I have made the Model-69 Roach Combat SMG, this is currently made for Armed Drivers and soldiers who drive vehicles or Guards. I am selling them for $400 each, its also a veryy nice gun.
👍︎ 42
📅︎ Dec 06 2020
🚨︎ report
The roach caught him off guard so he decided to run and hide in the water dish!
👍︎ 182
📅︎ May 05 2020
🚨︎ report
Grilled Chicken? Meet the Roach. Guard Retention fundamentals from the supine guard instagram.com/p/B6MtEBbJJ…
👍︎ 14
📅︎ Dec 18 2019
🚨︎ report
This man was the “Kavass (bodyguard/ceremonial armed guard) for major Edward Keith roach when he was deputy district commissioner of Jerusalem Palestine the pic is dated 1926 outside the grounds of government house in Jerusalem (pt3)
👍︎ 21
📅︎ Jun 30 2020
🚨︎ report
[Kennedy] After going undrafted, Kerwin Roach, 6'4 guard out of Texas, has signed a deal with the Charlotte Hornets, according to league source. twitter.com/AlexKennedyNB…
👍︎ 56
👤︎ u/Robotsaur
📅︎ Jun 24 2019
🚨︎ report
This man was the “Kavass (bodyguard/ceremonial armed guard) for major Edward Keith roach when he was deputy district commissioner of Jerusalem Palestine the pic is dated 1926 outside the grounds of government house in Jerusalem (pt1)
👍︎ 21
📅︎ Jun 30 2020
🚨︎ report
[Rothstein] Texas senior guard Kerwin Roach has been suspended indefinitely for a violation of team rules, per release. twitter.com/jonrothstein/…
👍︎ 64
👤︎ u/ReplEH
📅︎ Feb 22 2019
🚨︎ report
This man was the “Kavass (bodyguard/ceremonial armed guard) for major Edward Keith roach when he was deputy district commissioner of Jerusalem Palestine the pic is dated 1926 outside the grounds of government house in Jerusalem (pt3)
👍︎ 9
📅︎ Jun 30 2020
🚨︎ report
This man was the “Kavass (bodyguard/ceremonial armed guard) for major Edward Keith roach when he was deputy district commissioner of Jerusalem Palestine the pic is dated 1926 outside the grounds of government house in Jerusalem (pt1)
👍︎ 9
📅︎ Jun 30 2020
🚨︎ report
[de la Pena] UT confirms Thursday's report that guard Kerwin Roach has been suspended indefinitely for violating team rules. twitter.com/dennisonfox7/…
👍︎ 49
📅︎ Feb 22 2019
🚨︎ report
This man was the “Kavass (bodyguard/ceremonial armed guard) for major Edward Keith roach when he was deputy district commissioner of Jerusalem Palestine the pic is dated 1926 outside the grounds of government house in Jerusalem (pt2)
👍︎ 6
📅︎ Jun 30 2020
🚨︎ report
This man was the “Kavass (bodyguard/ceremonial armed guard) for major Edward Keith roach when he was deputy district commissioner of Jerusalem Palestine the pic is dated 1926 outside the grounds of government house in Jerusalem (pt2)
👍︎ 7
📅︎ Jun 30 2020
🚨︎ report
[Bohls] Texas senior guard Kerwin Roach II, who has been suspended for violating team rules, will miss the regular-season finale against TCU Saturday but will play in next week's Big 12 Tournament, a source close to the program says. twitter.com/kbohls/status…
👍︎ 25
👤︎ u/ATX_ta1
📅︎ Mar 05 2019
🚨︎ report
On this episode of Finding Roach, help Geralt and the guard find the horse! ;)
👍︎ 48
📅︎ Oct 14 2019
🚨︎ report
Improvised Roach clip made from the guard on a lighter
👍︎ 58
👤︎ u/sman434
📅︎ May 07 2018
🚨︎ report
2020 5* Guard Jeremy Roach our for season with a torn ACL. twitter.com/postsports/st…
👍︎ 9
📅︎ Nov 21 2018
🚨︎ report
I think the guards have started using roaches tac tics
👍︎ 22
👤︎ u/NuttieBoii
📅︎ Dec 05 2021
🚨︎ report
Freshman Guard Kerwin Roach can jump out of the gym! mobile.twitter.com/klr_do…
👍︎ 23
👤︎ u/inter2013
📅︎ Sep 30 2015
🚨︎ report
Roaches at the guard shack ? SMH what am I supposed to do ? My coworkers don’t care. But I’m disgusted 🤮
👍︎ 23
👤︎ u/Skyo911
📅︎ Sep 26 2021
🚨︎ report
My favorite thing in Witcher 3

