The other day, I dreamt about a young horse that was so unruly. It refused to do anything during the day, but spent all of the dark hours being wild, running and fighting any other animals it could find.

It was a night-mare

👍︎ 4
📅︎ Dec 06 2021
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I saw a red donkey running wild through the streets today

It was red donkey loose!

👍︎ 3
📅︎ Nov 13 2018
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Rabbit, blonde and farmer

So there's a farmer relaxing on his porch one evening, watching the road in front of his house. A little bunny rabbit hops out of the woods onto the road, just sniffing around.

Well all of a sudden a bright red convertible roars up. There's no time for the rabbit to doge, and the convertible squashes it into a roadkill pancake!

The convertible screeches to a halt down the road a bit, and out hops a blonde. She dances wildly around the bunny's corpse saying things like "oh my gosh" and "I think I killed it" and "I hope this doesn't go on my insurance", then she runs back to her car and grabs a spray can of something and starts going to town with it on the rabbit. I mean this pancake bunnyrabbit corpse is simply soaked in whatever she's spraying it with. She empties the entire can, throws it on the side of the road and runs back to her car.

After she peels out, there's a pause, and then the rabbit comes back to life! It reinflates, hops up and looks around, dazed, and then it waves at the farmer!! It hops down the road a little, turns back, and waves again! This continues until it's out of sight.

Well the farmer is understandably flabbergasted, so he runs over to where there had just been a rabbit pancake to look at what was in the can.

He picks it up, and reads it. It says "Hare restorer and permanent wave."

👍︎ 16
📅︎ Jan 11 2023
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A hot girl came camping with me last week

Let's just say she was pretty in tents

👍︎ 98
📅︎ Oct 09 2022
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Witnessed in the wild, old dude talking to a sick little kid: Did you know that if your nose runs and your feet smell you're built upside down?
👍︎ 37
📅︎ Jul 14 2019
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I apologise if this isn't allowed.

New to this subreddit. I know the point of this thing is to share funny jokes, but since I'm a newbie I hope you'll allow me this one opportunity to make a serious but friendly PSA: If you're lucky enough to have a father, don't take him for granted. Even when they scold or punish you, trust their judgement, it's likely for good reason even if you can't see it at the time. When I was a child I narrowly avoided a horrific accident in which 4 of my friends were electrocuted at a playground we used to play on every day after school. I used to hate my old man for being so strict and disciplining me when all of my friends got to run wild, but if it weren't for him I definitely would have been electrocuted too that day. But I wasn't. I was grounded.

👍︎ 17k
📅︎ Nov 16 2020
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My dad never fails to amaze me with these.

Last night I was driving home and had a police officer following me. I tried my hardest to go the speed limit. As I was driving, I saw a wild turkey running towards the road. I slammed my breaks but still hit the turkey. The bird flipped over my car and hit the police officer behind me. The cop then turned on his siren and pulled me over. He gave me a ticket for flipping him the bird.

👍︎ 44
👤︎ u/goosygreg
📅︎ May 11 2014
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It's kind of a no-brainer

I was talking to 2 friends when 1 of them said she had an itch on the bottom of her leg. The other friend, who had his mind in the gutter, said his brain started running wild after hearing bottom and started thinking of all different kinds of bottoms.

To which I replied he might be in need of a Lo-bottom-y.

👍︎ 2
👤︎ u/Deomew
📅︎ Sep 13 2016
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