A drug addicted midget is the only thing that will always be both lower and higher than me at the same time.

Setting my heights real low on this one guys. Lol

👍︎ 2
👤︎ u/JaSuperior
📅︎ Aug 25 2020
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Upon seeing the Wright brothers fly their aircraft higher and higher,

The newspaper reporter stated "isn't that a sight for soar eyes!"

👍︎ 5
📅︎ Jul 14 2019
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So proud of Miss 4 - true Dad Joke!

Took her to the park today as it’s a stunningly beautiful day here in NZ.

She was on the swings and I went on the swing next to hers to show how to swing her legs properly....

I said “weeee” as I swung higher and higher as she was laughing.

Miss 4 said “Daddy, you should have gone before we left”...

So proud!!

👍︎ 11
👤︎ u/DannyGere
📅︎ Oct 05 2020
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My sister and I were making a pie for the 4th of July

After making it, we opened the fridge to cool it. After being unable to find space for it, I suggested we move the steaks that my mom is saving for dinner. As we put them on a higher shelf, I looked at her and said “The steaks have been raised”

👍︎ 5
📅︎ Jul 04 2020
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Phone rings.......Dad: What does the Caller ID say?......Son: It says Private Caller......

Dad: Don't answer it. We only pick up for ranks Lieutenant Caller and higher.

👍︎ 227
👤︎ u/2donutkid2
📅︎ Jan 12 2019
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An Englishman, a Frenchman, a Spaniard, and a German are all watching a dolphin do some excellent tricks.

The dolphin notices that the four gentlemen have a very poor view, so he jumps higher out of the water and calls out, 'Can you all see me now?' And they respond: 'Yes.' 'Oui.' 'Sí.' 'Ja.'

👍︎ 12
👤︎ u/AgamGamez
📅︎ Jun 13 2019
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The Cheerio story

So once upon a time, there was a planet shaped like a cheerio. A small moon made of milk or tied the planet, going through the center of the donut shaped world. On this planet, lived an interesting species. They acted and lived similarly to us humans? But looked just like large Cheerios (with footings hands and feet like miis) Within this society there were levels of Cheerios: original, honey nut, and finally frosted. The originals were the backbone of the economy, doing the herd labor while the honey nuts ran the businesses and the frosted Cheerios (the top of the top) led the world. Our story today focuses on a single Cheerio. Born into an original Cheerio family, this lad learned the hard way how to work. From a young age, he was forced to get a job in the local milk refinery, where his dad worked. He grew up, and soon had a family of his own. His wife, son, and daughter all worked hard, but were happy. One day walking home from school, the kids found a runaway honey nut Cheerio pup, and decided to keep him. It wasn’t much, but it inspired our little Cheerio friend here. One day, he got fed up with taking orders, and demanded a raise. His entire family has worked in this one factory for three generations, and he wanted to move up in the world, not just for him but also his kids. His old boss however, did not have the power to promote this Cheerio, and he was forced to make a life changing decision: he would go to the refinery company and use every penny in the family savings account (under the bed) to try and get a higher position. After waiting on line for over a week, his appoint was finally here. After bickering and bargaining for hours, the refinery company boss saw a spark in this lad’s eye. He agreed to give this Cheerio a promotion to the honored honey nut glaze in exchange for everything this man owned, including the family’s prized honey nut dog. Was it worth it? Well pretty soon he owned his own milk refinery and was able to breed his own honey nut dogs, so yes, yes it was. Owning and operating the refinery went smoothly. Milk was transported from the moon to the planet using space busses, and the milk itself was funneled down to the refineries using large straws. After the milk was ready to drink, it was shipped off to be sold. He was happy working here, but eventually he realized it wasn’t enough. This Cheerio, once a simple original Cheerio wanted to follow the “American dream” and do the best he could. He wanted to become a frosted Ch

... keep reading on reddit ➡

👍︎ 5
📅︎ Apr 26 2019
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TIL that the Bloods once owned then destroyed 9% of the Bitcoin market in 2014

Higher ranking members of the Bloods held 9% of the coins that had been mined up to 2014. They suddenly and abruptly destroyed the wallets that contained the bitcoins in late 2014.