It's not the good story. It's not the combat system. It's not the beautiful graphics. It's not the music.

It's lightly bumping into a peasant and he goes OOHHAAARGHOO

👍︎ 293
📅︎ Jan 03 2022
🚨︎ report
Can anyone explain why this person appears on every episode’s final?
👍︎ 524
👤︎ u/zener89
📅︎ Dec 20 2021
🚨︎ report
[Games] World of Warcraft (Part 3: Wrath of the Lich King) - In which cheaters, anons, doxxers, torturers, zombies and corporate capitalists take the world's largest MMO by storm

You can read the first two parts on VANILLA and BURNING CRUSADE here. I recommend reading them first, but you should be able to understand this post just fine either way. #Part 3 - Wrath of the Lich King

Here we are, here’s the good stuff. This is one of my top two favourite expansions – but unlike my other favourite, most people actually loved this one too. After the bizarre two-year LSD-fuelled interlude that was Burning Crusade, players were back in Azeroth, plunging into the icy continent of Northrend. Out of all the content missed from Vanilla, this was the place players most desperately wanted to go. And it was excellently done. This expansion concerns the story of Arthas Menethil, also known as the Lich King. I won’t go into the details because we’d be here for hours, but here’s a quick twenty minute refresher and here’s a three hour long monstrosity.

On their journey from level 70 to 80, players had the option of starting out on Howling Fjord or Borean Tundra. From there they would visit either the jungle-heavy Scholozar Basin or Grizzly Hills, a chilled out alpine zone with beautiful music. After the nature zones were done, we moved onto the desolate Dragonblight, absolutely brimming with dragon lore, or the home of the Frost Trolls, Zul’Drak – wow’s first totally urban zone. After that, players usually hit level 68, and were able to buy the ability to fly – which was vital for the final two zones due to their inhuman scale – Icecrown, the bastion of the Lich King’s army, or the mystical [Storm Peaks]( https://wow.zamimg

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👍︎ 2k
👤︎ u/Rumbleskim
📅︎ Dec 24 2021
🚨︎ report
Sexy Space Babes: Chapter Seventy Seven

“Sorry Yaro, but I agree with Jason.”

Jason’s eyes widened in surprise as Nora stepped away from Yaro’s prone body.

“The fuck did you do?” he asked, rushing over to check on her. He winced as the action jostled his injured arm.

“Calm down,” Nora said. “I just hit her with a sedative.”

Feeling that her pulse was still beating strong, Jason sighed in relief. Glancing back up, he saw that Nora was brandishing a now empty syringe.

He exhaled. “Why the fuck do you even have that?”

She shrugged, stowing the used needle away in a pouch at her belt. “I borrowed a few from medical. Given you’re… you, I figured I might have to break up a fight non-lethally at some point. And given that most folk walk around in armor that can easily bounce a stun-shot, and I don’t have an MP override, I decided I needed a means of taking someone down without physically having to wrestle them.” She glanced down at Yaro. “Because, between you and me, I don’t think the odds would have been in our favor if she’d decided to make this physical.”

Clever, Jason admitted mentally. Those needles would go right through someone’s suit.

Sighing, he stood up and dusted himself off. “So, I assume you’re with me?”

“Nope. I’m staying here. Yaro was right on that point at least: a military can’t function if everyone decides to just run off and do their own thing.” She paused. “No matter how they might feel about their commanders.”

“Then why did you…” He trailed off, reduced to awkwardly gesticulating to where Yaro lay on her back.

