What do you call a puppy that gets into everything?

Snoop Dogg

πŸ‘︎ 53
πŸ‘€︎ u/Nope666999
πŸ“…︎ Mar 29 2021
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Little Johnny has diarrhoea and asks his mom, "Hey mom, do you have Viagra?" The mom goes, "What? What on Earth do you need that for?" "Well, isn't that what you give dad when his shit doesn't get hard?"
πŸ‘︎ 5
πŸ‘€︎ u/M_Arslan_Tahir
πŸ“…︎ Jan 23 2021
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What do you call a scary icing that you can't get rid of?

A boo meringue!

πŸ‘︎ 18
πŸ‘€︎ u/chemist612
πŸ“…︎ Feb 13 2021
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My 16 year old son was in the kitchen baking up a storm when my wife came downstairs. "What are you doing?" she asked him. "I'm going to have a bake sale to buy a car," he answered. "Where on earth did you get that idea? We're in a pandemic! No one is going to buy baked goods!" He said...

"I heard on Reddit that you need cake to get the car, ma."

πŸ‘︎ 17k
πŸ‘€︎ u/thebikerdad
πŸ“…︎ May 06 2020
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What do you call the crew of a rocket launch that gets cancelled?


πŸ‘︎ 3
πŸ‘€︎ u/bobby_vance
πŸ“…︎ Jan 28 2021
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Whats with the saying "that's how you get ahead in life"?

I was already born with one.

πŸ‘︎ 5
πŸ‘€︎ u/samueld44
πŸ“…︎ Dec 30 2020
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What do you call a monkey that cant get into his house?

A mon

πŸ‘︎ 3
πŸ‘€︎ u/RayInRed
πŸ“…︎ Nov 26 2020
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What do you call a Jedi that can't get to sleep?

A restless Knight.

πŸ‘︎ 6
πŸ‘€︎ u/garmdian
πŸ“…︎ Nov 28 2020
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What do you call a janitor that gets stoned ?

High maintenance

πŸ‘︎ 22
πŸ‘€︎ u/skyhighjams
πŸ“…︎ Oct 23 2020
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Son: Dad what are you going to do today? Dad: Well first I'm going to get a pair of glasses. Son: And after that?

Dad: I'll see.

πŸ‘︎ 31
πŸ‘€︎ u/KingTheo75520
πŸ“…︎ Sep 12 2020
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What do you call hashbrowns that get thrown in the garbage?


πŸ‘︎ 4
πŸ‘€︎ u/cockinstien
πŸ“…︎ Oct 01 2020
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What can you get from a squid that will make you laugh?

Ten tickles.

πŸ‘︎ 7
πŸ“…︎ Sep 12 2020
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What do you get if you have a subsciption to a magazine that is all about fathers?

Daddy issues

πŸ‘︎ 5
πŸ‘€︎ u/Alastrel3000
πŸ“…︎ Aug 26 2020
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What do you call an electric oven that always gets dirty?


πŸ‘︎ 12
πŸ‘€︎ u/piratecheese13
πŸ“…︎ Jul 16 2020
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What do you call a snail that gets around a lot?


πŸ‘︎ 2
πŸ‘€︎ u/JangoJake
πŸ“…︎ Jul 10 2020
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What do you call a shape that gets into a car accident?

A rectangle.

πŸ‘︎ 22
πŸ‘€︎ u/Jason_Boyd
πŸ“…︎ Apr 11 2020
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What do you call a duck that gets all A's?

A wise quacker.

πŸ‘︎ 38
πŸ‘€︎ u/notdadbot
πŸ“…︎ Nov 18 2019
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What do you call a tropical cocktail that gets into a car accident?

Pina Collide-a

πŸ‘︎ 9
πŸ‘€︎ u/lol_camis
πŸ“…︎ Dec 29 2019
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That's what you get in Bangkok
πŸ‘︎ 16
πŸ‘€︎ u/bananallamma
πŸ“…︎ May 07 2019
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What do you call a lizard that can't get an erection

A reptile dysfunction.

πŸ‘︎ 6
πŸ“…︎ Jun 02 2019
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What do you call a potato that gets the gals?

A spud.

πŸ‘︎ 55
πŸ‘€︎ u/yaboymas
πŸ“…︎ Apr 26 2019
🚨︎ report
What do you call a catholic that often gets lost

A Roman Catholic

πŸ‘︎ 3
πŸ‘€︎ u/Hobdel1
πŸ“…︎ Aug 20 2019
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What do you call a cantaloupe that runs off to get married?

A can-elope!