It wasn’t discovered until 2017 when a former member spoke to the press when the prices spiked. When asked the reason for destroying the fortune he said “cause it’s a Crip-tocurrency”

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👤︎ u/Tinetsu
📅︎ Jun 03 2018
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Wife of Neil Degrasse Tyson: I love you, Honey.

Neil Degrasse Tyson: Your presence makes my dopamine and oxytocin levels higher too.

👍︎ 6
📅︎ Nov 16 2018
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Recreational marijuana

With Marijuana now being legalized for recreational use in California and many parts of the Us, people often forget that cows enjoy eating it. The steaks have never been higher...

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👤︎ u/jlenney1
📅︎ Nov 25 2018
🚨︎ report
Two livestock farmers were sat in the pub arguing over the government’s upcoming ban on exporting live animals...

The beef cattle farmer thought it was a silly policy and would greatly reduce his income from selling meat overseas....

The pig farmer disagreed, he thought it was a great opportunity for livestock farmers to benefit from higher profit margins in a strong domestic market with fewer overheads.

Feeling very passionate after a few beers, the beef farmer says to the pig farmer:

“This time in 12 months, the government will have repealed this policy because it’s such a terrible idea... in fact, I’m willing to bet on it. If I’m wrong, and they don’t repeal it, I’ll give you my prized cow, Daisy. But if I’m right, and they do repeal it, you have to give me free bacon for a year”.

The pig farmer is confident that the policy will be a success and won’t be repealed. So he says “deal”.

The beef farmer carries on:

“Actually, I think this policy is going to be such a terrible failure that I’ll need to sell half of my cows to stay afloat... in fact, I’m willing to bet on it. If I’m wrong, and this policy doesn’t mean I need to sell half my cows, I’ll give you free steaks for a year. But if I’m right, and I do need to sell half my cows, you have to give me your prized boar, pumba”.

The pig farmer is confident that the beef farmer won’t need to sell any cows. So he says “deal”.

12 months pass following the introduction of the live export ban. The government hasn’t repealed the policy, but unfortunately the beef farmer has had to sell most of his cows.

Both farmers reconvene at the pub. The beef farmer says to the pig farmer:

“Well, it seems you were right about one thing but wrong about the other...

So... You may have won the cattle, but you’ve lost the boar!”.

👍︎ 3
👤︎ u/dens382
📅︎ Nov 02 2018
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There's a crazy snowstorm moving in on me

So I went to the store earlier, and decided to get some steaks and burgers that I could throw on the grill in case our power goes out again (which it probably will). Almost all of the meat was gone from the main part of the case, but I saw some nice cuts in the section up above. I grabbed an employee and asked him to get them down for me, and I asked why they hadn't moved them down already. He just shrugged and said "It's been crazy in here all day. The steaks have never been higher."

👍︎ 23
👤︎ u/daeken
📅︎ Apr 17 2016
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Bet with son.

I made this bet with my son a few years ago, and it worked great.

Dad: I bet you, if I can jump higher than our house. If I do, you will have to cut the grass all summer. If I don’t jump higher than the house I will cut the grass all summer.

Son: thinks for a while. Then agrees.

Dad: jumps a foot off the ground

Son: You lost!!!!

Dad: yells “jump house jump! See it didn’t jump I win.

👍︎ 7
👤︎ u/hurtmore
📅︎ Sep 07 2018
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My Hotel Experience

I was once staying at a hotel which had two lifts, one for the bottom half and one for the top. I was intrigued with the system and asked the manager about it, his response was a fairly terse one "no funny business here, take the lift like anyone else would" he said strictly.

