Jogi Bonito – ein Nachwort - Was wird von Joachim Löw im deutschen Fußball bleiben?…
👍︎ 40
👤︎ u/Yiba
📅︎ Jun 28 2021
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Wembley-Helden von 1996 feiern mit Edelfan Becker und Löw…
👍︎ 2
👤︎ u/Zonepac
📅︎ Sep 21 2021
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Originalaufnahme von Jogi Löw, wie er zu seinen Jungs spricht nach dem Spiel gegen England
👍︎ 723
👤︎ u/Bastbra
📅︎ Jun 29 2021
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German Gothic harness, built by Lorenz Helmschmied for Sigismund von Tirol in 1485. Housed in the "Kunstistorisches Museum Wien" [1450x2150]
👍︎ 156
📅︎ Apr 02 2021
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One of my all time favourites, the armour of Sigismund von Tirol
👍︎ 234
📅︎ Oct 09 2020
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Die Rät­sel­haften - Wie gut ist das Team von Bun­des­trainer Joa­chim Löw? Nach drei kom­plett ver­schie­denen Vor­runden-Spielen lässt sich die Frage nur schwer beant­worten.…
👍︎ 10
📅︎ Jun 27 2021
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Taktikänderung: Jogi Löw wechselt von linkem auf rechtes Nasenloch…
👍︎ 2
👤︎ u/Turtle456
📅︎ Jun 30 2021
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Backview of the harness belonging to archduke Sigismund von Tirol
👍︎ 97
📅︎ Feb 06 2021
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Looking for Sigismund Von Tyrol replica

Can someone tell me where I can find a replica harness like the one Austrian Archduke Sigismund von Tyrol had? I'm really new to this armour thing so I don't know the commissioning process yet. I know these guys were able to get a replica and they must have had it tailored to the model guy's proportions.

👍︎ 7
📅︎ Jul 15 2020
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"im FALTER: Was bringt die Wien-Wahl?" Eine Diskussion mit Raimund Löw und Vertreterinnen von SPÖ, ÖVP, Grüne, Neos und Links.…
👍︎ 4
👤︎ u/mki_
📅︎ Oct 06 2020
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Sigismund von Habsburg-Lothringen, Grand Duke of Tuscany sent a message to citizens of Tuscany last month.…
👍︎ 43
👤︎ u/Nandeya334
📅︎ Apr 24 2020
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610 years ago the Ordo Draconum - Order of the Dragon was established. Sigismund von Luxembourg, Vlad Dracul, Stefan the Tall of Serbia and many others were members.
👍︎ 120
📅︎ Dec 12 2018
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Machtwort von Löw: Neuer bleibt Torwart Nr. 1…
👍︎ 38
👤︎ u/Yiba
📅︎ Oct 04 2019
🚨︎ report
Bürgermeister über Hass von Rechten: „Ich nehme nichts zurück“ (Stefan Löw)…
👍︎ 7
👤︎ u/GirasoleDE
📅︎ Nov 02 2020
🚨︎ report Heute findet das 3. Spiel Deutschlands in der UEFA Nations League in Gruppe D statt. Dabei trifft die Elf von Joachim Löw auf die Ukraine. Ausgetragen wird das Spiel in Kyiv im National Sports Complex “Olympiyskiy”.
👍︎ 2
📅︎ Oct 10 2020
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June 12: The siege of Prague by royal troops begins. Sigismund arrives in front of Prague on June 29. The next day, under Ulrich II von Rosenberg's orders, his troops suffered a severe defeat against the Hussites under Nikolaus von Hus.…
👍︎ 2
📅︎ Jun 12 2020
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In 1549 (?) Sigismund von Herberstein refers to laws Ivan the Terrible made in "Anno mundi 7006". Which year is that?

Is that the Russian calendar or some calendar Sigmund used himself?

The laws are mostly about the right fines (which are used to finance the judicial system) for the different crimes. Perjury results in death and investigative torture must be reversible (joint dislocations et al). There is an option for trial by combat, though Ivan limited that option to his subjects after a Muscowite knight was slain by a Lithuanian.

👍︎ 6
👤︎ u/tanktango
📅︎ Feb 24 2019
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[Ilkay Gündogan] on becoming a future manager: " Yes that's definitely an option.I'm doing my coaching license right now. I'm very privileged that I was able to experience or still experience so many top-class coaches myself with Pep Guardiola, Jürgen Klopp, Thomas Tuchel, Hansi Flick and Jogi Löw."…
👍︎ 1k
👤︎ u/dwaraka007
📅︎ Jan 14 2022
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Lösung von Jogi Löws Problem…
👍︎ 134
👤︎ u/AlL_RaND0m
📅︎ Jun 18 2016
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Why did Dorn disown Sigismund?

