Can you add to my collection of stupid, quickfire joke?

What do you call a....

deer with no eyes? No idea

deer with no eyes and no legs? Still no idea

cow with no legs? Ground beef

donkey with three legs? A wonky

fish with no eyes? A fsh

fly with no wings? A walk

sheep with no legs? A cloud

What do you call a cheese that's not yours? Nacho cheese

What does cheese say when it looks in the mirror? Halloumi

What's the best cheese to...

hide a horse? Mask a pony (mascarpone)

get a bear out of a tree? Come on bear (camembert)

👍︎ 7
📅︎ Dec 20 2018
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Chicken Wings

In response to /u/rsocfan getting Reddit banned in Russia, the following conversation ensued:

> This is an impressive mark to have left on history. I mean, some people cause 48-car pileups on the high way, you get an entire site blocked from an entire country.

> I make chicken wings all day.


>chicken wings

> Your contribution is also important. How else would chickens fly?


Link to the thread containing /u/stovenn's joke

👍︎ 2
📅︎ Aug 13 2015
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