The First Peoples' Map is an interactive, online representation of Indigenous languages, cultures and places of British Columbia - We encourage contributions and feedback from community members, language champions, artists, Elders and Knowledge Keepers to help the map to grow
πŸ‘︎ 382
πŸ‘€︎ u/News2016
πŸ“…︎ Jun 23 2020
🚨︎ report
Day 187 of #NLP365 - Learn NLP With Me – Embeddings Of Language, Knowledge Representation, And Reasoning

Day 187.

Today's post is my notes on the KR2ML Keynote Talk by Andrew McCallum on Embeddings of Language, Knowledge Representation, and Reasoning. Check it out below!



πŸ‘︎ 20
πŸ‘€︎ u/RyanAI100
πŸ“…︎ Jul 05 2020
🚨︎ report
K-BERT: Enabling Language Representation with Knowledge Graph…
πŸ‘︎ 2
πŸ‘€︎ u/ShareScienceBot
πŸ“…︎ Sep 20 2019
🚨︎ report
From Agoras to TML(Tau MetaLanguage) "TML and the internet of languages will widely support more kinds languages than just knowledge representation"- Ohad Asor -Founder of Tau-Chain

From Agoras to TML(Tau MetaLanguage) "TML and the internet of languages will widely support more kinds languages than just knowledge representation"- Ohad Asor -Founder of Tau-Chain

πŸ‘︎ 10
πŸ‘€︎ u/jjaquarius
πŸ“…︎ Mar 13 2018
🚨︎ report
The knowledge representation language of the future: Sanskrit…
πŸ‘︎ 17
πŸ‘€︎ u/nuephelkystikon
πŸ“…︎ Jul 18 2014
🚨︎ report
[R] Yejin Choi: Representation Learning of Grounded Language and Knowledge: with and without End-to-End Learning…
πŸ‘︎ 18
πŸ‘€︎ u/downtownslim
πŸ“…︎ Apr 10 2017
🚨︎ report
Schopenhauer takes the special, intimate knowledge we have of our own body, and builds upon it an elaborate metaphysical, ethical, and aesthetic system. "The world is my representation."…
πŸ‘︎ 117
πŸ‘€︎ u/WeltgeistYT
πŸ“…︎ Dec 12 2021
🚨︎ report
Seminar 4: Professor Michael Beetz - "Knowledge representation & reasoning in CRAM - a cognitive architecture for robot agents accomplishing everyday manipulation tasks"

The Oxford Robotics Institute is celebrating its 5th anniversary and is launching an inaugural seminar series which will host distinguished academics from around the world each month to speak about leading research shaping the future of robotics and Artificial Intelligence.

Wednesday 19th January at 4pm BST Professor Michael Beetz, University Bremen hosted by ORI researcher Lars Kunze

This is a free event open to all, register to attend

Robotic agents that can accomplish manipulation tasks with the competence of humans have been one of the grand research challenges for artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics research for more than 50 years. However, while the fields made huge progress over the years, this ultimate goal is still out of reach. I believe that this is the case because the knowledge representation and reasoning methods that have been proposed in AI so far are necessary but too abstract.

In this talk I propose to address this problem by endowing robots with the capability to internally emulate and simulate their perception-action loops based on realistic images and faithful physics simulations, which are made machine-understandable by casting them as virtual symbolic knowledge bases. These capabilities allow robots to generate huge collections of machine-understandable manipulation experiences, which robotic agents can generalize into commonsense and intuitive physics knowledge applicable to open varieties of manipulation tasks. The combination of learning, representation, and reasoning will equip robots with an understanding of the relation between their motions and the physical effects they cause at an unprecedented level of realism, depth, and breadth, and enable them to master human-scale manipulation tasks. This breakthrough will be achievable by combining leading edge simulation and visual rendering technologies with mechanisms to semantically interpret and introspect internal simulation data structures and processes. Robots with such manipulation capabilities can help us to better deal with important societal, humanitarian, and economic challenges of our aging societies.

More about speaker Michael Beetz

πŸ‘︎ 2
πŸ‘€︎ u/Excited_Jellyfish
πŸ“…︎ Jan 10 2022
🚨︎ report
Why has Catholicism traditionally been so open to art variety (esp different racial and ethnic representation) but so rigid about a single Sacred Language Until Pope John Paul II? While Eastern Orthodoxy had been strict about art styles despite being so open about language variety in masses?

My family is from Portugal. Grandma and Grandparents still take Latin language mass, believing it to be the only legit form of mass.......

Now my Avos are pretthy nationalistic, to the point they have been accused of white supremacy by modern woke crowds. Even discounting how seemingly patriotic they are about being Portugeuse, they hold many old views like homosexuality being a great evil, using condom condemns to hell, and so many "rightwing beliefs"..............

Yet despite that they will treat statue of nonwhite Jesus used by Brazillians with utmost sacredness, they had prayed to a Lady of Guadalupe statue without hesitation, and despite their bragging about Portuguese pride they treat everybody black, Vietnamese, and so on with complete respect. Even allowing my sister to marry a MidEastern person who attends an Eastern Catholic Church and treating one of my cousins who's dark skinned and half Guatemalan with utmost equality as a family member.

However as I said earlier they only attend Latin mass church. They genuinely believe that Language was the one sole thing that kept the whole Church united and Vatican 2 Open a permanent damage to the Church by creating more ethnic strife bby allowing the use of different langauges. That Latin as the sacred liturgy was what keep people from all different churches and races using a variety of art traditions from the stereotypical desert Hispanic design of architectural building to the Lady of La Vang who looks very Vietnamese.............. That the Church as united through Latin and the language effectively shut people from beinging controversial issues to mass such as illegal immigration from non-English countries and white supremacy and ethnic segregation in France and other nations where French is an official language.

So they believe despite John Paul II's benevolent intentions, officially allowing Vernacula Mass has destroyed Church unity and is a big reason why stuff like BLM and Latinos refusing to learn English are getting hacked into the Church.........

