Demi Lovato to Star in NBC Comedy Put Pilot β€˜Hungry’ From Suzanne Martin…
πŸ‘︎ 59
πŸ‘€︎ u/impeccabletim
πŸ“…︎ Jan 25 2021
🚨︎ report
Fun fact: Suzanne van VOF de Kunst is ooit gecovered door niemand minder dan Ricky 'Livin' la vida loca' Martin…
πŸ‘︎ 25
πŸ‘€︎ u/ArnoudTweakers
πŸ“…︎ Mar 10 2017
🚨︎ report
Suzanne Martin - Murdered 15 years ago in Pensacola, FL

On 04/28/00 at 7:50 a.m. the body of Glenda Suzanne Martin was found in Escambia Bay at the Archie Glover Boat Ramp off Avalon Blvd. in Santa Rosa County. The boat ramp is located near Interstate 10 at the Santa Rosa Escambia County line. During the investigation it was determined that Martin had been in the Seville Quarter area of Pensacola during the early morning hours of Thursday 04/28/00. Martins body was found by a local fisherman approximately 20 yards from shore. Source

Link to a longer explanation

Do you think it was someone she knew or someone she met that night?

She was ran over but yet her pants were found separate from her body. Did they rape her and then run her over?

πŸ‘︎ 46
πŸ‘€︎ u/junjunjenn
πŸ“…︎ Apr 29 2015
🚨︎ report
TIL that before they became famous, Farrah Fawcett, Suzanne Somers, Andy Kaufman, Steve Martin, Burt Reynolds, Phil Hartman, and several other future celebrities appeared as contestants on game show, "The Dating Game". Oh – and serial killer, Rodney Alcala, too. beyondthefold.chieftain.c…
πŸ‘︎ 45
πŸ‘€︎ u/jonaston
πŸ“…︎ Aug 08 2014
🚨︎ report
Suzanne Martin Project title revealed: 'Crowded'…
πŸ‘︎ 7
πŸ‘€︎ u/Razbyte
πŸ“…︎ May 08 2015
🚨︎ report
Meeple Syrup Episode 23: Around the Table Featuring W. Eric Martin and Aldie from Board Game Geek and Suzanne from Board Game Breakfast…
πŸ‘︎ 3
πŸ‘€︎ u/DeviousGlene
πŸ“…︎ Feb 19 2015
🚨︎ report
Suzanne Farrell and Peter Martins in Balanchine's Allegro Brilliante
πŸ‘︎ 14
πŸ‘€︎ u/mashinka9
πŸ“…︎ Oct 26 2013
🚨︎ report
[Books] James Frey - How one man made millions by faking his life, pissing off Oprah, becoming a national pariah, and exploiting literary students with crushing contracts and borderline slave-labour.

I was surprised to find out there was no write-up for this. I think there might have been one once, but it has been deleted, so I decided to do one of my own.

#The Author

Frey is an author, businessmen, and all around sketchy fellow from Ohio. He went to Denison University and majored in history – you don’t care about that, but I thought I’d mention it anyway.

Frey fumbled from project to project until he got his big break in 1998 when he wrote the screenplay for β€˜Kissing A Fool’, starring David Schwimmer and some other people. Judging by its 5.6/10 rating on IMDB, it was exactly as bad as everything else Frey ever touched. After that, he wrote and directed Sugar: The Fall of the West, which must have been even worse than Kissing a Fool, because it seems to have completely disappeared from the face of the Earth. I can’t find a single scrap of information about it anywhere online.

#The Book

In April of 2003, James Frey approached the publishing house Doubleday with his memoir β€˜A Million Little Pieces’. It was a tale of drug addiction, criminality, recovery, and a slow, painful return to society. A true hero’s journey in the Campbellian style. And according to Frey, it was all true. The book hit shelves on 15th April.

So what actually happens? Well, I decided to subject myself to it so you don’t have to. I didn’t pay for it of course. I’m not insane.

After the EPUB file had finished torrenting, I opened the book and read the first page, realised I was only reading the reviews and the book didn’t actually begin for three more pages, opened up Goodreads and saw that it was 515 pages long, closed the book, and returned to this document.

So here are the spark notes, reworded just enough that it doesn’t count as plagiarism.

James wakes up on a flight to Chicago with no clue where he is. He’s missing a piece of his cheek, has four broken teeth, and his nose is broken too. Travelling with him are a doctor and two mysterious gentlemen. When he lands, he meets his parents, who had flown in from Tokyo to collect him. Frey is then taken to rehab in Minnesota. He is almost immediately attacked by another patient, but finds solace in new friends – a young woman named Lilly and a career criminal named Leonard.

*This begins James’s horrible road to recovery. He experiences constant, painful vomiting from withdrawals, and a double root canal (without painkill

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πŸ‘︎ 3k
πŸ‘€︎ u/Rumbleskim
πŸ“…︎ Dec 22 2021
🚨︎ report
A list of doctors who have come out against the Covid β€œvaccines”

