Hardy Interviewed On Nikkei CNBC -Offensive IR-Market Breakthrough

You can see the video of Nikkei CNBC-Offensive IR-Market Breakthrough (broadcast on May 6, 2020), an information program for investors, in which our CEO Tadahisa Kagimoto has appeared.

Video posted - in Japanese https://www.healios.co.jp/about/message/#abm-movie01

👍︎ 17
📅︎ May 17 2020
🚨︎ report
TFW you got your news from r/NewsFromCupertino, you did your investments correctly on AAPL, which is now > $200, as you expected, while the rest of the world got their Fake News from Bloomberg, Forbes, Nikkei, CNBC, etc. and is now pulling their hairs asking tf did just happen???
👍︎ 8
👤︎ u/NEDM64
📅︎ Aug 01 2018
🚨︎ report
Are the Nikkei and the yen divorcing? "The long-standing inverse correlation between the yen and Japanese stock prices has broken down" CNBC cnbc.com/id/102470868
👍︎ 6
👤︎ u/ChitchIII
📅︎ Mar 04 2015
🚨︎ report
Channel Japan #22 (TBS/Nikkei/CNBC Business news documentary) ustream.tv/recorded/71842…
👍︎ 3
👤︎ u/trev93
📅︎ Sep 01 2015
🚨︎ report
We're All Fucked

I have no background in macroeconomics. In fact, I'm in healthcare. However, this is what I've gathered in all of my 3 months of investing, learning more about econ and finance than my own field. You tell me what you think and where we stand. The title of my post... pretty much sums up my thoughts. If I made any mistakes, please let me know. After all, I'm a smooth 🧠.

1. S&P 500 inflation-adjusted earnings yield 🔥

You may have seen this picture from this post. It's the S&P 500 inflation-adjusted earnings yield that's now falling below zero, setting a 40-year low. The last times it fell below 0 were in 2008 (housing bubble), 2000 (dotcom bubble), 1987 (Black Monday), 1973 (recession). And it's going under again. Here's another post about it, with Crescat Capital's letter. Essentially, impending boom ?


2. The Repo Market 💣

It's been all the talk lately. Lately, the Fed has been conducting reverse repo operations at higher and higher amounts. On May 20th, we hit the 5th highest ever with $351B and 48 participating counterparties.

Then on May 21st, reverse repos reached $369B with 52 participants! Compare this to two weeks ago where we had less than half that amount, $155B on May 6th. Here's a chart showing reverse repos from January til today. Notice the exponential increase ? Ya, shit is fucked.


Data from: https://apps.newyorkfed.org/markets/autorates/temp

Edit: 05/25: reverse repo @ $432.96 billion.

If you are not familiar with the repo market, I recommend reading this: The Imminent Liquidity Crisis & Reverse Repos Usage or watching George Gammon's YouTube video (Repo Market Rates Turn Negative).

Wat mean? Means there is too much cash in the system and not enough collateral (like treasury bonds). It means there's an imbalance between dollars (which are essentially IOUs) and whatever is backing the dollar'

... keep reading on reddit ➡

👍︎ 22k
📅︎ May 23 2021
🚨︎ report
Citadel, China and The 45th - A Triangular Investigation Into "He’s trying to hide some of his money"

Ken Griffin - Citadel. What a guy he is. Where are you, Ken? Where the hell is he? He's trying to hide some of his money.

- Trump, January 15th 2020


  • Ken Griffin already has hidden his money, we know he has offshore accounts. Why would he be speaking with Trump about hiding assets?
  • The direct context of the quote is all good news for Citadel's operations in China, so why was Ken absent from the ceremony and why did Trump not praise him (but praised everyone else)?
  • I spectulate Trump was actually talking about Griffin wanting to hide his trades
  • Circumstantial evidence for this is that 1 day before this quote, sweeping changes to the National Market System finally hit the Federal register. These changes as I have [somewhat poorly] analyzed before will make market-making and PFOF a lot less profitable for Citadel (and Virtu and other market makers), and also tidy up some loopholes likely being abused by Citadel.