“Because you’re also right.” Nora leaned down, running a hand through the downed woman’s fur with surprising delicacy. “Gremp would never go for what you’re planning - and we’re all probably going to die here unless something changes.” She shrugged. “So I might as well let you have a shot at saving us all.”

Jason stared at her oddly, only belatedly realizing that in aiding him, she’d just betrayed someone she likely thought of as a friend. Hell, she was probably closer with Yaro than she was with him.

“You’re an odd woman Nora,” he said finally.

“I don’t want to hear that from you of all people.” She looked back up at him, features twisting into an odd little smile. “Now, you better get going before someone comes over to ask why we’re both standing over a passed out Rakiri.”

Jason smiled wryly at that, but put her words into action as he turned to leave, pausing only for a moment.

“Take care of her for me,” he said finally.

“I will.”

Satisfied, he conti

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👍︎ 2k
📅︎ Dec 22 2021
🚨︎ report
Somehow missed this in the heat of S2's release. The critical scene with Roach that we all loved was supposed to be comedic before Henry campaigned against it


>Hissrich admits that when she first wrote the Roach death scene, her instinct was to puncture the moment with a bit of meta-comedy. Henry Cavill pushed for a more heartfelt moment, and eventually Hissrich caved — which she says was ultimately the right call.
>“Henry was so unhappy with the line,” she recalls. “Finally I said, ‘You know what, you come up with something. I trust you, you know this material so well, you know the book so well, you don’t even have to pitch it to me.’ And he came back the next day with a beautiful speech that’s at the end of Sword of Destiny when Geralt is facing death and it’s such a pitch perfect moment.”

I don't know in what world it would've been fine to make this a comedic moment. We know Geralt is pragmatic and changes horse often. Does that make him heartless like everyone believes Witchers to be ? Absolutely not. We've seen him talk lengthily to Roach in the first episode of the show, we've seen him take care of him over the seasons. How could this have been written as a "meta-comedy" moment ? It seems putting another meta-joke, I guess for the gamers about how Roach always spawns back or something, was worth sacrificing important character traits for the writing team.

It's a bit mindblowing for me, but is definitely reflected elsewhere in the season. The 4th wall break (or rather explosion, it was not subtle at all) with the dock guard talking of S1 criticisms actually impacted the plot and made Jaskier do something completely stupid, risking the lives of every one he's trying his hardest to save from tiranny, and actually cost one of these lives in the end because of his dumb reaction... That also sacrificied coherent plot and character decisions in the sake of a dumb meta-joke. Jaskier is not stupid, and he was shown just before to be very serious about this whole sandpiper thing. Why have your meta jokes and easter eggs impact the plot in any way at all ? Stuff like CDPR's Witcher 3 medallion being hung on the tree at Kaer Morhen, that's a cool nod that doesn't impact anything. It seems crazy for me to have plot-impacting meta stuff, and you don't see that in other well written shows and movies.

I know a lot of people were fine with it, but we all have very different standards and/or expectations when it comes to writing style/qu

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👍︎ 461
📅︎ Jan 09 2022
🚨︎ report
What are some of the biggest design flaws/mistakes in this game?

W3 is a clearly a masterpiece, but like any game it has problems. Which ones bother you the most?

For me, it’s roach’s handling, too many filler question marks in skellige (my ocd always makes me complete them all), Dijkstra’s odd/foolish behavior in the “reason of state” quest, and that little girl’s voice acting in “The Cat and Wolf Play” dlc quest.

👍︎ 225
📅︎ Nov 11 2021
🚨︎ report
Sexy Space Babes: Chapter Seventy Six

“Cleff’s dead.”

Jason nearly stumbled. Which admittedly, wasn’t that hard to do, given that he’d practically limped his way here with the rest of the survivors of Underground Attack Group One.

What few there were.

He’d barely made it a few feet inside the metal fencing that delineated the outline of the Mining Nexus before Avilla had come striding up to him.

“Dead? How?” He turned to look at the plant woman who looked almost as rough as he felt.