Dr. Michael Yeadon

Dr. Robert Malone

Dr. Rima Laibow

Dr. David Martin

Dr. Luc Montainger

Dr. Peter Mcullough

Dr. Roger Hodkison

Dr. Gert Vandeen Bossche


Dr. Judy Mitkovitz

Dr. Carrie Madej

Dr. Vladimir Zelenko

Dr. Ben Tapper

Dr. Kerry Mullis

Dr. Michael Lake

Dr. Christiane Northrop

Dr. Simone Gold

Dr. Sean Brooks

Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai

Dr. Jane Ruby

Dr. Ryan Cole

Dr. Kevin Stillwagon

Dr. Afzal Niaz

Dr. Rashid A.Buttar

Dr. Paul Thomas

Dr. Vanessa Passov

Dr. Jessica Rose

Dr Christopher Rake

Dr. Charles Hoffe

Dr. Mark Mcdonald

Dr. Jeff Barke

Dr. Andrew Kaufman

Dr. Manuel Alonso

Dr. Amir Shahar

Dr. Patrick Phillips

Dr. Bryan Ardis

Dr. Franc Zalewski

Dr. Daniel Griffin

Dr. Zandra Botha

Dr. RochagnΓ© Kilian

Dr. Joseph Mercola

Dr. James Lyons-Weiler

Dr. Henry Ealy

Dr. Jay Bhattacharya

Dr. Michael Palmer

Dr. Eddy Bettermann MD

Dr. Harvey Risch

Dr. Steven Hotze

Dr. Dan Stock

Dr. Sam Duby

Dr. Francis Christian

Dr. Chris Milburn

Dr. John Carpay

Dr. Richard Flemming

Dr. Gina Gold

Dr. Michael Mcdowell

Dr. John Witcher

Dr. Jim Meehan

Dr. Chris Shaw

Dr. Anne McCloskey

Dr Rheiner Fuellmich

Dr. Christiana Parks

Dr. Robert Young

Dr. Amandha Vollmer

Dr Judy Wilyman

Dr Michael McConville

Dr Stella Immanuel

Dr James Nellenschwander

Dr. Julie Ponesse

Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi

Dr. Paul Cottrell

Dr. Lee Merritt

Dr. Rochagne Killian

Dr. Larry Palevsky

Dr. Natalia Prego Cancelo

Dr. Hilde de Smet

Dr. Elizabeth Evans

Dr. Brian Hooker

Dr. Joel Hirschhorn

Dr. R. Zac Cox

Dr. Mohammed Adil

Dr. Ralph ER Sundberg

Dr. Johan Denis

Dr. Daniel Cullum

Dr. Anne Fierlafijin

Dr. Kevin Corbett

Dr. Pior Rubis

Dr. Pascal Sacre

Dr. Nicole Delepine

Dr. Lorraine Day

Dr, Stevn Kirsch

Dr. Yoav Yehezkelli

Dr Nour De San

Dr. Kelly Brogan

Dr. HervΓ© Seligmann

Dr. Annie Bukacek

Dr. Mark Brody

Dr. Steven LaTulippe

Dr. Mark Trozzi

Dr. Scott Jensen

Dr. Byram W. Bridle

Dr. Andrew Wakefield

Dr. Larry Palevsky

Dr. Dan Erickson

Dr. James Todaro

Dr. Joe Lapado

Dr. Richard Bartlett

Dr. Ben Edwards

Dr. Pierre Kory

Dr. Heather Gessling

Dr. Bryan Tyson

Dr. Richard Urso

Dr. John Littell

Dr. Scott Jensen

Dr. Ben Carson

Dr. Peter Schirmacher

Dr. Zandra Botha

Dr. Pamela Popper

Dr. Theresa Long

Dr. Nancy Burks

Dr. Russel Blaylock

Dr. Shiv Chopra

Dr. Suzanne Humphries

Dr. Tori Bark

Dr. Meryl Nass

Dr. Raymond Obamsawin

Dr. Ghislaine Lanctot

Dr. Robert Rowen

Dr. David Ayoub

Dr. Boyd Hailey

Dr. Roby

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πŸ‘︎ 104
πŸ‘€︎ u/Divinchy
πŸ“…︎ Dec 05 2021
🚨︎ report
Praise kink (and "good girl" or "good boy") recs!

If you're looking for praise kink recommendations, or MCs saying "good girl" makes you melt πŸ₯΅, you've come to the right place. I've combed through old threads and my GR history to find as many praise kink recs as possible (thank you anyone who originally gave some of these recs!)

(For those that don't recognize the term, you can think of praise kink as the opposite of a humiliation kink - it's getting pleasure from being praised or getting approval (for example a MMC telling the FMC she's a good girl while they have sex), and usually goes along with "softer" dirty talk (not sure how else to describe that?) It's one of my favorite things in romance books and I've started to keep a running list which I've tried to categorize a bit below.

-Well-placed β€œgood girls”:

-Made-me-sweat-such-spot-on praise kink:

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πŸ‘︎ 373
πŸ“…︎ Oct 28 2021
🚨︎ report
SERIOUS: This subreddit needs to understand what a "dad joke" really means.

I don't want to step on anybody's toes here, but the amount of non-dad jokes here in this subreddit really annoys me. First of all, dad jokes CAN be NSFW, it clearly says so in the sub rules. Secondly, it doesn't automatically make it a dad joke if it's from a conversation between you and your child. Most importantly, the jokes that your CHILDREN tell YOU are not dad jokes. The point of a dad joke is that it's so cheesy only a dad who's trying to be funny would make such a joke. That's it. They are stupid plays on words, lame puns and so on. There has to be a clever pun or wordplay for it to be considered a dad joke.

Again, to all the fellow dads, I apologise if I'm sounding too harsh. But I just needed to get it off my chest.

πŸ‘︎ 17k
πŸ‘€︎ u/anywhereiroa
πŸ“…︎ Jan 15 2022
🚨︎ report
The r/Fantasy 2021 Top Novels Poll: Results!

Hello everyone! You posted your list of top 10 favorite books or series and we have (finally) completed the list. This list includes all entries with 5 or more votes.

This year had nearly 941 individual votes with nearly 9000 total votes. That's about twice as many votes as we had in 2019! There are about 1100 series on the full list.

Special thanks to the other mods for helping out, especially u/Dianthaa, u/cubansombrero, and u/Cassandra_Sanguine as I could not have finished this without them.

No. Series Votes Author Rank Change
1 The Stormlight Archive 420 Brandon Sanderson 0
2 Middle-Earth Universe 373 J.R.R. Tolkien 0
3 Mistborn 304 Brandon Sanderson 2
4 The Wheel of Time 296 Robert Jordan 0
5 A Song of Ice and Fire 275 George R.R. Martin -2
6 First Law World 271 Joe Abercrombie 1
7 Discworld 214 Terry Pratchett 3
8 The Realm of the Elderlings 206 Robin Hobb 3
9 The Kingkiller Chronicle 203 Patrick Rothfuss -4
10 Gentleman Bastard 192 Scott Lynch -1
11 Harry Potter 181 J.K. Rowling -3
12 Malazan Book of the Fallen 167 Steven Erikson 0
13 The Dresden Files 152 Jim Butcher 1
14 The Broken Earth 117 N.K. Jemisin 0
15 [Red Rising Saga](http
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πŸ‘︎ 2k
πŸ‘€︎ u/fanny_bertram
πŸ“…︎ Aug 10 2021
🚨︎ report
Last name headcanon thingy

If you agree or disagree let me know!

