A woman is walking through the park when she sees a very attractive man sitting on a park bench. He's reading a book and eating some fruit out of a Tupperware container. Slowly the woman gathers the courage to go ask the man out...

So, she walks over and takes a seat next to him on the bench, turns to him and says, "Sorry to bother you. I know this may be a little forward but I would love to grab coffee with you some time."

Flattered, the man responds, "Sure... but what makes you so certain you and I would get along so well?"

"Well..." the woman says. "A couple things, actually. I noticed you were wearing an Iron Maiden t-shirt. Iron Maiden are my favorite band of all time. When they went on their reunion tour in 1999, my parents took me to see them in Cleveland. I was 12 years old and it was the first concert I ever went to. I absolutely love Iron Maiden."

The man can't believe it.

"I saw them play Cleveland in '99! First concert I ever went to on my own. My best friend Jimmy Spitz and I told our parents we were sleeping at each others' houses, snuck out, took a bus into the city and saw them play at the Plain Dealer Pavillion!"

Naturally, they're both shocked.

"If that isn't weird enough..." says the woman. "I noticed you're reading Mark Twain. I was a communications major in university and I actually wrote my thesis on Mark Twain and how he used satire as a lens to comment on current events of the time, comparing him to satirical news sources of today. He's my favorite author."

Now the man is really taken aback, "Get out of here! I was an English major in university! I specialized in 19th century American literature and this is like my fourth or fifth time reading Tom Sawyer, I absolutely love Mark Twain."

They both can't believe it...this has got to be a match made in heaven.

"Ok..." the woman says. "Well, buckle up because here's the icing on the cake. I noticed you're eating a prune. Prunes are my absolute favorite fruit. When I was a kid, my grandfather lived on a farm. He had an orchard that mainly grew apples and some lemons, but he knew how much my sister and I loved prunes so he kept a couple of plum trees. Every year at the end of the summer, we'd go up and harvest the plums with him. He'd dry them and by the time we'd go back to his place for Thanksgiving he'd always have those prunes saved just for us. They're my favorite fruit! I love prunes, you're eating a prune, this has got to be fate. What do you say?"

The man puts down his fruit and responds,

"It's a date!"

πŸ‘︎ 17k
πŸ‘€︎ u/madazzahatter
πŸ“…︎ Aug 21 2020
🚨︎ report
My girlfriend was sad, so I asked her who my favorite singer is and then placed my head on her chest

I told her Michael Boob-lay

She wasn’t as sad anymore (or much sadder since she realized how dumb the person she’s dating is). Happy new year everybody

πŸ‘︎ 26
πŸ‘€︎ u/drumdude92
πŸ“…︎ Dec 30 2020
🚨︎ report

On our eighth date together myself and my wife went to see the new batman film. Previously all our other dates were meals out. So it went Dinner dinner dinner dinner dinner dinner dinner Batman!

πŸ‘︎ 8
πŸ‘€︎ u/matc7884
πŸ“…︎ Aug 21 2019
🚨︎ report
Science Puns

One of the funniest school puns; science puns

Did you hear oxygen went on a date with potassium? It went OK. If the Silver Surfer and Iron Man team up, they’d be alloys.

The optimist sees the glass half full. The pessimist sees the glass half empty. The chemist sees the glass completely full, half with liquid and half with air.

If you’re not part of the solution, you’re part of the precipitate.

A photon checks into a hotel and is asked if he needs any help with his luggage. He says, β€œNo, I’m traveling light.”

Did you just mutate for a stop codon? Because you’re talking nonsense!

How did the English major define microtome on his biology exam? An itsy bitsy book.

What did Gregor Mendel say when he founded genetics? Woopea!

Did you hear about the man who got cooled to absolute zero? He’s 0K now.

I wish I was adenine, then, I could get paired with U.

Anyone know any jokes about sodium? Na

Two chemists go into a bar. The first one says β€œI think I’ll have an H2O.” The second one says β€œI think I’ll have an H2O too” β€” and he died.

A couple of biologists had twins. They named one Jessica and the other Control.

Did you hear the one about the recycling triplets? Their names are Polly, Ethel, and Ian.

Why can you never trust atoms? They make up everything!

What element is a girl’s future best friend? Carbon.

I had to make these bad chemistry jokes because all the good ones Argon.

Why are chemists great for solving problems? They have all the solutions.

What do chemists call a benzene ring with iron atoms replacing the carbon atoms? A ferrous wheel.

What did the male stamen say to the female pistil? I like your β€œstyle.”

I’m reading a great book on anti-gravity. I can’t put it down.

I have a new theory on inertia but it doesn’t seem to be gaining momentum.

Why can’t atheists solve exponential equations? Because they don’t believe in higher powers.

Schrodinger’s cat walks into a bar. And doesn’t.

Do you know the name Pavlov? It rings a bell.

What does a subatomic duck say? Quark!