Reading the first book of The siege of Terra now and the quote of Dorn saying you are not my son has come up a few times. Did that occur in pretorian of Dorn? I will probably read that one after the first siege book if that's the case to get more context for the beginning of the black Templars. Please no spoilers for The siege books though!

👍︎ 163
📅︎ Jan 13 2022
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Who are the Sigismund level duelists of 40k?

During the Great Crusade we had Erebus, Cyrius, Qin Xa, Sanakht, Lucius, Jubal, Raldaron, Sevetar, Corswain, Alejos, Sharrowkyn, Sepatus, Akurduana and of course Sigismund as magnificent bladesmen but I'm not sure who the candidates are in the current timeline.

I don't mean just beasts like Kharn or Abaddon, which I assume Marneus and most chapter masters are. I'm talking that crazy Ser Barristan Selmy Astartes type.

Is Dante that guy? Sound off on the pre-eminent 40k swordsmasters please.

The list of suggestions from the comments:


Cadulon, Iron Knights

Hervald Strom, Iron Knights

Sabrael, Dark Angels

Belial, Dark Angels

Leodegarius, Grey Knights

Castellan Crowe, Grey Knights

Pellas mir'san, Salamanders

Elysius, Salamanders

Vulkan He'Stan, Salamanders

Astorath the Grim, Blood Angels

Captain Lysander, Imperial Fists

Ragnar Blackmane, Space Wolves

Malkaan Feirros, Iron Hands

Arguleon Veq, Word Bearers

Telemachon Lyras, Emperor's Children

Kor'sarro Khan, White Scars

Kayvaan Shrike, Raven Guard

Cato Sicarius, It is I

HONOURABLE MENTIONS (Astartes who are absolute beast warriors but maybe not artists as such)

Gabriel Seth, Flesh Tearers

Moloc, Minotaurs

Tyberos, Carcharodons

Mephiston, Blood Angels


Maktlan Kutlakh, Necron

Vanguard Obyron, Necron

Drazhar, Eldar

Lelith Hesperax , Dark Eldar

👍︎ 339
📅︎ Dec 06 2021
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In 1549 (?) Sigismund von Herberstein refers to laws Ivan the Terrible made in "Anno mundi 7006". Which year is that?…
👍︎ 2
📅︎ Feb 25 2019
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In Witcher, season 02, the characters can travel quickly between cities. This is because they have Sigismund Dijkstra, who can find the smallest route between many points.
👍︎ 3k
📅︎ Dec 19 2021
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"This says you're a heretic!!!" Sigismund's Seal Sword Brother.
👍︎ 179
📅︎ Jan 15 2022
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[Excerpt: Warhawk]: Dorn gives Sigismund the closest thing to forgiveness that Sigismund is ever going to get.

As the defenses around the core of the Imperial Palace begins to fail, Dorn calls Sigismund to his side. During their conversation, he says something that probably meant more to Sigismund than anything else in the galaxy. It's not forgiveness--Dorn is not the most forgiving of primarchs, and that's saying something--but it's the closest thing to his forgiveness Sigismund is ever likely to get and it's still a very emotional, poignant moment.

Because even after everything that's happened, even though he may never truly forgive Sigismund, Rogal Dorn still loves him.

>‘My lord!’ 
>And then, hearing that voice, he remembered. He had already acted. Typical Rogal Dorn, anticipating his own momentary weakness, he had already put the necessary move in place. He had summoned Sigismund here, to Shard Bastion, to speak to him in person, to give him the command, because he could never falter in front of his son, not this son.
>He turned, just for a moment, away from the confusion of the command station, and faced him.
>Sigismund wore the black of the Templar Brethren. He had come up to the command level with others of his order, a dozen, and they all looked as grim as one another – fatalistic, hammered into a kind of permanent, shell-shocked fury. 
>Sigismund’s own expression was wary. He had reason for that – Dorn had run him hard, borne down on him, bathed him in disapproval, ever since Isstvan. The reasons had been sound. Neither of them could have expected any less, given the codes of honour that made them who they were, and Sigismund had never complained. 
>But there had always been something else, under all that – not quite a test, but maybe a tempering, like that of the best blades. To see if the steel could withstand the fire, be more hard-wearing for it.
>‘This is the end,’ Dorn told him flatly. ‘All that could have been done, has been done. Every delay, every counter-strike, every anticipation. Now, they get in. Mercury will fail imminently, then Exultant, then the others.’
>Sigismund’s unwavering expression never flickered. He was a cold one. Almost too good an Imperial Fist. Almost a parody of their entire philosophy.
>‘Faster than we might have hoped,’ Dorn said. ‘Not as fast as we might have feared. Soon the shape of the battle will change – we will be like dogs in the rubble, scrapping over every habitation. The reserves are ready. You have their coo