  1. Ezekiel- Ezekiel Peter Olson
  2. Eva- Eva Olga Belsky
  3. Noah- Noah Sanjay Patel
  4. Justin- Justin Jacob Hale
  5. Katie- Katherine Melissa Ashraf
  6. Tyler- Tyler Brady Johansen
  7. Izzy- Isabelle Siobhan McCarthy III
  8. Cody- Cody Emmet Jameson Anderson
  9. Beth- Bethany Gina Adams
  10. Sadie- Sadie Shannon Bautista
  11. Courtney- Courtney Juana Garcia (not related to Jonesy lol)
  12. Harold- Harold Norbert Cheever Doris McGrady V
  13. Trent- Trenton Benjamin Sawyer
  14. Bridgette- Bridgette Elise Summers
  15. Lindsay- Lindsay Frederick Cohn
  16. DJ- Devon Joseph Carter Smith
  17. Geoff- Geoffrey William Thompson
  18. Leshawna- Leshawna Jada Edwards
  19. Duncan- Duncan Fletcher Collins
  20. Heather- Heather Rachel Sato
  21. Gwen- Gwendolyn Blaire Fahlenbock
  22. Owen- Owen Theodore O'Connor
  23. Blaineley- Mildred Stacey Andrews O'Halloran
  24. Sierra- Sierra Beatrice Ortiz
  25. Alejandro- Alejandro Diego Emilio Burromuerto
  26. Staci- Eustacia Regina Stewart
  27. Dakota- Dakota Lynn Milton
  28. B- Beverly Michael Hills
  29. Dawn- Dawn Luna Wozniak
  30. Sam- Samuel Isaac Hoffman
  31. Brick- Mason Oscar McArthur
  32. Anne Maria- Anne Maria Rosa Castelli
  33. Mike- Michael Mateo Bruno
  34. Jo- Joanne Natalia Levin
  35. Scott- Scott Ian Kennedy
  36. Zoey- Zoey Sonia Phan
  37. Lightning- Rudolph Tyrone Jackson
  38. Cameron- Cameron Corduroy Wilkins
  39. Beardo- Bernardo Jaden Kariuki
  40. Leonard- Leonard Henry Musa
  41. Amy- Amanda Elizabeth Larson
  42. Rodney- Rodney Liam Kennedy
  43. Sammy- Samantha Riley Larson
  44. Ella- Ella Louise Martin
  45. Topher- Christopher Andrew Montgomery
  46. Dave- David Aditya Singh
  47. Scarlett- Scarlett Emily Carmichael
  48. Max- Maximillian Oliver Goodwill
  49. Jasmine- Jasmine Sydney Jones
  50. Sugar- Lana Suzanne Wagner
  51. Sky- Skylar Cadence Tarbell
  52. Shawn- Shawn Derrick Hansen
  53. Tammy- Tamara Alice Lindberg
  54. Gerry- Gerald Hugo Erikson
  55. Pete- Peter Charles McLean
  56. Ellody- Ellody Alisha Gupta
  57. Mary- Mary Rose Bernthal
  58. Miles- Francesca Miles Schdmit
  59. Laurie- Laurie Jamie Campbell
  60. Jen- Jennifer Gabriella Russo
  61. Tom- Thomas Spencer Amaral
  62. Kelly- Kelly Helen George
  63. Taylor- Taylor Ava George
  64. Mickey- Mickey Dylan Evans
  65. Jay- Jason Lloyd Evans
  66. Chet- Chet Marc Peeters
  67. Lorenzo- Lorenzo Enrico Romano
  68. Rock- Nicholas Simon Kowalski (kowalski analysis)
  69. Spud- Harry Jasper Davies
  70. Dwayne- Dwayne Charlie Wilson Sr.
  71. Junior- Dwayne Charlie Wilson Jr.
  72. Crimson- Amelia Ha
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πŸ‘︎ 12
πŸ‘€︎ u/flofloredditz
πŸ“…︎ Dec 29 2021
🚨︎ report
Google Drive eTextbooks release thread (part-35)!+ Accepting requests every day
  • If you find your book in the thread below, send the number of the book via reddit chat or via telegram .
  • Almost all the books are in their latest editions and some of them are available in multiple editions too
  • Books (pdf) are delivered through Google-Drive link
  • You can also send requests via reddit chat or by telegram .
  • Also, upvote the post if you found it useful

Please find the list below:

  1. US: A Narrative History Volume 1: To 1877, 8th Edition: James West Davidson

  2. Starting Out with Python, 5th Edition: Tony Gaddis

  3. Sanders' Paramedic Textbook Includes Navigate 2 Essentials Access, 5th Edition: Mick J. Sanders & AAOS & Kim McKenna

  4. Sanders' Paramedic Student Workbook, 5th Edition: Mick J. Sanders & American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS)

  5. Philosophical, Ideological, and Theoretical Perspectives on Education, 2nd Edition: Gerald L. Gutek

  6. Metaphysics, Meaning, and Modality: Themes from Kit Fine: Mircea Dumitru

  7. Learning Theories: An Educational Perspective, 8th Edition: Dale Schunk

  8. Investments, 9th Canadian Edition: Zvi Bodie & Alex Kane & Alan Marcus & Lorne Switzer

  9. Intelligence Analysis: A Target-Centric Approach, 6th Edition: Robert M. Clark

  10. HR3 with CourseMate, 1 term, 3rd Edition: Angelo DeNisi & Ricky Griffin

  11. Horngren's Accounting, Volume 2, 11th Canadian Edition: Tracie Miller-Nobles & Brenda Mattison & Ella Mae Matsumura

  12. Fundamentals of Business Organizations for Paralegals, 6th Edition: Deborah E. Bouchoux

  13. Financial Accounting, 15th Edition: Carl S. Warren & James M. Reeve & Jonathan Duchac

  14. Contemporary Business, 18th Edition: Louis E. Boone & David L. Kurtz & Susan Berston

  15. Auditing: Assurance and Risk, 4th Edition: W. Robert Knechel & Steven E. Salterio

  16. Beginner's Guide to SOLIDWORKS 2020, Level II: Alejandro Reyes

  17. CCNA 200-301 Official Cert Guide, Volume 1, 1st Edition: Odom Wendell

  18. CCNA 200-301 Official Cert Guide, Volume 2, 1st Edition: Odom Wendell

  19. The New One Minute Manager, 1st Edition: Ken Blanchard & Spencer Johnson

  20. Mosby's Guide to Nursing Diagnosis, 6th Edition: Gail B. Ladwig & Betty J. Ackley & Mary Beth Makic

  21. Your Research Project: Designing, Planning, and Getting Started, 4th Edit

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πŸ‘︎ 13
πŸ‘€︎ u/textbooks6
πŸ“…︎ Dec 09 2021
🚨︎ report
Creative Community for Peace expands to protect film actors against BDS harassment and intimidation

In 2012 BDS was calling for musical boycotts. David Renzer (at the time Chairman/CEO of Universal Music Publishing) and Steve Schnur (Music President, Electronic Arts) got together to form a group to help protect their musical artists against BDS harassment called Creative Community for Peace. They soon got: Warner Bros Records, Sony/ATV Publishing, Geffen Records, Atlantic Records, Columbia Records, William Morris Endeavor, Interscope Records, Ultra Records, AEG Presents, Capitol Records, and Amazon to join. They offered 3 services to managers and agents:

  • Advice, recommendations and support in monitoring and/or managing the messages on social or in traditional media when their artists were under attack.

  • Support, information, and further explanations of various accusations or threats being made.

  • Arrangements to meet with – and possibly perform with – Israelis and Palestinians who use music and the art as a bridge to peace; to connect, communicate and better understand each other’s narratives.

