A list of puns related to "Battle of Baton Rouge"
Violent crime & poverty, discuss in the comments aswell
To give a little context, I'm hearing and have been studying ASL for the better part of a year for professional / career reasons with the intention of working as an interpreter.
After doing some research I've discovered the only ASL class in town is taught by Deaf Focus whose class size is only 15 people and booked until the end of February.
My thought process was to start a weekly beginner's class to teach the fundamentals to those interested in connecting with the Deaf and HoH (Hard of hearing) community.
Since I'm still relatively new to Baton Rouge, I wanted to ask if there was anyone in the Deaf & HoH Community here (or that you could refer) that would be interested in chatting/connecting about this new community class concept and for all intents and purposes, partnering up on the idea?
Feel free to leave a comment with any feedback or ideas
Some more info: -I have a husband and a dog that I've never spent a night apart from in almost 2 years -I do have a job -No, we don't use drugs, but he smokes cigarettes and I vape :)
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