A neutron walks into a bar and asks how much for a beer. Bartender replies β€œFor you, no charge”.

Two atoms are walking along. One of them says: β€œOh, no, I think I lost an electron.” β€œAre you sure?”


... keep reading on reddit ➑

πŸ‘︎ 5
πŸ‘€︎ u/Punsville
πŸ“…︎ May 04 2017
🚨︎ report
Is Michael Giacchino the greatest Star Trek Dad Joker in the world?

He must have it in his Genes.

But seriously check out his Star Trek track listings. The guy loves a good pun.

Star Trek

  1. Star Trek

  2. Nailin' The Kelvin

  3. Labor Of Love

  4. Hella Bar Talk

  5. Enterprising Young Men

  6. Nero Sighted

  7. Nice To Meld You

  8. Run And Shoot Offense

  9. Does It Still McFly?

  10. Nero Death Experience

  11. Nero Fiddles, Narada Burns

  12. Back From Black

  13. That New Car Smell

  14. To Boldly Go

  15. End Credits

Star Trek Into Darkness

  1. Logos / Pranking The Natives

  2. Spock Drops, Kirk Jumps

  3. Sub Prime Directive

  4. London Calling

  5. Meld-Merized

  6. The Kronos Wartet

  7. Brigadoom

  8. Ship To Ship

  9. Earthbound And Down

  10. Warp Core Values

  11. Buying The Space Farm

  12. The San Fran Hustle

  13. Kirk Enterprises

  14. Star Trek Main Theme

Star Trek Beyond

  1. Logo and Prosper

  2. Thank Your Lucky Star Date

  3. Night on the Yorktown

  4. The Dance of the Nebula

  5. A Swarm Reception

  6. Hitting the Saucer a Little Hard

  7. Jaylah Damage

  8. In Artifacts as in Life

  9. Franklin, My Dear

  10. A Lesson in Vulcan Mineralogy

  11. MotorCycles of Relief

  12. Mocking Jaylah

  13. Crash Decisions

  14. Krall-y Krall-y Oxen Free

  15. Shutdown Happens

  16. Cater-Krall in Zero G

  17. Par-tay for the Course

  18. Star Trek Main Theme

πŸ‘︎ 2
πŸ‘€︎ u/thegeneral400
πŸ“…︎ Jan 26 2018
🚨︎ report
Dad... Stop....

I had a great date with my girlfriend, and we're leaving the house right as Dad pulls into the driveway. We just got a new puppy, and I was explaining to him that the puppy wasn't even shy around her. His response?

"Hey, neither were you, eh?"

She thought it was cute. I almost died.

πŸ‘︎ 59
πŸ‘€︎ u/ArchonRush
πŸ“…︎ Mar 18 2014
🚨︎ report
I just dad joked the on-call nurse

I had to call the doctor's office about a new medication she put me on, when the nurse answers the phone

Me: Hi, my name is *** I'm calling for Dr ***. She just put me on this new medicine and I'm supposed to call in and let her know how everything is going

Nurse: ok, hun. I have to look you up in the system. What's your date of birth?

Me: April 7th

Nurse: What year?

Me: every year...

Nurse sigh ... what year were you born, sir?

Me: chuckle

πŸ‘︎ 9
πŸ‘€︎ u/King_Groovy
πŸ“…︎ Feb 27 2015
🚨︎ report
Every time my dad tells this it gets just a little more elaborate. But this is how I remember it.

Paul has a shitty life, his wife constantly berates him, his job sucks, his boss is a bully, his car is a shitty 85 ford pinto with a cracked windshield and is in bad need of a new transmission and to top it all off he's chubby, balding, and he has a small penis.

The only thing good in Paul's life is his friend Artie. Artie isn't the brightest bulb in the world, but he's always been there for Paul in the tough times. On October 5, 1953 Artie stood up for Paul against his bully in 7th grade. Artie got his ass handed to him at that time, but so did Paul. That incident resulted in a life long friendship. Paul and Artie went to the same High School together. They traveled around Europe that one summer in college. Artie was Paul's best man at his wedding. Everyone thought speech Artie gave was terrible, But Paul loved it Artie was his best friend.

Artie's life wasn't much better either, he never had the smarts for that great Job. In fact he was stuck in a dead end job as a construction labourer. Artie's car was pretty shitty too. Artie never married, but he was happy in the knowledge that at least he didn't end up with Paul's shitty wife.

For Paul's 46th birthday Artie was pretty broke, so all he could get his friend was a single lottery ticket. Artie being the sentimental guy that he was picked the date of the start of their friendship, and their respective ages (46, 45). Paul loved the present, and thought that the two of them should go to the Legion that friday to split a round of beers and listen to them call out the numbers.