The young lieutenant looked warily over his small group of stragglers as they limped inside the perimeter before turning back to him. “The Alliance pulled the same trick on us that we tried to pull on them. Only difference is, they succeeded.”

She deliberately glanced back toward the center of the base toward a plume of smoke that was wafting carelessly into the windy skies.

One of several.

“The cunts used a nearby cave system to get close before blowing a hole basically right out from under the MCV.” She paused thoughtfully. “…Though, credit where credit is due, the colonel didn’t take the unexpected invasion of her command unit lying down. From what I saw before the generator-core melted down, she and the other officers made a bloody mess of the first team into the commander center.”

Jason was barely listening, most of his mind was focused on the fact that Cleff was apparently dead.

Just like that? The thought came to him numbly. It just seemed so… anti-climactic? Wasn’t there supposed to be a big battle? One that he’d actually see? Epic last words and final blaze of glory? Not this… impersonal recounting.

“I thought we had sentries beneath us to guard against tunnelers?” His voice came out as more of a croak.

“We did.” The plant-woman emphasized the past-tense. “Unfortunately, the Edixi are apparently better infiltrators than our people are guards. First indication we got that anything was wrong was when the skies-damned ground opened up.”

Jason nodded slowly.

“Still not entirely sure whether they chose to retreat after the bloodbath in the MCV, or if we drove them off, but we’ve collapsed the tunnels beneath the facility.” She paused, as if in thought. “Which was something I suggested we do when we arrived at this dump, but you know how Cleff is - or was - never eager to close a possible avenue of attack if it meant it was a possible avenue for counter-attack.” She gestured to where his people had more or less sprawled out near the gate. *“*You know, despite the fact that she insisted on

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👍︎ 2k
📅︎ Dec 14 2021
🚨︎ report
Are people really complaining about shinobi?

Not to say im supprised but honestly no one has any room to be complaining about him. He was one of the shittiest characters in game and now people are bitching? Over what, a flip? Really? One that doesnt do damage? Can be dodged easily? Can be guard broken instantly after? Can be dodge attacked out of? Like holy shit. You guys are slowly making me take the comp players side in these situations.

Shinobi has one of the most balanced reworks ive ever seen and tbh hes still not top tier after the rework....

Edit: Info as to why i replied to Smart_Jooker the way i did in the thread. This isnt the first toxic interaction ive had with him. When everyone was rallying to get Roach's kick recovery cancel removed (because it did need to go) he was making comments everywhere and being a very toxic and unpleasant individual. So when he commented here i gave him a tame taste of his own medicine and blocked him. He doesnt main any character. He jumps to whatever character is OP at the time and when they get their inevitable nerf he goes on a tirade.

👍︎ 321
👤︎ u/Hjallbjorn
📅︎ Dec 10 2021
🚨︎ report
Sexy Space Babes: Chapter Seventy Five

The plan was simple. Send two platoons of infantry through the expansive cave network that sat just beneath the planet’s surface and then pop up behind one of the Alliance Regiments that had recently set up outside the Nexus.

At the same time, the Terran First’s tank and Exo companies would sortie out to take the fight to them. Caught out, in the open ground outside the mining nexus where the tanks held the advantage, the Edixi regiment would be pincered between the two forces and destroyed - or otherwise rendered combat inoperable. At which point, both attacking forces would retreat before the other two Alliance Regiment’s that maintained the current cordon around the Nexus were able to arrive to intervene.

A simple plan that had so many points of failure that Jason genuinely wondered how it hadn’t been shot down in the briefing room.

Oh yeah, our colonel’s determined to go out in a blaze of glory, he thought as he languidly looked over the small flotilla of boats that made up the infantry component of ‘Underground Attack Group One’.

Which seemed a fairly ridiculous title to him, given that Underground Attack Group One was the only Underground Attack Group.

Expansive or not, their came a point with tunnels where more bodies would simply get in the way. And according to Puta, that point was exactly two platoons worth of men and women.

Personally, he thought the number to be a tad small given what they were intended for, but he hadn’t been asked his opinion. The only thing he’d been asked was if he thought it might be possible to get the Ufrian’s onboard to help navigate the underground world.

