My grandad of 85 sent me these today. Runs in the family. (Last one is funny if you know Hindi)
πŸ‘︎ 37
πŸ‘€︎ u/dsharm17
πŸ“…︎ Jan 28 2019
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Where is Elon Musk from?

Mad-at-gas-car. (This one was told by a friend's daughter)

πŸ‘︎ 2k
πŸ‘€︎ u/Aldous_Hoaxley
πŸ“…︎ Oct 10 2022
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A list of over 350 Dad Jokes!

Save them to your Phone and always have witty jokes at the palm of your hand.

3.14 percent of sailors are pi-rates.

5/4 of people admit they’re bad at fractions.

A bartender broke up with her boyfriend, but he kept asking her for another shot.

A brain walks into a bar and takes a seat. β€œI’d like some wings and a pint of beer, please,” it says. β€œSorry, but I can’t serve you,” the bartender replies. β€œYou’re out of your head.”

A cheeseburger walks into a bar. The bartender says, 'Sorry, we don't serve food here.'

A college education now costs $100,000, but it produces three very proud people: the student, his mama, and his pauper.

A couple of cups of yogurt walk into a country club. β€œWe don’t serve your kind here,” the bartender says. β€œWhy not?” one yogurt asks. β€œWe’re cultured.”

A friend of mine didn’t pay his exorcist. He got repossessed.

A friend of mine is known for sweeping girls off their feet. He’s an extremely aggressive janitor.

A guy walks into a bar, and there’s a horse serving drinks. The horse asks, β€œWhat are you staring at? Haven’t you ever seen a horse tending bar before?” The guy says, β€œIt’s not that. I just never thought the parrot would sell the place.”

A guy walks into a bar...and he was disqualified from the limbo contest.

A pirate walks into a bar with a paper towel on his head. The bartender says, β€œWhat’s with the paper towel?” The pirate says, β€œArrr! I’ve got a Bounty on me head!”

A turtle is crossing the road when he’s mugged by two snails. When the police ask him what happened, the shaken turtle replies, β€œI don’t know. It all happened so fast.”

Armed robbersβ€”some say they’re a drain on society, but you’ve got to give it to them.

Barbers…you have to take your hat off to them.

Can February March? No, but April May!

Cooking out this weekend? Don’t forget the pickle. It’s kind of a big dill.

Dad, can you put my shoes on? No, I don't think they'll fit me.

Dad, can you put the cat out? I didn't know it was on fire.

Dad, did you get a haircut? No, I got them all cut!

Dad: Did you hear about the kidnapping at school? Son: No. What happened? Dad: The teacher woke him up.

Daughter: I have a lot of friends named Nathan. There’s Nathan Miller, Nathan Radcliff, Nathan Lewis… Me: When they are together, do you call them the United Nathans?

Dear Math, grow up and solve your own problems.

Did I tell you the time I fell in love during a backflip? I was heels over head!

Did you hear about the aquatic sea mammals that escape

... keep reading on reddit ➑

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πŸ‘€︎ u/Bugasum
πŸ“…︎ Jun 10 2022
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What do you call a comedian with a really bad memory?

Ummm.... ah, shoot. I forgot the punchline. Sorry, everyone.

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πŸ‘€︎ u/pvith
πŸ“…︎ Jun 15 2022
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I ordered Chinese food and they forgot to give me a fortune cookie.

How unfortunate.

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πŸ‘€︎ u/CheetoSantana
πŸ“…︎ Jun 29 2022
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My 7 year old son is watching youtube

Some YouTubers are playing game of life. One of them is picking their house and have to choose between a teepee and a family home.

My son squinting at the screen is like "a teepppppeeee" trying to make sense of the word and picture for teepee he's looking at.

I said, ya. You know cowboys and indians. Teepees are what the indiand lived in.

He said, oh I thought they wiped their bunghole in there.