That said I know Eastern Orthodoxy on the fsurface seems dicided by ethnicity...... Yet any devoute Orthodox Christian shares the same views as my grandparents where despite being proud of their ethnicity, they'd ultimately believe we are all human and despite nationality, race, and ethnicity were are all equal under the banner of one church.... And that this is pretty much the stancce of the Orthodox council that all humans within the CHurch are u

... keep reading on reddit ➑

πŸ‘︎ 47
πŸ‘€︎ u/SlamDunkerista
πŸ“…︎ Dec 20 2021
🚨︎ report
State of art in Knowledge representation of image and text pair in AI model

If there is a training data which consists of pair of image and corresponding textual explanation of that image. How to represent this Semantic knowledge between image and corresponding textual meaning in AI model. So that we don't need much of training data, if I can infuse that knowledge between image and text pair. Idea is to infuse this knowledge and then at inference time, if such image appears then perform action. Ex- If there is a image and respective meaning is 'open the door', then if robot sees that image at inference it will open the door. I am thinking of NLP based model to infuse this knowledge, but not sure how BERT like model can be employed in this situation.

Is there existing SOTA which addresses this kind of issues ?

πŸ‘︎ 2
πŸ“…︎ Jan 06 2022
🚨︎ report
Marvel's Hawkeye: What do you think of the representation of Deafness and sign language? *All spoilers covered*

All spoilers covered

If you've been watching Marvel's Hawkeye on Disney+, you'll have noticed the introduction of >!Deaf superhero Echo, as well as Hawkeye himself being HOH.!<

What are your thoughts on how they have represented Deafness and sign language thus far (episode 1-3)?

Personally, I'm excited about any inclusion of characters and actors belonging to minority groups having representation in media. My background in inequality studies has me hyper aware of these representations, so I was extremely happy to see >!Alaqua Cox, who plays Echo, is Native American and Deaf, both of which are comic accurate, as well as an amputee.!<

I'm also an interpreting student (currently taking a break for personal reasons) so I was excited to see >!actual signing conversations on screen as well as an actual Deaf character/actor.!< However, >!I was incredibly disappointed that much of the signing was only partially on screen and at times was fully off screen.!<

I would love to hear what y'all think!

πŸ‘︎ 52
πŸ‘€︎ u/lambapalooza
πŸ“…︎ Dec 02 2021
🚨︎ report
The diversification of major Indo-European sub-families of languages shown as a family tree representation of the timing of their emergence superimposed on the map of the area
πŸ‘︎ 25
πŸ‘€︎ u/someone_678
πŸ“…︎ Dec 29 2021
🚨︎ report
The diversification of major Indo-European sub-families of languages shown as a family tree representation of the timing of their emergence superimposed on the map of the area
πŸ‘︎ 14
πŸ‘€︎ u/someone_678
πŸ“…︎ Dec 29 2021
🚨︎ report
Required field of knowledge to understand a paper "Similarity of neural network representations revisited"


I am trying to understand the paper "Similarity of neural network representations revisited", Kornblith et al, 2019,, which covers the methods to measure similarity of neural network representations, but I suffer from the lack of foundation to understand the paper.

If there is anyone who has read this paper and has understood it, could you recommend to me the fields of knowledge or specific concepts that help to understand this paper?

Thank you

πŸ‘︎ 9
πŸ‘€︎ u/miyembe
πŸ“…︎ Dec 21 2021
🚨︎ report
So I saw this on various platforms now and someone mentioned that they believe our comrade's codename in one/or some other languages is something akin to "young master" ? Anyone with knowledge on the matter can explain please ?
πŸ‘︎ 552
πŸ‘€︎ u/SomeoneJulian
πŸ“…︎ Jan 03 2022
🚨︎ report
Are some languages objectively harder than others, meaning independant of the learners native tongue and other langauge knowledge?

For example if two people who only speak their own native tongue learn each others language, could one person have a harder time than the other simply cause their native tongue is less complex?

πŸ‘︎ 40
πŸ‘€︎ u/zuluportero
πŸ“…︎ Jan 14 2022
🚨︎ report
Apart from ontologies, which other methods for knowledge representation are there in Artificial Intelligence?

From what I have been reading, I see statements like

>Ontology is a common method used for knowledge representation in artificial intelligence.

But there isn't too much of a discussion around what other options are available. To allow me to investigate other options, I am hoping someone can suggest alternatives?

Also, as an extra question, of the available options, do you have a preference? And if so, why?

πŸ‘︎ 15
πŸ‘€︎ u/LateThree1
πŸ“…︎ Oct 30 2021
🚨︎ report
Reading Shipwrecked and came across this, New Zealand has been mentioned a few times in choices but this is the first time my culture Maori has been referenced in choices through the use of Te Reo our language, beyond stoked to see this representation from PB
πŸ‘︎ 75
πŸ‘€︎ u/NZ-AC
πŸ“…︎ Nov 23 2021
🚨︎ report
The strange censorship of language, even in positive representations

So, I have noticed a strange thing about the way television is censoring language these days.

In multiple instances of movies and TV shows that have swear words in them like the β€œS word” or the β€œF word” it’s there without issue and usually uncensored. Even when it was when they were originally censoring it when it aired.

However, when using the β€œR word” in referring to the mentally challenged, it gets bleeped or blanked out. Even in a situation where the point of the use of the word is to argue about whether or not the use of the word is derogatory towards people with such challenges. Or when they represent a positive vision of them and advocate for them to be treated better.

What the heck is up with that? Why are they painting things with such a broad brush?

And yes, I’m aware of the irony of me censoring myself in discussion of the words in question. I’m concerned about Reddit potentially censoring me and thus trying to avoid this happening.

πŸ‘︎ 37
πŸ‘€︎ u/AndrewHeard
πŸ“…︎ Oct 15 2021
🚨︎ report
A visual representation of how sign language sounds
πŸ‘︎ 29
πŸ‘€︎ u/creeper591
πŸ“…︎ Dec 10 2021
🚨︎ report
Suggestion for the player base, try less alienating language while demonstrating your extensive knowledge.

