Why Is Milwaukee in Upheaval Over Something That Happened In Minneapolis? Because Frank Jude Never Saw Justice. en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/B…
👍︎ 17
📅︎ May 30 2020
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The Beating of Frank Jude Jr. 2004 3 Cops Do Time. Color of Law Violation. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bea…
👍︎ 2
👤︎ u/FaiIsOfren
📅︎ Jun 09 2020
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So I was gona listen to hey Jude but guess YouTube wants be to listen to Frank Sinatra v.redd.it/2ouy7d3ejor41
👍︎ 21
📅︎ Apr 08 2020
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16-year-old high school student donates over $30,000 to St. Jude's news4sanantonio.com/news/…
👍︎ 3k
📅︎ Jan 20 2022
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Frank Jude Jr DESTROYS gas station youtube.com/watch?v=CbkvN…
👍︎ 36
📅︎ Apr 13 2017
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Laurie Whitwell : Jude Bellingham tops MUFC’s list for midfield; West Ham’s Declan Rice also ranks highly, but those are deals that could only happen in the summer; Rangnick would advocate the pursuit of Haidara; Denis Zakaria has not convinced club scouts of his long-term suitability [In Article] twitter.com/lauriewhitwel…
👍︎ 587
📅︎ Jan 16 2022
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Jude Bellingham got a criminal complaint for Insult and defamation (Translation in comments) bild.de/sport/fussball/fu…
👍︎ 6k
👤︎ u/coso9288
📅︎ Dec 05 2021
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Over 400 books FREE or $/£0.99! More than 150 participating authors! The 2021 Holiday MegaSale to benefit St. Jude Children's Research Hospital has begun! - (posted with moderator approval) -



Hello all, and welcome to the 2021 Holiday MegaSale brought to you by Wraithmarked Creative, Mountaindale Press, Aethon Books, Shadow Alley Press, and Portal Books!

If you didn't know, this year we've turned the sale into a charity event to support St. Jude Children's Research Hospital!


While last year this was only a holiday sale, this year:

  • Each of our 150+ participating authors has agreed to donate at least $0.01 per book they sell or give away!


  • All five sponsoring publishers have agreed to each donate at least $0.01 per book sold or given away SALE-WIDE.

That means every book you buy/pick up for free net's St. Jude at least $0.05 in donations! If we only do as well as last year, we are likely to raise over $10,000 USD for the Hospital!

For those of you who aren't familiar with the organization, St. Jude's mission statement reads as follows:

The mission of St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital is to advance cures, and means of prevention, for pediatric catastrophic diseases through research and treatment. Consistent with the vision of our founder Danny Thomas, no child is denied treatment based on race, religion or a family's ability to pay.

So, every book you pick up helps further R&D of pediatric disease prevention and treatment!

(If you'd like to donate directly, check it out here!)


Nothing excessive here, just a bit of information!

  1. This event will run for 48hrs, through December 26th and 27th, 2021.
    1. If you missed the sale, but are reading this within a few days of this post, still check the links below. Many of the books are discounted through the new year.
  2. All 400+ books listed below should be free or $0.99 in the US and free or £0.99 in the UK at LEAST.
    1. If any book is NOT listed for these prices, please ping me (u/BryceOConnor) and I will see it removed. With so many books in this MegaSale, there's bound to have be
... keep reading on reddit ➡