On Friday they are both sitting there at the Legion having a laugh over a couple of beers when the cute lottery girl comes on the t.v. to read out the numbers. Paul pulls out the ticket and spreads it out on the beer stained table in front of them. The lottery girl starts reading out the numbers, 45, 10, 05. Both of Paul and Artie's hearts start beating, thats 200$ already. 53, Holy crap thats like a 10, 000 ticket. They both start losing their shit. 46....... Paul feints. He just won the jackpot. 37million dollars.

Two minutes later Artie finally revives Paul. Paul and Artie celebrate the night away, buy round after round for the people at the Legion and get absolutely shittered. They close out the bar and as the ugly lights come on they stumble blitzed, singing, onto the street arm in arm with the winning lottery ticket in hand and start the long walk back to Paul's place.

Halfway home, Paul comes to two drunken

... keep reading on reddit ➑

πŸ‘︎ 6
πŸ‘€︎ u/clearwind
πŸ“…︎ Feb 22 2014
🚨︎ report
Lemon Currant cookies

My wife and son and I went to get a dessert at a new bakery in town. In the display case I saw some lemon currant cookies.

I asked the lady behind the counter if they had dates in them, and she went and asked the baker in the back.

She came back and said, "nope, no dates."

I said, "they're out of dates, they don't sound current to me!" my wife slunk over to a table while the lady and I (mostly I) laughed.

πŸ‘︎ 3
πŸ‘€︎ u/ElmerJShagnasty
πŸ“…︎ Apr 05 2016
🚨︎ report
Dad, is than an octopus?

SO and I were walking in Port Angeles, WA near the octopus statue made out of small rocks and pebbles... and we overheard this conversation between a kid and his dad:

> Dad, is that an octopus?

> No, son, that's a rock-topus.

πŸ‘︎ 10
πŸ‘€︎ u/RockSniffer
πŸ“…︎ Jul 07 2015
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I'm a New Dad

I recently took a new job and took a walk with a couple of coworkers this morning. To get to know me, one of the guys asked my if I'm single, to which I responded, "No, I'm engaged" He followed up my answer with, "Do you have a date?" So I politely said, "No sir, she prefers that I don't date around"

I felt wittty

Sorry son, but this is only the beginning...

πŸ‘︎ 4
πŸ‘€︎ u/ahortman
πŸ“…︎ Oct 19 2015
🚨︎ report
Got my grandmother today in the car

So I'm driving my grandmother around so she can go Christmas shopping. Her: I wish I had a date for New Years Eve. Me: You do, December 31st! It took her a few minutes for her to actually realize what I said.

πŸ‘︎ 12
πŸ‘€︎ u/Poop-Bandit
πŸ“…︎ Dec 19 2014
🚨︎ report
My first dad joke way before I was an actual dad.

My friend started dating a new girl. I said, "What's her name? He replied "Tali. Kind of different."

I asked him, "How's it going?" He said that they had fun at first but she was getting clingy and he might have to break up with her.

I said, "Well, if she gets too crazy, we'll have to impose a... Tali-ban."

Real story.

πŸ‘︎ 8
πŸ‘€︎ u/54Piscium
πŸ“…︎ Jun 10 2015
🚨︎ report
He got engaged to a certified dad

The guy I'm dating's last name is Feliz.

Over the holidays at his family's New Years party his little brother asked his girlfriend to marry him. Her response? Yes! It would make me happy.

Feliz is Spanish for happy. He is literally making her happy. I was rolling. I think everyone else may have heard variations of the joke too many times cause all they did was groan but I definitely think she's a honorary dad.

πŸ‘︎ 10
πŸ‘€︎ u/CuntnessEvermean
πŸ“…︎ Jan 01 2015
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"Do you have a match?"

I'm gonna make you go through the story before the payoff.

My mom asked me, "Do you have a match?" and then answered herself, "Yeah, your breath and my feet!" I looked at her quizzically and she explained that my dad used to say that when they were dating - either that or "Not since Superman." He used to say that there were "no new jokes, just new audiences."

So when my dad walks in, my mom asks him if he has a match.

What does he say?

"Not since Superman."

As Mom and I are cracking up, he says, "Well, I could have said 'your breath and my feet!'"

Mom tells him that she was telling me about how he used to say that to her, and what does he say?

"Well, you know, there are no new jokes. Just new audiences."

My dad's jokes are like a stopped clock. Infuriating, but at least you can count on them to never change.

πŸ‘︎ 6
πŸ‘€︎ u/ScathachRises
πŸ“…︎ Oct 02 2014
🚨︎ report
Dad-joked the girlfriend on New years.

She goes in for the New Year's kiss.

"Wow I don't usually kiss on the first date, but OK!" I get a minor groan.

After the kiss, "Wow that was totally worth it, that was the best kiss I've had all year!"

she pushes me away and we watch the rest of the fireworks in silence. Totally worth it.

πŸ‘︎ 3
πŸ‘€︎ u/TheCitizen12
πŸ“…︎ Jan 01 2014
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