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πŸ‘€︎ u/MaherJ79
πŸ“…︎ Feb 19 2022
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Circumcision Puns Aren't Funny

My wife gave birth to our first son on Friday. This morning they came to get him for his circumscion and we were feeding him a bottle. The nurse said we were going to have to cut it short. I said ok, but not too short. And nobody laughed. They looked at me like an idiot. Hopefully the internet will appreciate this.

EDIT: Didn't expect this to garner so much attention, but I guess it deserves some elaboration. Yes, this actually happened and we had our son circumcised. Everything went well without any complications. I made this decision with my wife based on hygienic, traditional, and aesthetic reasons, and I am confident in my decision. I am circumcised, and I'm happy with it.

There are times in my son's life that i will need to make decisions for him, and this was one of those times. I understand that some people think I have committed a terrible crime against my son, but I disagree. There are many arguments for both sides, and I think these decisions should be made by family and doctors when the bridge comes to be crossed.

I'm not going to go through and answer all of the questions and insults individually, I have a newborn to take care off, but y'all feel free to hash it out.

Also, I still think my joke was pretty damn funny.

πŸ‘︎ 6k
πŸ‘€︎ u/Oemus2776
πŸ“…︎ Jun 27 2018
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Told a dad joke while meeting my girlfriend's family

So it was my first time meeting my girlfriend's family and it was a holiday so I had assumed it would go like how it is in the movies, the guy being constantly criticized by the girl's family and told he's not good enough but I must have lucked out as they absolutely loved me, after we had the traditional thanksgiving meal at around 4, her family and I went to the porch to drink and joke around. On the way out to the porch, buzzed me thought it would be hilarious to take someone's ukelele with me and hide it on the porch, I promised myself that before the day is over, I'd use that ukelele as a joke piece and get everyone to love me even more. So the evening is going great, everyone's drunk, laughing, telling funny family stories when all of a sudden, I stand up, get everyone's attention and I grab the ukelele, picked it up and said

"I like to play a little guitar"

The hysterical, drunken laughs of everyone on the porch was the highlight of the best Thanksgiving I've ever had.

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πŸ‘€︎ u/blacksplosiveness
πŸ“…︎ Nov 29 2015
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**Dad:** Hey M, did you hear about that kidnapping? (my little sisters name is Emma, everyone calls her M for short)

My Little Sister: No! What happened?!

Dad: Dont worry, he woke up.

My Little Sister: ROLLS EYES

Me: Hahahahahaha! Nice.

My Little Sister: Omg! Is this funny?

Dad: No, THIS IS PATRICK! (We all really love SpongeBob SquarePants)


Mom: Hi, I was wondering if I had the right number. Is this funny?


My Little Sister: Really?! You too Mom?!

Mom: No, I'm 49 sweetie.

My Little Sister: Nevermind! I'm watching, "Black Mirror," in my room by myself.

Dad: Sweetie, African American, don't just call them Black. That's not nice.

My Little Sister: ............. I hate you all.

  • I know this isn't necessarily a,"Dad Joke." It's more of a conversation my Dad and Little Sister had. But it was seriously one of the funniest moments I've ever seen.

  • I really love my family. Lol

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πŸ“…︎ Jul 13 2018
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My grandpa's finest moment

I'm out to dinner with my family and my grandpa starts sniffling a bit. So he pulls out one of his super old patterned handkerchiefs and says "my nose keeps running". He then quickly grabs his nose, handkerchief in hand and yells "got it!" super loud in the restaurant were at. While he's laughing at his own joke he goes "that's funny right there" and keeps laughing and partially retelling the joke.

I'm proud to be his grandson.

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πŸ‘€︎ u/spawn1234100
πŸ“…︎ Jul 10 2015
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My dad seems to think the best time to pick on my boyfriends is at the dinner table...

Here are two of my dad's funniest (most memorable) moments while out to eat...

About five years ago, my ex-boyfriend and I went out for Valentine's Day with my parents. My mom and I were having a conversation about my brother's ex-fiancee when...

Ex: "Oh, so you guys don't like her?"