This DD is about what many apes thought was a throwaway line, and so did I until recently. But I have been thinking about it lately, and the more I investigated the context, the more I came to suspect it was actually a rare, blurry glimpse into the underbelly of interactions between Wall street and US politics.

I was actually writing another DD before I came to write this, but it started to become too large of a topic, so I thought I better break off this 'sub-investigation' into its own contained unit, as it's neatly separable, and was only ever circumstantial evidence anyway.

I have deliberarely kept this post non-political, and expect all comments to be non-political as well. It's a superstonk rule that all posts/comments be non-political (Rule 5 -Improper Content). Here is a diagram of what we will be covering:


January 15th 2020 - Signing of Phase One of U.S. - China Trade Deal

January 15th, a Thursday marked a historic signing of Phase One of a U.S. - China trade deal. President Trump had made U.S. - China relations a central component of his policy as President for years before this, and so this agreement was a culmination of many years of work. Contrary to what was shown in the media, the agreement was not just about manufacturing, agriculture and intellectual property. The trade agreement has a whole chapter devoted to Financial Services - mostly with China agre

... keep reading on reddit ➡

👍︎ 674
📅︎ Jul 06 2021
🚨︎ report
Compilation of All DD, TA, Rules & Regulations, News, and more! ALL-IN-ONE STOP for DAILY Wrinkles 🔥🚀

I will update this post everyday since I'm here 24/7 anyways (so save it!), with weekly posts (keep an eye out!). Any suggestions / additions / corrections ? Please let me know, apes & ants & other international species 🤝

Updated: 2021-05-16 @ 10:37 pm EST

✅ Have you voted? ✅


🌟 Week of May 17 🌟

  • Compilation of All DD, TA, Rules & Regulations, News, and more! WEEK OF MAY 17th 🔥🚀

🌟 May 16 🌟





  • (Most of) the margin calls need to happen all at once to maximize squeeze potential
  • Q: "BuT wHEre DoeS ThE MoNey COme FroM?" [A: MARKET CANNIBALIZATION](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/co
... keep reading on reddit ➡

👍︎ 2k
📅︎ May 15 2021
🚨︎ report
$TSLA help me bulls

****I posted this on Monday and it got removed because of formatting. I am reposting with much of the content unchanged. I ended up posting to huzzies to get initial feedback and leaving here for additional feedback. Where i write EDIT, that is new content this week.

Before I got downvoted to oblivion because everyone loves tesla, please read this, and provide some objective feedback. I am writing this because every time I ask someone why they’re bullish about tesla they say the same thing “look at the chart”.

EDIT: For example, TSLA was consolidating for the last month of so, and everyone based on the chart was expecting a run to 700+. It turns out this was true. But i don't think it's organic buying, and volume this time compared to the last run at least eyeballing charts was 50% of last run. The run started, Naranjan and terra nova got on CNBC for the pump the day after it broke resistance at 630, and the next day the accumulation stopped dead in its tracks on Thursday at 2pm, the same time the news broke that Biden stripped out the additional EV credits from the infrastructure bill, taking a total 400b package down to 15b. We'll see how next week shapes up, but this might have been a classic wall st pump to baghold retail, not Tesla is about to break out for new highs so same funds that pumped in anticipation of the event, might unwind the trade back down.

Coming up on earnings, I’d love to buy calls and make a lot of money, but I genuinely think something is up, and wanted to share this with everyone to get objective feedback:

Current state of the company.—only focusing on automotive because it is the primary driver. I’ll try to use the best news sources as I go.

2020 deliveries

150k china

350k fremont

500k total


Projected for 2021 and Q1

Last call, elon committed to approximately 850k deliveries this year. Low end of 740k and high of 1mm.