And being the naïve idiot he was, he’d said yes.

To be fair, he’d thought they’d been spitballing ideas for a possible avenue of retreat – not attack – but that scrap of knowledge proved precious little comfort to him now. Not now that he was sat in a boat, who knew how far underground, and set to attack a much larger and better equipped force.

Oh yeah, and I’ll probably be responsible for getting those Ufrian guides we brought with us killed. He thought grimly. Because some higher power thought it would be deliciously ironic for me to be responsible for getting them killed in a war that has nothing to do with them while I in turn am about to be killed in an alien war that I have nothing to do with.

To be fair, he’d had the feeling that the Ufrian Chiefess had been less than enthused about risking her people herself. Unfortunately for her, and his

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👍︎ 2k
📅︎ Dec 06 2021
🚨︎ report
Unbreakable - A SSB Fanfic - Chapter 1

Another story? Are you mad? - I hear you asking my dear reader.

And answering your question: YES

But - not as mad as u might think.

Sadly I must announce that Ironheart story will be on hold - probably to the end of days.

Why? - Cuz this project would be to similar to others!

And I wanted something - NEW - to be added to our growing pile of fan fiction stories.

Unbreakable is very much - something - new.

What exactly? - Well you gonna read thru it to find out. It's gonna be fun - I promise.

To those who enjoyed Ironheart - I send my apologies, and ask you to give this story a try. You might be pleasantly surprised by the end.

I must give thanks to HollowShell (Author of the: Cultural Exchange) again– who helped me with corrections of this chapter. Give his story some love.

And as always – this is fan fiction set in SSB universe created by BlueFishcake.

So if you enjoy this or his original story – go support him on Patreon or simply buy his book at Amazon. You will live to regret it, but you will also live to enjoy it.

Now... come closer dear reader - and I shall tell you a story.

A story about a little spec of dust flying in circles around little star.



Aleien Ha'xus hated the task assigned to her.

She should be proud.

Her first official mission, as the leader of a small squadron dispatched to search for a pirate base, deep within the Empire's boundaries, amidst unexplored systems.

The Shil'vati sighed heavily and shook her head.

The research probes didn’t return from the region of stars they now traversed. Of course, as these probes tended to examine several systems one after the other until their memory banks were full, it was only known at first that a few probes didn’t return to base. Nothing fancy: crashes and collisions with meteorites happen all the time. Probes are also slower than most ships, but cheap to build and losing a few of them is not a problem for the Empire's treasury.

Why send valuable research ships with staff that would need some sort of escort if you can send a cheap AI-guided vessel? It will perform the same task at a slower pace but for a fra

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👍︎ 174
📅︎ Dec 29 2021
🚨︎ report
Blind Girl Here. Give Me Your Best Blind Jokes!

Do your worst!

👍︎ 5k
📅︎ Jan 02 2022
🚨︎ report
Anatomy of an Upset feat. Missouri over Alabama and Miami over Duke

Imma be real folks, we got 2 games to get to today and I want to have something on Texas Tech @ Baylor on the weekend, so SCREW an intro let's just dive right into it.

Alabama vs Missouri

I will try to keep this pretty brief, but I could write a college thesis on this game alone. For those of you that remember and/or are fans of CONTINUITY, I already have a recent post on the Crimson Tide's loss last month to the Davidson Wildcats. While the results were the same, how each team defeated Alabama was completely different. Cuonzo Martin's philosophy was in stark contrast to Bob McKillop's, especially on the defensive end. While Davidson packed the paint and closed up driving lanes, Missouri was much more comfortable leaving their primary defenders on an island and staying home on spot-up players 1 pass away. While Davidson hard-hedged ball screens, Missouri was content to switch almost anything. While you might look on the surface and say, "Well, Bama scored 86 points in the game that defensive strategy clearly did not work for the Tigers." you'd be surprised at how effective Missouri's defense actually was during the course of the game. With under 11 minutes to go in the 2nd half, Missouri was up 18 POINTS on Alabama. The Tigers' defensive versatility and athleticism to stay in front allowed them to limit Bama's ability to drive and kick to shooters (a staple of any Nate Oats team). Missouri was also much more willing to push the ball up tempo compared to Davidson. The Wildcats walked the ball up on the vast majority of their possessions, while Missouri initiated their offense in a much quicker fashion even if they didn't score a boatload of transition points. For comparison, Davidson is 315th in tempo according to Kenpom, while Missouri is 183rd in the same metric.