Firstly, this is not me having a dig, just suggesting a more efficient way of getting information across.

It is superb that there are players who know the exact model and caliber of a vehicle just by seeing a flash of part of it or hearing it fire once, terrific. However, there are lots of players who do not. We need to be more helpful to them.

If I say "Puma east of the point" not everyone is going to know if this means friendly or enemy, they need to spend time clarifying it using their favourite method, all of which are more time consuming than if I had started the process with "Enemy tank on my ping."

If I say "Friendly armour rolling in from the South" that player near the road it's on is now less worried about the sound behind him and can still focus on keeping an eye out for the enemies in front of them.

The process for dealing with either is largely the same. Enemy tank, if you are anything other than AT, high engineer or high assault, stay away from it. If you are one of those roles, get behind it.



The two simplest words to understand in the game. Let's not handcuff ourselves by not using them.

πŸ‘︎ 38
πŸ‘€︎ u/AjGreenYBR
πŸ“…︎ Dec 21 2021
🚨︎ report
More nationalities and languages - more non-Western representation!

I'm new to this game and I really have become an addict to it - I love it. The turn-based strategy combined with the base-building is a perfect match for me.

There is one thing though. When it comes to the different nationalities that one can pick for the soldiers, the number of Western countries is much higher than non-Western.

Take Africa, which is only represented by three countries: South Africa, Nigeria and Egypt.

Contrary, if you want your character to be European, you can pick between 13 different countries (without counting Russia). If we count Western nationalities, Australia, Canada and USA are there as well - so 16.

Now, if we look at languages, there are ONLY Western options.

I believe Xcom 2 can do better at being more diverse. A quick analysis would say that Xcom probably include many of the countries with the highest population in the world. But a country like Bangladesh with 164 million people is not represented.

And I don't know if it's just my settings that does this, but when I have to recruit new soldiers, 90 percent of them will be from Western countries. I know that I can just change their nationality and all, but I still find it a bit weird. Often I don't feel like doing much to edit every soldier, so I have ended up with a very Western team.

I hope that Xcom will be inspired by a game like Rocket League, which includes all nations even those not recognized by Western countries such as Palestine, Kurdistan etc. This is after all a game about a resistance movement.

πŸ‘︎ 24
πŸ‘€︎ u/karenproletaren
πŸ“…︎ Oct 29 2021
🚨︎ report
8th century stone figurine of Goddess Chamunda from Odisha, a fiery representation of Shakti(female energy). Case study for mediaeval knowledge of Human anatomy (notice protruding veins and bones)[1080Γ—2020]
πŸ‘︎ 2k
πŸ‘€︎ u/Sapt007
πŸ“…︎ May 22 2021
🚨︎ report
Tomato with no knowledge of the Arabic language or poetry claims the Quran is repetitive and bland
πŸ‘︎ 113
πŸ‘€︎ u/Fun_Entrance7200
πŸ“…︎ Dec 15 2021
🚨︎ report
Looking for any person around who has a decent knowledge of linguistics to help me with my Xeshrin language.

Hey um so I decided to work on my Xeshrin language and like I already made a counting system, which is 12-base, and also made an official alphabet and now from here I wanted to get help from more experienced people to build on what I have. Any one think they can help?

Edit: also I tryna post the images of what I have but seems like every time I try to it just deletes what I typed and when I tried to do image first then text it deletes the pics.

Second Edit: ok my handwriting is kinda messy but this is the draft for the alphabetical and numerical system I made.

πŸ‘︎ 19
πŸ“…︎ Jan 04 2022
🚨︎ report
Hidden Knowledge - A Slight Rework of Class-Specific Language
πŸ‘︎ 66
πŸ‘€︎ u/ModerateZanskau
πŸ“…︎ Jan 01 2022
🚨︎ report
A Marxist Psychology of Language and Representation, by Kyrill Potapov…
πŸ‘︎ 8
πŸ‘€︎ u/raicopk
πŸ“…︎ Dec 11 2021
🚨︎ report
Share of people without knowledge of Georgian language
πŸ‘︎ 85
πŸ‘€︎ u/S4nyyWallin
πŸ“…︎ Nov 29 2021
🚨︎ report
i give pic of cat in exchange of karma. (his name's Testes... english is not my first language i regretted it afterwards when i gained the knowledge i wish i didn't get)
πŸ‘︎ 9
πŸ‘€︎ u/AdRoutine1206
πŸ“…︎ Dec 03 2021
🚨︎ report
Do you think that Large Language Models could be used to generate Knowledge Graphs?

Do you know of any such experiments?

I keep reading about LLMs using external memory resources, but could they also be used to generate resources such as Knowledge Graphs on a huge scale?

Edit: preliminary results from a little experimentation with GPT-3 (davinci-instruct)


knowledge graph described by a list of relations:

finger -> part of -> hand

finger -> subclass of -> digit

music -> subclass of -> sound

Earth -> instance of -> terrestrial planet

green -> subclass of -> color

pathogen -> opposite of -> nonpathogenic organism

color -> subclass of -> property

music -> part of -> culture

culture -> opposite of -> nature

πŸ‘︎ 21
πŸ“…︎ Dec 22 2021
🚨︎ report
Why has Catholicism traditionally been so open to art variety (esp different racial and ethnic representation) but so rigid about a single Sacred Language Until Pope John Paul II? While Eastern Orthodoxy had been strict about art styles despite being so open about language variety in masses?

My family is from Portugal. Grandma and Grandparents still take Latin language mass, believing it to be the only legit form of mass.......

Now my Avos are pretthy nationalistic, to the point they have been accused of white supremacy by modern woke crowds. Even discounting how seemingly patriotic they are about being Portugeuse, they hold many old views like homosexuality being a great evil, using condom condemns to hell, and so many "rightwing beliefs"..............

Yet despite that they will treat statue of nonwhite Jesus used by Brazillians with utmost sacredness, they had prayed to a Lady of Guadalupe statue without hesitation, and despite their bragging about Portuguese pride they treat everybody black, Vietnamese, and so on with complete respect. Even allowing my sister to marry a MidEastern person who attends an Eastern Catholic Church and treating one of my cousins who's dark skinned and half Guatemalan with utmost equality as a family member.

