Armenia says peacekeepers from Russian-led alliance to go to Kazakhstan…
👍︎ 125
📅︎ Jan 06 2022
🚨︎ report
Greetings from Armenia, you guys rock! Please don’t hate Armenians for the terrible CSTO intervention decision, the fault is on Russian imperialism. The people of Kazakhstan deserve freedom!
👍︎ 68
👤︎ u/gorgich
📅︎ Jan 07 2022
🚨︎ report
Representatives of Turkey and Armenia arrive at the reception house of the Russian Foreign Ministry, where the first meeting on the settlement of bilateral relations will take place
👍︎ 33
📅︎ Jan 14 2022
🚨︎ report
Russia seriously concerned over the escalation of situation on Armenia-Azerbaijan border – Russian MFA…
👍︎ 22
📅︎ Jan 13 2022
🚨︎ report
Tatiana Bakalchuk, founder and CEO of the largest Russian online platform "Wildberries", arrived in Armenia at the invitation of the Deputy Chairman of the National Assembly Hakob Arshakyan.
👍︎ 62
📅︎ Dec 28 2021
🚨︎ report
Armenia says peacekeepers from Russian-led alliance to go to Kazakhstan…
👍︎ 40
👤︎ u/r721
📅︎ Jan 05 2022
🚨︎ report
Representatives of Turkey and Armenia arrive at the reception house of the Russian Foreign Ministry, where the first meeting on the settlement of bilateral relations will take place.
👍︎ 34
📅︎ Jan 14 2022
🚨︎ report
"To break free from Russian bonds": Armenia and Turkey decided to reconcile

Today Russian internet news-site published article on Armenian-Turkish negotiations and how experts from both Russia and Armenia perceive it. Pretty interesting read. Below is translated version of article but if you are interested in reading it in original (Russian) - here is link

"To break free from Russian bonds": Armenia and Turkey decided to reconcile

What is behind the dialogue between Yerevan and Ankara on normalization of relations

The Special Representatives of Turkey and Armenia held the first talks on normalization of relations between the two countries in Moscow. Armenia and Turkey have been trying to establish ties for 30 years and this time the goal can really be achieved, experts say. However, the result may be the separation of Yerevan from Moscow.

According to the Armenian Foreign Ministry, the first meeting of the parties was held in a positive and constructive atmosphere. According to the ministry's statement, the special representatives exchanged preliminary views on the normalization process.

"The parties agreed to continue negotiations without preconditions in order to fully normalize. The date and venue of the second meeting will be determined through diplomatic channels in due course," the message reads.

A similar statement following the meeting was issued by the Turkish Foreign Ministry.

The ministry also noted the constructive and positive atmosphere of the negotiations, and indicated readiness to continue the dialogue without preconditions.

What are Armenia and Turkey feuding over?

One of the main stumbling blocks is the issue of international recognition of the Armenian Genocide in the early 20th century in the Ottoman Empire. Yerevan demands recognition of responsibility from the Turks, Ankara refuses to call the events of the beginning of the last century genocide.

The second controversial point concerns the Kara Treaty of 1921— an agreement on the settlement of relations between the Armenian, Azerbaijani and Georgian SSR and Turkey. This document, in particular, agreed on the transfer of Mount Ararat, sacred to Armenians, to the Turkish side. After gaining independence, Armenia officially refused to recognize this treaty, which Turkey opposes.

The third pressing issue is the status of Nagorno-Karabakh. Ankara considers the region a part of Azerbaijan, while Yerevan supports the unrecognized

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👍︎ 6
👤︎ u/Arg_entum
📅︎ Jan 15 2022
🚨︎ report
Dec/14/2021: Interview with Gerard Libaridian; Karabakh conflict history & Armenia's options; Vazgen & Kocharyan __ Armenia thwarts Azeri UN efforts __ Russian drones __ Biden wants Erdogan to open borders __ AM-EU-AZ meet in Brussels __ Anti-corruption busts __ Vax & Covid stats __ Bus fare & metro

This is your 15-minute Tuesday report in 3934 words.

##Azerbaijan pulls "Elizabeth Holmes", gets caught using logos without permission while pushing a narrative at UN, gets thwarted by Armenian delegation

A UN conference is being held between December 13-17. Azerbaijan ignored its own problems and attempted to discredit Armenia, Artsakh, and Armenian diasporan organizations.

Azerbaijan attempted to portray Armenian organizations as terrorism sponsors, and to present the efforts towards Artsakh's right to self-determination as "separatism" and "terrorism".

Without permission from the UN Office on Drugs & Crime, Azerbaijan used its logo on the materials to give the impression that UNODC is a co-organizer of the Azeri event.

