What movie titles can you name that can also be euphemisms for poop?
π︎ 12
︎ Oct 30 2021
Which movie titles were awkwardly translated as βMr. Cat Poopβ, βIf You Leave Me, I Delete Youβ and βSo Youβre a Lawyerβ?
π︎ 25
︎ May 30 2021
What movie, show, or video game title best describes your last poop?
π︎ 4
︎ Dec 24 2020
If you had to name your most recent poop with a movie title, what would it be?
π︎ 6
︎ Nov 16 2020
How would you describe your last poop using a movie or tv show title?
π︎ 12
︎ Jun 25 2020
The title does not prepare you for the amount of poop in this movie.
Hint: I watched this movie because a lot of celebrities seemed to recommend it as their favorite comedy. Was not disappointed.
π︎ 22
︎ Apr 02 2020
What movie title becomes infinitely more interesting when you add " 's poop " to the end?
π︎ 10
︎ Apr 01 2020
Star wars movies titles are an alternative way of describing bodily movements specifically poop
hullo there!
A long time ago in a galaxy far far away, a young lad (myself) was heartily inspired by starwars and fell In love with the universe. This young lad grew to become a nerdy adult who liked to make references. At some point he started saying "I sense a disturbance in the force" when he had to poop. Thus when bored in college he realized that Star Wars movies are another way to describe pooping. "How in god's green earth did you come to this 'particular' association?", one might ask? Well let me define each movie and you'll see why I made the associations. This is an evolving theory and as such I am constantly refining definitions as I discover them.
Main series:
The Phantom Menace: this is a way to describe the feeling you get when you know you have to poop but it's a far way off (aka I sense a disturbance in the force)
Attack of the Clones: this is when you have a large output of poop (aka diarrhea)
Revenge of the Sith: this is when you have an exceptionally painful poop (think spiky or burning)
A New Hope: this is when you've taken an incredibly large poop and you think you're done (it ties into The Empire Stikes Back)
The Empire Stikes Back: this is when you finish but like 20 to 30 minutes later you have to poop again. (Think food poisoning constant shits)
The Return of the Jedi: this is the feeling you get after you're done pooping (aka everything has returned to normal and you feel like a new person)
The Force Awakens: this is the type of poop that sneaks up on you suddenly (aka the 2 in the morning "I have to poop" poop)
The Last Jedi: this is when you really have to poop but it's a small ass poop (like a klingon)
The Rise of Skywalker: this is when you have a poop so big that it is literally coming out of the water (also think of an erection as The Rise of Skywalker)
Rouge One: this is when you have to fart but it turns out to be a shart
Solo: this is when you are in the middle of fucking nowhere and have to poop (and the only gas station is sketch as hell)
Hopefully you've enjoyed my "shitty" fan theory and may the force be with you!
π︎ 114
︎ May 23 2021
Take the last movie you watched and add the word 'poop' in the end of the title, what is the new movie title?
π︎ 3
︎ Dec 23 2019
Take a movie or video game title and replace one word with βpoopβ or any related word. What monstrosity have you now created?
π︎ 2
︎ Nov 13 2019
What movie titles sound like they could be referring to poop?
π︎ 2
︎ Sep 27 2019
π︎ 90
︎ Dec 09 2015
What's the best movie title you can think of relating to the worst poop you've ever taken?
π︎ 45
︎ Apr 10 2013
In Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs 2 (2013), there is a poop joke within the first 5 minutes. This is foreshadowing how the movie you're about to watch is total shit.
π︎ 2k
︎ Nov 22 2021
What movie title would you give your latest poop experience?
Only existing movie titles
π︎ 29
︎ Aug 08 2014
Describe your last poop with a movie title
Inspired by this post I found while browsing Imgur Random, describe your last poop with a movie title.
The Hulk or Twilight, because Twilight is shit
π︎ 20
︎ Aug 09 2012
Change the main noun to 'poop' in the last movie you saw. What is the new title?
π︎ 14
︎ Mar 13 2015
What would be the title of this movie?
π︎ 3k
︎ Jan 07 2022
Which movie titles were awkwardly translated as βMr. Cat Poopβ, βIf You Leave Me, I Delete Youβ and βSo Youβre a Lawyerβ?
π︎ 2
︎ May 30 2021
What movie title best describes your last poop?
π︎ 156
︎ Oct 14 2019
What movie title describes your last poop?
π︎ 12
︎ Jul 15 2020
If you had to name your last poop to a movie title what would yours be?
π︎ 2
︎ Aug 23 2020
What movie title best describes the last poop you took?
π︎ 22
︎ Aug 10 2019
What movie title describes your most recent poop?
π︎ 335
︎ Dec 19 2016
Using only movie titles, how would you describe your last poop?
π︎ 52
︎ Dec 17 2018
If the last poop you took was the name to the title of a movie, what would it be called?
π︎ 5
︎ Mar 01 2020
If can name your most recent poop after a movie title what would it be?
π︎ 5
︎ Nov 07 2019
What movie title would you use to describe your last poop?
π︎ 184
︎ Sep 14 2011
What movie title would you use to describe your last poop?
π︎ 29
︎ Oct 04 2017
What movie title best describes your last poop?
π︎ 66
︎ Feb 16 2016
Using movie titles, how was your most recent poop?
π︎ 6
︎ Oct 30 2018
If you had to describe your most recent poop with a movie title, what would it be?
π︎ 2
︎ Feb 17 2019
What movie title best describes your last poop?
π︎ 37
︎ Oct 08 2015
What movie title would you use to describe the last poop you had?
π︎ 4
︎ May 06 2019
What movie titles would describe your poop?
π︎ 33
︎ Jul 29 2015
What movie title describes your last poop?
π︎ 14
︎ Feb 19 2015
Describe your last poop with a movie title. What is it?
π︎ 11
︎ Apr 14 2016
What movie titles best describes your most recent poop?
π︎ 4
︎ Oct 24 2017
What movie title could you use to describe your poop?
π︎ 7
︎ Mar 26 2016
Reddit, how would you describe your last poop using only a movie title?
π︎ 22
︎ Dec 28 2014
Can you describe your latest poop with a movie title?
π︎ 13
︎ Dec 27 2014
What movie title best describes the last poop you took?
π︎ 20
︎ Oct 19 2014
Which movie title best describes your last poop?
π︎ 6
︎ Mar 10 2015
If you had to describe the last poop you took with the title of a movie, what movie title would you use?
π︎ 6
︎ Apr 07 2015
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