Dad: "No, but that's alright, we don't really like [K's] boyfriend all that much either."

Needless to say, it wasn't as funny at the time...

Then about a few months ago, with my current boyfriend, we went out to eat with some family friends. At the time, my boyfriend was employed at an A/C company doing Chinese drywall and was talking with two of the men employed in other construction trades.

Family Friend: "Don't get involved in concrete. Or Construction. Better yet, stay out of anything that begins with a C."

Dad (from the other side of the table): "You better stay out of anything that starts with a K, too."

It's even more ironic considering I happen to have one of those names that's commonly spelled with a C, but my parents decided to spell with a K. But as mortified as my boyfriend was, I have to give it to my dad, that one was pretty damn funny.

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πŸ‘€︎ u/22seaturtles
πŸ“…︎ Oct 01 2013
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I Had A Chance To Make THE Dad Joke (x/post from r/WeHaveConcerns)

I had a quintessential moment that I never thought would come...

My family and I were at church, and my son comes over and pokes at me to get my attention. I lean in close, and he says "I'm hungry."

My response? "Hello Hungry. I'm Dad, how are you?"

Needless to say, there were some folks who were unimpressed with us trying to stifle our laughter...or my pride that he thought it was funny. Got to start 'em young!

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πŸ‘€︎ u/GeekmasterPrime
πŸ“…︎ May 13 2015
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Couldn't pass up a dadjoke opportunity at my own birthday dinner

Out for dinner at a nice restaurant with wife and two teenage kids, we all order dessert, wife got blueberry creme brulee, I got baked alaska with rum flambe. Waitstaff knew it was my birthday so they put a candle on my baked alaska. Problem was, the rum flambe melted the candle. It was pretty funny, so wife took pics with her iPhone. As she was reviewing her pics, she dropped her phone in her creme brulee. I said, "I thought you ordered blueberry creme brulee, not Apple creme brulee..."

That was when I got the best birthday present: three hearty groans from the whole family.

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πŸ‘€︎ u/AlmostDisjoint
πŸ“…︎ Sep 24 2016
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The art of being humerus

While walking through the art festival with the family, I was showing my kids how anything could be considered art when we came across plaster castings of animal head bones.

Without missing a beat, I pointed out: "I guess this would be called skulptures"

At least the artist laughed... when my youngest told me I wasn't funny

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πŸ‘€︎ u/nerd_of_gods
πŸ“…︎ Apr 08 2017
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My dad and steamed fish (not really a dad joke; just my dad's thing)

Chinese dude here.

Every time we have dinner with extended family, we'll have a whole steamed fish as one of the courses.

My dad will usually be the person to cut up and distribute the fish among the family.

Every time he does that, he'll use the spoon and fork to make the fish mouth "thunder, thunder, THUNDERCATS! HOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" before cutting up the fish followed by this shit-eating grin around the table. No one above the age of 14 laughs.

The younger cousins find this funny and that's probably why my dad keeps doing it every freaking time.

Just my dad's thing.

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πŸ‘€︎ u/MechBear
πŸ“…︎ May 17 2014
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On a trip to Universal Studios

This was quite a while ago, I was probably in middle school (currently 26). My family took a quick day trip to Universal Studios Hollywood since we live in the greater LA area. Now to set the scene, my dad is a native of Mexico but has lived here since his late teens so his English is pretty good with a tinge of an accent since Spanish is his primary language. We park in the parking garage on property and we do the usual "make a mental note of where we parked for later". That's when I see a smirk come across his face as he turns to me laughing under his breath.

-"What's so funny?"

-"Notice where we parked?"

-"Yeah. Jurassic Park lot, 3B"

Cue dad

-"Jurassic Park..." half expecting me to laugh. He continues "Jurassic Park... Jurr-Ass-is-Parked"


As terrible as it was at the time, I've tried to pull this joke out with friends years later, eye rolls and crickets. Thanks dad.