Armenian delegation, headed by General prosecutor Arthur Davtyan, took steps to counter the Azeri propaganda. They contacted UNODC, and the latter demanded Azerbaijan remove the logos.

Armenian speakers blasted Azerbaijani propaganda against famous Armenian organizations. They spoke about Azerbaijan's violation of international laws and the 2020 aggression. They also publicly reminded Azerbaijan about the World Court ruling that requires Azerbaijan to end racial hatred.

>A very limited number of foreigners physically participated in the meeting, who left the hall immediately after the speech of the Armenian delegation.

##Russia claims it has drones better than Bayraktar

Deputy Premier Borisov: the devices developed in Russia have superior technical characteristics. We have the opportunity to play in this market. Unfortunately, we entered the market a little late.

Historically, it's been dominated by Israeli, American, and Chinese producers who have been active in the past 5-6 years. Russia has an opportunity to enter the market. The latest expo was in Dubai, where we presented our models. //

##will the Parliamentary Security Committee ever have a deputy chief?

Kocharyan-ARF alliance nominated HD MP Ghazinyan 14 times but did not do so last week, leaving the door open for the ruling party to nominate the deputy, said the Committee chief QP Andranik K. However, the ruling party did not nominate a candidate and will give the opposition another opportunity to fill that seat next week.

HD alliance said they aren't legally required to officially re-nominate Ghazinyan because his nomination is "

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👍︎ 25
📅︎ Dec 14 2021
🚨︎ report
Armenia says peacekeepers from Russian-led alliance to go to Kazakhstan…
👍︎ 9
📅︎ Jan 06 2022
🚨︎ report
Armenia interested in new Russian helicopter gunships Ka-52M and Mi-28NE…
👍︎ 28
📅︎ Nov 23 2021
🚨︎ report
Statement by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia and President of the Russian Federation (Google translate of the title)
👍︎ 23
👤︎ u/kae9248
📅︎ Nov 26 2021
🚨︎ report
Pre-flop 3-way all-in on Russian Poker Tour in Armenia
👍︎ 103
📅︎ Nov 02 2021
🚨︎ report
ՀՀ, ՌԴ և Ադրբեջանի ղեկավարների հայտարարությունը մամուլի համար | Statement of the leaders of Armenia, Russia and Azerbaijan for the press [OC Russian, use CC auto-translate]…
👍︎ 13
📅︎ Nov 26 2021
🚨︎ report
Tatiana Bakalchuk, founder and CEO of the largest Russian online platform "Wildberries", arrived in Armenia at the invitation of the Deputy Chairman of the National Assembly Hakob Arshakyan.
👍︎ 3
📅︎ Dec 28 2021
🚨︎ report
Hrach Khachatryan on Twitter: Armenia national team players Kamo Hovhannisyan and Solomon Udo will join the Russian Premier League clubs (via the agent). Both play in Kazakhstan and both will become free agents soon.…
👍︎ 12
📅︎ Dec 10 2021
🚨︎ report
The role of Russian diplomacy in the continuation of the settlement of disputes between Armenia and Azerbaijan, the restoration of economic ties in the Transcaucasus, and the unblocking of vital transport CORRIDORS is growing - Putin
👍︎ 16
👤︎ u/melikdavid
📅︎ Nov 18 2021
🚨︎ report
Армения: война в Карабахе и жизнь без электричества | Как пережить землетрясение и геноцид // Armenia: War in Karabakh and Life Without Electricity | How to survive an earthquake and genocide [Video in Russian, Subtitles in English]…
👍︎ 11
📅︎ Nov 22 2021
🚨︎ report
News - Oct/25/2021: Zangezur shareholder files lawsuit vs. Russian shareholder __ Pashinyan on 2022 budget: large-scale infrastructure, demographics, science & education, army __ Armenia-Cyprus AYE, Iran-Azerbaijan NAY __ Anti-corruption: ex-mayor & funeral boss __ Covid & vaccination stats __ Space

13-minute read. 3296 words.

##Zangezur plant shareholder files a lawsuit against fellow shareholders to reverse the partial nationalization

Russian miner GeoProMining recently purchased 60% of the shares and proceeded to donate 15% to the Republic of Armenia. They also agreed to invest $4B to build a new copper smelter and other projects.

Before these events, another Russian shareholder had unsuccessfully attempted to purchase that 60% that was up for grabs. This second Russian shareholder is Mikhail Zurabov, the former healthcare minister of Russia. He 12.5% of shares.

Mikhail Zurabov filed a lawsuit against GeoProMining after the 60% went to the latter. The court has temporarily frozen GeoProMining's shares pending investigation. Zurabov wants to obtain GeoProMining's 45% and Armenia's 15%.

