I make custom Funko pops. Javert was my first one, and last year I took him to Montreuil-Sur-Mer (the building in the background was the police post at the time Les Mis takes place)
Montreuil-sur-Mer, Northern France
French trebuchet aiming towards england. Montreuil sur mer
[May 25th, 1918] Members of the concert party named The Queerios at GHQ at Montreuil-sur-Mer, 25 May 1918.
May 25 1918 “Members of the concert party named The Queerios at GHQ at Montreuil-sur-Mer”.
Why does Victor Hugo in Les Miserables refer to the novel's towns Montreuil-sur-Mer only as "M-- sur M--" and Digne as "D——"?
Currently started reading Les Mes before I go see it's musical and pay ridiculous $$$ for tickets to watch a play ironically on poverty and the despaired.
But the town's name, as described in my post's title and how they are refereed to has really got me curious. Why is this form of censorship of the novel's settings/towns done by Victor Hugo?
Was he trying to get some sort of affect?
Make it the novel more relatable to where it is read?
Or perhaps was forced to do this for some reason e.g. legal?
General Douglas Haig and Lieutenant-General Pratap Singh outside the Chateau at Montreuil-sur-Mer, 17th June 1916. [800x596] /u/Dokky
[History] Members of the concert party named The Queerios at the British GHQ at Montreuil-sur-Mer, 25 May 1918.
Montreuil : des tirs de mortier dirigés vers les immeubles sur le point de deal de la place de la République
Corporal Victor Deblois of Le Régiment de la Chaudière guarding German prisoners on Juno Beach, Bernières-sur-Mer, France, 6 June 1944.
La mer contient-elle 66 fois l'énergie dont on a besoin sur Terre, comme l'affirme Jean-Luc Mélenchon ? [Oui mais que pour la France]
Boulogne-sur-Mer, France, 503cx, 50mm, Delta 100.
Mick, Mick T, Keith, Bobby Keys, Jim Price & Jimmy Miller @ Villefranche sur Mer, 1971 © Dominique Tarlé
Premiers émois by Vendredi sur Mer in a nutshell
The bodies of American soldiers killed in Normandy before their burial at the Colleville-sur-Mer cemetery
Maison Évolutive à Théoule-sur-Mer, 1975
Monument to the U.S. 1st Infantry Division overlooking Omaha Beach, Colleville Sur Mer, Normandy, France
A Platoon of African-American troops surrounds a farm house with a suspected German Sniper inside, near Vierville-sur-Mer, France, June 1944.
Wounded American assault troops of the 3d Battalion, 16th Infantry Regiment, 1st U.S. Infantry Division, who stormed Omaha Beach. Colleville-sur-Mer, Normandy, France, 6 June 1944.
Great news!! 1stal Brecourt modded/vanilla map serve UK/EU all players welcome!! Playing Longues sur mer and Cagny. Download size about 1.3gb!!! You don't want to miss this!
1stal Brecourt modded map/Vanilla map UK/EU now online!! Playing LSM and Cagny over various layers!! The download will be about 1.3gb if you have no downloaded before!!! You won't regret playing them!. More maps will be added with time to make the downloads more manageable!
[OC]: Myself [3264x1836] Northern France, Montreuil/Mer
Plage des Sablettes vers midi, La Seyne-sur-Mer, 83
Currently in the process of Updating Longues sur mer for re release on the new armour update. The area surrounding batterie has had a small make over ...
Keith @ Villefranche-sur-mer by Dominique Tarlé
Longues sur mer update is almost there! Area near the Axis spawn.
Mick & Keith @ Villefranche-sur-mer by Dominique Tarlé
W C Baldwin of RAF 146 wing stands on his Hawker Typhoon at Sainte Croix sur Mer, Summer 1944.
Keith Richards & Mick Jagger, Villa Nellcote, Villefranche sur Mer, 1971 © Dominique Tarlé
Downbeat Energetic and Free - Pop, Dance, French Indietronica, Rock, Folk & Acoustic, Modern Rock, Art, Indie, Gauze, Electro, post-teen pop, alt z, new rave. Jaymes Young, Camila Cabello, Melanie Martinez, Zella Day, AURORA, Vendredi sur Mer, Clara Luciani, Alice et Moi. All 2020’s
Anita Pallenberg, Keith Richards avec sa Telecaster, Gram Parsons, Gretchen Burrell, Villa Nellcote, Villefranche sur Mer, 1971 © Dominique Tarlé
Jake Weber & Mick Jagger, Villa Nellcote, Villefranche sur Mer, 1971 © Dominique Tarlé
1944 vs now- Colleville-sur-Mer, Normandy, France
am I the only one who misses bolougne-sur-mer when it was the whole dover strait and wishes gaijin Brough it back?
Downbeat Energetic and Free - Pop, Dance, French Indietronica, Rock, Folk & Acoustic, Modern Rock, Art, Indie, Gauze, Electro, post-teen pop, alt z, new rave. Jaymes Young, Camila Cabello, Melanie Martinez, Zella Day, AURORA, Vendredi sur Mer, Clara Luciani, Alice et Moi. All 2020’s
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