Eventually bands started helping band members. Groups like: Bon Jovi, Kanye West, Mariah Carey, One Republic, The Backstreet Boys, Robbie Williams, Justin Timberlake, Elton John, Sir Paul McCartney, Gilberto Gil and Caetano Veloso, alt-J, Chris Brown, Suzanne Vega, Diana Krall, Art Garfunkel, The Rolling Stones, Madonna, Dionne Warwick, Rihanna, Clean Bandit, Martin Garrix, Kygo, Enrique Iglesias, The Chainsmokers, Carlos Vives, Jason Derulo, A$AP Ferg, Ziggy Marley, PUSHA T, Chronixx, David Guetta, Flying Lotus, The Black Eyed Peas, Metallica, Linkin Park, Lady Gaga, Daddy Yankee, Akon, Alicia Keys, Justin Bieber, 30 Seconds to Mars, Julio Iglesias, REM, Barbra Streisand, Kaiser Chiefs, Pet Shop Boys, Guns N’ Roses, Burt Bacharach, Cyndi Lauper, Placebo, Chris Cornell, Alan Parsons, Tony Bennett, Matisyahu, Ron Carter offered their own experiences in how they handled and dealt with BDSer led intimidation and harassment campaigns directly to the groups while allowing Creative Community for Peace to service record companies, managers / agents and band members.

Creative Community for Peace supports dialogue and exchange over cultural boycott:

> We at Creative Community For Peace hope for a peaceful and lasting resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. We believe dialogue, which can be facilitated through the arts and music, is crucial to helping to achieve this goal. The BDS movement β€” both thr

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πŸ‘︎ 23
πŸ‘€︎ u/JeffB1517
πŸ“…︎ Nov 02 2021
🚨︎ report
Podcast-PlayList vom Donnerstag, 13.01.2022
πŸ‘︎ 6
πŸ“…︎ Jan 14 2022
🚨︎ report
Blind Girl Here. Give Me Your Best Blind Jokes!

Do your worst!

πŸ‘︎ 5k
πŸ‘€︎ u/Leckzsluthor
πŸ“…︎ Jan 02 2022
🚨︎ report
December 2021: Podium Audio Releases

If there are any errors, omissions, or mistakes on this page, please contact us through private message with the issue and we will make adjustments as needed.

Out Now:

Day Title Series, Book # Author(s) Narrator(s)
28th Alwen's Dream The Evans Family Saga 6 C.J. Petit Jim Meskimen
An Emperor's Gamble Legend of Tal 3 J.D.L. Rosell Derek Perkins
Burning Embers The O'Brien Tales 7 Stacey Reynolds Justine Eyre
Damaged The Dillon Sisters standalone Layla Frost DesireΓ© Ketchum, Joe Arden
Failed Harvest World's Strongest Farmer 2 Tyr Havolt Ulf Bjorklund
Gods and Men Ruins of the Earth 2 Christopher Hopper, J.N. Chaney R.C. Bray
He Who Fights with Monsters 4: A LitRPG Adventure He Who Fights With Monsters 4 Shirtaloon, Travis Deverell Heath Miller
Hell's Half Acre Coffin Cove Mysteries 2 Jackie Elliott Emily Sutton-Smith
Honourbound Surgecaller 3 Todd Herzman John Pirhalla
Make You Miss Me standalone B. Celeste Lucy Rivers
Metal Fury War's Edge standalone Ryan W. Aslesen Chad Michael Collins
No Quarter Unification War Trilogy 2 Joshua Dalzelle Mark Boyett
Novice Shinobi Rising 2 DB King Brian Nishii
Nowhere to Hide Shannon Ames 4 T.J. Brearton Bailey Carr
Out of the Blue standalone Kathryn Nolan Maxine Mitchell, Troy Duran
Silver May Tarnish Witch World: High Hallack Cycle 8 Andre Norton John Lee, Adjoa Andoh
Tainted Creek The Allstars Series 2 KC Kean Gregory Salinas, Kasi Hollowell
[The Reincarnated Core Volume 5](
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πŸ‘︎ 9
πŸ‘€︎ u/podiumaudio
πŸ“…︎ Dec 07 2021
🚨︎ report
Dropped my best ever dad joke & no one was around to hear it

For context I'm a Refuse Driver (Garbage man) & today I was on food waste. After I'd tipped I was checking the wagon for any defects when I spotted a lone pea balanced on the lifts.

I said "hey look, an escaPEA"

No one near me but it didn't half make me laugh for a good hour or so!

Edit: I can't believe how much this has blown up. Thank you everyone I've had a blast reading through the replies πŸ˜‚

πŸ‘︎ 20k
πŸ‘€︎ u/Vegetable-Acadia
πŸ“…︎ Jan 11 2022
🚨︎ report
What starts with a W and ends with a T

It really does, I swear!

πŸ‘︎ 6k
πŸ‘€︎ u/PsychedeIic_Sheep
πŸ“…︎ Jan 13 2022
🚨︎ report
Why did Karen press Ctrl+Shift+Delete?

Because she wanted to see the task manager.

πŸ‘︎ 11k
πŸ‘€︎ u/Eoussama
πŸ“…︎ Jan 17 2022
🚨︎ report
Podcast-PlayList vom Montag, 03.01.2022
πŸ‘︎ 5
πŸ“…︎ Jan 03 2022
🚨︎ report
A Comprehensive Look at Updated Cases (Doe's, Cold Arrests Et Cetera) from the Past Six Months.

Hello again,

Back in April I made this post in which I listed updates on cases (names given back to Jane/John Doe's, arrests made et cetera).

It took a painstaking amount of time and instead of either a) never doing it again or b) doing it in a year's time when it will take an equal amount of effort, I figured I'd try stay on top of it and give some more updates that have happened since I made that post.

I have tried to include the year of the crime at the start of each case this time around, so you can see just how far back some of these Doe's & Cold Cases are being solved. The past two years have seen so many names being given back and arrests made. Just look at the amount of times I had to type out 'DNA'. :)

If you see something I have missed out on, please flag it so I can add to the list.



1: 1988 Newton County Charlene Doe IDENTIFIED by the DNA Doe Project. Link To Post


2: 1980 Kern County Jane Doe IDENTIFIED by the DNA Doe Project. Link To Post


3: 1983 Brad Doe Case (victim of serial killer Larry Eyler) SOLVED by the DNA Doe Project. Link To Post


4: 1977 Septic Tank Sam Doe Case SOLVED by genetic genealogy. Link To Post


5: 2016 Durham County Jane Doe IDENTIFIED by Othram Labs. Link To Post


6: 1981 Pulaski County Jane Doe Case IDENTIFIED by the DNA Doe Project. Link To Post


7: 1992 Sand Canyon John Doe IDENTIFIED by Paragon/CeCe Moore. Link To Post


8: 1991 Jackson County Swamp Jane Doe INDENTIFIED by Othram Labs. [Link To Post](

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πŸ‘︎ 510
πŸ‘€︎ u/LeGaffe
πŸ“…︎ Sep 24 2021
🚨︎ report
So 2 trees got arrested in the town I live...