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πŸ‘€︎ u/lpmark04
πŸ“…︎ Feb 05 2015
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Dadmas is in full swing.

It's tradition to watch A Christmas Story at least like nine times on Christmas in my family. There's a part where Ralphie stares into the camera and smiles after getting away with lying to his mother. Trying to be funny, I said "What the hell's he lookin at!?"

My sister answers with "The camera! It's like in The Office."

Me: "You know, I could never get into The Office."

Dad: "You should find the key, then."

Merry dadmas!

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πŸ‘€︎ u/probablyacactus
πŸ“…︎ Dec 25 2014
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Dadjoked myself.

So me and my family were watching this show called "Men at Work". Its genuinely funny, so at one point while laughing out loud, I said, "Man", and then I said, "No, it's Men at work." Groans by family

I guess this subreddit got me.

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πŸ‘€︎ u/theofficeisreal
πŸ“…︎ Dec 06 2014
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During yesterday's trip to the beach...

We were riding in the car on our way to Atlantic City, New Jersey. Things were surprisingly calm for my family of five. Kids in the back, parents up front. Randomly, my sister asks my brother if he still has Lyme disease. He caught it two summers ago when we lived in an area with many ticks. My brother replies, "no, not anymore". Then my dad turns to face us from the passenger seat: "Yeah, it turned into Lemon disease". I chuckled because I immediately was reminded of this subreddit but my brother wasn't as amused. "Not even a little fucking funny".

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πŸ“…︎ Aug 17 2013
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Getting the Christmas tree

Me and my family went to get our Christmas tree on saturday. It was me (17), my sister (21), my father(49) and my mother(47). We're all trying to find the perfect tree when my sister finds a tree with mushrooms around it.

Sister: "Look! I found mushrooms around this tree!"

Me: "Well we can't get this one, it's infected with fungus."

Dad: "There's a fungus among us!"

Thank you for allowing me to share. I don't know why I found it so funny but he said it without missing a beat. Hope you enjoyed it.

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πŸ‘€︎ u/tdkywyk
πŸ“…︎ Dec 10 2013
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I found out where I got my sense of humour from today

Every year my girlfriend's family and my family try to celebrate Christmas on different days, so my Christmas-crazy-starts-decorating-for-Christmas-before-I've-taken-my-Halloween-costume-off girlfriend has been bugging me about what day my family is celebrating for a few weeks. The other day we had a conversation that went like this:

SO: "So when's Christmas?"

Me: "[SO], Christmas is the same day every year, December 25th"

Apparently I'm not funny, but today I was on the phone with my awesome mom and my girlfriend was bugging me to ask her what day we were celebrating, so I ask.

Me: "[SO] wants to know what day Christmas is"

Mom: "Well, you should tell [SO] that Christmas is the same day as every other year, December 25th!"

I repeated it to her and she sobbed silently while my mother and I laughed our asses off for the next ten minutes.

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πŸ“…︎ Nov 27 2014
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Toilet Humor?

My family was watching a movie, and I came into the room a couple minutes later. I accidently said "Where should I shit?", because everyone had a seat already. Within a second my mom said, "The toilet, of course.

Kinda cheating but moms are funny, too...

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πŸ‘€︎ u/shamanfreak
πŸ“…︎ Oct 01 2013
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The glass has a hole in it.

Whenever my family goes out to eat, my dad normally orders a tall beer. The first glass is gone fast, leading the waiter/waitress to ask if he wants a refill. To which he responds: "Yeah, this glass had a hole in it. Better get that refill!" He does this for every refill he gets, and the waiter/waitress gets more and more uncomfortable every time. I find it funny or whatever.

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πŸ‘€︎ u/aust_janning
πŸ“…︎ Oct 10 2013
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I'm so proud

Sorry this will take a little setup. I have 2 adult kids. Son and a daughter, both are married. Both now have young children of their own. I have been a dad jokester for years..

We have a "family chat" on Facebook messenger with me, my wife, our son, daughter in law, our daughter and her husband.

