A list of puns related to "Ja Lama"
Vyrthur says as soon as one of his own initiates infected him Auri-el turned his back on him. Even Serana gets confused and says "You're... you're a vampire? But Auriel should have protected you..." I understand that the aedra have a limited presence on nirn but still... most people could at least pray at a shrine to cure their vampirism before it fully takes them. What gives?
I don't want to step on anybody's toes here, but the amount of non-dad jokes here in this subreddit really annoys me. First of all, dad jokes CAN be NSFW, it clearly says so in the sub rules. Secondly, it doesn't automatically make it a dad joke if it's from a conversation between you and your child. Most importantly, the jokes that your CHILDREN tell YOU are not dad jokes. The point of a dad joke is that it's so cheesy only a dad who's trying to be funny would make such a joke. That's it. They are stupid plays on words, lame puns and so on. There has to be a clever pun or wordplay for it to be considered a dad joke.
Again, to all the fellow dads, I apologise if I'm sounding too harsh. But I just needed to get it off my chest.
>[December Update] Ada 7 poin baru dan tambahan poin-poin kecil yg di-enclose dengan [+]...[/+]. Ada glossary dan tambahan contoh percakapan juga. Karena jadi kepanjangan gw bagi jadi 2 thread.
Long thread, tapi setiap bagian ada TLDRnya. Thread kedua bisa dibaca di sini: R4R & PDKT: How and How Not to Approach Strangers Online/IRL [UPDATED/PART 2]
Hola! 5 Nov kemarin mod r/IndoR4R kita, u/wolfaragon dan u/amosinia, hapus account bersamaan. Ga tau u/wolfaragon kenapa, tapi terakhir u/amosinia sempet bilang beberapa orang emang ga bisa “take the hint” dan malah di-spam chat orangnya. Entah seller RG atau cowok ngegebet.
Ada beberapa (cewek) yg cerita ke gw pengalaman ga enak juga di IndoR4R. Solusi gampangnya adalah tinggal ban. Tapi menurut gw ini ga menyeselaikan karena kemungkinan orangnya ga tau salahnya di mana. Kalo tau caranya ngaco, ga mungkin dilakuin kan? Ya kecuali emang ngetroll… percuma dibahas.
[+] r/IndoR4R juga udah ga ada modnya, jadi ga bisa ban siapa-siapa di sana. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ [/+]
Jadi… thread ini bertujuan untuk sharing sesama komodos tips PDKT dengan baik dan jitu. Gw juga ga jago-jago amat kok jadi arah diskusinya bisa ke sama-sama belajar. Oh karena gw cowok straight dan kebanyakan redditors di sini juga cowok straight dan korban harassment kebanyakan cewek, mungkin fokusnya ke arah gimana cowok bisa deketin cewek dengan benar dan ga creepy.
[+] Meskipun judulnya "Online PDKT", gw banyak tambahan jadi lebih umum, ga cuma online doang. Selain itu, gw rasa advicenya juga bisa dibaca perempuan. [/+]
IMPORTANT: Do not name and shame anyone. This is also not the place to talk about u/wolfaragon and u/amosinia. My writing is based on my personal experiences. What works for me may not necessarily work for you. I am NOT responsible for your dating life.
1.Chemistry: cuocok. Nyambung sama orang pas ngobrol atau lakuin aktifitas bersama.
Gaslighting: memanipulasi, mengubah fakta agar orang lain menyalahi diri sendiri dan mempertanyakan sanity mereka. Contoh: "Kok gitu aja marah? Perempuan seharusnya ga boleh marah. Gila ya" padahal emang patut marah dan ga ada hubungannya sama gender.
Gebetan: orang yg kalian "attracted to" dan deketin. Baca [thread ini](https://www.reddit.com/r/indonesia/c
Do your worst!
I'm surprised it hasn't decade.
Hallo ihr Redditoren,
ich habe in meinem lieblings Kulturkino bei einem Gewinnspiel gewonnen und darf nun drei Filme benennen die ich gern nochmal im Kino sehen würde. Der Veranstalter schaut dann ob er die Rechte nochmal bekommt. Und einer der Filme wird im kommenden Jahr bei einer Sonderaufführung gezeigt.
Der Haken ist: ich muss den Film dann auch bewerben und es muss eine bestimmte Anzahl an Tickets verkauft werden damit es sich für mein Lieblingskino lohnt.
Was würdet ihr euch wünschen und warum?
Mein Favorit wäre Mad Max Fury Road, weil es ein bildgewaltiger Film ist der mich damals im Kino sehr beeindruckt hatte. Die Stunts, die Atmosphäre, der Sandsturm, die Musik und natürlich das heillose Chaos in den Kämpfen.
Soweit mir bekannt ist (Stand Dune Premiere), möchte das Kino momentan erstmal noch auf 3D verzichten, da man sich nicht sicher ist wie es sich mit den Leihbrillen in Verbindung mit Corona verhält.
Man of man, da geht man mal ein paar Stunden arbeiten kommt nachhause und rechnet vielleicht mit 30/40 Kommentaren und dann sowas! Freut mich sehr dass sich so viele zum Thema äußern. Leider sind es jetzt schon so viele Kommentare dass ich unmöglich jeden beantworten kann, daher bitte ich um Entschuldigung wenn ich euch nicht antworte.