During my stay I needed to get to the higher section of the building, leading me to use the top lift. However when I came to move it, it took quite the effort and persuasion to get it to shift. Once I'd fiddled around and pushed a few more buttons it slowly made it's way up.

It was at this point I realised the manager simply had a stiff upper lift.

👍︎ 22
📅︎ Aug 21 2016
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My parents recently got into buying old stuff from flea markets and selling it online.

So my dad excitedly hands me an old bottle from the 20s or 30s and says "Look, Great Drepression glass!" I hold it up a little higher and even more excitedly say "Wow! I feel sad already!"

👍︎ 4
📅︎ Jul 25 2018
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Science Puns

One of the funniest school puns; science puns

Did you hear oxygen went on a date with potassium? It went OK. If the Silver Surfer and Iron Man team up, they’d be alloys.

The optimist sees the glass half full. The pessimist sees the glass half empty. The chemist sees the glass completely full, half with liquid and half with air.

If you’re not part of the solution, you’re part of the precipitate.

A photon checks into a hotel and is asked if he needs any help with his luggage. He says, “No, I’m traveling light.”

Did you just mutate for a stop codon? Because you’re talking nonsense!

How did the English major define microtome on his biology exam? An itsy bitsy book.

What did Gregor Mendel say when he founded genetics? Woopea!

Did you hear about the man who got cooled to absolute zero? He’s 0K now.

I wish I was adenine, then, I could get paired with U.

Anyone know any jokes about sodium? Na

Two chemists go into a bar. The first one says “I think I’ll have an H2O.” The second one says “I think I’ll have an H2O too” — and he died.

A couple of biologists had twins. They named one Jessica and the other Control.

Did you hear the one about the recycling triplets? Their names are Polly, Ethel, and Ian.

Why can you never trust atoms? They make up everything!

What element is a girl’s future best friend? Carbon.

I had to make these bad chemistry jokes because all the good ones Argon.

Why are chemists great for solving problems? They have all the solutions.

What do chemists call a benzene ring with iron atoms replacing the carbon atoms? A ferrous wheel.

What did the male stamen say to the female pistil? I like your “style.”

I’m reading a great book on anti-gravity. I can’t put it down.

I have a new theory on inertia but it doesn’t seem to be gaining momentum.

Why can’t atheists solve exponential equations? Because they don’t believe in higher powers.

Schrodinger’s cat walks into a bar. And doesn’t.

Do you know the name Pavlov? It rings a bell.

What does a subatomic duck say? Quark!

A neutron walks into a bar and asks how much for a beer. Bartender replies “For you, no charge”.

Two atoms are walking along. One of them says: “Oh, no, I think I lost an electron.” “Are you sure?”


... keep reading on reddit ➡

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👍︎ 6
👤︎ u/Punsville
📅︎ May 04 2017
🚨︎ report
An American man and his son went to Finland.

When they arrived, a cab driver greeted them at the airport. "What should we do on our first day here," the father asked his son, excitedly. The driver interjected, "Well, if you're not natives, I'd suggest the roller coaster that teaches your or language." Confused, the father and son look at one another then back at their guide. "Trust me," he told them, "It's guaranteed or your money back." Having no plans and now both understandably intrigued, the pair agreed. When they arrived at the roller coaster, they were amazed to behold the giant steel skeleton of the most intricate ride they'd ever seen. It had loops, helixes, corkscrews and drops more terrifying than anything they'd ridden back home. The son quickly rescinded his consent and turned you guys father. "There's no way I'm getting on that thing. You go first," he said, "Then you can tell me if it's worth it." Not wanting to seem a coward, the father accepted. Stepping into the first car, he seated himself. As the attendant approached to check his shoulder restraint, her couldn't help but ask, "So how exactly am I supposed to learn an entire language from a roller coaster?" The attendant smiled and replied simply, "You'll see." Anticipation turned to unease as the cars lurched upward towards the first drop. The seconds felt like hours as the car climbed higher and higher, clicking steadily while the chain pulled it skyward. As the nose of the car tipped downward and he could see the enormous drop below, his inner fear turned verbal. Without thinking he screamed, "minä kuolen!" As he rounded the first turn and into an inverted twist, he debut another exclamation well inside and burst forth. "naida!" He screamed as the ride continued. A few minutes and many foreign-tongued exclamations later, he found himself back at the station trying to catch his breath with the smiling attendant removing his restraints. His ran up to his son and declared, "It really works! I'm not sure how, but it really works!" "How was it?" the son asked unimpressed. "It was a wild ride from start to Finnish." "The son smiled weakly. "Yeah , the cabbie stole our luggage."