Heard they've been doing some shady business.

πŸ‘︎ 7k
πŸ‘€︎ u/K1ll47h3K1n9
πŸ“…︎ Jan 18 2022
🚨︎ report
What is a a bisexual person doing when they’re not dating anybody?

They’re on standbi

πŸ‘︎ 11k
πŸ‘€︎ u/Toby-the-Cactus
πŸ“…︎ Jan 12 2022
🚨︎ report
What is the scariest tree?


πŸ‘︎ 6k
πŸ‘€︎ u/K1ll47h3K1n9
πŸ“…︎ Jan 18 2022
🚨︎ report
Geddit? No? Only me?
πŸ‘︎ 6k
πŸ‘€︎ u/shampy311
πŸ“…︎ Dec 28 2021
🚨︎ report
Google Drive eTextbooks release thread (part-38)!+ Accepting requests every day
  • If you find your book in the thread below, send the number of the book via reddit chat or via telegram .
  • Almost all the books are in their latest editions and some of them are available in multiple editions too
  • Books (pdf) are delivered through Google-Drive link
  • You can also send requests via reddit chat or by telegram .
  • Also, upvote the post if you found it useful

Please find the list below:

12238.Argument Today 2nd edition Richard Johnson-Sheehan, Charles Paine

12239.A Guided Approach to Intermediate & Advanced Coding 2nd edition Jennifer LamΓ©

12240.Argument Today 2nd edition Richard Johnson-Sheehan, Charles Paine

12241.Human Anatomy & Physiology Laboratory Manual: Making Connections, Main Version 2nd edition Catharine C. Whiting

12242.Human Anatomy & Physiology Laboratory Manual: Making Connections, Cat Version 2nd edition Catharine C. Whiting

12243.Keys to Medical Assisting: A Pocket Guide 2nd edition Jahangir Moini

12244.Nutrition and Diet Therapy for Nurses 2nd edition Sheila Tucker, Vera Dauffenbach

12245.Human Anatomy & Physiology Laboratory Manual: Making Connections, Fetal Pig Version 2nd edition Catharine C. Whiting

12246.Visual Anatomy & Physiology Lab Manual, Pig Version 2nd edition Stephen N. Sarikas

12247.Dosage Calculations: A Multi-Method Approach 2nd edition Anthony Giangrasso, Dolores Shrimpton

12248.Algebra (Classic Version) 2nd edition Michael Artin

12249.Differential Equations with Boundary Value Problems (Classic Version) 2nd edition John Polking, Al Boggess,

12250.My Windows 10 (includes video and Content Update Program) 2nd edition Katherine Murray

12251.Visual Anatomy & Physiology Lab Manual, Cat Version 2nd edition Stephen N. Sarikas

12252.Visual Anatomy & Physiology Lab Manual, Main Version 2nd edition Stephen N. Sarikas, Stephen N. Sarikas

12253.My macOS 2nd edition John Ray

12254.Welcome to Culinary School: A Culinary Student Survival Guide 2nd edition Daniel Traster

12255.GO! with Computer Concepts Getting Started 2nd edition Zackary Hubbard

12256.Medical Terminology: Get Connected! 2nd edition Suzanne S Frucht

12257.Android Tips and Tricks: Covers Android 5 and Android 6 devices 2nd edition Guy Hart-Davis

12258.Twenty Studies That Revolutionized Child Psychology 2nd edition Wallace Dixon

12259.Local Anesthesia for Dental Professionals 2nd edition K

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πŸ‘︎ 5
πŸ‘€︎ u/textbooks6
πŸ“…︎ Dec 09 2021
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I wanna hear your best airplane puns.

Pilot on me!!

πŸ‘︎ 3k
πŸ‘€︎ u/Paulie_Felice
πŸ“…︎ Jan 07 2022
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E or ß?
πŸ‘︎ 9k
πŸ‘€︎ u/Amazekam
πŸ“…︎ Jan 03 2022
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Google Drive eTextbooks release thread (part-33)!+ Accepting requests every day
  • If you find your book in the thread below, send the number of the book via reddit chat or via telegram .
  • Almost all the books are in their latest editions and some of them are available in multiple editions too
  • Books (pdf) are delivered through Google-Drive link
  • You can also send requests via reddit chat or by telegram .
  • Also, upvote the post if you found it useful

Please find the list below:

  1. Torts: Cases and Materials, 4th Edition: Aaron D. Twerski & James A. Henderson & W. Bradley Wendel

  2. Global Occupational Safety and Health Management Handbook, 1st Edition: Thomas P. Fuller

  3. Parametric Modeling with SOLIDWORKS 2020: Randy Shih & Paul Schilling

  4. Tort Law: Responsibilities and Redress, 4th Edition: John C. P. Goldberg & Anthony J. Sebok & Benjamin C. Zipursky

  5. Evidence-Based Diagnosis: An Introduction to Clinical Epidemiology, 2nd Edition: Thomas B. Newman & Michael A. Kohn

  6. Thesis and Dissertation Writing in a Second Language: A Handbook for Students and their Supervisors, 2nd Edition: Brian Paltridge & Sue Starfield

  7. Therapeutic Modalities in Rehabilitation, 5th Edition: William Prentice

  8. Information Privacy Law, 6th Edition: Daniel J. Solove & Paul M. Schwartz

  9. Theory and Treatment Planning in Counseling and Psychotherapy, 2nd Edition: Diane R. Gehart

  10. Introduction to Probability, 2nd Edition: Joseph K. Blitzstein & Jessica Hwang

  11. Leadership Growth Through Crisis: An Investigation of Leader Development During Tumultuous Circumstances, 1st Edition, 2020 Edition: Bruce E. Winston

  12. Unequivocal Justice, 1st Edition: Christopher Freiman

  13. Louise Brigham and the Early History of Sustainable Furniture Design: Antoinette LaFarge

  14. Circular Entrepreneurship: Creating Responsible Enterprise, 1st Edition, 2019 Edition: Antonella Zucchella & Sabine Urban

