A list of puns related to "Treaty Of Brussels 1948"
To the following nations:
Our great nations have suffered twice in the hands of global wars, both times caused by instability in Europe. We hope to further prevent any such conflict from arising between us.
As such we propose a Mutual Defensive Alliance between our nations in Europe.
[M: This IRL ]
On August 12th, 1947 the Russian state surrendered with the capture of Moscow, the death of Savinkov and the nuclear bombing of Novgorod, the Russian state unconditionally surrendered, with reichspakt forces marching all the way to the Urals while Siberia collapsed with the closest thing to a government being the eastern defense force fighting the Japanese based in Khabarovsk.
With the war in the east over, it seemed the German solider would be able to go home, or at least be deployed in occupation in Russia or in France as the Westarp plan was implemented.
Yet for some divisions of army group Prussia, there would be no rest.
In the Middle East, Ottoman forces were holding the Kiliç line as well as holding ports in Libya thanks to the superior Ottoman navy.
Meanwhile the Cario pact began to fracture with Iran, Armenia and Azerbaijan moving from the Egypt dominated Cario pact with them forming the present day called βTehran treatyβ with each other and Iran demanded to be seeded control of Kuwait and allowed to set up their own puppets of Iraq and Kurdistan which was refused although both sides would agree to continue the fight with the Ottomans.
In may 1947 the Egyptian high command decided to send the elite royal Egyptian guard divisions which had armor and more modern artillery support, west to the sieges of Libya such as Tobruk.
This was known as operation glove which was designed to free up Egyptian forces to reinforce the main frontline, deliver another crushing defeat and regain the initiative in the war turned stalemate.
The Egyptian royal guard would take Tobruk on august 1st, Benghazi on august 11th, Sirte on august 14th, and Tripoli on august 20th, with only Misrata and Derna being the only ones remaining.
Yet this would prove in vain when the German empire signed the treaty of Constantinople on September 4th, 1947.
The terms of treaty were for in return for German intervention and arms supplement the German empire would be given the Suez Canal and supply of oil from the Middle East.
On November 10th, army group Prussia finished deploying along the western and eastern parts of the Hiliç line and on December 3rd operation southern wind began.
The German forces moved quickly along the tow sectors they were deployed, taking Beirut and Erbil on Christmas Day and arming Baghdad and Jerusalem by January 10th and even mittleafrikan forces moved north to Sudan where they moved up the Nile against militia forces.
With their forces shattered and
... keep reading on reddit β‘London Economic Treaty of 1948
We, the undersigned, here in London at the close of 1948 discussions on European economic integration, state as follows:
First, that the undersigned will grant to each other Most-Favored Nation status in matters of trade and will endeavor to lower the barriers on trade between our nations.
Second, that the undersigned will protect the intellectual property of companies founded or operating within the borders of signatory countries, but that those companies will be obliged to discount their intellectual property at a fair rate to other signatory countries.
Third, that the undersigned will endeavor both individually and collectively to raise the living standards of our people, especially in those territories most heavily impacted by the Second World War.
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Republic of Italy The Grand Duchy of Luxembourg The Kingdom of Greece The Republic of Turkey The Kingdom of the Netherlands The Kingdom of Belgium The Spanish State The Kingdom of Sweden
The United Kingdom is pleased with the results of the Treaty of Dunkirk and would therefore like to expand it to include other European nations to help guard against possible communist threats, particularly in light of what has happened in Italy.
The Treaty of Brussels shall:
Call for a military agency to be created under the name of the Western Union Defense Organization consisting of a WU Defense committee at the Prime Minister level and a WU Combined chiefs of Staff Committee
An attack on one member shall be considered an attack on all
Establishes dispute resolution frameworks in line with human rights and the founding values of the United Nations
Strengthen the economic, social, and cultural ties of European nations
The following nations shall be parties to the Treaty of Brussels:
United Kigndom
[Treaty unmodified from original]
His Royal Highness the Prince Regent of Belgium, the President of the French Republic, President of the French Union, Her Royal Highness the Grand Duchess of Luxembourg, Her Majesty the Queen of the Netherlands and His Majesty The King of Great Britain, Ireland and the British Dominions beyond the Seas,
To reaffirm their faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person and in the other ideals proclaimed in the Charter of the United Nations;
To fortify and preserve the principles of democracy, personal freedom and political liberty, the constitutional traditions and the rule of law, which are their common heritage;
To strengthen, with these aims in view, the economic, social and cultural ties by which they are already united;
To co-operate loyally and to co-ordinate their efforts to create in Western Europe a firm basis for European economic recovery;
To afford assistance to each other, in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations, in maintaining international peace and security and in resisting any policy of aggression;
To take such steps as may be held to be necessary in the event of a renewal by Germany of a policy of aggression;
To associate progressively in the pursuance of these aims other States inspired by the same ideals and animated by the like determination;
Desiring for these purposes to conclude a treaty for collaboration in economic, social and cultural matters and for collective self-defence;
Have appointed as their Plenipotentiaries;
His Royal Highness the Prince Regent o
... keep reading on reddit β‘At 12:32am, January 8th, 1919, an Armistice was signed between the Entente and the Central Powers, bringing the war to a temporary close. Six months later, on June 3rd, the Treaty of Brussels was signed ending the war permanently.
The Treaty of Brussels
β’The War was to be recognised by both sides as being in no-ones' favour
β’Germany had to give ElsaΓ-Lothringen to France, an it was to be renamed Alsace-Lorraine
β’Germany had to give Eupen to Belgium
β’Germany had to give it's Asian Colonies to Australia and Japan
β’Germany got to keep its African Colonies
β’Austria-Hungary had to give Southern Tyrol and Istria to Italy
β’Austria-Hungary got to annex Montenegro
β’Bulgaria was given Serbian Macedonia and southern Dobrudja
β’The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk was to be recognised by the Entente
β’Britain had to give Germany supplies because of its blockade
β’Both sides had to pay war reparations to the other side's countries depending on how much damage they dealt to that country
β’Germany had to submit to Britain and stop trying to overtake them in a Naval Arms Race
β’Northern Schleswig was to be given to Denmark
β’A buffer state in the Saarland was to be created under the joint control of France and Germany
β’The Ottomans had to give up the Levante to Britain
β’The Ottomans had to give Cyprus back to Britain
The Treaty of Brussels brought an end to a War which had resulted in 16 Million dead, 25 Million wounded, and 10 Million taken prisoner.
The Treaty of Dunkirk, the defensive alliance between France and the United Kingdom, is in need of great expansion to further formalise the defence of western Europe. We therefore invite Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg as well as our current allies, France, to sign a new treaty to defend our collective nations from future German nationalist threat and the communist threats from the Soviet Union. This treaty will lay the groundwork of further future cooperation between our nations.
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