👍︎ 3
👤︎ u/CanMan0711
📅︎ Dec 06 2017
🚨︎ report
Co-Worker and I were bored at work this morning, we wrote this. We work for a fruit store.

NASHI here Scott, we don't need your PERSIMMON to PRODUCE puns. I ain't LIME-ing, fruit puns are hard. It's a GRAPE skill to have and not at all CORNy. If BANANA (you wanna) challenge us; that can be ORANGEd, however you SHALLOT be prePEARed for us. I can GUAVAntee we will not deal with you GINGERly; if you push, APPLE; (I pull) It's not like i'm speaking LEBANESE, CUCUMBERstand?

I myself am full of puns from my head TOMATOES, as you can KIWI (See, we) have been doing this longer than you, we never skip a BEET, our abilities just climb higher PAPAYA (and higher)?.

We don't CARROT all if you're upset by this, in fact it's about THYME we asked your mother on a DATE. So don't be a DILL, we've BEAN there and done that before. So be ready to LETTUCE give you something to cry about throws onion

👍︎ 13
👤︎ u/iCappa
📅︎ Mar 15 2014
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Awkward joke on VP of Research

OK, I am meeting with the VP of Research about things he is responsible for that are not going great. He wants to help. I work in research, and he is definitely several pay grades higher than me. I shake his hand sit down, and notice he is wearing a Winnie the Pooh tie. So, I lead off the conversation with "Roger, I am not sure where you've been today, but it appears you got a little poo on your tie." He looked at his tie for long enough that I got worried that he didn't get it and had to explain...

👍︎ 15
👤︎ u/SimpleBen
📅︎ Dec 22 2014
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When I worked for a design agency, I had two adamant higher-ups... (Long Pun)

When I worked for a design agency, I had two adamant higher-ups. There was a brand identity project for a new company, and I was in charge of typography, but those two disagreed with my choice of font.

The first one was this stony-looking Peruvian-American man named Esteban Ferrero, but since that's Spanish for Steven Smith, and our company had a rule that everyone has to call each other using nicknames instead of last names, everyone, including himself, just called him Steve. The second one was a Dutch woman with a sharp glare named Evelien van der Berg. She was famous for giving designers a hard time convincing her that their design choices work better than hers. In accordance with the company rules, we called her Eve.

Anyway, I showed Steve my first draft, and he wasn't convinced that I chose LinoLetter as the main font, and told me that I should use a sans-serif font. But I stood by my position that serifs add legibility to printed and digital material, that it fits the company's identity as an organic store, and that it is hard to stand out with a sans-serif. It took a lot of debate, but in the end, Steve was convinced that LinoLetter was acceptable.

A few days later, I showed Eve a more elaborated version, as for the sizes and styles of the font, and the pairing of LinoLetter with Century as the headline font. She insisted that I should have used a sans-serif font for the headline. I expressed my view that LinoLetter is a font with composed and legible shape, and Century, while it is also legible, has flair at larger sizes. She kept disagreeing with me, saying I should use something bolder and more contrasting, like Tungsten. It felt like hours had passed before the conversation went anywhere, so I had to give up and look for a sans-serif font that goes with LinoLetter.

So it goes to show that the one who gave me a hard time was adamant Eve, not adamant Steve.

👍︎ 3
📅︎ Jul 26 2016
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When I used to work at a restaurant...