Zurabov is represented by prominent lawyer Aram Orbelyan, who represented Robert Kocharyan in the "March 1st" trial. Orbelyan said this isn't politics, "just a dispute between private shareholders".զանգեզուրի-պղնձամոլիբդենայինի-նոր-սեփականատիրոջ-բաժնետոմսերը-հայտնվել-են-կալանքի-տակ/

##government representative visits Zangezur copper plant after the partial nationalization

Deputy Premier Papikyan: considering the fact that the government now owns 15% of Z, we visited the plant today to learn about its activities and to discuss future plans. //

##Armenia and Cyprus reaffirm readiness to cooperate

Parliament leaders of Armenia and Cyprus discussed the regional conflicts.

Alen Simonyan: The Armenian side will do everything in its power to further deepen inter-parliamentary collaboration. We thank Cyprus for unanimously condemning Azerbaijan's violation of the ceasefire in Artsakh. We support a peaceful solution to the Cyprus problem. //

Annita Demetriou: As Cyprus and Armenia are both victims of Turkey’s intransigence, it is vital that we establish stronger bonds on an inter-parliamentary, international and European level. Talks will begin soon. //

Alen Simonyan then met the Defense Minister of Cyprus. The parties noted the existence of mutual understanding and support between the two countries, particularly the effective cooperation in international structures on advancing the genocide prevention agenda.

Alen Simonyan met the Foreign Minister of Cyprus.

Simonyan: Armenia will continue to support Cyprus in international

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👍︎ 30
📅︎ Oct 26 2021
🚨︎ report
The Il-76 military transport aircraft of the Russian Aerospace Forces continue to supply weapons to Armenia.
👍︎ 45
📅︎ Oct 03 2021
🚨︎ report
Sochi Meeting: Putin said that Russia plays an important role in resolving the problem between Azerbaijan and Armenia. Ilham Aliyev said that no serious incident had taken place in the areas where Russian peacekeepers were temporarily stationed.…
👍︎ 10
👤︎ u/GreenShen
📅︎ Nov 26 2021
🚨︎ report
Armenia has ratified the information exchange Agreement with the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation
👍︎ 7
📅︎ Dec 13 2021
🚨︎ report
Armenia’s mistakes in the Second Karabakh War: Interview with Ruslan Pukhov, a Russian defense analyst and director of the Moscow-based Center for Analysis of Strategies and Technologies…
👍︎ 16
📅︎ Oct 21 2021
🚨︎ report
Russian Deputy Defense Minister Andrey Kartapolov floats the idea of Syria joining CSTO, a military alliance of Armenia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Belarus and Russia with a mutual defense obligation and Collective Rapid Reaction Force…
👍︎ 51
📅︎ Aug 23 2021
🚨︎ report
The Russian authorities issued a warning to Turkey over Armenia: "It won't end well for anyone"…
👍︎ 38
📅︎ Sep 13 2021
🚨︎ report
A ceasefire was declared between Armenia and Azerbaijan after talks with the Russian Defense Minister.…
👍︎ 14
👤︎ u/Darthai
📅︎ Nov 16 2021
🚨︎ report
The number & percentage of changed place names and geographical objects in Armenia. About 8900 names were changed, mostly Turkic / Azerbaijani and Russian.
👍︎ 189
👤︎ u/BilgeBaba
📅︎ Jul 25 2021
🚨︎ report
Oct/1/2021: Details emerge on Russian miner's donation of 25% Zangezur copper shares to Armenia; new copper smelter to be built __ Anticorruption cleanup: deputy army chief; voter bribery; mayors __ Bio-filters to keep Sevan clean __ Armenian diet research __ RIP Hayko __ Many medals __ Geopolitics

Your 10-minute Friday report in 2808 words.

##Russian miner that operates Sotk gold mine buys majority shares in Zangezur copper plant and immediately donates 25% to the Armenian government, plans to build a new copper smelter

Read Thursday news in case you missed it. Pashinyan has been complaining about Armenia's largest taxpayer Zangezur Copper making "unfair" profits amid a massive rise in global copper prices. They recently swung the hammer and implemented a new mining tax, which resulted in additional dozens of millions of dollars in tax revenues.

Pashinyan had also announced plans to establish a Sovereign Wealth Fund. No details on this yet.

Recently we learned about legal disputes between private shareholders of Zangezur. One shareholder was trying to obtain majority shares after claiming that another transaction between other shareholders was illegal; they wanted those shares for themselves. A Kocharyan-linked shareholder protested the company's attempts to obtain the shares.

