Reddit told me that I spent 4 hours on r/DadJokes this year
Glad they spelled it out in binary - 100
r/coronavirus is officially the fastest-growing community on Reddit
It must be viral.
Edit: OMG Thank you for the gold, kind stranger!
Well they are free (found on reddit r/technicallythetruth )
r/AskReddit celebration thread
Some foods shouldn't mix, unless it's a pun-wich -- from r/AskReddit
Found one of you over at r/AskReddit
I see your one egg is an oeuf joke... (
But remember the real reason is because they don't deux-oeuf it.
we do have a lot off different technology. on this post
Found in r/AskReddit, credit to u/raycmcor for the original post
The thread on this r/AskReddit question: Married people of Reddit, what one piece of advice you wish you could give to yourself when you were single?
It was about rape so the pun is better. Original post
This is from this post
Lost Reddit Oars. (X-post from r/lostredditors)
[x-post from r/showerthoughts] Did Reddit just fall into it's post-Victorian era??
Posted this in r/showerthoughts before I saw the no pun rule.
In a serious food fight, a food fight to the death, what would be the most appropriate food weapon? (found dad in r/AskReddit)
Answer - Extra Sharp Cheddar
I went on reddit hunting for Sean Connery in r/October.
If you had to pay for reddit and were offered a discount on a subscription bundle to r/funny, r/comedycemetry and r/jokes
Would that be a cents off humour failure?
a Reddit employee was asked what he thought of r/DadJokes
Happy Mlemorial Day! Crosspost from
Found on an /r/AskReddit thread
[WP] If anyone asks you if you've seen /r/dadjokes, just say "Yeah, I've reddit."
A dad replied to a comment on a /r/AskReddit thread titled "Customers of restaurants that's appeared on Gordon Ramsey's kitchen nightmares, what was the food actually like before and after the show helped the resturant?"
Hey guys, I'm a bit new to reddit, could someone explain to me how to submit to /r/dadjokes
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