However as I said earlier they only attend Latin mass church. They genuinely believe that Language was the one sole thing that kept the whole Church united and Vatican 2 Open a permanent damage to the Church by creating more ethnic strife bby allowing the use of different langauges. That Latin as the sacred liturgy was what keep people from all different churches and races using a variety of art traditions from the stereotypical desert Hispanic design of architectural building to the Lady of La Vang who looks very Vietnamese.............. That the Church as united through Latin and the language effectively shut people from beinging controversial issues to mass such as illegal immigration from non-English countries and white supremacy and ethnic segregation in France and other nations where French is an official language.

So they believe despite John Paul II's benevolent intentions, officially allowing Vernacula Mass has destroyed Church unity and is a big reason why stuff like BLM and Latinos refusing to learn English are getting hacked into the Church.........

That said I know Eastern Orthodoxy on the fsurface seems dicided by ethnicity...... Yet any devoute Orthodox Christian shares the same views as my grandparents where despite being proud of their ethnicity, they'd ultimately believe we are all human and despite nationality, race, and ethnicity were are all equal under the banner of one church.... And that this is pretty much the stancce of the Orthodox council that all humans within the CHurch a

... keep reading on reddit ➑

πŸ‘︎ 9
πŸ‘€︎ u/SlamDunkerista
πŸ“…︎ Dec 20 2021
🚨︎ report
Why has Catholicism traditionally been so open to art variety (esp different racial and ethnic representation) but so rigid about a single Sacred Language Until Pope John Paul II? While Eastern Orthodoxy had been strict about art styles despite being so open about language variety in masses?

My family is from Portugal. Grandma and Grandparents still take Latin language mass, believing it to be the only legit form of mass.......

Now my Avos are pretthy nationalistic, to the point they have been accused of white supremacy by modern woke crowds. Even discounting how seemingly patriotic they are about being Portugeuse, they hold many old views like homosexuality being a great evil, using condom condemns to hell, and so many "rightwing beliefs"..............

Yet despite that they will treat statue of nonwhite Jesus used by Brazillians with utmost sacredness, they had prayed to a Lady of Guadalupe statue without hesitation, and despite their bragging about Portuguese pride they treat everybody black, Vietnamese, and so on with complete respect. Even allowing my sister to marry a MidEastern person who attends an Eastern Catholic Church and treating one of my cousins who's dark skinned and half Guatemalan with utmost equality as a family member.

However as I said earlier they only attend Latin mass church. They genuinely believe that Language was the one sole thing that kept the whole Church united and Vatican 2 Open a permanent damage to the Church by creating more ethnic strife bby allowing the use of different langauges. That Latin as the sacred liturgy was what keep people from all different churches and races using a variety of art traditions from the stereotypical desert Hispanic design of architectural building to the Lady of La Vang who looks very Vietnamese.............. That the Church as united through Latin and the language effectively shut people from beinging controversial issues to mass such as illegal immigration from non-English countries and white supremacy and ethnic segregation in France and other nations where French is an official language.

So they believe despite John Paul II's benevolent intentions, officially allowing Vernacula Mass has destroyed Church unity and is a big reason why stuff like BLM and Latinos refusing to learn English are getting hacked into the Church.........

That said I know Eastern Orthodoxy on the fsurface seems dicided by ethnicity...... Yet any devoute Orthodox Christian shares the same views as my grandparents where despite being proud of their ethnicity, they'd ultimately believe we are all human and despite nationality, race, and ethnicity were are all equal under the banner of one church.... And that this is pretty much the stancce of the Orthodox council that all humans within the CHurch a

... keep reading on reddit ➑

πŸ‘︎ 10
πŸ‘€︎ u/SlamDunkerista
πŸ“…︎ Dec 20 2021
🚨︎ report
Why has Catholicism traditionally been so open to art variety (esp different racial and ethnic representation) but so rigid about a single Sacred Language Until Pope John Paul II? While Eastern Orthodoxy had been strict about art styles despite being so open about language variety in masses?

My family is from Portugal. Grandma and Grandparents still take Latin language mass, believing it to be the only legit form of mass.......

Now my Avos are pretthy nationalistic, to the point they have been accused of white supremacy by modern woke crowds. Even discounting how seemingly patriotic they are about being Portugeuse, they hold many old views like homosexuality being a great evil, using condom condemns to hell, and so many "rightwing beliefs"..............

Yet despite that they will treat statue of nonwhite Jesus used by Brazillians with utmost sacredness, they had prayed to a Lady of Guadalupe statue without hesitation, and despite their bragging about Portuguese pride they treat everybody black, Vietnamese, and so on with complete respect. Even allowing my sister to marry a MidEastern person who attends an Eastern Catholic Church and treating one of my cousins who's dark skinned and half Guatemalan with utmost equality as a family member.

However as I said earlier they only attend Latin mass church. They genuinely believe that Language was the one sole thing that kept the whole Church united and Vatican 2 Open a permanent damage to the Church by creating more ethnic strife bby allowing the use of different langauges. That Latin as the sacred liturgy was what keep people from all different churches and races using a variety of art traditions from the stereotypical desert Hispanic design of architectural building to the Lady of La Vang who looks very Vietnamese.............. That the Church as united through Latin and the language effectively shut people from beinging controversial issues to mass such as illegal immigration from non-English countries and white supremacy and ethnic segregation in France and other nations where French is an official language.

So they believe despite John Paul II's benevolent intentions, officially allowing Vernacula Mass has destroyed Church unity and is a big reason why stuff like BLM and Latinos refusing to learn English are getting hacked into the Church.........