  15. AP Human Geography: with 2 Practice Tests, 9th Edition: Meredith Marsh & Peter S. Alagona

  16. Applied Sport Mechanics, 4th Edition: Brendan Burkett

  17. Applied Theories in Occupational Therapy: A Practical Approach, 2nd Edition: Marilyn B. Cole & Roseanna Tufano

  18. Introducing SEO: Your quick-start guide to effective SEO practices: Aravind Shenoy & Anirudh Prabhu

  19. Essentials of Internal Medicine, 4th Edition: Ardhendu Sinh

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πŸ‘︎ 2
πŸ‘€︎ u/textbooks6
πŸ“…︎ Dec 09 2021
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Every single random streamer mode name in Rust

aaron abbey abbie abby abdul abe abel abigail abraham abram ada adah adalberto adaline adam adan addie adela adelaida adelaide adele adelia adelina adeline adell adella adelle adena adina adolfo adolph adria adrian adriana adriane adrianna adrianne adrien adriene adrienne afton agatha agnes agnus agripina agueda agustin agustina ahmad ahmed ai aida aide aiko aileen ailene aimee aisha aja akiko akilah al alaina alaine alan alana alane alanna alayna alba albert alberta albertha albertina albertine alberto albina alda alden aldo alease alec alecia aleen aleida aleisha alejandra alejandrina alejandro alena alene alesha aleshia alesia alessandra aleta aletha alethea alethia alex alexa alexander alexandra alexandria alexia alexis alfonso alfonzo alfred alfreda alfredia alfredo ali alia alica alice alicia alida alina aline alisa alise alisha alishia alisia alison alissa alita alix aliza alla allan alleen allegra allen allena allene allie alline allison allyn allyson alma almeda almeta alona alonso alonzo alpha alphonse alphonso alta altagracia altha althea alton alva alvaro alvera alverta alvin alvina alyce alycia alysa alyse alysha alysia alyson alyssa amada amado amal amalia amanda amber amberly ambrose amee amelia america ami amie amiee amina amira ammie amos amparo amy an ana anabel analisa anamaria anastacia anastasia andera anderson andra andre andrea andreas andree andres andrew andria andy anette angel angela angele angelena angeles angelia angelic angelica angelika angelina angeline angelique angelita angella angelo angelyn angie angila angla angle anglea anh anibal anika anisa anisha anissa anita anitra anja anjanette anjelica ann anna annabel annabell annabelle annalee annalisa annamae annamaria annamarie anne anneliese annelle annemarie annett annetta annette annice annie annika annis annita annmarie anthony antione antionette antoine antoinette anton antone antonetta antonette antonia antonietta antonina antonio antony antwan anya apolonia april apryl ara araceli aracelis aracely arcelia archie ardath ardelia ardell ardella ardelle arden ardis ardith aretha argelia argentina ariana ariane arianna arianne arica arie ariel arielle arla arlean arleen arlen arlena arlene arletha arletta arlette arlie arlinda arline arlyne armand armanda armandina armando armida arminda arnetta arnette arnita arnold arnoldo arnulfo aron arron art arthur artie arturo arvilla asa asha ashanti ashely ashlea ashlee ashleigh ashley ashli ashlie ashly ashlyn ashton asia asley a

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πŸ‘︎ 368
πŸ‘€︎ u/Chew0nthis25
πŸ“…︎ Aug 26 2021
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What did Spartacus say when the lion ate his wife?

Nothing, he was gladiator.

πŸ‘︎ 9k
πŸ‘€︎ u/rj104
πŸ“…︎ Jan 15 2022
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Pun intended.
πŸ‘︎ 5k
πŸ‘€︎ u/Sharmaji1301
πŸ“…︎ Jan 15 2022
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Which actor drives the least?

Christopher Walken

πŸ‘︎ 3k
πŸ‘€︎ u/TR1771N
πŸ“…︎ Jan 18 2022
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A friend sent me this and it’s probably one of the most important lists I’ve seen yet.

β€œI’ll trust a doctor over a mom on Facebook.”

Ok coolπŸ‘πŸΌ. Here ya go. A huge list of doctors willing to risk everything they have to get you the truth and the information you need.

Don’t go to Googleβ€”search for them on uncensored search engines and platforms such as Duck Duck Go, Telegram, Bitchute, and Rumble. Happy digging. Although, ya might not be too happy about everything they are coming forward about.

Hint: if it’s being censored, you NEED to read it.

Tip: copy and paste this list to save to the notes on your phone in case this post gets removed for β€œnot following community guidelines” because, you know, heaven forbid you listen to THESE doctors.

Dr. Michael Yeadon (Former Pfizer VP) Dr. Robert Malone (mRNA inventor) Dr. Peter McCullough (most published on CV) Dr. Vladimir Zelenko (Nobel PP Nominee) Dr. Kary Mullis (PCR inventor/Nobel PP winner) Dr. Rima Laibow Dr. Naomi Wolf Dr. David Martin Dr. Luc Montainger Dr. Roger Hodkinson Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche Dr. Sherri Tenpenny Dr. Judy Mitkovitz Dr. Carrie Madej Dr. Vernon Coleman Dr. Ben Tapper Dr. Michael Lake Dr. Christiane Northrop Dr. Simone Gold Dr. Sean Brooks Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai Dr. Jane Ruby Dr. Ryan Cole Dr. Kevin Stillwagon Dr. Afzal Niaz Dr. Rashid A.Buttar Dr. Paul Thomas Dr. Vanessa Passov Dr. Jessica Rose Dr. Christopher Rake Dr. Charles Hoffe Dr. Mark Mcdonald Dr. Jeff Barke Dr. Andrew Kaufman Dr. Manuel Alonso Dr. Amir Shahar Dr. Patrick Phillips Dr. Bryan Ardis Dr. Franc Zalewski Dr. Daniel Griffin Dr. Zandra Botha Dr. RochagnΓ© Kilian Dr. Joseph Mercola Dr. James Lyons-Weiler Dr. Henry Ealy Dr. Jay Bhattacharya Dr. Michael Palmer Dr. Eddy Bettermann MD Dr. Harvey Risch Dr. Steven Hotze Dr. Dan Stock Dr. Sam Duby Dr. Francis Christian Dr. Chris Milburn Dr. John Carpay Dr. Richard Fleming Dr. Gina Gold Dr. Kevin Corbett Dr. Michael Mcdowell Dr. John Witcher Dr. Jim Meehan Dr. Chris Shaw Dr. Anne McCloskey Dr. Reiner Fuellmich Dr. Christiana Parks Dr. Robert Young Dr. Amandha Vollmer Dr. Judy Wilyman Dr. Michael McConville Dr. Stella Immanuel Dr. James Nellenschwander Dr. Julie Ponesse Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi Dr. Paul Cottrell Dr. Lee Merritt Dr. Rochagne Killian Dr. Larry Palevsky Dr. Natalia Prego Cancelo Dr. Hilde de Smet Dr. Elizabeth Evans Dr. Brian Hooker Dr. Joel Hirschhorn Dr. R. Zac Cox Dr. Mohammed Adil Dr. Ralph ER Sundberg Dr. Johan Denis Dr. Daniel Cullum Dr. Anne Fierlafijin Dr. Kevin Corbett Dr. Pior Rubis Dr. Pascal Sacre Dr. Nicole Delepine Dr. Lorraine Day Dr. Y

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πŸ‘︎ 48
πŸ‘€︎ u/iSaltTheEarth
πŸ“…︎ Dec 15 2021
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Who are these experts opposing the CDC and Pfizer?