For Q1- they delivered approximately 180k cars due to a chip shortage. https://ir.tesla.com/press-release/tesla-q1-2021-vehicle-production-deliveries

China deliveries were approximately 35k

... keep reading on reddit ➡

👍︎ 13
👤︎ u/Farmer_eh
📅︎ Jun 25 2021
🚨︎ report
🚀The ETF See-Saw - Part 1

TLDR: Using research papers and looking at data provided by other Redditors, new knowledge regarding ETFs needs to be considered as causes for the current market action GME has been experiencing since January. The ETF FTDs are the biggest issue and the floor should open to considering activities by APs on those ETFs. In the below I share a story about a central bank, share the risks ETFs can cause, and suggest that the government needs to restrict and disincentivize APs from delaying FTD covering because it would cause massive damage to the market. And as a heads up? My screencaps aren’t memes.

Part 2 – Gets into “heartbeat” trades within ETFs and speculated that those trades may be playing into banks holding shares of GME.

Part 3: Goes over ETF rebalancing, with a focus on quarterly rebalancing and implications on GME, and **speculate** that BlackRock and every other “friendly whale” has been shorting GME since March.

Disclaimer: I am sharing research. I am not projecting future events and nothing in this submission is be construed as financial or legal advice. (I will, however, give you the most interesting Transformer at the end of this*). What I don’t know outweighs what I know, but what I’ve learned I want to share, and I think it’s good news for those who like the stock. Like with all DD please look at this whole thing with a critical eye, and I would suggest you read the sources I’ve provided (if you have the time!). If anything I say within here is either not identified as speculation, or just plain wrong, please comment with corrections and sources. All of my sources are at the end of this post.

I'd thank all the authors of the research papers I rely on for this DD for their stellar work. I would also like to thank redditors such u/augrr, u/turdfurg23 and others who have indicated the importance of ETFs by collecting their data. I will make no claims regarding the relationship with other popular DD theories unrelated to ETFs.


Let’s jump back in time. It’s 2002. You got in trouble for something. Do you remember what it was? Do you remember how people reacted? Why am I even asking this?

Because in 2002 the Bank of Japan bought a ton of underlying shares in companies and got in trouble. They justified it by saying the

... keep reading on reddit ➡

👍︎ 439
📅︎ Apr 28 2021
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Daily DDs/News/Discussions Compilation - July 09, 2021
👍︎ 36
📅︎ Jul 09 2021
🚨︎ report
/r/technology top posts: Jul 5, 2021
👍︎ 2
📅︎ Jul 05 2021
🚨︎ report
/r/technology top posts: Jul 4, 2021
👍︎ 2
📅︎ Jul 04 2021
🚨︎ report
the time has come to invest in sand (DD - serious)

Sand is used to in virtually all construction and glass products, medical vials, even smart phone screens; silicon chips . Sand is the most-consumed natural resource on the planet besides water. China alone has likely used more sand this decade than the United States did in the entire 20th Century. Demand for high-purity silica sands, which are used to make glass as well as high-tech products like solar panels and computer chips, is also soaring. America’s surging fracking industry also needs the extra-durable high-purity grains. https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20191108-why-the-world-is-running-out-of-sand .

Looking ahead, industrialization, population growth and urbanization are all trends likely to fuel explosive growth in the demand for sand. https://www.cnbc.com/2021/03/05/sand-shortage-the-world-is-running-out-of-a-crucial-commodity.html

In fact, China has weaponized sand extraction against Taiwan. Taiwanese coast guard commander Lin Chie-ming is on the frontline of a new type of warfare that China is waging against Taiwan. China’s weapon? Sand. Since June last year, Chinese dredgers have been swarming around the Matsu Islands, dropping anchor and scooping up vast amounts of sand from the ocean bed for construction projects in China. https://graphics.reuters.com/TAIWAN-CHINA/SECURITY/jbyvrnzerve/

PRICE OF SAND: https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/WPS1321

