbs
    • Tense
      • Not distinguished in present-tense verb usage
      • Distinguished by suffixes and are “attached” by a hyphen (written after the verb with a hyphen between)
      • Tenses: General past, distant past, recent past, present, near future, distant future, general future
      • Tense-distinguishing suffixes only have meaning when connected to verbs
    • Mood
      • Distinguished in verb conjugations
      • Moods: Imperative, indicative
      • Other moods are distinguished by modal auxiliary verbs that preface the main verb. These include; Subjunctive, conditional, hortative
    • Aspect is not distinguished
    • Voice
      • Voice is distinguished by word order
      • Only really uses one voice
    • Person and Number
      • Person and number are distinguished by verb conjugation
      • Agrees with the subject of the sentence
    • Evidentiality is not distinguished
  • Nouns
    • Case
      • Same as English; mostly gone, but still evident in pronouns
      • Cases primarily used: Nominative, accusative/oblique, genitive/possessive
    • “Gender”
      • Originally used 3 classifications: human, non-human, inanimate
      • Exposed to different cultures, forced concepts of male and female
      • Eventually added a neutral classification
      • Modern-usage of “gender” classification: masculine human, neutral human, feminine human, non-human, inanimate
    • Number is only distinguished in pronouns (+ verb conjugation)
    • Person
      • Only distinguished in pronouns (+ verb conjugation)
      • Uses 3 types of “person”: 1st, 2nd, 3rd


  • SVO word order
  • Modifiers
    • Auxiliary words tend to come before the word they modify
    • Adjectives / adverbs come after the word they modify
  • Ex. “If I had known, I could have easily helped you yesterday.”
    • If it were written in my conlang, it would have a sentence structure that would read similar to;
      • Yesterday + I + hypothetical past-tense + know, 1st person singular + I + factual implication + help, 1st person singular + -recent past + easy + you
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👍︎ 12
📅︎ Apr 27 2021
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Fry Morphology Alignment Chart
👍︎ 626
📅︎ Jan 20 2021
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A comparison of the cranial morphology of aurochs and domestic cattle
👍︎ 42
👤︎ u/Mbryology
📅︎ Mar 30 2021
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Hello r/Botany. I am a biology student who likes plant taxonomy and morphology. What careers are there where I can do that?

I particularly like morphology and the use of botanical descriptions such as leaf shapes and margins.

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👤︎ u/troutlegs1
📅︎ May 18 2021
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The erosion of personal ownership, just one of many things they told you would happen under communism actually happening under capitalism…
👍︎ 474
👤︎ u/yogthos
📅︎ Apr 29 2021
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HOW WE WENT FROM SEVERE OAT TO OLIGOSPERMIA. We fixed my husbands motility, and morphology!!

Gearing up for our second IVF cycle, I decided to implement a few things to help my husbands severe OAT diagnosis. He is a 31 year old, very fit and healthy fella. We had a TESE biopsy done in December which showed 50% of the sample had normal spermatogensis, 20% hypospermatogenesis, 20% maturation arrest, and 10% Sertoli cell only. Normal hormone profile, karyotype and no microdetions. After some research and consulting with specialists, I decided to try a few new things:

For reference: His counts have remained relatively steady at .3-.5mil/mL, 0% morph, and 20-30% motility with conventional 2-4 day abstinence windows. His DNA frag was 29% with a 2 day hold.

In January we started this regimen: -No alcohol, except an occasional one glass of red wine once every 2 weeks -Conception XR (MV from theralogix) -400 mg of ubiquinol (coq10) Quinol brand -fish oil -4000 iu Vit D -probiotics -300mg r-alpha lipoic acid -1g extra L carnitine 3x a week

We just did a SA with a 12 hour hold and got these numbers: .45mil/ml 47% motility 4% normal forms Which now classifies him as severe oligospermia.

My doc was so excited! She said whatever we did worked to improve the results!

We have our ER on may 10th, so I’ll share the results when we get them. Hoping for a better outcome, and hoping this helps someone! I think the ticket is the short abstinence window, and cutting out alcohol!

*edited: 12 hr count was actually ~500,000

👍︎ 13
👤︎ u/melbdingo
📅︎ Apr 20 2021
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Just a reminder that the Death Star blew up over the second moon of Endor, but somehow landed on the sixth moon, Kef Bir, relatively intact and didn’t suffer from water erosion for 31 years
👍︎ 6k
📅︎ Feb 25 2021
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[Book] Syntax and Morphology of the Spanish Language [Sintaxis y morfología de la lengua española]

Sintaxis y morfología de la lengua española

  • Paperback: 400 pages
  • Publisher: Pearson; 1 edition (October 2, 2005)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0131899198
  • ISBN-13: 978-0131899193
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📅︎ May 05 2021
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My ND stack has increased my morphology!

My wife did her iui last week and her doctor took a look under the microscope of my sample and she said it looked great! I credit tongkat 10%, zinc, fenugreek, selenium, and ashwaganda. My last analysis my morphology rating was 1. I haven’t had another done but the fact her doctor said it looked great is very promising! Wish us luck! We’ve been trying for 2 years.

👍︎ 22
👤︎ u/mcied
📅︎ Mar 29 2021
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The erosion of personal ownership - Everything from your fridge to your tractor can change without your permission.…
👍︎ 270
👤︎ u/speckz
📅︎ Apr 22 2021
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"Multivariate analysis reveals shared genetic architecture of brain morphology and human behavior", de Vlaming et al 2021…
👍︎ 30
👤︎ u/gwern
📅︎ Apr 20 2021
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Was trying to compare the morphology, ended up making my first ever paleoart. What do you guys think? Used the same skull on the left for reference.
👍︎ 107
📅︎ Mar 09 2021
🚨︎ report

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