Dr. Robert W. Malone, who holds patents in the base technology for all the western COVID-19 vaccines To this day, his work involves virology, immunology, infectious disease, mRNA technology, and pharmaceuticals.

Peter McCullough, one of the world's top cardiologists and professor at Texas Christian University & University of North Texas Health Science Center School of Medicine and editor-in-chief of the journals Reviews in Cardiovascular Medicine and Cardiorenal Medicine with 850 research works with 41,545 citations.

Dr. Robert L. Bard, internationally recognized for his advanced clinical work in non-invasive cancer diagnostic imaging.

Dr. Tess Lawrie, director at Evidence-based Medicine Consultancy Limited and EbMC Squared CiC, whose work involves giving recommendations to the World Health Organization on treatment protocols for disease.

Professor Luc Montagnier, recipient of the 2008 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his discovery of the human immunodeficiency virus that refers to the Covid vaccination program as an "unacceptable mistake".

Dr. Franz Allerberger, Chief Epidemiologist of Austria- Dr. Michael Yeadon, former Former Vice President and Chief Science Officer of Pfizer for 16 years. Founder of successful pharma start-up.

Dr. Knut Wittkowski, a world class epidemiologist, who last worked at Rockefeller University in NY as Head, Biostatistics, Epidemiology, and Research Design, Center for Clinical & Translational Science.

Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, the most cited microbiologist in German academic history.- Dr. Scott Jensen, Family Doctor, Minnesota State Senator, Voted Best Minnesota Family Doctor in 2016.

Dr. Simone Gold, doctor, lawyer, and founder of America's Frontline Doctors.

Michael Levitt, Stanford Prof. of Biophysics, Cambridge PhD and DSc, 2013 Chemistry Nobel Laureate (complex systems), FRS & US National Academy member.

Professor Martin Kulldorff, Professor at Harvard Medical School. Disease surveillance methods. Infectious disease outbreaks. Vaccine safety.

Dr. Claus KΓΆhnlien, specialist in internal medicine in the Dept. of Oncology, Univ. of Kiel. Private Physician.

Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, former Publish Health officer, former German Parliament member and Council of Europe member

Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche, Independent Vaccine Research Consultant Vaccine Discovery & Preclinical Research.

Dr. Pierre Kory,ICU & Lung Doc, Teacher/Researcher. Co-Develope

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πŸ‘︎ 17
πŸ‘€︎ u/Divinchy
πŸ“…︎ Dec 24 2021
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This subreddit is 10 years old now.

I'm surprised it hasn't decade.

πŸ‘︎ 14k
πŸ‘€︎ u/frexyincdude
πŸ“…︎ Jan 14 2022
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Total Drama last name headcanons

If you agree or disagree let me know!

  1. Ezekiel- Ezekiel Peter Olson
  2. Eva- Eva Olga Belsky
  3. Noah- Noah Sanjay Patel
  4. Justin- Justin Jacob Hale
  5. Katie- Katherine Melissa Ashraf
  6. Tyler- Tyler Brady Johansen
  7. Izzy- Isabelle Siobhan McCarthy III
  8. Cody- Cody Emmet Jameson Anderson
  9. Beth- Bethany Gina Adams
  10. Sadie- Sadie Shannon Bautista
  11. Courtney- Courtney Juana Garcia (not related to Jonesy lol)
  12. Harold- Harold Norbert Cheever Doris McGrady V
  13. Trent- Trenton Benjamin Sawyer
  14. Bridgette- Bridgette Elise Summers
  15. Lindsay- Lindsay Frederick Cohn
  16. DJ- Devon Joseph Carter Smith
  17. Geoff- Geoffrey William Thompson
  18. Leshawna- Leshawna Jada Edwards
  19. Duncan- Duncan Fletcher Collins
  20. Heather- Heather Rachel Sato
  21. Gwen- Gwendolyn Blaire Fahlenbock
  22. Owen- Owen Theodore O'Connor
  23. Blaineley- Mildred Stacey Andrews O'Halloran
  24. Sierra- Sierra Beatrice Ortiz
  25. Alejandro- Alejandro Diego Emilio Burromuerto
  26. Staci- Eustacia Regina Stewart
  27. Dakota- Dakota Lynn Milton
  28. B- Beverly Michael Hills
  29. Dawn- Dawn Luna Wozniak
  30. Sam- Samuel Isaac Hoffman
  31. Brick- Mason Oscar McArthur
  32. Anne Maria- Anne Maria Rosa Castelli
  33. Mike- Michael Mateo Bruno
  34. Jo- Joanne Natalia Levin
  35. Scott- Scott Ian Kennedy
  36. Zoey- Zoey Sonia Phan
  37. Lightning- Rudolph Tyrone Jackson
  38. Cameron- Cameron Corduroy Wilkins
  39. Beardo- Bernardo Jaden Kariuki
  40. Leonard- Leonard Henry Musa
  41. Amy- Amanda Elizabeth Larson
  42. Rodney- Rodney Liam Kennedy
  43. Sammy- Sammy Riley Larson
  44. Ella- Ella Louise Martin
  45. Topher- Christopher Andrew Montgomery
  46. Dave- David Aditya Singh
  47. Scarlett- Scarlett Emily Carmichael
  48. Max- Maximillian Oliver Goodwill
  49. Jasmine- Jasmine Sydney Jones
  50. Sugar- Lana Suzanne Wagner
  51. Sky- Skylar Cadence Tarbell
  52. Shawn- Shawn Derrick Hansen
  53. Tammy- Tamara Alice Lindberg
  54. Gerry- Gerald Hugo Erikson
  55. Pete- Peter Charles McLean
  56. Ellody- Ellody Alisha Gupta
  57. Mary- Mary Rose Bernthal
  58. Miles- Francesca Miles Schdmit
  59. Laurie- Laurie Jamie Campbell
  60. Jen- Jennifer Gabriella Russo
  61. Tom- Thomas Spencer Amaral
  62. Kelly- Kelly Helen Geroge
  63. Taylor- Taylor Ava George
  64. Mickey- Mickey Dylan Evans
  65. Jay- Jason Lloyd Evans
  66. Chet- Chet Marc Peeters
  67. Lorenzo- Lorenzo Enrico Romano
  68. Rock- Nicholas Simon Kowalski (kowalski analysis)
  69. Spud- Harry Jasper Davies
  70. Dwayne- Dwayne Charlie Wils
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πŸ‘︎ 12
πŸ‘€︎ u/flofloredditz
πŸ“…︎ Dec 03 2021
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Google Drive eTextbooks release thread (part-3)!+ Accepting requests every day
  • If you find your book in the thread below, send the number of the book via reddit chat or via telegram .
  • Almost all the books are in their latest editions and some of them are available in multiple editions too
  • Books (pdf) are delivered through Google-Drive link
  • You can also send requests via reddit chat or by telegram .
  • Also, upvote the post if you found it useful

