A list of puns related to "William Calley"
n one single massacre, 504 completely unarmed and undefended Vietnamese people including children, and infants were murdered by the United States in the hamlet of My Lai. Some of the women were gang raped and their bodies mutilated. The imperialist war in Vietnam was conducted with U.S.-orchestrated massacres day after day, not just by U.S. and South Vietnamese ground forces, but also from incessant bombings from above. When the war ended, an estimated 3.5 million Southeast Asians had been murdered; 13,000 of 21,000 Vietnamese villages had been destroyed, and millions exposed to the most extensive chemical warfare in human history
It should be added that Lieutenant Calley was the only one who ever was convicted, he only served 3.5 years house arrest until he was pardoned in 1974 by Richard Nixon.
Lt. Calley is certainly the most famous, convicted for his role at My Lai, and I know that Medina was tried but acquitted for his role there, but apparently CID investigated hundreds of allegations. It seems that even egregious ones, such as the investigation of the 101st's "Tiger Force" didn't necessarily result in charges being brought, but was Calley and Medina the only persons tried, and Calley the only conviction?
If not, what other incidents were brought to trial, and is there any particular reason they remained less publicized?
If so, what was the process within CID that resulted in what would appear to be a total abrogation of their duty despite investigating numerous reports, some of which were very well substantiated?
Going along with this, why was there so much support for him (Calley)? It seems clear that he was guilty of the massacre, regardless of 'scapegoat' status. Why weren't the other members in his chain of command, or under his command, charged or reprimanded?
Sudden Lee
Go post NSFW jokes somewhere else. If I can't tell my kids this joke, then it is not a DAD JOKE.
If you feel it's appropriate to share NSFW jokes with your kids, that's on you. But a real, true dad joke should work for anyone's kid.
Mods... If you exist... Please, stop this madness. Rule #6 should simply not allow NSFW or (wtf) NSFL tags. Also, remember that MINORS browse this subreddit too? Why put that in rule #6, then allow NSFW???
Please consider changing rule #6. I love this sub, but the recent influx of NSFW tagged posts that get all the upvotes, just seem wrong when there are good solid DAD jokes being overlooked because of them.
Thank you,
A Dad.
So far nobody has given me a straight answer
..... Will get a reward.
So this is my schoolβs first mock trial of the year due to Covid but now they are allowing kids to stay after and participate. The theme of the mock trial is The Court-Marshal of Lt. William Calley for murder at the My Lai Massacre in the Vietnam War.
I have been selected to defend 2nd Lt. Calley and try and justify his actions during the My Lai Massacre. The only helpful evidence I have been able to find is that his commanding officer ordered him to his platoon to the other side of the village whatever the cost may be, and if the Lieutenant disobeyed the order he could face execution. If anyone knows about this topic can you help me think of a good defense with good evidence.
Because they work on many levels
Well, toucan play at that game.
KΓΌrzlich hΓΆrte ich eine Folge eines meiner Lieblings-Podcasts, Hintergrund. Die Folge handelte von einem der grausamsten Massaker der jΓΌngeren Geschichte, dem Massaker von My Lai.
WΓ€hrend des Vietnamkrieges, im MΓ€rz 1968, starteten US-Infanterietruppen, die zur Task Force Barker gehΓΆrten, einen Luftangriff auf die Stadt Son My, im Son Tinh Distrikt, SΓΌdvietnam. Der Grund fΓΌr diesen bewaffneten Angriff war es, Mitglieder der Nationalen Front fΓΌr die Befreiung Vietnams, besser bekannt als Vietcong, ausfindig zu machen und folglich zu vernichten, die sich laut Geheimdienstinformationen in der Gegend von My Lai aufhielten.
Nach der Landung erhielten die Truppen den Befehl, ein UmfassungsmanΓΆver durchzufΓΌhren, um das Dorf einzunehmen. Die erste Gruppe sollte die SΓΌdseite des Dorfes einnehmen und mΓΆgliche Fluchtwege abschneiden, wΓ€hrend die zweite Gruppe von Norden her vorstoΓen sollte. Danach geriet die Operation auΓer Kontrolle und zeigte eine der schlimmsten Seiten des Krieges. Zahlreiche Soldaten, unter der FΓΌhrung von Leutnant William Calley, begannen wahllos Zivilisten zu exekutieren und brannten sogar das gesamte Gebiet nieder, ohne zwischen Tieren und Zivilisten zu unterscheiden.
