A list of puns related to "J. Halcombe Laning"
It such a strange thing to be a upset about but I honestly find it as one of the biggest sign of disrespect because their blatantly stealing from you while staring dead in your eyes. Like if your gonna steal from me at least kill me first and take it. Its almost like their telling me Iβm trash without actually saying it
Senna's E grants ally inside the mist invisibility, this means enemies can't auto attack or use point and click spells on you.
However, if you start attacking an enemy, you will reveal yourself, even inside the mist. I've seen many people keep attacking enemies while trying to disengage with Senna's E, not knowing that they are actually giving vayne free tumble and reveal both Senna and the ally when she gets close.
Please don't do this. Instead, when Senna uses E to disengage and fall back from a fight, just run with her and forget about attacking the enemy, it might save you from a deadly malzahar R.
PS: Control wards reveal Senna and her allies inside the mist, so stock up control wards if you're facing against Senna.
EDIT: Senna's E is CAMOUFLAGE apparently, my bad, thanks for telling me!
I always hear the community complaining about X champ, and I always catch myself complaining about many champs. What champs do you not complain about? Mine (I'll do one for each role)
Old Mundo couldn't even dream about beating Darius in lane , now he can actually win him reliably, even up until mid game. He also can actually hard win some lanes now such as Urgot and Jax ( a staggering 800 gold lead). Even lane bullies like Renekton and Irelia are equal lanes now. And apart from Fiora, Gwen and Kled every other matchup just seems winnable for him.
But his dmg mid to late game is a bit underwhelming. His main dmg is only from cleaver and his autos don't hurt that much anymore. Cleaver is very strong in lane, but just mediocre during teamfights. His aoe dmg is also weaker now. His ult is supposed to give him more dmg and less healing than before but its not high enough like old Mundo 's E. He also seems to be less tanky, i suspect its because of the lower base stats and hes not an anti ap like before
I think Riot have shifted his power. But hes pretty balanced i think once his pick ban rate lower, his win rate will be back to normal. He just needs a minor buffs to his w. Some of its e power is shifted into his passive.
I am Gold MMR, and am coming here to try to be a better Engage/Peel Support for you. I play Leona Naut and some Galio. And yes I realize matchups matter, so if there are any that are particularly tricky, I would like to hear about those too. Or ones we can particularly take advantage of. And what do you consider is your job as a Jhin player overall. Level 2 advice, tricks to peel for you, hell, anything you wanna share would be great.
Hoping to get some advice from you all. I will doing this will all ADCs over the next month or 2 in order to hopefully become a better Support. I play JG some too, but still love playing engage/peel, it's a blast!
Good luck the rest of the Season! :)
Edit: The info you all are providing is a ton of help and is REALLY appreciated! You all ROCK :)
After spending a few weeks grinding MIDA kills, using box breathing Hung Jury and generally sitting back with a scout and a fusion defensively:
(As a very average player)
I'm really not a strong player, but forcing myself to play defensively with a scout rifle improved my play a lot. I particularly think it plays to my ability, because I'm old and have slow reflexes.
EDIT: It's come to my attention that anti-shotgun sentiment has maybe started to cross the divide between loving antagonism to relentless criticism. It's not my intention to pile on. So let me be clear - If you use a shotgun, I still love you. Just stay the $%$# out of my lane and if you get killed by a scout guy in the same place twice, don't go there a third time!!!
So as we all know kled has a LOT of real bad matchups toplane, so why dont we just take tp + barrier? Since usual kled laning goes smth like: poke lvl 1/ trade heavily lvl 1 and stay with about 40% - 50% hp( almost losing skaarl) and then cheese lvl 2 or all in lvl 3, lose skarl, lvl up w and kill them/remount. And this is where it can go bad since they easily burst u down or cc and just kill u when u dismount so why not just take tp + barrier since that would cover up his weaknesses early lvls and let u remount + he is already pretty sticky and flash is not 100% required. Ofcourse there are matchups where u can easily take Flash and win but there are a lot of matchups that just outright counter kled/have a favourable matchup vs him. Thoughts?
Hello ,
I just jumped off temporarily from Top to Adc for fun . Coming from Dota i'm used to be more active in the laning phase as carry .
However in Lol if my support doesn't do anything trying to be agressive , i feel it's a big mistake because i eat a decent chunk of damage , so my skills post laning phase matter way more (that's why i pick always pick biscuits+boots in inspiration to never have a garbage lane and save some gold ) .
Is there anything wrong ?
Now obviously laning stats are important to see who is creating leads for their teams, but in TSMs case no one is laning amazingly.
TSM has a negative gold amount at 15 (-346) and yet we are 7-2 with our 2 losses on the infamous Lucian comps. Meanwhile we have the highest first baron and baron control percentage in the league as well as the best mid/late game rating.
It appears TSM truly comes alive as a team post 15 minutes where stats are not really recorded.
I feel as though TSM is being judged on a scale that doesn't really apply to them. Where other teams should be compared to their mid/late games, especially when they are lower ranked or rated.