Please find the list below:

  1. Investments, 8th Canadian Edition: Bodie & Kane et al

  2. Calculus: An Applied Approach, Brief 10th Edition: Ron Larson

  3. Advertising and Promotion: An Integrated Marketing Communications Perspective, 10th Edition: Belch

  4. College Physics: Volume 1: Roger A. Freedman & Todd Ruskell & Philip R. Kesten

  5. Pharmacology and the Nursing Process, 8th Edition: Linda Lane Lilley & Shelly Rainforth Collins & Julie S. Snyder

  6. Cambridge IGCSE Chemistry Study and Revision Guide (Igcse Study Guides), 2nd Edition: David Besser

  7. GCSE Physical Education Revision Guide (A*-G course): CGP Books

  8. GCSE History Modern World History The Revision Guide (A*-G course): CGP Books

  9. Social Fairness and Economics: Economic Essays in the Spirit of Duncan Foley: Lance Taylor & Armon Rezai & Thomas Michl

  10. Strategies for Successful Writing-Pearson (2016): James A. Reinking, Robert A. von der Osten

  11. Strategic Management: Theory: An Integrated Approach, 12th Edition: Charles W. L. Hill & Melissa A. Schilling & Gareth R. Jones

  12. Laboratory Manual for Physical Examination & Health Assessment, 7th Edition: Jarvis, Carolyn

  13. Principles of Marketing, 17th edition: Philip T. Kotler & Gary Armstrong

  14. Global Business Today, 4th Canadian Edition: Charles Hill

  15. Study Guide for Medical-Surgical Nursing - E-Book: Assessment and Management of Clinical Problems, 10th Edition: Sharon L. Lewis & Susan A. Sandstrom & Linda Bucher & Margaret M. Heitkemper & Mariann M. Harding & Jeffrey Kwong & Dottie Roberts

  16. Physical Examination and Health Assessment, 7th edition: Jarvis, Carolyn

  17. Mosby’s Drug Guide for Nursing Students: Linda Skidmore-Roth

  18. Understanding Pathophysiology, 6th Edition: Sue E. Huether & Kathryn L. McCance

  19. Strategic Management: Theory & Cases: An Integrated Approach, 12th Edition: Charles W. L. Hill & Melissa A. Schilling &am

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πŸ‘︎ 8
πŸ‘€︎ u/textbooks6
πŸ“…︎ Dec 02 2021
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Do you want to know who I follow, who I get my information from? Here’s a list:

These are the real scientists and the real experts. Their voices are being silenced by frauds and demons. If you really care about what’s going on you’ll know who these heroes names are.

Dr. Robert Malone ~ Inventor of the mRNA technology.

Dr. Michael Yeadon ~ Former VP for Pfizer.

Dr. Kary Mullis ~ Inventory of the PCR test & Nobel Peace Prize recipient.

Dr. Mel Bruchet ~ Arrested by RCMP on Dec 8 and being illegally detained in Lions gate hospital psyche ward.

Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, Dr. Rima Laibow, Dr. Naomi Wolf, Dr. David Martin, Dr. Luc Montainger, Dr. Roger Hodkinson, Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche, Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, Dr. Judy Mitkovitz, Dr. Carrie Madej, Dr. Vernon Coleman, Dr. Ben Tapper, Dr. Michael Lake, Dr. Christiane Northrop, Dr. Simone Gold, Dr. Sean Brooks, Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, Dr. Jane Ruby, Dr. Ryan Cole, Dr. Kevin Stillwagon, Dr. Afzal Niaz, Dr. Rashid A.Buttar, Dr. Paul Thomas, Dr. Vanessa Passov, Dr. Jessica Rose, Dr. Christopher Rake, Dr. Charles Hoffe, Dr. Mark Mcdonald, Dr. Jeff Barke, Dr. Andrew Kaufman, Dr. Manuel Alonso, Dr. Amir Shahar, Dr. Patrick Phillips, Dr. Bryan Ardis, Dr. Franc Zalewski, Dr. Daniel Griffin, Dr. Zandra Botha, Dr. RochagnΓ© Kilian, Dr. Joseph Mercola, Dr. James Lyons-Weiler, Dr. Henry Ealy, Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, Dr. Michael Palmer, Dr. Eddy Bettermann MD, Dr. Harvey Risch, Dr. Steven Hotze, Dr. Dan Stock, Dr. Sam Duby, Dr. Francis Christian, Dr. Chris Milburn, Dr. John Carpay, Dr. Richard Fleming, Dr. Gina Gold, Dr. Kevin Corbett, Dr. Michael Mcdowell, Dr. John Witcher, Dr. Jim Meehan, Dr. Chris Shaw, Dr. Anne McCloskey, Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, Dr. Christiana Parks, Dr. Robert Young, Dr. Amandha Vollmer, Dr. Judy Wilyman, Dr. Michael McConville, Dr. Stella Immanuel, Dr. James Nellenschwander, Dr. Julie Ponesse, Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, Dr. Paul Cottrell, Dr. Lee Merritt, Dr. Rochagne Killian, Dr. Larry Palevsky, Dr. Natalia Prego Cancelo, Dr. Hilde de Smet, Dr. Elizabeth Evans, Dr. Brian Hooker, Dr. Joel Hirschhorn, Dr. R. Zac Cox, Dr. Mohammed Adil, Dr. Ralph ER Sundberg, Dr. Johan Denis, Dr. Daniel Cullum, Dr. Anne Fierlafijin, Dr. Kevin Corbett, Dr. Pior Rubis, Dr. Pascal Sacre, Dr. Nicole Delepine, Dr. Lorraine Day, Dr. Yoav Yehezkelli, Dr. Nour De San, Dr. Kelly Brogan, Dr. HervΓ© Seligmann, Dr. Annie Bukacek, Dr. Mark Brody, Dr. Steven LaTulippe, Dr. Mark Trozzi, Dr. Scott Jensen, Dr. Byram W. Bridle, Dr. Andrew Wakefield, Dr. Larry Palevsky, Dr. Tom Cowan, Dr. Dan Erickson

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πŸ‘︎ 2
πŸ‘€︎ u/BillyBong333
πŸ“…︎ Jan 01 2022
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