... keep reading on reddit ➡

👍︎ 954
👤︎ u/Eay7712
📅︎ Dec 16 2021
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++Eilmeldung++ UEFA sperrt Jogi Löw wegen Kraulgate von der EM aus.
👍︎ 13
📅︎ Jun 14 2016
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*Spoilers* [Warhawk] Sigismund has become the antithesis of what Chaos is. And that's terrifying.

So a lot has been written about the duel between Sigismund and Kharn in Warhawk, some by me, some by others, but it is a fantastic piece of writing by Chris Wraight which shows his recurring themes of losing out on emotions and similar.

But one thought occured to me here. Sigismund, as described in the fight by Kharn, is as close to anathema to Chaos as one can get. And what is truly anathema to Chaos? Apathy.

Sigismund sheds blood, but there is no martial respect in it, there is no exultation at the conquest that Khorne feeds off of. There is no rage, no joy, no thrill. Just rote exercise, devoid of feelings and emotions.

For the same reason, Sigismund is no longer trying to better himself during battle. He's not striving for perfection, and he's fighting not because he wants to win, but simply because he has to win. There is no joy in this for him anymore, and so Slaanesh has no hold on him.

In his actions are no inspiration, no new growth or possibility for new life or betterment, nor is he any more interested in things dying other than a threat being removed. And so Nurgle isn't pleased.

And there is no hope in him. Nothing to look forward to, no reason to change anything around. He has completely accepted his lot in life and goes about it without even a shred of belief in changing it, and so Tzeentch is not interested in him.

What we have is pretty much a clear cut case of someone with a very deep depression. All actions are done simply because they must be done; there is no want in him anymore, nothing brings him joy, or sorrow. He just is at this point, closer to a machine than any Iron Hand.

I can understand why Kharn was so upset by this, because it means that the answer to Chaos is to give up all wants and desires. Complete apathy.

👍︎ 2k
📅︎ Nov 26 2021
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I didn't like the standard Knight Castigator blade, so I made him a massive version of Sigismunds "Black Sword". What do you guys think?
👍︎ 154
👤︎ u/Yota_Mota
📅︎ Dec 31 2021
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Nach Abschied von Pep Guardiola: FC Bayern an Jogi Löw interessiert?…
👍︎ 2
👤︎ u/Yiba
📅︎ Dec 16 2015
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Diplomat aus dem 16. Jahrhundert: Auf den Spuren Sigismund von Herbersteins…
👍︎ 2
📅︎ May 24 2017
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Weil er seiner Rolle als Vorbild angeblich nicht mehr gerecht wird, wurde Max Kruse für eine Nichtigkeit von Joachim Löw suspendiert.…
👍︎ 8
📅︎ Mar 21 2016
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[Kroos's podcast] German Federation offered Toni Kroos a farewell last week along with Löw, but he declined. He had training with Real Madrid the next day and he's not a guy who likes ceremonies like that. einfach-mal-luppen.podige…
👍︎ 2k
👤︎ u/Gamer_Abhi
📅︎ Nov 17 2021
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Sigismund von Neukomm: Grande Sinfonie heroique Op. 19…
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👤︎ u/PCchongor
📅︎ Apr 01 2017
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Sigismund of Luxembourg in real life, A Man who decided on a radical solution and pillaged the territories of the King's Allies, 3d Artwork by Curtis Durane
👍︎ 470
📅︎ Dec 19 2021
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We'll be doing one thing and one thing only...killin' Traitors. ~First Captain Sigismund, Siege of Terra probably
👍︎ 1k
👤︎ u/Haryn1910
📅︎ Dec 15 2021
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Here we go! Joachim Löw on the verge of signing for FB!…
👍︎ 46
📅︎ Jan 04 2022
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Leaked conversations between Ali Koç and Löw(!)
👍︎ 49
👤︎ u/velihanko
📅︎ Jan 10 2022
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Sigismund (cover art for Eternal Crusader) by Leszek Woźniak
👍︎ 420
📅︎ Dec 28 2021
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