👍︎ 2k
📅︎ Dec 26 2021
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TIL in 2010 a group of friends fabricated an absurd case to bring on Jude Judy in order to get a free trip to LA and $1,500 vice.com/en/article/gq857…
👍︎ 4k
📅︎ Dec 27 2021
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[JOE] Jude Bellingham: "There's players that score a goal a game and assist, but I think people have forgotten about the beautiful side of football where it's not all about stats" joe.co.uk/amp/sport/jude-…
👍︎ 3k
📅︎ Dec 22 2021
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Jude Bellingham has to pay a monetary fine of 40,000€ after his comments about referee Felix Zwayer. Borussia Dortmund have accepted it. The 18-year-old is allowed to play on Saturday vs Bochum bvb.de/News/Uebersicht/Ke…
👍︎ 4k
📅︎ Dec 07 2021
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Frank Jude a distant relative of mine that played for the Cincinnati Reds in 1906. imgur.com/a/XPpmI
👍︎ 11
📅︎ Sep 28 2017
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Laurie Whitwell: Rangnick has identified a tall midfielder as top priority, essentially a replacement for Matic; admires Declan Rice and Jude Bellingham; Interest in Trippier remains but Another name to consider is Tyler Adams, RB Leipzig player who can play in midfield or right-back [From Article] twitter.com/lauriewhitwel…
👍︎ 817
📅︎ Dec 23 2021
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👍︎ 212
📅︎ Jan 22 2022
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Hey Jude, don’t be afraid
👍︎ 970
📅︎ Jan 24 2022
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This is Jude. Just look at this distinguished gentleman. Yesss. reddit.com/gallery/rktdq8
👍︎ 4k
📅︎ Dec 20 2021
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James Jude Courtney is back as the Shape
👍︎ 227
📅︎ Jan 28 2022
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Quickly, Westland and Jude

Looking for opinions and/or suggestions on these names. My wife loves quickly/quick as a boy name and I am not sold on it. I do kinda like Wesley Jude. We like a western vibe to our names I guess.

👍︎ 26
📅︎ Jan 19 2022
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To be Frank...

I would have to change my name.

👍︎ 349
📅︎ Jan 28 2022
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"Hey Jude" should have been on The White Album

Probably a hot take, and I haven't looked at the time left on all four sides to see where it would fit. I assume you would have to remove something to make room for it, but just for conversation as it was recorded during those sessions, they should have kept it.

👍︎ 90
📅︎ Jan 21 2022
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[Request] Little girl at St. Jude hoping to receive mail [US]

Hi all,

A mutual friend's child (13F) has brain cancer that has been getting progressively worse over the past few years. She hasn't gotten any mail at St. Jude, and would love any notes. She likes pink/purple/teal, foxes, cardcaptor sakura anime, and baby animals. Her mother publicly posted the address, so I feel comfortable sharing over PM. Thanks for helping Elise!

Edit: She will be at the hospital for the next three weeks.

👍︎ 82
📅︎ Jan 16 2022
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These are the players that Real Madrid are most seriously keeping an eye on: Jude Bellingham, Florian Wirtz, Wesley Fofana, Endrick, Ryan Gravenberch, and Aurelien Tchouameni. marca.com/futbol/real-mad…
👍︎ 162
📅︎ Jan 22 2022
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Frankfurt 2 - [2] Dortmund - Jude Bellingham 87' streamff.com/v/d92ef4
👍︎ 463
👤︎ u/alexinup
📅︎ Jan 08 2022
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It is OK to be Frank with people

Or Josh with them. But try not to Rob or Sue them.

👍︎ 4k
📅︎ Dec 03 2021
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Jude Bellingham 'would advise' footballers to get vaccinated against Covid. bbc.co.uk/sport/football/…
👍︎ 754
📅︎ Dec 20 2021
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Source on James Jude Courtney’s supposed dislike of the script?

I’m so tired of the negativity around here. I swear it’s like some of y’all want Ends to be bad with the pessimism. Last thing we need is rumors so can someone link a source and put this to bed before the narrative is that JJC hates this movie?

👍︎ 46
📅︎ Jan 24 2022
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Jude, can I have your shirt please? gfycat.com/dopeydarkcanad…
👍︎ 10k
📅︎ Nov 16 2021
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ALSAC says St. Jude expansion to continue after parking garage voted down commercialappeal.com/stor…
👍︎ 29
📅︎ Jan 27 2022
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Jude Law as The Spectre
👍︎ 95
📅︎ Jan 29 2022
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DrLupo raises $892,195 in first Build-Against-Cancer stream on Youtube in support of St. Jude's Children Research Hospital twitter.com/DrLupo/status…
👍︎ 3k
👤︎ u/spike73193
📅︎ Dec 19 2021
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HajiRadioShow#31 From TOKYO!! Nora En Pure, Dani Senior,Me & My Toothbrush,Lika Morgan,Antonio Giacca,Shuya Okino, Navasha Daya Wlady Toto La Momposina, Jude & Frank soundcloud.com/hajime-5/h…
👍︎ 4
📅︎ Nov 08 2016
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Jude during tales of xillia be like .
👍︎ 299
📅︎ Jan 04 2022
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Ich bin ein ganz normaler deutscher Mittzwanziger. Zufällig bin ich Jude. Und ich fühle mich in meinem Heimatland nicht mehr wohl. Und nicht mehr sicher.