πŸ‘︎ 2
πŸ‘€︎ u/badboy236
πŸ“…︎ Sep 24 2018
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What do you call a fruit that isn’t allowed to get married?

A cantaloupe (can’t elope)

πŸ‘︎ 9
πŸ‘€︎ u/tkstormkt
πŸ“…︎ Dec 15 2018
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What do you give cats that don't get along with each other?

An anti-hisstamine.

πŸ‘︎ 2
πŸ‘€︎ u/Spotted_Lady
πŸ“…︎ Oct 07 2018
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"What do you call one of those mini burps that never really gets enough acoustic momentum to become a full resounding rip?"

"A Son of a Belch"

Thought it up yesterday! Hopefully it's original.

πŸ‘︎ 3
πŸ‘€︎ u/ChaosReignsAll
πŸ“…︎ Jan 18 2019
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What do you call a peice of glass that watches another piece of glass get murdered?

A material witness

πŸ‘︎ 4
πŸ“…︎ May 14 2018
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What do you call a cult that’s hard to get into?


πŸ‘︎ 3
πŸ‘€︎ u/LucaKasai
πŸ“…︎ Sep 27 2018
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What do you call a melon that is unable to run off and get married?

A cantaloupe.

πŸ‘︎ 15
πŸ‘€︎ u/jt_griggs
πŸ“…︎ Mar 11 2018
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What do you call a woolen coat that you get as a Christmas gift?

Fleece Navidad.

πŸ‘︎ 8
πŸ‘€︎ u/slmckay73
πŸ“…︎ Nov 06 2018
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Two vampire bats in a cave, one goes out in search of fresh blood in the local village, and comes back with a face covered in red blood. His friend says "what did you eat to get all that?" The first bat replies:

"You see that steeple on that church over there? Yeah, I hit it."

πŸ‘︎ 5
πŸ‘€︎ u/palpameme_66
πŸ“…︎ Dec 14 2018
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What do you call a lizard family that doesn’t get along?

A-Reptile Dysfunction!

πŸ‘︎ 9
πŸ‘€︎ u/RWise392
πŸ“…︎ Aug 26 2018
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A man walks into a bar with his pet giraffe, the barman asks what he can get them and the man orders a pint for himself and 20 shots for the giraffe, the giraffe necks all 20 shots and falls on the ground, the man goes to leave the bar and the barman says "HEY, you can't leave that lyin there!"

The man says "that's not a lion, that's a giraffe"

πŸ‘︎ 19
πŸ‘€︎ u/ChazyLamy
πŸ“…︎ May 23 2018
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What do you call south american apes that get quickly delivered packages?

amazon primates

πŸ‘︎ 12
πŸ‘€︎ u/aparks1437
πŸ“…︎ Apr 05 2018
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What do you call a wrench that gets huge and turns green when angry?

Bruce Spanner

πŸ‘︎ 3
πŸ‘€︎ u/tabshiftescape
πŸ“…︎ Feb 27 2018
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You know what they say about the melons that aren't able to run off and get married?

They cantaloupe.

πŸ‘︎ 9
πŸ‘€︎ u/hellslave
πŸ“…︎ Mar 31 2016
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What do you call a pasta that can’t get into their house?


πŸ‘︎ 2
πŸ‘€︎ u/MLZ_ent
πŸ“…︎ Jun 01 2020
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What do you call a monkey that cant get into his house?

A mon.

πŸ‘︎ 10
πŸ‘€︎ u/Xene_s
πŸ“…︎ Jan 31 2020
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What do you call a duck that gets all A's?

A wise quacker.

πŸ‘︎ 19
πŸ‘€︎ u/notdadbot
πŸ“…︎ Nov 05 2019
🚨︎ report
What do you call a duck that gets all A's?

A wise quacker.

πŸ‘︎ 14
πŸ‘€︎ u/notdadbot
πŸ“…︎ Nov 02 2019
🚨︎ report
What do you call a duck that gets all A's?

A wise quacker.

πŸ‘︎ 7
πŸ‘€︎ u/notdadbot
πŸ“…︎ Nov 19 2019
🚨︎ report
What do you call a duck that gets all A's?

A wise quacker.

πŸ‘︎ 12
πŸ‘€︎ u/notdadbot
πŸ“…︎ Oct 30 2019
🚨︎ report
What do you call a duck that gets all A's?

A wise quacker.

πŸ‘︎ 4
πŸ‘€︎ u/notdadbot
πŸ“…︎ Oct 25 2019
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What do you call a fruit that doesn’t want to get married?

A Cantaloupe

πŸ‘︎ 25
πŸ‘€︎ u/kiehls
πŸ“…︎ Dec 28 2017
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