What are your thoughts on this matter? Obviously this isn't a sexy way to play league, but it is certainly working for the boys.
Hey so as the title suggests I've been building stridebreaker Pyke support with aftershock over HoB and been having great success. May be wondering "why would you ever wanna do that?". My question to you is; have you ever tried it? Real talk right now the dash is nice yes and the stats aren't bad for Pyke either. Ofc I know they will change soon too. But this all said the new changes sound very useful imo.
So the changes: 20 -> 15 second cd on stridebreaker active (that scales with haste). 200 -> 400 hp. 75% -> 100% tAd ratio for active damage. 40% slow decaying over 2 seconds -> 90% slow decaying to 40% over 3 seconds. It can now be cast whilst moving...
That last one sounds an awful lot like you could cast it mid Pyke E doesn't it? Not only that, it provides some solid peel options and also a little extra burst for something that has a 15 sec cd. My thought process is that it gives you more utility for your team whilst still being good for you to do Pyke things. I've been using it lately and having a great time. I'm excited to try it with the changes and see how it goes tbh.
Oh and for anybody asking me why I go aftershock. This is a utility oriented build. My build path is usually as follows (but I ofc mix it up here and there): support item, Lucidity boots, Stridebreaker, Umbral Glaive, Edge of night, (Whatever fits for last item)
Disclaimer: These are the words of a plat Pyke player that had an awful season on Pyke xD
UPDATE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZCUX7uZyA8g
So uh yeah. Nuff said? xD
Hello !
My name is Paul, alias PollitoGX and I'm a new positionnal coach for WildCard Red in NA. I am looking to expand my knowledge on laning on the different solo lane champions, and in order to do that I want to learn from people who know their champ more than anyone else.
If you think you could teach me and help me on my quest, feel free to hit me up on here or on discord: PollitoGX#5466
In my three years of playing this game, and my two and half years of playing Solo, never, not even a single time, ever, have I won lane against Achilles. Doesn't matter the god I'm using, doesn't matter the meta we're in, doesn't matter the items he's building, doesn't matter the items I'm building. Every single time I go against this god, I get fucking raped. There has legitimately never been a time where I have beaten an Achilles in the laning phase unless I literally have all four of my friends rotate over and dump every single ability they have into him.
It's really starting to affect my confidence in the role. I have watched every Fineokay video I can find on Achilles, and I feel like my brain just refuses to soak in any information on the topic. I really, really, really hate that I can't play against this god under any circumstances, and it just makes my time during the game completely miserable. Even just seeing the god on the enemy team makes me just want to leave the game and come back when my penalty is over.
So... I need some generic tips for how to fight him in Solo lane. What do you do against him Levels 1-5? How can you avoid taking a stupid amount of damage from him in trades? How should you position around the waves when they meet?
Please, treat me like a fucking imbecile because when it comes to this topic, I am a fucking imbecile. Go into as much detail as you think is necessary, talk down to me like I'm a child that you have explain basic addition to, just do whatever you need to in order to drill this information into me and make me understand it. I promise, I won't take it personally, I just want some pointers.
Hi I play pos 3 mainly in Archon V and I can never seem to win against these two heroes specifically. Its really irritiating because I ALWAYS lose the lane (and thereafter the game) if I have these two heroes playing against me. I usually use SK as my comfort pick to great avail reaching for 15-5 in last 20. but the 5 games all consisted of jugg and slark in the lane. Please help i fukin hate these two heroes and ban them whenever I get the chance.
ALSO, even if I avoid them and go behind the tower and use sandstorm to get the small camp, and thereaftwr the big camp, they have a free time hitting 2 lanes of creeps and still end up not being able to punish them effectively.
1.Laning combos are way WAY more likely to happen than fighting combo
2.if u want to have fight combos. Pick something easy to execute that doesnt need a lot of vision and perfect positioning and its not targeting more than 2-3 heroes
3.if u want to pick a counter. It should be again something easy to execute and garantueed to happen most fight and the target must face it before running trought ur team( so again positioning based counter are risky)
These are winnable games bc we are still not being punished post-lane phase after losing so hard. I think drafting stronger can make life easier, but i don't know what. The focus here is what can we 2nd phase based on our lane partner. Even though there are many other factors to help determine our pick I want to prioritize strength in lane since winning lane affects much of how we can play from 10min onward.
scenario 1: pos 5 techies against dp(3), veno(4) >>>> My pick:>! Drow,!<
scenario 2: pos 5 zeus against weaver(3), rubick(4) >>>> My pick:>! Naga!<
My concern is only with using e in early laning. After early laning, especially after I have Shurelyas, using e as a shield is probably always better.
Sometimes the situation is pretty obvious, like I want to use e as shield instead of damage when my adc is about to be hit by poke. But what about less obvious situations, like when two adcs are trading a few autos? Or when my adc is engaged on by their engage support?
so i played about 100 yone games by now and i have no struggles in lane.
but when my bot feeds and the enemie bot is fed for example vayne because she is mobile. Then how do i fight that ?
or how to fight after laning phase in general witouth dying instantly
"Play safe we outscale". Do you though?