SAND TICKERS: $GLW : ( https://www.barrons.com/articles/corning-stock-is-benefiting-from-5g-new-cars-smartphones-and-vaccines-51613163900 ) ;

$SLCA (U.S. Silica is a global industrial minerals and logistics leader, with core competencies in mining, processing, logistics and material science that enable us to produce and cost effectively deliver over 1,500 diversified products to customers across our end markets.) ;

$SND ( https://www.smartsand.com/ )

ASGLY (OTCMKTS) (AGC Inc., formerly Asahi Glass Co., Ltd., is a Japanese global glass manufacturing company, headquartered in Tokyo. It is the largest glass company in the world and one of the core Mitsubishi companies. The company is listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange and is a constituent of the TOPIX and Nikkei 225 stock indices)

👍︎ 138
📅︎ Mar 09 2021
🚨︎ report
/r/technology top posts: Jul 3, 2021
👍︎ 2
📅︎ Jul 03 2021
🚨︎ report
/r/technology top posts: Jun 18, 2021
👍︎ 2
📅︎ Jun 18 2021
🚨︎ report
What do you call a man with no arms or legs in a hole?


👍︎ 5k
📅︎ Jun 30 2021
🚨︎ report
/r/technology top posts: Jun 16, 2021
👍︎ 2
📅︎ Jun 16 2021
🚨︎ report
/r/technology top posts: Jun 13, 2021
👍︎ 2
📅︎ Jun 13 2021
🚨︎ report
/r/technology top posts: Jun 10, 2021
👍︎ 2
📅︎ Jun 10 2021
🚨︎ report
Did you know Bruce Lee has a faster older brother?

Sudden Lee

👍︎ 9k
📅︎ Jul 02 2021
🚨︎ report

Go post NSFW jokes somewhere else. If I can't tell my kids this joke, then it is not a DAD JOKE.

If you feel it's appropriate to share NSFW jokes with your kids, that's on you. But a real, true dad joke should work for anyone's kid.

Mods... If you exist... Please, stop this madness. Rule #6 should simply not allow NSFW or (wtf) NSFL tags. Also, remember that MINORS browse this subreddit too? Why put that in rule #6, then allow NSFW???

Please consider changing rule #6. I love this sub, but the recent influx of NSFW tagged posts that get all the upvotes, just seem wrong when there are good solid DAD jokes being overlooked because of them.

Thank you,

A Dad.

👍︎ 12k
📅︎ Jun 18 2021
🚨︎ report
I've asked so many people what LGBTQ stands for

So far nobody has given me a straight answer

👍︎ 7k
📅︎ Jul 04 2021
🚨︎ report
Pulled a Dad Joke on a Nurse

I am currently in the hospital. I had a back operation yesterday. The surgical nurse came in my room and started asking questions about my back. She asked me if I had any falls during the last year. I responded just one. It was after summer.

She laughed and said in 20 years of doing this she never was told that joke.

👍︎ 10k
👤︎ u/rei_920
📅︎ Jul 07 2021
🚨︎ report
Why should you never brush your teeth with your left hand?

Because a toothbrush works better

👍︎ 9k
👤︎ u/ravenhiss
📅︎ Jul 10 2021
🚨︎ report
Hello $BABA holders, please don't $ROPE

I am Chinese, or used to be years ago at least by nationality. I am not going to post Chinese news article detailing the entire power struggle, just English. I mean, you monkeys can't read moon runes.

You see, the power struggle has been happening since Alibaba and Jack Ma became the ecommerce god of China, like Jeff "the bald Grinch" Bezos did with Amazon in America. China are commies, worshipping anyone but the party is illegal. That is why despite the profits and everything else, they are still sitting at 300+ and not flying like AMZN. Chinese know the power struggles all to well, smart ones will avoid it like plague. Not even Chinese boomers are touching it.