Was vielleicht noch viele von euch interessieren könnte sind Filme die von den Gewinnern vor mir ausgewählt wurden. Die letzten Gewinner-Filme waren:
Greatest Showman
The Crow
The Gentlemen
Clockwork Orange
Fight Club
Der allgemeine Konsens scheint zu sein das Interstellar definitiv auf meiner Liste sollte. Ich selbst mag den Film auch extrem gern, hatte mir aber eigentlich vorgenommen im Kino nicht zu heulen und leider gibt es da diese eine Szene. Dennoch ist es eine super Wahl und er kommt drauf.
Ridley Scotts Filme wurde mehrfach genannt, das verstehe ich gut, er ist ein Meister seines Handwerks, allerdings befürchte ich dass wir da nur die Kinofassungen zeigen könnten und leider werden Scotts Filme für mich immer erst durch seine Director`s Cuts zu Meisterwerken (Ja euch meine ich Königreich der Himmel & Robin Hood).
All time Klassiker wie Herr der Ringe, Star Wars, Matrix, Terminator, die Nolan Batmans und Jurassic Park wurden auch immer wieder genannt. Allerdings sind es gerade auch Mehrteiler und ich darf letztlich nur einen der drei ausgesuchten Filme bestimmen. Jetzt kan
... keep reading on reddit ➡For context I'm a Refuse Driver (Garbage man) & today I was on food waste. After I'd tipped I was checking the wagon for any defects when I spotted a lone pea balanced on the lifts.
I said "hey look, an escaPEA"
No one near me but it didn't half make me laugh for a good hour or so!
Edit: I can't believe how much this has blown up. Thank you everyone I've had a blast reading through the replies 😂
It really does, I swear!
Oi meus parceiros.. Estou num momento delicado e queria apenas poder expor para vcs oq estou passando, tirar um pouco essa culpa e dor do meu peito. Primeiramente, tenho 24 anos, vou fazer 25 em setembro, pra efeito de conhecimento, não tenho nada na minha carteira de trabalho, fiz apenas alguns freelas de garçom na vida.
Atualmente sou aluno do Curso de Engenharia Civil, meu curso tem 8 semestres, regularmente eu deveria estar no sétimo, entrei em 2018 e estamos em 2021/1. Mas não preciso nem dizer q não to nem perto disso.. levei o curso na barriga nos primeiros semestres, na pandemia não produzi praticamente nada, ainda consegui passar para frente em algumas matérias da linha de estrutura e cálculo porque amigos me puxaram e literalmente me deram as respostas de algumas provas no Ead. Mas eu sou aquele cara q tem reprovação até do 1 semestre, na situação em que me encontro, se eu não reprovar de nada no próximo semestre, e ainda conseguir reprovar só de uma nesse, talvez eu entre no 1 semestre dos 4 extra máximos com uns 50% do curso.. ou seja tem uma chance boa de eu jubilar. Eu ainda to tipo em cálculo 3, algumas máterias pra frente da linha de estrutura, mas eu n faço a menor ideia de como recuperar os conhecimentos para passar dessas matérias mais difíceis q estou matriculado. Eu tenho pre requisito para edo porem n sei nada de cálculo 2 e algebra q são pré requisitos dela, e assim vai.. isso falando das poucas matérias q passei. Meu curso de um total de 42, contanto 2 estágios e tcc, eu passei de doze matérias. Sim, doze.
Eu realmente quero mudar, reavivar, ir atrás do meu diploma, eu não quero com todo respeito do mundo ser garçom quando estiver mais velho, quero mais. Mas como aprender essas matérias q eu passei e não sei nada para poder passar das próximas, em tão pouco tempo? será q eu consigo? eu nem acredito na minha capacidade de aprender qualquer coisa mais, de tão descrente q estou comigo mesmo. Mas ainda assim, eu tenho vontade de ser engenheiro, de ser mais, eu quero apenas estudar e adquirir conhecimentos úteis para minha vida
Meu plano para sair desse emaranhado de reprovações era passar no enem de novo e resetar meu tempo de curso, porém recebi a notícia que talvez um novo ppc entre em vigor no 2022/1, (eu irei entrar dnv pelo processo de vagas remanescentes, pq nem enem eu fiz ano passado, so q eles deixam usar dos ultimos 5 anos nesse processo), e se isso realmente acontecer, eu to fudido, o curso passa de 4 para 5 anos e vou te
... keep reading on reddit ➡They’re on standbi
Pilot on me!!
Nothing, he was gladiator.
Dad jokes are supposed to be jokes you can tell a kid and they will understand it and find it funny.
This sub is mostly just NSFW puns now.
If it needs a NSFW tag it's not a dad joke. There should just be a NSFW puns subreddit for that.
Edit* I'm not replying any longer and turning off notifications but to all those that say "no one cares", there sure are a lot of you arguing about it. Maybe I'm wrong but you people don't need to be rude about it. If you really don't care, don't comment.
When I got home, they were still there.
What did 0 say to 8 ?
" Nice Belt "
So What did 3 say to 8 ?
" Hey, you two stop making out "
I won't be doing that today!
Where ever you left it 🤷♀️🤭
This morning, my 4 year old daughter.
Daughter: I'm hungry
Me: nerves building, smile widening
Me: Hi hungry, I'm dad.
She had no idea what was going on but I finally did it.
Thank you all for listening.
You take away their little brooms
There hasn't been a post all year!
It was about a weak back.
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