That said I know Eastern Orthodoxy on the fsurface seems dicided by ethnicity...... Yet any devoute Orthodox Christian shares the same views as my grandparents where despite being proud of their ethnicity, they'd ultimately believe we are all human and despite nationality, race, and ethnicity were are all equal under the banner of one church.... And that this is pretty much the stancce of the Orthodox council that all humans within the CHurch are u

... keep reading on reddit ➑

πŸ‘︎ 36
πŸ‘€︎ u/SlamDunkerista
πŸ“…︎ Dec 21 2021
🚨︎ report
Why has Catholicism traditionally been so open to art variety (esp different racial and ethnic representation) but so rigid about a single Sacred Language Until Pope John Paul II? While Eastern Orthodoxy had been strict about art styles despite being so open about language variety in masses?

My family is from Portugal. Grandma and Grandparents still take Latin language mass, believing it to be the only legit form of mass.......

Now my Avos are pretthy nationalistic, to the point they have been accused of white supremacy by modern woke crowds. Even discounting how seemingly patriotic they are about being Portugeuse, they hold many old views like homosexuality being a great evil, using condom condemns to hell, and so many "rightwing beliefs"..............

Yet despite that they will treat statue of nonwhite Jesus used by Brazillians with utmost sacredness, they had prayed to a Lady of Guadalupe statue without hesitation, and despite their bragging about Portuguese pride they treat everybody black, Vietnamese, and so on with complete respect. Even allowing my sister to marry a MidEastern person who attends an Eastern Catholic Church and treating one of my cousins who's dark skinned and half Guatemalan with utmost equality as a family member.

However as I said earlier they only attend Latin mass church. They genuinely believe that Language was the one sole thing that kept the whole Church united and Vatican 2 Open a permanent damage to the Church by creating more ethnic strife bby allowing the use of different langauges. That Latin as the sacred liturgy was what keep people from all different churches and races using a variety of art traditions from the stereotypical desert Hispanic design of architectural building to the Lady of La Vang who looks very Vietnamese.............. That the Church as united through Latin and the language effectively shut people from beinging controversial issues to mass such as illegal immigration from non-English countries and white supremacy and ethnic segregation in France and other nations where French is an official language.

So they believe despite John Paul II's benevolent intentions, officially allowing Vernacula Mass has destroyed Church unity and is a big reason why stuff like BLM and Latinos refusing to learn English are getting hacked into the Church.........

That said I know Eastern Orthodoxy on the fsurface seems dicided by ethnicity...... Yet any devoute Orthodox Christian shares the same views as my grandparents where despite being proud of their ethnicity, they'd ultimately believe we are all human and despite nationality, race, and ethnicity were are all equal under the banner of one church.... And that this is pretty much the stancce of the Orthodox council that all humans within the CHurch a

... keep reading on reddit ➑

πŸ‘︎ 12
πŸ‘€︎ u/SlamDunkerista
πŸ“…︎ Dec 20 2021
🚨︎ report
Why has Catholicism traditionally been so open to art variety (esp different racial and ethnic representation) but so rigid about a single Sacred Language Until Pope John Paul II? While Eastern Orthodoxy had been strict about art styles despite being so open about language variety in masses?

My family is from Portugal. Grandma and Grandparents still take Latin language mass, believing it to be the only legit form of mass.......

Now my Avos are pretthy nationalistic, to the point they have been accused of white supremacy by modern woke crowds. Even discounting how seemingly patriotic they are about being Portugeuse, they hold many old views like homosexuality being a great evil, using condom condemns to hell, and so many "rightwing beliefs"..............

Yet despite that they will treat statue of nonwhite Jesus used by Brazillians with utmost sacredness, they had prayed to a Lady of Guadalupe statue without hesitation, and despite their bragging about Portuguese pride they treat everybody black, Vietnamese, and so on with complete respect. Even allowing my sister to marry a MidEastern person who attends an Eastern Catholic Church and treating one of my cousins who's dark skinned and half Guatemalan with utmost equality as a family member.

However as I said earlier they only attend Latin mass church. They genuinely believe that Language was the one sole thing that kept the whole Church united and Vatican 2 Open a permanent damage to the Church by creating more ethnic strife bby allowing the use of different langauges. That Latin as the sacred liturgy was what keep people from all different churches and races using a variety of art traditions from the stereotypical desert Hispanic design of architectural building to the Lady of La Vang who looks very Vietnamese.............. That the Church as united through Latin and the language effectively shut people from beinging controversial issues to mass such as illegal immigration from non-English countries and white supremacy and ethnic segregation in France and other nations where French is an official language.

So they believe despite John Paul II's benevolent intentions, officially allowing Vernacula Mass has destroyed Church unity and is a big reason why stuff like BLM and Latinos refusing to learn English are getting hacked into the Church.........

That said I know Eastern Orthodoxy on the fsurface seems dicided by ethnicity...... Yet any devoute Orthodox Christian shares the same views as my grandparents where despite being proud of their ethnicity, they'd ultimately believe we are all human and despite nationality, race, and ethnicity were are all equal under the banner of one church.... And that this is pretty much the stancce of the Orthodox council that all humans within the CHurch a

... keep reading on reddit ➑

πŸ‘︎ 5
πŸ‘€︎ u/SlamDunkerista
πŸ“…︎ Dec 20 2021
🚨︎ report
Why has Catholicism traditionally been so open to art variety (esp different racial and ethnic representation) but so rigid about a single Sacred Language Until Pope John Paul II? While Eastern Orthodoxy had been strict about art styles despite being so open about language variety in masses?

My family is from Portugal. Grandma and Grandparents still take Latin language mass, believing it to be the only legit form of mass.......

Now my Avos are pretthy nationalistic, to the point they have been accused of white supremacy by modern woke crowds. Even discounting how seemingly patriotic they are about being Portugeuse, they hold many old views like homosexuality being a great evil, using condom condemns to hell, and so many "rightwing beliefs"..............

Yet despite that they will treat statue of nonwhite Jesus used by Brazillians with utmost sacredness, they had prayed to a Lady of Guadalupe statue without hesitation, and despite their bragging about Portuguese pride they treat everybody black, Vietnamese, and so on with complete respect. Even allowing my sister to marry a MidEastern person who attends an Eastern Catholic Church and treating one of my cousins who's dark skinned and half Guatemalan with utmost equality as a family member.