That company evidently failed to get the shares (at least for now), and today we learned that on September 30, another company called "Industrial Company" purchased 60% of Zangezur shares from Zangezur combine.

This "Industrial Company" belongs to Russian miner GeoProMining, which also operates Gegharkunik's famous Sotk gold mine. Immediately after obtaining the 60% shares, the Russian miner decided to hand over 25% to the Armenian government as a donation. The government happily accepted the gift.

Pashinyan office: the [parent company] GeoProMining plans to expand cooperation with us. Our's entry as a Zangezur shareholder is the first step in a broader investment vision. The 60% shareholder "Industrial Company" has agreed to donate its 25% shares to us, which accounts for 15% of Zangezur's total capital. //

GeoProMining rep. Roman Trotsenko: we've been operating in Armenia for two decades and have a strong partnership with the government and Armenian people. We're happy with the expansion of our business in Armenia, and this donation to the Republic of Armenia.

This is the beginning of a wider investment program in Arme

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👍︎ 27
📅︎ Oct 01 2021
🚨︎ report
Russian Orthodox Church to found a diocese in Armenia…
👍︎ 4
👤︎ u/melikdavid
📅︎ Oct 17 2021
🚨︎ report
The Russian Defense Ministry announced a ceasefire between Armenia and Azerbaijan after the Shoigu talks.…
👍︎ 8
📅︎ Nov 16 2021
🚨︎ report
[Azerbaijani MFA] Upon the initiative of the Russian Federation, Armenia submitted to the Azerbaijani side maps of about 92,000 anti-tank and anti-personnel mines planted in the Fizuli and Zangilan regions.As a "humanistic step", the Azerbaijani side handed over to Armenia 15 POWs.…
👍︎ 22
👤︎ u/melikdavid
📅︎ Jul 03 2021
🚨︎ report
Russian General Rustam Muradov delivered to Armenia the body of one dead Armenian serviceman as he flew from Baku to Yerevan. The body was handed over by the Azerbaijani side.…
👍︎ 5
👤︎ u/Darthai
📅︎ Nov 17 2021
🚨︎ report
Sep/17/2021: Asset forfeiture law targets $43M & properties __ Armenia is suing Azerbaijan __ CSTO, Shanghai, Kashmir __ Army exercises; Russian drones; ORSIS returns __ Foreign investments __ CodeSignal is hiring __ Lifting the blockade __ Tech center in village __ Yerevan's new bridge & road

Your 11-minute Friday news in 2939 words.

##anti-corruption: the recent law about confiscating illegal property has $43M in cash and hundreds of properties in the crosshairs

Prosecutor's office has a department dedicated to this task. They are currently investigating 247 individuals, suspected of illegal enrichment and shady property deals. The evidence against them had surfaced during a recent lawsuit and several investigative operations, during which the authorities conducted thousands of interviews/queries.

The courts have approved numerous requests by law enforcement for permission to obtain the suspects' banking and other financial information. Dozens of suspects had their properties frozen pending investigation. Dozens of queries were sent to international organizations to obtain data.

10 investigations have exposed illegal origins of hundreds of buildings, properties, and company shares, as well as ֏21.7 billion [cash or digital].

All persons of interest were informed about the investigation. They received the materials possessed by prosecutors so they can explain where the properties came from. Some of them have responded. Their case will be sent to court.

Prosecutors could soon offer the suspects to resolve the case in good faith without involving courts if 75% of the property is voluntarily returned.

Suspects include a former police chief, Serj Sargsyan's family members, and others.

##meeting between the Foreign Ministers of Armenia and India

They agreed that it's necessary to activate mutual visits, and discussed the construction of the North-South trade route in Armenia.

Mirzoyan thanked India for its stance on the regional conflict and reaffirmed Armenia's support for India in the Jammu and Kashmir.

##Pashinyan met Iran president Raisi during Tajikistan trip

Context of the CSTO trip in yesterday's post.

Pashinyan: we both took the office in the same period. I think it's a detail that can help us harmonize our actions. I returned to Armenia from your inauguration ceremony with good impressions. //

Raisi: congrats again on your victory. I hope new positive steps will be taken in the AM-IR relations during your term in the office. //

They discussed cargo transfers thro

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👍︎ 30
📅︎ Sep 17 2021
🚨︎ report
BREAKING: Armenia says 15 soldiers have been killed today in clashes with Azerbaijan along border. Russia's military base in Armenia's Gyumri has been moved to full combat readiness, according to Russian media (ANNA News).…
👍︎ 2
👤︎ u/Bonus1Fact
📅︎ Nov 16 2021
🚨︎ report
This discussion between the Presidents of Turkey and Azerbaijan certifies that the Armenian captives are being illegally held in Azerbaijan for exchange in parts with some mined maps. The Office of Armenia’s Human Rights Defender translated the video into Russian and English and analyzed it.
👍︎ 79
👤︎ u/melikdavid
📅︎ Jun 16 2021
🚨︎ report
Russian football journalist Konstantin Alekseev: Zakharyan cannot be surrendered to Armenia