The previous power struggles resulted in Ma forced out of CEO position in 2018, cue lip service to western friends who don't give a fuck just to make sure BABA don't drop.


But like anyone who had felt the power trip of being the richest and most powerful man before, Ma could not stay retired and out of the limelight for long.

So he came out of retirement with the biggest fintech IPO in Asia, Ant Group. Now, that really pisses the Emperor off. Recognising his efforts in revolutionalizing ecommerse, Emperor Xi decided to let him spend the rest of his life in retirement... like a charity case. Yet he decides to step in limelight again, and overshadow the most paranoid and insecure powerful man in all of China?! Well Emperor is the party and party is the Emperor, now Emperor finally decides that you must be removed. Especially when they are showing the entire China the power and money capitalism brings. Cue CCP vs CEO power struggle round 2, except this time they are clashing in the open.


"Wait so why western crowds don't know???"

Uh you retards know you don't read right?

So what happens?

Buy the dip??

Cut losses and run???

Answer is simple:

If you are holding stocks then just keep holding it. BABA isn't going anywhere, they are the ecommerce monopoly along with Tencent in almost the entire Asia. The dip will not stop until power struggle turmoil is over, it will get even uglier over the months as Politburo falsify more charges to threaten the CEOs to back down.


... keep reading on reddit ➡

👍︎ 352
📅︎ Dec 24 2020
🚨︎ report
What’s the difference between an Indian restaurant and a Vietnamese restaurant?

Indian places are naan profit, Vietnamese places are pho profit.

👍︎ 9k
📅︎ Jul 08 2021
🚨︎ report
Anyone who can spell the word drawer backwards...

..... Will get a reward.

👍︎ 11k
📅︎ Jul 04 2021
🚨︎ report
Subreddit Stats: China_irl top posts from 2021-04-23 to 2021-05-23 00:31 PDT

Period: 29.86 days

Submissions Comments
Total 1000 38811
Rate (per day) 33.48 1267.72
Unique Redditors 335 2819
Combined Score 44665 201207

###Top Submitters' Top Submissions

  1. 2085 points, 29 submissions: /u/Jwong762

  2. 我就静静地看你表演 (240 points, 48 comments)

  3. 我祖父从奥斯维辛集中营里幸存下来,并不是为了轰炸加沙 (238 points, 105 comments)

  4. 有梗的台湾街头图片 (192 points, 30 comments)

  5. 纽约时报一年多前的一条推文,现在看别有一番滋味 (152 points, 71 comments)

  6. 为了反击拜登的指控,土耳其媒体列出了美国自1800年以来的种族灭绝历史数据 (151 points, 157 comments)

  7. 美国德州Austin,五一劳动节左翼游行活动 (113 points, 61 comments)

  8. 美国meme (104 points, 21 comments)

  9. 还是外媒会起标题,转来转去,反正就是忘不了中国 (100 points, 49 comments)

  10. 同一家媒体,相同的作者,短短两个月究竟发生了什么? (77 points, 55 comments)

  11. 华春莹:提议美国派出15万个FBI监视中国留学生,顺便解决一下美国国内的就业问题 (71 points, 48 comments)

  12. 1755 points, 47 submissions: /u/Google_Youtube

  13. 野蛮与文明 by René Georges Hermann-Paul, 1899 (169 points, 11 comments)

  14. 无意间翻开小表弟笔记本看到这一幕? (125 points, 49 comments)

  15. 我发现好多人不知道web.archive.org和archive.is (77 points, 9 comments)

  16. 以色列感谢美国阻止联合国要求立即停火的声明 (70 points, 44 comments)

  17. 参议员桑德斯:我们有权要求以色列“尊重包括巴勒斯坦人在内的所有人的人权。”(桑德斯是犹太人) (70 points, 24 comments)

  18. 美国第三次否决了联合国安理会敦促以色列和巴勒斯坦之间冲突停火的联合声明。 (69 points, 41 comments)

  19. [乌合麒麟最新行为艺术作品: 《讽刺画作大赏》](https://i.redd.it/qgipxx528

... keep reading on reddit ➡

👍︎ 10
📅︎ May 23 2021
🚨︎ report
I'd ruther not say
👍︎ 10k
📅︎ Jul 01 2021
🚨︎ report
Why are elevator jokes so good

Because they work on many levels

👍︎ 7k
📅︎ Jul 05 2021
🚨︎ report
👍︎ 8k
📅︎ Jun 30 2021
🚨︎ report
Who were the greenest Presidents in US history?