However as I said earlier they only attend Latin mass church. They genuinely believe that Language was the one sole thing that kept the whole Church united and Vatican 2 Open a permanent damage to the Church by creating more ethnic strife bby allowing the use of different langauges. That Latin as the sacred liturgy was what keep people from all different churches and races using a variety of art traditions from the stereotypical desert Hispanic design of architectural building to the Lady of La Vang who looks very Vietnamese.............. That the Church as united through Latin and the language effectively shut people from beinging controversial issues to mass such as illegal immigration from non-English countries and white supremacy and ethnic segregation in France and other nations where French is an official language.

So they believe despite John Paul II's benevolent intentions, officially allowing Vernacula Mass has destroyed Church unity and is a big reason why stuff like BLM and Latinos refusing to learn English are getting hacked into the Church.........

That said I know Eastern Orthodoxy on the fsurface seems dicided by ethnicity...... Yet any devoute Orthodox Christian shares the same views as my grandparents where despite being proud of their ethnicity, they'd ultimately believe we are all human and despite nationality, race, and ethnicity were are all equal under the banner of one church.... And that this is pretty much the stancce of the Orthodox council that all humans within the CHurch a

... keep reading on reddit ➑

πŸ‘︎ 9
πŸ‘€︎ u/SlamDunkerista
πŸ“…︎ Dec 20 2021
🚨︎ report
Why has Catholicism traditionally been so open to art variety (esp different racial and ethnic representation) but so rigid about a single Sacred Language Until Pope John Paul II? While Eastern Orthodoxy had been strict about art styles despite being so open about language variety in masses?

My family is from Portugal. Grandma and Grandparents still take Latin language mass, believing it to be the only legit form of mass.......

Now my Avos are pretthy nationalistic, to the point they have been accused of white supremacy by modern woke crowds. Even discounting how seemingly patriotic they are about being Portugeuse, they hold many old views like homosexuality being a great evil, using condom condemns to hell, and so many "rightwing beliefs"..............

Yet despite that they will treat statue of nonwhite Jesus used by Brazillians with utmost sacredness, they had prayed to a Lady of Guadalupe statue without hesitation, and despite their bragging about Portuguese pride they treat everybody black, Vietnamese, and so on with complete respect. Even allowing my sister to marry a MidEastern person who attends an Eastern Catholic Church and treating one of my cousins who's dark skinned and half Guatemalan with utmost equality as a family member.

However as I said earlier they only attend Latin mass church. They genuinely believe that Language was the one sole thing that kept the whole Church united and Vatican 2 Open a permanent damage to the Church by creating more ethnic strife bby allowing the use of different langauges. That Latin as the sacred liturgy was what keep people from all different churches and races using a variety of art traditions from the stereotypical desert Hispanic design of architectural building to the Lady of La Vang who looks very Vietnamese.............. That the Church as united through Latin and the language effectively shut people from beinging controversial issues to mass such as illegal immigration from non-English countries and white supremacy and ethnic segregation in France and other nations where French is an official language.

So they believe despite John Paul II's benevolent intentions, officially allowing Vernacula Mass has destroyed Church unity and is a big reason why stuff like BLM and Latinos refusing to learn English are getting hacked into the Church.........

That said I know Eastern Orthodoxy on the fsurface seems dicided by ethnicity...... Yet any devoute Orthodox Christian shares the same views as my grandparents where despite being proud of their ethnicity, they'd ultimately believe we are all human and despite nationality, race, and ethnicity were are all equal under the banner of one church.... And that this is pretty much the stancce of the Orthodox council that all humans within the CHurch are u

... keep reading on reddit ➑

πŸ‘︎ 4
πŸ‘€︎ u/SlamDunkerista
πŸ“…︎ Dec 20 2021
🚨︎ report
Why has Catholicism traditionally been so open to art variety (esp different racial and ethnic representation) but so rigid about a single Sacred Language Until Pope John Paul II? While Eastern Orthodoxy had been strict about art styles despite being so open about language variety in masses?

My family is from Portugal. Grandma and Grandparents still take Latin language mass, believing it to be the only legit form of mass.......

Now my Avos are pretthy nationalistic, to the point they have been accused of white supremacy by modern woke crowds. Even discounting how seemingly patriotic they are about being Portugeuse, they hold many old views like homosexuality being a great evil, using condom condemns to hell, and so many "rightwing beliefs"..............

Yet despite that they will treat statue of nonwhite Jesus used by Brazillians with utmost sacredness, they had prayed to a Lady of Guadalupe statue without hesitation, and despite their bragging about Portuguese pride they treat everybody black, Vietnamese, and so on with complete respect. Even allowing my sister to marry a MidEastern person who attends an Eastern Catholic Church and treating one of my cousins who's dark skinned and half Guatemalan with utmost equality as a family member.

However as I said earlier they only attend Latin mass church. They genuinely believe that Language was the one sole thing that kept the whole Church united and Vatican 2 Open a permanent damage to the Church by creating more ethnic strife bby allowing the use of different langauges. That Latin as the sacred liturgy was what keep people from all different churches and races using a variety of art traditions from the stereotypical desert Hispanic design of architectural building to the Lady of La Vang who looks very Vietnamese.............. That the Church as united through Latin and the language effectively shut people from beinging controversial issues to mass such as illegal immigration from non-English countries and white supremacy and ethnic segregation in France and other nations where French is an official language.

So they believe despite John Paul II's benevolent intentions, officially allowing Vernacula Mass has destroyed Church unity and is a big reason why stuff like BLM and Latinos refusing to learn English are getting hacked into the Church.........

That said I know Eastern Orthodoxy on the fsurface seems dicided by ethnicity...... Yet any devoute Orthodox Christian shares the same views as my grandparents where despite being proud of their ethnicity, they'd ultimately believe we are all human and despite nationality, race, and ethnicity were are all equal under the banner of one church.... And that this is pretty much the stancce of the Orthodox council that all humans within the CHurch are u

... keep reading on reddit ➑

πŸ‘︎ 6
πŸ‘€︎ u/SlamDunkerista
πŸ“…︎ Dec 20 2021
🚨︎ report
Why has Catholicism traditionally been so open to art variety (esp different racial and ethnic representation) but so rigid about a single Sacred Language Until Pope John Paul II? While Eastern Orthodoxy had been strict about art styles despite being so open about language variety in masses?