His statement on his telegram channel continues:

"And also according to Zakharyan. I hope the RFU and Valery Karpin understand that the Armenian national team is extremely focused on Arsen. And that for the prospects of the Russian national team , even if the coach does not yet see him on the field, it is very desirable to play Zakha as soon as possible. Just in case. For example, with Malta in early September, at least for a couple of minutes. "

It seems like the Russians don't know for sure if he's ready to play for the Russian NT but want to lock him to Russia just to make sure he can't join our national team

Link to post:

👍︎ 11
📅︎ Aug 09 2021
🚨︎ report
Armenia says Russian border guards deployed in region bordering Azerbaijan…
👍︎ 29
👤︎ u/Sirdinks
📅︎ Aug 05 2021
🚨︎ report
Armenia seeks Russian forces on Azerbaijan border amid tensions…
👍︎ 22
👤︎ u/SteO153
📅︎ Jul 29 2021
🚨︎ report
News - Jun/28/2021: (1) Bombshell from Gen. Samvel Babayan: Russian private interests in Armenia; "5th column"; Kocharyan & Vitalik; banned from Russia (2) Military camp training to become mandatory for students (3) High tech & education (4) Borders (5) Fake news: clip about soldiers voting (6) Road

This is your 10-minute Monday report in 2449 words.

##Gen. Samvel Babayan about private Russian interest groups influencing Armenia on behalf of Robo-Serj, "5th column" promoting Vitalik Balasanyan:

The 2020 war and subsequent events showed how much Russia is interested in the region, and therefore, its people within the Armenian ruling class.

Bidding on specific people and prompting them is a known strategy by superpowers. They often aid those who enjoy the majority support. This, however, was not the case with Russia, because besides special services, private groups are also actively working in this area, pursuing their own interests, which has nothing to do with Russian state interests.

Before the Artsakh presidential elections of March 2020, one of these "5th column" representatives contacted me and asked me to promote [Kocharyan ally] Vitali Balasanyan. The latter is a very submissive and manageable person, which is why he would have been an excellent local servant in the process to separate Artsakh from Armenia. The only issue was his low popularity rating among the public.

At the time, Garnik Isagulyan [who publicly called for Pashinyan's assasination] had approached me with a plea to help Vitali Balasanyan. Isagulyan has been a member of the 5th column for a long time. He also serves the interests of various circles, including those of Kocharyan and Serj.

I flatly refused to take part in that anti-Armenian program despite the promises of personal benefits. Instead, I chose to defend my homeland's interests. After receiving a rejection, Garnik Isagulyan began threatening. I was informed about an upcoming media campaign against me, and that I would be barred from entering Russia.

I knew whom I was dealing with but I did not think they would go beyond the verbal threats. With the use of fake reports sent to Russia, they achieved my entry ban to Russia.

Still, I do not regret my decisions. I repeat: I will only accept a pro-Armenian stance.

Yes, I have always stated that due to our geographical locations we are destined to be allies with Russia, but that cooperation must be on equal terms. I've always been open, and whenever I critiqued Russia, it was because of bad policies towards my homeland. I am ready to talk to Russian officials, but not the 5th column members.

These 5th column circles recently activated during the Parliamentary elections in Armenia. Moreover, nowadays they have split into branch

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👍︎ 32
📅︎ Jun 28 2021
🚨︎ report
24 year old Artur Arustamyan scored twice and assisted today in the FNL (Russia's 2nd tier of football), he expressed interested in playing for the Armenia NT recently. Arshak Koryan scored twice for Orenburg today, also in the Russian FNL
👍︎ 14
📅︎ Sep 11 2021
🚨︎ report
[Day 8] Azerbaijan invades Armenia in at least three locations; 500 Azeri troops now on Armenian soil; Armenia says will accept Russian-proposed undisclosed demarcation process to end dispute if Azerbaijan withdraws. France, US, India, Greece call for withdrawal of Azeri forces.

David's news summary covers the events in detail:

==> [20 May]

> [19 May], [18 May], [17 May], [16 May], [14 May], [13 May], [12 May]

Previous megathreads:

> [19 May], [18 May], [17 May], [16 May], [15 May], [14 May], [13 May]

👍︎ 47
📅︎ May 20 2021
🚨︎ report

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