For awhile there in university, I worked as an appetizer cook for a higher end restaurant. At the end of some shifts I'd make use of the staff discount and cook up some calamari or make a sushi roll for myself.

Sometimes my GF (now wife) would join me in this post-shift snack. When she would ask something equivalent to, "How was your shift?" I'd often respond mid-bite and say in a snooty French accent, "I ate my work!" She's been groaning for almost 20 years now.

👍︎ 14
👤︎ u/Freklred
📅︎ Jul 29 2016
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Visited my dad and he made me a breakfast sandwich and I joked him for a change.

He made us all egg sandwiches, over easy - runny and delicious. I got some on my hand and as I went to lick it off said, "Yolks on me."

Dad went, "Heh. That's my girl."

Ain't no higher praise.

👍︎ 40
👤︎ u/Jaberkaty
📅︎ Jun 23 2014
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Called my dad from different phone today ...

When he picked up he told me that "it showed up as 'private caller' when you called. I told your mother that we should reject the call because I only accept lieutenant caller and higher."

Credit to my friend's dad

👍︎ 26
👤︎ u/xThoth19x
📅︎ Jul 28 2016
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My father, everyone.

My dad runs in my room and drops his phone in my lap, and I'm shocked to see he went Pokemon hunting without me, and even more shocked when I saw he caught a Pikachu. The shock level went even higher when he said,

"Guess who got a Pika? Not chu!"

Major facepalm.

👍︎ 33
📅︎ Jul 18 2016
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Our butcher shop just flooded. We had to move all of the meat to the top shelf...

...and the steaks have never been higher.

👍︎ 4
📅︎ Apr 20 2016
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a different kind of dad joke

I watched a man drop his keys this morning, and after groaning as he bent down to pick them up he said to me, "You know, they should really start making these floors a little higher."

👍︎ 13
👤︎ u/MrFweep
📅︎ Jul 12 2016
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Here's one I made up yesterday in the car

Ok. So let me set the stage. We're on the Pennsylvania Turnpike and I see a sign that says Mt. Nebo. I said....

Me: "Do you know that Mt. Nebo has a twin mountain that's small, a little higher and a little pointier?"

Kids: "No"

Me: "Yeah... it's called Mt. Elbow"

Me: "HAH!"

Kids: "groan"

👍︎ 106
📅︎ Jul 22 2013
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My father on modern art

My parents visited me last weekend. Short on ideas, we decided to hit up a widely-respected art museum. They had some new exhibitions, some of which were a little outside our personal tastes and expectations.

We walked into a photography exhibit and saw, along one wall, a sheet of green. This sheet of green was a little higher and taller than the average door, and stretched all the way down that bit of wall plus a few feet onto the floor.

"Oh," I said, "a green screen. That's kind of a neat little thing to have here. Sort of an homage to that style of film, I guess?"

Little did I know. In hindsight, I don't know why I expected anything different.

My father and I approached the plaque beside it. There we learned the truth: This was not a green screen. No. No, this was a specially printed photograph.

A photograph... of a green screen.

There we stood, astonished at the audacity of the thing before us. "My God," I said aloud, "This, right here, this is something else. This is just plain genius. Can you imagine getting money for something like this? Why didn't we come up with this? This is gold!"

To which my dad simply responded, "No, son...

... it's green."

👍︎ 2
👤︎ u/Habefiet
📅︎ May 31 2016
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My training is complete...

My mom was opening her presents and unwrapped a brand new fitbit. As she opened it, she exclaimed, "Yes! I am going to get fit!" And without even looking at each other, my dad and I simultaneously from opposite sides of the room interject, "Bit by bit!" My wife looked at me with an expression that was the perfect cocktail of disbelief, groaning, and eye-rolling while my father walked with his head held a little higher that night.

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👤︎ u/Hou_mcbp
📅︎ Dec 26 2015
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Got my lady earlier at the grocery store.