Am Ende dieses schrecklichen Massakers, bei dem ΓΌber 300 Zivilisten getΓΆtet wurden, wurde ein vΓΆllig anderer Bericht verΓΆffentlicht, der von nur etwas mehr als 100 vietnamesischen Opfern sprach, die meisten von ihnen von Vietcong-Guerillas. Diese unzulΓ€ssige LΓΌge konnte jedoch dank der Intervention von Journalisten, die Leutnant Calley begleiteten, nicht vertuscht werden.
Aufgrund der anschlieΓenden Zeugenaussagen dieser Journalisten, einiger Piloten und der Reue anderer Soldaten verbreitete sich die Nachricht ΓΌber dieses schreckliche Ereignis allmΓ€hlich. Nachdem das Thema an die Γffentlichkeit gebracht worden war, war ein Prozess unausweichlich, in dem Leutnant Calley als Hauptverantwortlicher fΓΌr das Massaker angeklagt wurde.
Zweifellos hΓ€tte ein solches Ereignis dem Ruf der Armee irreparablen Schaden zugefΓΌgt, daher wurde ein diskreter Abschluss angestrebt. Calley wurde zu lebenslanger Haft und harter Arbeit verurteilt, aber im Laufe der Zeit sollte es eine kurze und unangemessene Strafe von dreieinhalb Jahren fΓΌr jemanden werden, der solch grausame Taten begangen hatte.
Der Leutnant behauptete immer, er habe nur auf Befehl gehandelt, eine der grΓΆ
... keep reading on reddit β‘>Seventeen Iraqi civilians, including 9- and 11-year-old boys, were killed when private contractors from the US security firm Blackwater opened fired in Baghdad's Nisour Square in 2007. Fourteen of those killings were unjustified under the rules of the use of deadly force by security contractors, according to an FBI investigation. In 2014, a US federal jury found four former Blackwater Worldwide contractors -- Nicholas Slatten, Paul Slough, Evan Liberty, and Dustin Heard -- guilty over the slaughter and sentenced all to long jail terms. On Tuesday, Trump pardoned all four of them.
Sound familiar? > The night before, Army Capt. Ernest Medina told his soldiers that a string of hamlets, including My Lai, would be full of enemy troops and empty of civilians. When they landed, it turned out to be the opposite. But Charlie Company, encouraged by a young lieutenant named William Calley, spent four hours murdering civilians and burning their homes. Soldiers later admitted women were raped and mutilated. More than 200 children, many of them herded into a ditch, died in a spray of machine-gun fire. Calley was the only person punished for the massacre - and public opinion back home supported him. There was even a song, that made the Top 40 in 1971. That public support made it easy for President Richard Nixon to reduce Calley's sentence to house arrest. He served only three-and-a-half years. Calley is still alive and lives in Georgia.
Martin Freeman, and Andy Serkis.
They also play roles in Lord of the Rings.
I guess that makes them the Tolkien white guys.
She said apple-lutely
This is my first post pls don't kill me lol.
The people in the comment section is why I love this subreddit!!
Cred once again my sis wants credit lol
Keep in mind, my son is 4 years old, so everything is an original to him.
I had to work late into the evening yesterday, and he was just going to bed when I got home. I had left home for the office nearly 14 hours prior, had a long day, lots of meetings, traffic, etc.
When I walked through the door, I was exhausted, run down, and starving. My wife hugged me and asked how my day was, and I replied, "Done. It was a good day, but has got me exhausted. I just want to grab a bite and go to bed. I'm hungry."
From my son's bedroom, I hear him shout, "Hi Hungry! Nice to meet you!"
Not only did it make me laugh, but I completely forgot about how hungry and tired I was. I went to his bedroom, and we laughed together about it. It was exactly what I needed.
Edit: Thanks for all the awards, kind strangers! I'll let my son know y'all enjoyed his joke too!
I heard parents named their children lance a lot.
First post please don't kill me
Edit: i went to sleep and now my inbox is dead, thank you kind strangers for the awards!
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