The Bushes

👍︎ 6k
👤︎ u/caverypca
📅︎ Jul 09 2021
🚨︎ report
My wife blocked me on Facebook because I post too many bird puns.

Well, toucan play at that game.

👍︎ 9k
👤︎ u/Zayan-ali
📅︎ Jun 30 2021
🚨︎ report
Interviewer : why should we hire you as a waiter?

Me : For starters, I bring a lot to the table

👍︎ 8k
📅︎ Jul 08 2021
🚨︎ report
Argon enters a bar, the bartender says “We don’t serve noble gases here.”

Argon does not react.

👍︎ 7k
📅︎ Jul 06 2021
🚨︎ report
There are only two white people in the movie Black Panther

Martin Freeman, and Andy Serkis.

They also play roles in Lord of the Rings.

I guess that makes them the Tolkien white guys.

👍︎ 12k
👤︎ u/jzagri
📅︎ Jun 24 2021
🚨︎ report
$SND - the World 🌎 is running out of SAND ⏳

original source: https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/m1i7p2/the_time_has_come_to_invest_in_sand_dd_serious/

Sand is used to in virtually all construction and glass products, medical vials, even smart phone screens; silicon chips . Sand is the most-consumed natural resource on the planet besides water. China alone has likely used more sand this decade than the United States did in the entire 20th Century. Demand for high-purity silica sands, which are used to make glass as well as high-tech products like solar panels and computer chips, is also soaring. America’s surging fracking industry also needs the extra-durable high-purity grains. https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20191108-why-the-world-is-running-out-of-sand .

Looking ahead, industrialization, population growth and urbanization are all trends likely to fuel explosive growth in the demand for sand. https://www.cnbc.com/2021/03/05/sand-shortage-the-world-is-running-out-of-a-crucial-commodity.html

In fact, China has weaponized sand extraction against Taiwan. Taiwanese coast guard commander Lin Chie-ming is on the frontline of a new type of warfare that China is waging against Taiwan. China’s weapon? Sand. Since June last year, Chinese dredgers have been swarming around the Matsu Islands, dropping anchor and scooping up vast amounts of sand from the ocean bed for construction projects in China. https://graphics.reuters.com/TAIWAN-CHINA/SECURITY/jbyvrnzerve/

PRICE OF SAND: https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/WPS1321

SAND TICKERS: $GLW : ( https://www.barrons.com/articles/corning-stock-is-benefiting-from-5g-new-cars-smartphones-and-vaccines-51613163900 ) ;

$SLCA (U.S. Silica is a global industrial minerals and logistics leader, with core competencies in mining, processing, logistics and material science that enable us to produce and cost effectively deliver over 1,500 diversified products to customers across our end markets.) ;

$SND ( https://www.smartsand.com/ )

ASGLY (OTCMKTS) (AGC Inc., formerly Asahi Glass Co., Ltd., is a Japanese global glass manufacturing company, headquartered in Tokyo. It is the largest glass company in the world and one of the core Mitsubishi companies. The company is listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange and is a constituent of the TOPIX and Nikkei 225 stock indices)

👍︎ 9
👤︎ u/conitsts
📅︎ Jun 08 2021
🚨︎ report
If Apple made a car what would it be missing?


👍︎ 2k
👤︎ u/Moplex1234
📅︎ Jul 02 2021
🚨︎ report

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