My family is from Portugal. Grandma and Grandparents still take Latin language mass, believing it to be the only legit form of mass.......

Now my Avos are pretthy nationalistic, to the point they have been accused of white supremacy by modern woke crowds. Even discounting how seemingly patriotic they are about being Portugeuse, they hold many old views like homosexuality being a great evil, using condom condemns to hell, and so many "rightwing beliefs"..............

Yet despite that they will treat statue of nonwhite Jesus used by Brazillians with utmost sacredness, they had prayed to a Lady of Guadalupe statue without hesitation, and despite their bragging about Portuguese pride they treat everybody black, Vietnamese, and so on with complete respect. Even allowing my sister to marry a MidEastern person who attends an Eastern Catholic Church and treating one of my cousins who's dark skinned and half Guatemalan with utmost equality as a family member.

However as I said earlier they only attend Latin mass church. They genuinely believe that Language was the one sole thing that kept the whole Church united and Vatican 2 Open a permanent damage to the Church by creating more ethnic strife bby allowing the use of different langauges. That Latin as the sacred liturgy was what keep people from all different churches and races using a variety of art traditions from the stereotypical desert Hispanic design of architectural building to the Lady of La Vang who looks very Vietnamese.............. That the Church as united through Latin and the language effectively shut people from beinging controversial issues to mass such as illegal immigration from non-English countries and white supremacy and ethnic segregation in France and other nations where French is an official language.

So they believe despite John Paul II's benevolent intentions, officially allowing Vernacula Mass has destroyed Church unity and is a big reason why stuff like BLM and Latinos refusing to learn English are getting hacked into the Church.........

That said I know Eastern Orthodoxy on the fsurface seems dicided by ethnicity...... Yet any devoute Orthodox Christian shares the same views as my grandparents where despite being proud of their ethnicity, they'd ultimately believe we are all human and despite nationality, race, and ethnicity were are all equal under the banner of one church.... And that this is pretty much the stancce of the Orthodox council that all humans within the CHurch are u

... keep reading on reddit ➑

πŸ‘︎ 3
πŸ‘€︎ u/SlamDunkerista
πŸ“…︎ Dec 20 2021
🚨︎ report
Why has Catholicism traditionally been so open to art variety (esp different racial and ethnic representation) but so rigid about a single Sacred Language Until Pope John Paul II? While Eastern Orthodoxy had been strict about art styles despite being so open about language variety in masses?

My family is from Portugal. Grandma and Grandparents still take Latin language mass, believing it to be the only legit form of mass.......

Now my Avos are pretthy nationalistic, to the point they have been accused of white supremacy by modern woke crowds. Even discounting how seemingly patriotic they are about being Portugeuse, they hold many old views like homosexuality being a great evil, using condom condemns to hell, and so many "rightwing beliefs"..............

Yet despite that they will treat statue of nonwhite Jesus used by Brazillians with utmost sacredness, they had prayed to a Lady of Guadalupe statue without hesitation, and despite their bragging about Portuguese pride they treat everybody black, Vietnamese, and so on with complete respect. Even allowing my sister to marry a MidEastern person who attends an Eastern Catholic Church and treating one of my cousins who's dark skinned and half Guatemalan with utmost equality as a family member.

However as I said earlier they only attend Latin mass church. They genuinely believe that Language was the one sole thing that kept the whole Church united and Vatican 2 Open a permanent damage to the Church by creating more ethnic strife bby allowing the use of different langauges. That Latin as the sacred liturgy was what keep people from all different churches and races using a variety of art traditions from the stereotypical desert Hispanic design of architectural building to the Lady of La Vang who looks very Vietnamese.............. That the Church as united through Latin and the language effectively shut people from beinging controversial issues to mass such as illegal immigration from non-English countries and white supremacy and ethnic segregation in France and other nations where French is an official language.

So they believe despite John Paul II's benevolent intentions, officially allowing Vernacula Mass has destroyed Church unity and is a big reason why stuff like BLM and Latinos refusing to learn English are getting hacked into the Church.........

That said I know Eastern Orthodoxy on the fsurface seems dicided by ethnicity...... Yet any devoute Orthodox Christian shares the same views as my grandparents where despite being proud of their ethnicity, they'd ultimately believe we are all human and despite nationality, race, and ethnicity were are all equal under the banner of one church.... And that this is pretty much the stancce of the Orthodox council that all humans within the CHurch are u

... keep reading on reddit ➑

πŸ‘︎ 2
πŸ‘€︎ u/SlamDunkerista
πŸ“…︎ Dec 20 2021
🚨︎ report
Why has Catholicism traditionally been so open to art variety (esp different racial and ethnic representation) but so rigid about a single Sacred Language Until Pope John Paul II? While Eastern Orthodoxy had been strict about art styles despite being so open about language variety in masses?

My family is from Portugal. Grandma and Grandparents still take Latin language mass, believing it to be the only legit form of mass.......

Now my Avos are pretthy nationalistic, to the point they have been accused of white supremacy by modern woke crowds. Even discounting how seemingly patriotic they are about being Portugeuse, they hold many old views like homosexuality being a great evil, using condom condemns to hell, and so many "rightwing beliefs"..............

Yet despite that they will treat statue of nonwhite Jesus used by Brazillians with utmost sacredness, they had prayed to a Lady of Guadalupe statue without hesitation, and despite their bragging about Portuguese pride they treat everybody black, Vietnamese, and so on with complete respect. Even allowing my sister to marry a MidEastern person who attends an Eastern Catholic Church and treating one of my cousins who's dark skinned and half Guatemalan with utmost equality as a family member.