The beginning of the game was one of the most surprising things in the whole game, with Coach Oats starting out in a 2-3 matchup zone defensively. A 2-3 matchup zone has all the typical properties of your standard 2-3 shell, but each defender inherits some man-to-man responsibilities whenever an offensive player enters their area. This was probably just an experimental choice in order to practice a curveball he can throw out in more high-leverage games, but it did not work out at all. Missouri started out the game on a 9-0 run thanks in large part to the gravity of Missouri's st

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👍︎ 30
👤︎ u/i_MiLK
📅︎ Jan 13 2022
🚨︎ report
Sexy Space Babes: Chapter Seventy One

Alright Jason, it's time to stop feeling guilty about having unprotected sex with a native - after spending the last few days chastising them for doing exactly that - and focus on the task at hand.

And what a situation it was.

There was nothing quite like the smell of smoke combined with the acrid stench of popped roach. When combined with the laser holes and craters strewn across Mining Site Five’s industrial zone, it created the impression that a hell of fight had gone down.

One he was was glad he’d missed.

Part of him had been worried that the final push for the central mining nexus would end in one big ambush. Certainly, that had been the scuttlebutt going around camp prior to his deportation on his mission of diplomacy. Scuttlebutt that he’d known was mostly being perpetuated by the regiment’s aliens, ones who’d dealt with Roaches before and were a little perplexed by the meekness of the resistance they’d faced.

Of course, part of that could have been attributed to the enemy having next to no idea what to do about the regiment’s armored company. Tanks were a weapon system that hadn’t been seen on a modern battlefield in nearly two hundred years. And for all the reputation for ferocity the Roach’s held, they were at the end of the day little more than poorly equipped pirates. Not the sort of people who would be well situated to rapidly adapt to the sort of threat an outside context problem like heavy armor presented.

Still, that didn’t mean they wouldn’t have something prepared. And given that Mining Site Five was the single most important strategic location on the planet, if there was any place they were going to pull off some kind of final trick, it would be here.

Which was why a lot of people were wary of some kind of obscene final trap - like the entire colony being rigged to blow the moment the regiment rolled in.

Clearly that hadn’t happened.

Though apparently the Roaches had pulled something, given how Jason had spotted no less than four burnt out tanks situated outside the colony on his ride in. Clearly the fight for the colony hadn’t been bloodless. Which went someway to explaining the mood of most of the Marines he saw scattered around.

Rather than a feeling of celebration at hard earned victory… there was a certain tension in the air.

He couldn’t help but note the subtle tightening of the postures of the Marines guarding the entrance to the MC-L3 as he approached.

“Champion,” the two women acknowledged before stepping aside

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👍︎ 2k
📅︎ Nov 07 2021
🚨︎ report
Dropped my best ever dad joke & no one was around to hear it

For context I'm a Refuse Driver (Garbage man) & today I was on food waste. After I'd tipped I was checking the wagon for any defects when I spotted a lone pea balanced on the lifts.

I said "hey look, an escaPEA"

No one near me but it didn't half make me laugh for a good hour or so!

Edit: I can't believe how much this has blown up. Thank you everyone I've had a blast reading through the replies 😂

👍︎ 19k
📅︎ Jan 11 2022
🚨︎ report
What starts with a W and ends with a T

It really does, I swear!

👍︎ 5k
📅︎ Jan 13 2022
🚨︎ report
Black Widow, Eating A Roach, Guarding Multiple Egg Sacs. Southeast Texas. (more images in comments) imgur.com/EQ5iTL9
👍︎ 18
📅︎ Jun 19 2017
🚨︎ report
What is a a bisexual person doing when they’re not dating anybody?

