A list of puns related to "Michael Campus"
So, for those who aren’t aware, J Michael Bailey is a professor in the psych dept, who’s a bit of a notorious figure in the queer community.
Basically he helped create a system where a lot of trans women had to go through him to access healthcare that previously they could just get with a doctor’s approval, a career for which he was made the chair of the psych dept. He then wrote a book about said career called “The Man Who Would Be Queen” wherein he *very* heavily implied that he only greenlit those who were willing to engage in a sexual relationship with him, while those who weren’t or that he didn’t find attractive, he’d brand with a (now disproven) diagnosis that’d make it impossible for them to get healthcare anywhere.
Shortly after he published his book, one of the trans women mentioned in it came forward to the university and said that he had indeed engaged in a sexual relationship with her while he had control over her access to healthcare.
The university’s very openly stated response was to categorically refuse to investigate any sexual misconduct claims against him. At about the same time, he stepped down as chair for “unrelated reasons”.
He’s still a professor here. Some prick even wrote an article for The Daily Northwestern in 2011 calling him “a campus sex symbol”.
I’m nonbinary and thinking of applying to go here for grad school in the fall, but I want to know what I’d be looking at as far as campus culture. What are people’s thoughts?
Asking for a friend but really asking for myself. Also if anybody can provide directions on how to get there that’d be awesome.
By unspecified and non-important reasons, this two immortal serial killers crash a campus party on a random but isolated lake house gone completely wild, with beer, topless girls and loud music, who could get the highest kill-count here on each round?
R1-At least 100 students attend the party, oblivious at first of the massacre thats about to unleash whitow interference from the outside.
R2-Same as 1, but the local police is aware of at least one of them, after finding out who this is and tracking down hits footsteps, it leads to the party. At least 20 officers armed with random regular police weapons show up right after they begin their massacre.
Bonus: after the massacre, Michael and Jason start fighting each other, who wins?
EAGLE ALERT (All Campuses): All campuses will be closed and classes are canceled on Wed., Oct. 10 due to Hurricane Michael. www.GeorgiaSouthern.edu/alert
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