However as I said earlier they only attend Latin mass church. They genuinely believe that Language was the one sole thing that kept the whole Church united and Vatican 2 Open a permanent damage to the Church by creating more ethnic strife bby allowing the use of different langauges. That Latin as the sacred liturgy was what keep people from all different churches and races using a variety of art traditions from the stereotypical desert Hispanic design of architectural building to the Lady of La Vang who looks very Vietnamese.............. That the Church as united through Latin and the language effectively shut people from beinging controversial issues to mass such as illegal immigration from non-English countries and white supremacy and ethnic segregation in France and other nations where French is an official language.

So they believe despite John Paul II's benevolent intentions, officially allowing Vernacula Mass has destroyed Church unity and is a big reason why stuff like BLM and Latinos refusing to learn English are getting hacked into the Church.........

That said I know Eastern Orthodoxy on the fsurface seems dicided by ethnicity...... Yet any devoute Orthodox Christian shares the same views as my grandparents where despite being proud of their ethnicity, they'd ultimately believe we are all human and despite nationality, race, and ethnicity were are all equal under the banner of one church.... And that this is pretty much the stancce of the Orthodox council that all humans within the CHurch are u

... keep reading on reddit ➑

πŸ‘︎ 2
πŸ‘€︎ u/SlamDunkerista
πŸ“…︎ Dec 21 2021
🚨︎ report
Why has Catholicism traditionally been so open to art variety (esp different racial and ethnic representation) but so rigid about a single Sacred Language Until Pope John Paul II? While Eastern Orthodoxy had been strict about art styles despite being so open about language variety in masses?

My family is from Portugal. Grandma and Grandparents still take Latin language mass, believing it to be the only legit form of mass.......

Now my Avos are pretthy nationalistic, to the point they have been accused of white supremacy by modern woke crowds. Even discounting how seemingly patriotic they are about being Portugeuse, they hold many old views like homosexuality being a great evil, using condom condemns to hell, and so many "rightwing beliefs"..............

Yet despite that they will treat statue of nonwhite Jesus used by Brazillians with utmost sacredness, they had prayed to a Lady of Guadalupe statue without hesitation, and despite their bragging about Portuguese pride they treat everybody black, Vietnamese, and so on with complete respect. Even allowing my sister to marry a MidEastern person who attends an Eastern Catholic Church and treating one of my cousins who's dark skinned and half Guatemalan with utmost equality as a family member.

However as I said earlier they only attend Latin mass church. They genuinely believe that Language was the one sole thing that kept the whole Church united and Vatican 2 Open a permanent damage to the Church by creating more ethnic strife bby allowing the use of different langauges. That Latin as the sacred liturgy was what keep people from all different churches and races using a variety of art traditions from the stereotypical desert Hispanic design of architectural building to the Lady of La Vang who looks very Vietnamese.............. That the Church as united through Latin and the language effectively shut people from beinging controversial issues to mass such as illegal immigration from non-English countries and white supremacy and ethnic segregation in France and other nations where French is an official language.

So they believe despite John Paul II's benevolent intentions, officially allowing Vernacula Mass has destroyed Church unity and is a big reason why stuff like BLM and Latinos refusing to learn English are getting hacked into the Church.........

That said I know Eastern Orthodoxy on the fsurface seems dicided by ethnicity...... Yet any devoute Orthodox Christian shares the same views as my grandparents where despite being proud of their ethnicity, they'd ultimately believe we are all human and despite nationality, race, and ethnicity were are all equal under the banner of one church.... And that this is pretty much the stancce of the Orthodox council that all humans within the CHurch are u

... keep reading on reddit ➑

πŸ‘︎ 2
πŸ‘€︎ u/SlamDunkerista
πŸ“…︎ Dec 20 2021
🚨︎ report
Why has Catholicism traditionally been so open to art variety (esp different racial and ethnic representation) but so rigid about a single Sacred Language Until Pope John Paul II? While Eastern Orthodoxy had been strict about art styles despite being so open about language variety in masses?

My family is from Portugal. Grandma and Grandparents still take Latin language mass, believing it to be the only legit form of mass.......

Now my Avos are pretthy nationalistic, to the point they have been accused of white supremacy by modern woke crowds. Even discounting how seemingly patriotic they are about being Portugeuse, they hold many old views like homosexuality being a great evil, using condom condemns to hell, and so many "rightwing beliefs"..............

Yet despite that they will treat statue of nonwhite Jesus used by Brazillians with utmost sacredness, they had prayed to a Lady of Guadalupe statue without hesitation, and despite their bragging about Portuguese pride they treat everybody black, Vietnamese, and so on with complete respect. Even allowing my sister to marry a MidEastern person who attends an Eastern Catholic Church and treating one of my cousins who's dark skinned and half Guatemalan with utmost equality as a family member.

However as I said earlier they only attend Latin mass church. They genuinely believe that Language was the one sole thing that kept the whole Church united and Vatican 2 Open a permanent damage to the Church by creating more ethnic strife bby allowing the use of different langauges. That Latin as the sacred liturgy was what keep people from all different churches and races using a variety of art traditions from the stereotypical desert Hispanic design of architectural building to the Lady of La Vang who looks very Vietnamese.............. That the Church as united through Latin and the language effectively shut people from beinging controversial issues to mass such as illegal immigration from non-English countries and white supremacy and ethnic segregation in France and other nations where French is an official language.

So they believe despite John Paul II's benevolent intentions, officially allowing Vernacula Mass has destroyed Church unity and is a big reason why stuff like BLM and Latinos refusing to learn English are getting hacked into the Church.........

That said I know Eastern Orthodoxy on the fsurface seems dicided by ethnicity...... Yet any devoute Orthodox Christian shares the same views as my grandparents where despite being proud of their ethnicity, they'd ultimately believe we are all human and despite nationality, race, and ethnicity were are all equal under the banner of one church.... And that this is pretty much the stancce of the Orthodox council that all humans within the CHurch a

... keep reading on reddit ➑

πŸ‘︎ 2
πŸ‘€︎ u/SlamDunkerista
πŸ“…︎ Dec 20 2021
🚨︎ report

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