Ich habe gestern in diesem Unter, den Thread zu dem antisemitischen Vorfall im WestIn Leibzig gelesen. Da haben viele kommentiert, dass sie sich sowas gar nicht vorstellen können, sie würden keinen Antisemitismus aus ihrem Umfeld kennen, es sei ja so schrecklich, dass es diese dummen Nazis im Osten gibt.

Ich möchte euch ungern eure Illusionen nehmen, aber: Das ist mit nahezu an Sicherheit grenzender Wahrscheinlichkeit falsch. In eurem Freundeskreis, Arbeitsumfeld, eurer Schule, Uni und Familie gibt es einige Leute die antisemitische Vorurteile pflegen. Das erlebe ich jeden Tag.

Vielleicht fang ich ein bisschen mit meiner Familiengeschichte an: Meine Großeltern väterlicherseits wurden in den 30er Jahren in Bayern geboren. Sie sind während der Nazizeit in Deutschland aufgewachsen. Nachdem mein Urgroßvater im Zuge der Reichspogromnacht ins KZ Dachau verschleppt wurde, und nur durch einen Glücksfall (und sehr hohe Bestechungssummen) ein paar Wochen später freigelassen wurde, emigrierte mein Großvater mit seinen Eltern und Geschwistern nach Südamerika. Fast der gesamte Rest seiner Familie, wurde im Ghetto Lodz und im KZ Theresienstadt ermordet. Mein Oma wurde während des Krieges bei einer Bauernfamilie versteckt, bis heute weiß niemand was mit Ihrer Familie passiert ist. In den 50ern kam mein Großvater zurück nach Deutschland, lernte meine Oma kennen und gründete eine Familie.

Unsere Familie lebt jetzt also schon seit 70 Jahren wieder in Deutschland. Wir sind so ziemlich eine musterdeutsche Familie. Häuschen im Schwäbischen, Fußballverein, Blaskapelle, Autowaschen am Sonntag, so ziemlich alles was eine richtige Kartoffel ausmacht. Wir sind nicht orthodox, tragen alle keine Kippa oder Schläfenlocken, außer dass unser Nachname ein bisschen jüdisch klingt, unterscheidet uns nichts von den meisten Menschen in Deutschland.

Und trotzdem fühle ich mich fremd in diesem Land, dass doch eigentlich meine Heimat seien sollte. In der Schule fing es an, dass ich nicht in den Religionsunterricht gehen konnte. Damals gab es an der Grundschule keinen Ethikunterricht, ich bin also ne Stunde rumgesessen und hab Mandalas ausgemalt oder sowas. Später, so ab der 7. Klasse fing es dann an, dass meine Mitschüler angefangen haben Judenwitze über mich zu erzählen. Ich würde sicher gut im Ofen brennen. Ich würde sicher irgendjemandem Geld geklaut haben. In der 10.Klasse hat ein Mitschüler Hakenkreuze auf meine Hefter gemalt, die Lehrerin meinte, dass wäre zwar blöd, ich solle mich

... keep reading on reddit ➡

👍︎ 8k
📅︎ Oct 06 2021
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👍︎ 67
📅︎ Jan 23 2022
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Hey Jude - my favorite of their ouvré. The original handwritten lyrics by Paul McCartney, to comfort his mate’s son Julian, whose dad was going through a divorce. Lifelong yank Beatles fan. I found her in England (and went out and got her) — as well as a pic of this artifact. (os) [2809 x 3067]
👍︎ 46
📅︎ Jan 25 2022
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where did that jude boy go?
👍︎ 470
📅︎ Jan 11 2022
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