A list of puns related to "Peanut Butter Birthday"
I canโt find a recipe online that isnโt the raw kind of vegan cheesecake like a nut/date based crust and cashew cheesecake.
I want my family to enjoy it so I need a junk food vegan recipe!
Just do one each year. Just a full 30 minutes (or 60 for Philbert).
Give us a very special episode for Horsin' Around involving Sarah Lynn and drinking or drugs.
Give us the funniest/goofiest episode of Mr. Peanut Butter's House.
Give us the Nuclear War cliffhanger for Philbert and give us a ton of scenes were we would need the previous episodes for it to make sense in context.
Then give us Birthday Dad crossing the International Date Line.
That's all I ask.
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