We were shopping at our local grocery store. She is pretty short, and she needed to reach the sugar on one of the higher shelves.

She grabbed my arm to get my attention (mobile redditing,) and asked, "Can you reach up there and grab that sugar please?"

I looked up from my phone and said, "Which one is the 'sugar-please?'"

As I was reaching up to grab it she kicked me in the butt for how stupid it was. I stood proud.

👍︎ 11
📅︎ Jan 15 2015
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My friend got me at lunch.

My buddy and I went to get food after we cooled down from the gym. We went to chili's and I ordered a steak. The stake came out undercooked, but I prefer rarer steaks anyways.

As I was eating, I said, "This steak isn't that great." He replies with, "I guess it was a mis-steak," with a smile on his face. I replied with, "You get two more laps tomorrow for that. His response was, "I guess the steaks just keep getting higher." I shook my head in disgust and secret pride for him.

Sorry for format. I'm on mobile.

👍︎ 5
👤︎ u/Texas0324
📅︎ May 25 2015
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How mathematicians break up...

Initially inspired by a joke I heard elsewhere on the Internet but I took it a step farther. Hint: there are several hidden puns (at least 6)

Dear Algebra, Stop asking me to find your X. As to the reason she left, we'll never know Y. She probably never fancied your green bra. Maybe it's a sin that she wants a distant relationship. But have no fear, as she spans higher dimensions for true love, she'll look far and wide, for she lives on the edge. She'll soon realize that she's not so significant after all.

👍︎ 2
👤︎ u/jgbradley1
📅︎ May 19 2015
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My Grandfather is a witty one

At the dinner table and my mother asks:

"What is the difference between Ann Taylor and Ann Taylor loft?"

Grandfather: "One is higher than the other"

We had a good laugh.

👍︎ 6
📅︎ Jun 08 2014
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Oh my gourd...

My wife was ringing up a purchase at a craft store where the customer had purchased many fake pumpkins and other assorted decorative fruits for fall. As the customer unloaded her cart, the gourds kept piling higher, and my wife exclaimed, "I'm feeling a bit squashed!"

👍︎ 7
📅︎ Sep 02 2014
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My dad just forwarded this email to me...

> > Balls > > > > INTERESTING OBSERVATION > > 1. The sport of choice for the urban poor is BASKETBALL. > > > > > > > > > > 2. The sport of choice for maintenance level employees is BOWLING. > > > > > > > > > > 3. The sport of choice for front-line workers is FOOTBALL. > > > > > > > > 4. The sport of choice for supervisors is BASEBALL. > > > > > > > > > > 5. The sport of choice for middle management is TENNIS. > > And... > > > > > > > > 6. The sport of choice for corporate executives and officers is > > GOLF. > > > > THE AMAZING CONCLUSION: > > > > The higher you go in the corporate structure, the smaller your balls > > become. > > There must be a boat load of people in Ottawa and Queen's Park > > playing marbles. > > You know you WILL PASS THIS ONE ON!

👍︎ 8
👤︎ u/BladeNoob
📅︎ Feb 13 2014
🚨︎ report

Context: A friend and I were discussing jumping from rocks into the sea.

Friend: I was scared jumping from that height, and [another friend] jumped from much higher than I did. I don't know how he did it.

Me: Probably with his legs...

👍︎ 3
📅︎ Aug 25 2014
🚨︎ report
Every time we ask my uncle if he wants a S'more...

"How can I have 'S'MORE' if I haven't had any yet?" then he breaks into this fake laugh that sounds like a higher pitched Santa "ho hoo hoo ho" and we are all stuck shaking our heads and (depending on alcohol levels) laughing our butts off.

👍︎ 8
📅︎ Sep 27 2013
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This one will always stick with me

I was sitting outside studying with my brother when my dad comes out and says "Hey, donttellwendy, you know what you should be doing? Sitting on the roof so you can get a higher education."

👍︎ 3
📅︎ Oct 10 2013
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