A list of puns related to "The Lords Of The New Church"
Bro, if Rusty knew about Coronavirus and his response was only to change church length, dude is a horrible person.
I was really sad when i saw the old sub it was a cool place with a bunch of people worshipping a giant peanut. I am glad this place was made so we can all worship the nut. I hope it goes well.
" Lord Robert Montagu PC (24 January 1825 โ 6 May 1902), was a British Conservative politician. He served as Vice-President of the Committee on Education between 1867 and 1868." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lord_Robert_Montagu
The quotations come from Montagu's book Recent Events and a Clue to their Solution (1886) pg. 76/77 : https://archive.org/details/RecentEventsAndAClueToTheirSoluti/page/n11/mode/2up
" When we remember that the leaders of political parties were only in simulated opposition, while they were really co-operating and working together to advance the Papal cause in England ; when we see the Ritualists in the Church, as well as those who have Romanizing tendencies in Parliament, advanced and pushed up to the top of affairs, so that England may be ever kept between "the upper and nether millstone" of Popery ; when we remember, moreover, that there are many, who, in their hearts, abhor this Papist conspiracy, but yet have to labour for it and hold their tongues, because, by the adroitness of Jesuit friends, or by a dishonest recklessness, or, perhaps, by the strength of youthful passions, they have become "committed" to the Jesuitsโ by the commission of some crimeโto remain their slaves for ever after ; when we think of that, and reflect that if even one man has been kept by a Divine power from falling into the trap, yet he will never be believed when he opens his mouth to reveal the conspiracy, because of the thousands of interested persons, and many thousands of their slaves, who are ready and waiting to scoff him down ; when we think of all that, do we not feel overwhelmed by the threats of impending disaster ? do we not lose all hope, all confidence, all energy in endeavouring to avert the evil ?
No ! There is one thought which can support us and give us courage for the coming conflict,โthe thought that the Lord Jesus is King ; that He is the Ruler and Judge of the whole earth ; and that nothing is done upon the earth but He doeth it altogether ; and further that "there is no evil in the city, but lo ! the Lord hath done it." When nerved by that thought for the st
... keep reading on reddit โกOff the top of my head I can think of all the paintings of how Joseph translated the gold plates
What else is there?
They informed me that "including BYU-Idaho in your will, trust, life insurance policy, or retirement account qualifies you to be a member of the Legacy Society." Ooooh, nice. Legacy Society. What do you think? How many millions should I give them? Seriously, I'm still extremely bothered by the disgusting message of conditional love, featured in this fine 'philanthropic' video (which TSCC took down due to numerous complaints). It's hard to believe someone could come up with a concept like this, approved surely at the highest levels during every step of production. But hey, it's a win for TSCC either way: https://sendvid.com/iax8sckz#
I've noticed more discussions occurring surrounding the Sacraments. We had a discussion here I believe last week or the week prior. I'm less interested in reasons, arguments, and citations against continuing with the sacraments during quarantine (those seem to abound at least in the circles I'm in).
I'd like to hear from some who are reverently seeking to honor Christ's command during Quarantine to feed upon the word + sacrament.
What changes are you making to the methods and modes of the table to your regular practice (in life without Quarantine)
How did your leadership explain or make public the continuation of the table?
What were the foundations of continuing the table? (Scripture? Conscious? Continuity? Something else?)
Where in scripture (in light of In the Word Wednesdays) do you turn to for guidance of worship practice (sacraments included) during a time of Quarantine?
Thank you for your time today!
I bet they outperform the rest of the market.
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