They’re on standbi

👍︎ 11k
📅︎ Jan 12 2022
🚨︎ report
My [28F] husband [30M] left me on our honeymoon, I have seven nights left and I'm still numb. I don't know where to go from here. (super long)

This is a REPOST. I am NOT the original poster! Also, the first post was deleted but was saved and posted by another redditor.

Repost of Original

I met Artie at college, it was love at first sight. He's gorgeous and funny and we hit it off from the first time we met. He was my third serious bf the others being in high school and I was his first. He is shy and introverted and I'm loud and extroverted but we worked. He balanced me out, I brought him out of his shell.

We got engaged two years ago while in Paris and the last two years spent planning our wedding was fabulous.

Artie and I rarely argued, we came from homes where both sets of parents screamed and fought. We were good communicators or I thought we were.

The only bone of contention in our lives was his mother. She wasn't happy he was getting married she never liked me even though I tried my hardest to get her too.

Anyway the wedding despite this went off without a hitch. His mom was actually very nice and actually hugged me.

That was Saturday, Sunday his parents drive us to the airport and we set off for Hawaii. Sunday-tue night were fantastic. Great sex we went swimming with dolphins. A truly magical honeymoon, until Tuesday night. We are getting ready to go out and I notice he looks like he's going to cry.

He bursts out into tears and I've never seen him this way ever between sobs he tells me he can't do this. He's made a mistake, he feel like he is suffocating. Calmly we talk things over and he tells me he has felt this way the last two months but he didn't want to hurt me.

He says that he feels like he never got to experience dating that he isn't sure I'm the one because if I was his mom would like me.

I'm besides myself at this point in tears and I had to get air so I left to take a walk. He tells me he's sorry then backtracks and says let's finish the honeymoon maybe we can get counseling.

So I go for my walk and I'm sitting by the ocean crying my eyes out. After thirty minutes I come back to the room and his stuff is gone. He left his ring and the stack of cash from our wedding we took as spending money. I call his cell phone..no answer.

I try calling his parents house and no answer.

Finally I curl up and cry myself to sleep.

The next morning I have a long text message from him. He wants a divorce, I can keep our puppy, he will move out of the ho

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👍︎ 929
📅︎ Oct 26 2021
🚨︎ report
Unbreakable - A SSB Fanfic - Chapter 1

Another story? Are you mad? - I hear you asking my dear reader.

And answering your question: YES

But - not as mad as u might think.

Sadly I must announce that Ironheart story will be on hold - probably to the end of days.

Why? - Cuz this project would be to similar to others!

And I wanted something - NEW - to be added to our growing pile of fan fiction stories.

Unbreakable is very much - something - new.

What exactly? - Well you gonna read thru it to find out. It's gonna be fun - I promise.

To those who enjoyed Ironheart - I send my apologies, and ask you to give this story a try. You might be pleasantly surprised by the end.

I must give thanks to HollowShell (Author of the: Cultural Exchange) again– who helped me with corrections of this chapter. Give his story some love.

And as always – this is fan fiction set in SSB universe created by BlueFishcake.

So if you enjoy this or his original story – go support him on Patreon or simply buy his book at Amazon. You will live to regret it, but you will also live to enjoy it.

Now... come closer dear reader - and I shall tell you a story.

A story about a little spec of dust flying in circles around little star.



Aleien He'xus hated the task assigned to her.

She should be proud.

Her first official mission, as the leader of a small squadron dispatched to search for a pirate base, deep within the Empire's boundaries, amidst unexplored systems.

The Shil'vati sighed heavily and shook her head.

The research probes didn’t return from the region of stars they now traversed. Of course, as these probes tended to examine several systems one after the other until their memory banks were full, it was only known at first that a few probes didn’t return to base. Nothing fancy: crashes and collisions with meteorites happen all the time. Probes are also slower than most ships, but cheap to build and losing a few of them is not a problem for the Empire's treasury.

Why send valuable research ships with staff that would need some sort of escort if you can send a cheap AI-guided vessel? It will perform the same task at a slower pace but for a fraction of th

... keep reading on reddit ➡

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