I've seen a lot of players complaining about having to deal with fed enemies and weak allies. About how unbalanced were the games. How your allies didn't give you time to scale while you were playing vayne or shyvana.
The big lesson in this post is: Stop autopiloting and gambling your game in early game. Farming and not dying is overrated, earn your right to win early, regardless of your teammates.
This post comes from my own experience about recently reading master+ guides about playing safe, not getting into tricky situations, and scaling until nobody can stop you. I finally ended up with games lost in 15 minutes while being 1/1/0 in lane. I hope you can learn some good lessons from my story.
I've been platinum for the last two seasons so my advice only applies to this elo and lower. And playing at the opposite for diamond+ players might be the right call.
So, what happened? -you can jump the next three paragraphs if you want to jump right into the lessons learned-
I'm a mid mage (+ ekko) main. I always played very aggressively, regardless of my champion and my opponent. I was climbing nicely until I stumbled upon really great educational content creators (I mean it) that were talking about how safe you should play during the early game so you can guarantee yourself to be a monster in the mid and late game. That sounded smart, so I decided to give it a shot. After several games fine-tuning this new playstyle, I finally nailed it (or that what I thought). Results: 9 games losing streak with an average KDA of my allies of 0,59 (mine was 1,5 - so not that great either). Most of the games were done after 10 to 15 minutes as most lanes were far behind while I was doing even in mid. Was it my mates' fault? I don't know. It was easy to put the blame on them. Yeah, they played poorly, but where was I during the first 15 minutes? Chilling in mid-lane, focusing on my farm, not dying, in one word: autopiloting.
I asked a D1 friend 15 days ago about this issue. And he talked about the fact I had no agency on the game and I was basically gambling my games.
That was a wake-up call for me so I got back to playing very aggressively, roaming, changing my tp for an ignite, helping my jungler invade, counter invade, securing rift scuttler and elite monsters, etc...And guess what? 11 out of 13 games won at the time I'm writing. My allies were not better, but they were better supported. Yes, my farm dropped from 8cs/min to
... keep reading on reddit β‘Hey everyone. I have been playing Meepo for quite some games now (60 or something) and I would really like some tips from some fellow players on how to play Meepo vs SF. In all of my games it feels impossible to avoid razes. He goes close to the minnions, I do too, to get lasthits, he razes me once. So what do I do here? SF ofc backs off to get another raze, and then a bit more to get the third. I now have 0 HP left, and he can just keep doing this over and over with mangoes. Any tips?
If you don't know what trio laning is, I made a guide on it a couple of months back. Basically it's where the mid/support/ADC share both the mid and the abyssal dragon wave by roaming back and forth after clearing said waves. This utilizes the gold sharing mechanic in the game and gets the ADC farmed as soon as possible and avoid getting ganked as much as possible as you're always traveling in a group of 3.
Well this is NO LONGER valid with the new June patch since doing so will only guarantee that you miss minions, which leads to loss of gold.
So yeah, ADC players just stay in your lane, farm, and try not to die from ganks especially when the dragon lane is on the top lane. Mid players, you still want to roam but try not to soak too much gold/exp from the dragon lane.
Gold sharing is still a valid concept - you still get more total gold when you gold share so try to do that as much as possible especially in losing situations.
You won't be able to find the changes in the official patch notes (they only post the HUGE updates not the hotfixes), but the patch I'm talking about can be found here.
Whenever i get kotl he feels great when laning and hitting hard, but a few min later he just does light scratches and feels like a push bot at best, what's he supposed to actually do aside from be a mana / push bot?
I am Gold MMR, and am coming here to try to be a better Engage/Peel Support for you. I play Leona Naut and some Galio. And yes I realize matchups matter, so if there are any that are particularly tricky, I would like to hear about those too. Or ones we can particularly take advantage of. And what do you consider is your job is as an Ezreal player overall. Level 2 advice, tricks to peel for you, hell, anything you wanna share would be great.
Hoping to get some advice from you all. I will doing this will all ADCs over the next month or 2 in order to hopefully become a better Support. I play JG some too, but still love playing engage/peel, it's a blast!
Good luck the rest of the Season! :)
I am Gold MMR, and am coming here to try to be a better Engage/Peel Support for you. I play Leona Naut and some Galio. And yes I realize matchups matter, so if there are any that are particularly tricky, I would like to hear about those too. Or ones we can particularly take advantage of. And what do you consider is your job is as a Vayne player overall. Level 2 advice, all-ins, tricks to peel for you, hell, anything you wanna share would be great.
Hoping to get some advice from you all. I will doing this will all ADCs over the next month or 2 in order to hopefully become a better Support. I play JG some too, but still love playing engage/peel, it's a blast!
Good luck the rest of the Season! :)
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