The Beastie Boys announced an upcoming, 5-part anthology collection. You can get parts A, B, C, & D for free.
But you gotta fight for your right to Part E.
π︎ 12k
︎ Jul 28 2022
A friend asked me to play the part of Brutus in an upcoming play about Julius Caesar
I said I'd take a stab at it.
π︎ 2k
︎ Jun 23 2022
Apparently my friend isn't very interested in the upcoming chili convention.
Me: Hey, I got 2 tickets to Chili Con.
Him: K, so?
Edit: chili not chill
π︎ 3
︎ Oct 07 2022
I was told to go dig a hole for a coffin for an upcoming burial. But I dug in the wrong spot...
π︎ 22
︎ Sep 07 2022
What is the most common place couples fight at the mall?
π︎ 15
︎ Nov 29 2022
Germany has just warned its population of an upcoming susage and cheese shortage.
They are calling it the wurst kΓ€se scenario.
π︎ 1k
︎ Feb 08 2022
Alabama head football coach Nick Saban will reportedly only dress 20 players for the first game of the upcoming college football season.
Everyone else will have to dress themselves.
π︎ 2
︎ Jul 31 2022
My wife asked how I feel about visiting Switzerland on an upcoming trip
π︎ 26
︎ Apr 14 2022
Disney reveals that the upcoming "Kenobi" series will be streamed exclusively in Flash player
It will be titled Adobe Wan Kenobi
π︎ 68
︎ Mar 10 2022
My electricians a great guy. I told him I was worried about my set for my upcoming standup gig and couldn't figure out what material to use.
He just stared me in the eyes and said, "it's all about the crowds energy, joule know watt to use"
π︎ 6
︎ Feb 12 2022
Here's an old one I still chuckle at: There's an upcoming Hollywood action film about classical musicians...
The cast, made up of high-profile action stars, were choosing their roles.
Sylvester Stallone went "I want to be Mozart!". Bruce Willis said "Then I'll be Beethoven!" and Jean
-Claude Van Damme, "I'll go with Tchaikovsky".
After a moment of silence, Arnold Schwarzenegger stood up, looked at everyone in the room, and said "I'll be Bach".
π︎ 80
︎ Nov 28 2021
Upcoming race between a puma and a race horse...
The horse is very fast but my money's on his opponent who is a shoe-in
π︎ 4
︎ Apr 19 2022
After so many tries, I finally see the light at the end of the tunnel.
Turns out, it comes in a pair, and travels at 65 mph.
π︎ 7
︎ Jul 16 2022
A massive amount of information about the upcoming "The Great Gatsby" sequel was divulged today.
Its called the great Gatsleak.
π︎ 2
︎ Mar 31 2022
Why are artists terrible at playing Uno?
Because they draw too much.
π︎ 96
︎ Jun 22 2022
How is a sign in a vegetable garden similar to the director of the upcoming Spider-Man movie?
They both say "cue Cumberbatch".
π︎ 6
︎ Nov 26 2021
I cast an alligator in my upcoming movie
π︎ 4
︎ Oct 22 2021
My friend was sad, I thought remidning him of his upcoming military service will cheer him up
But I was wrong, it made him Mossad
π︎ 5
︎ Nov 25 2021
I noticed that Marvel aren't going very much promotion for their new upcoming tv series...
They want to keep it low key
π︎ 10
︎ Jun 05 2021
Did you hear about the upcoming zombie remake of "The Godfather"?
It's called "Don of the Dead".
π︎ 12
︎ Aug 11 2021
Two melons are discussing their upcoming wedding...
The first melon says: " You are the best thing that ever happened to me! I can't wait to marry you! All this planning for our big wedding is so stressful and expensive. Why don't we just run off and get married??"
The second melon replies: "I can't elope."
π︎ 15
︎ Jun 26 2021
I hired a coach for an upcoming marathon. She gave me a run for my money.
π︎ 14
︎ Oct 30 2020
Last Name Puns!
Last minute add to my upcoming wedding to have a hashtag with a terrible play on words of my last name for guest pictures.
The last name is Edson, for safety purposes I've altered it but it's still the rhyme I need.
Pun Reddit deities I beseech you to give me your very best.
Any submissions are deeply appreciated
π︎ 3
︎ Jun 01 2022
So today I asked my wife if she knew of any krutches I could borrow for the upcoming office party.
Her: what are you supposed to be dressed up as?
Me: a walking dad joke.
Her: ...?
Me: I'd be kind of lame.
π︎ 192
︎ Oct 29 2019
How did Kim Kardashian inform her kid about her upcoming divorce with Kanye?
North, things between West and me has recently gone South.
π︎ 7
︎ Mar 04 2021
Are you ready for the upcoming Zoom meeting?
π︎ 29
︎ Aug 26 2020
Need Pun-Based Help!
QUICK! I need help naming a Greek-themed fanfic/adventure blog for an upcoming Dnd game!
Itβs not serious so go wild!