Conversation just happened:

Daughter in law: Hey does anyone have a wheelbarrow we could use?

Daughter: Yep, I have one I borrowed from mom and dad you can have.

Me: too funny

Daughter: yeah we should call it a "wheel-borrow"

I just realized that I have officially passed the torch. The next generation of my family is successfully dad joke punny. Years of puns have paid off!

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πŸ‘€︎ u/Sunbaked4u
πŸ“…︎ Aug 19 2022
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My kids got me good this morning and all day.

I'm a big guy in the southern US and my big black winter jacket makes me look HUGE. I normally only wear it when I visit family up north. It got cold enough today to wear it and I thought I'd be funny. On our way out the door I belt out "SO LONG AS I WEAR THIS JACKET, YOU WILL REFER TO ME AS KINGPIN AND NOTHING ELSE"

Immediately: "OK nothing else! Nice to meet you nothing else!" [5 hours later] I'm done with my chores nothing else!".

They're so proud of themselves. Har har.

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πŸ“…︎ Mar 13 2022
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My best impromptu dad joke

A few years ago my dad had his leg amputated due to diabetes... While he was recovering my family was speaking to the doctor. The doctor made a comment about my height (I'm 6'4) Doctor: You're pretty tall. Is your dad tall as well? Me: Well... He used to be... but he's lost a foot since he's been here.

The doctor was shocked... It was uncomfortable. It was awesome. My dad thought it was funny.

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πŸ‘€︎ u/breakfast4Grumby
πŸ“…︎ Oct 20 2021
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I pull this dad joke out each and every time I can

When my family and I go out to eat and we get the bill, ANYTIME the bill is for an odd number I hand it to my wife and ask if it looks odd. She no longer finds the joke funny...

πŸ‘︎ 2k
πŸ‘€︎ u/Greggers42
πŸ“…︎ Apr 20 2014
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My son was hit by a car today!

Relax, it was only a hot wheels!

Back story: So my one son threw a hot wheels car at my other son and left a pretty good gash on his face. This wouldn't have been a big issue except we had a family gathering to go to. People were a little surprised about how calm I was when they asked what happened and all I said was "he got hit by a car" like it has happened a bunch of times.

Not sure if it really belongs here but it was pretty funny to see people's reactions.

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πŸ‘€︎ u/Chillfactor343
πŸ“…︎ Dec 18 2017
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He gets me every time

I'll tell a joke or something and he will always follow with, "Wow you're really funny". Then after like 20 seconds of everyone in the family knowing what comes next he goes, "But looks aren't everything!!". Then he proceeds to laugh for like five minutes. He does this every time someone says something funny.

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πŸ‘€︎ u/kc834
πŸ“…︎ Aug 30 2013
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Old School Dads Tell Jokes Too

So I Have never been close to my dad because he is old school. You know, republican, really catholic, really fit, clean hair cut, big sports fan, etc. He can be funny but really only shows his fun side with the little kids in the family or his brothers.

Well my little sister is incharge or answering the house phone and when she was younger this happened a lot:

Sister: hello?(pause) hangs up phone Dad: who was it? Sister: nobody Dad: oh, i told him to stop calling. Well what did Nobody want? Sister: What ? Dad: you said Nobody called, i asked what he wanted. Sister: Nooooo, nobody called Dad: i know he called, what did he want

This would go on for a while

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πŸ“…︎ Jun 14 2014
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Don't make the same misteak that my dad did....

On the evening of the 4th, my family met up with some extended family at my grandparent's house. While having dinner, my grandma noticed my dad didn't have a steak. She asked why and my dad said he wasn't that hungry.

I turned to him and said, "Are you sure dad? They're delicious! I mean not having one would surely be a mi-steak!"

(Not so) oddly enough, only the dads found it to be funny. The wives/my siblings just gave me the "Seriously?" look.

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πŸ‘€︎ u/shirtandtieler
πŸ“…︎ Jul 06 2014
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