A list of puns related to "Funny Mint"
he said, crestfallen.
I gave him a Tic Tac toe.
He gave me some sage advice
I’m not a very witty person, but a bartender was taking a cup to dish and she was like, “omg everybody look at this drink! Doesn’t it look so good?” (sarcastically) And it was whatever alcohol was in it and a juul pod package inside the cup
And I was like, “omg it’s a mint juulep” and everybody laughed even the owner of the company who was there. Felt very good.
I want it to be clear of how slow minded I am. It’s so bad that I will stop mid-sentence because I can’t come up with the right word. So for a joke to hit so well I just gotta thank you guys for encouraging me to make puns and be that funny guy at work❤️
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