π︎ 6
︎ Mar 16 2022
Need a Punny name for upcoming Roller Derby Bout.
Theme is Mexican food and my last name is Bean. I know the possibilities are endless but I want something perfect.
π︎ 7
︎ Mar 26 2019
Our cooking teacher gave us a notice about the part of our upcoming exam where we'd be working with cheese wheels...
"It'll be grated on a curve."
π︎ 6
︎ Dec 14 2020
For his upcoming birthday, I got my son an alarm clock that would swear at him instead of ringing.
Heβs in for a rude awakening.
π︎ 23
︎ Jul 23 2020
My fiancΓ©e and I were talking about our upcoming wedding...
Her - "When we get married, can we honeymoon in Iceland?"
Me - "Sure."
Her - "And we can have a party in a fjord?"
Me - "We'd have a Fjord Fiesta."
Her - "Goddammit."
I'm getting an early start on this dad jokes thing.
π︎ 577
︎ Jul 24 2015
For the upcoming NFL season, players will not be allowed to keep chicken as pets.
That would be considered a personal fowl.
π︎ 3
︎ Jul 15 2020
Accidental pun - Found on a poster for the upcoming 'Apollo 11' movie.
π︎ 7
︎ Jun 18 2019
I told my tailor that I would be choosing and putting on my own clothes for my upcoming wedding
π︎ 262
︎ May 19 2019
[Request] I need every skeleton/bone related pun you can think of for an upcoming D&D session...I want to really get under my players skin and give them a good ribbing!
π︎ 3
︎ May 19 2018
A friend of mine is annoyed about the upcoming Tetris movie trilogy
He said nobody wants a Tetris movie.
I told him demand will fall in place very shortly.
π︎ 25
︎ Jul 01 2016
My girlfriend is stressed over her upcoming geometry test
I told her not to run herself in circles over it
π︎ 5
︎ Sep 26 2019
A handful of short Thanksgiving Jokes I put together that are worthy for any dad to repeat this upcoming holiday.
Why did the police arrest the turkey?
> They suspected fowl play.
What would you get if you crossed a turkey with a ghost?
> A poultrygeist!
Why did the turkey cross the road twice?
> To prove he wasnβt a chicken!
What key wonβt open any door?
> A turkey!
If you call a large turkey a gobbler what do you call a small one?
> Goblet.
Fruit comes from a fruit tree, so where does turkey come from?
> A poul-tree.
What happens when youβre too harsh on the cranberries and make them sad?
>They turn into blueberries.
What kind of cars would pilgrims drive today?
> Plymouth.
π︎ 220
︎ Nov 14 2017
Holiday Puns
I'm looking any one-liner holiday themed puns.
Here are some I have come up with: 'Irish I was your agent' ( for St. Paddy's Day ), 'Never forget these gourd times' ( for Thanksgiving ), ' Happy Challah Days' ( Shabbat ), 'I love you a latka' ( Hanukkah ), 'Fo-Gelt About it' ( Hanukkah ), 'We're all rebels without a Claus' ( Christmas ), 'Chemes-tree is important' ( Christmas ), 'Does my hare look good' ( Easter )...
I have a newsletter I send and want to include some good puns / make a meme for upcoming holidays.
π︎ 3
︎ Mar 17 2022
My son is nervous about his upcoming driving test.
I said, βDonβt worry. Your parallel parking skills are unparalleled.β
π︎ 13
︎ Jun 13 2019
Iβm very optimistic about the upcoming U.S. elections. I feel as though the country will be able to move forward with a strong, clear vision.
π︎ 10
︎ Jul 06 2019
TIL: Robert de Niro is playing the lead role in the upcoming movie about "The Lord of the Rings" trilogy.
The movie is called "You Tolkien to me?"
π︎ 55
︎ May 13 2018
Iβm playing a sushi chef in an upcoming play.
Iβm trying hard to prepare for the roll.
π︎ 39
︎ Apr 13 2018
An eager chemist accidentally spilled all of his beakers for an upcoming experiment...
π︎ 13
︎ Aug 19 2019
For our upcoming roadtrip, my wife said she would drive us for as long as she could stand...
I told her to be sure to wear comfortable shoes.
π︎ 7
︎ Oct 19 2019
How a Brit feels about the upcoming election
π︎ 5
︎ Nov 07 2016
I'm dreading the upcoming holidays because I know dad's gonna tell us all about the bear and the rabbit who were taking a poop in the woods...
The bear asks the rabbit, "You ever have a problem with poop sticking to your fur?"
The rabbit says, "No."
So the bear wipes his butt with the rabbit...
π︎ 8
︎ Dec 05 2018
Apparently Sammy Hagar has an upcoming late night BBQ event.
It's your one way chicken to midnight.
π︎ 3
︎ Aug 28 2019
Did you guys hear about the upcoming medical drama starting a large black man as a neurosurgeon?
It's called "Ving Rhames in the Membrane"
π︎ 2
︎ Oct 15 2017
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