Estados avaliam descongelar ICMS sobre combustíveis após novo aumento da Petrobras. O valor cobrado do imposto estadual está congelado até o dia 31 de janeiro e eventual prorrogação da medida está sendo avaliada por governadores e secretários de Fazenda…
👍︎ 8
👤︎ u/Seromelhor
📅︎ Jan 12 2022
🚨︎ report
E o patrick dando golpe de estado no silêncio da madrugada, mais novo DONO do Internacional
👍︎ 63
📅︎ Dec 13 2021
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Criei essa bandeira para um hipotético novo estado brasileiro, alguns nomes sugeridos para esse estado foram: "Minas específicas", "Rio de Fevereiro" e "Espírito Safado", gostei da brincadeira e decidi trazer a discussão pra cá. Na opinião de vocês, qual deve ser o nome desse novo estado?
👍︎ 1k
📅︎ Aug 24 2021
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"Portugal is not a small nation" (1934) - Estado Novo propaganda, where the red areas represent the area of all portuguese colonies
👍︎ 1k
👤︎ u/a_9x
📅︎ Sep 22 2021
🚨︎ report
Abertura de novos negócios ficará mais fácil para empreendedores de mais 11 estados brasileiros…
👍︎ 2
📅︎ Jan 18 2022
🚨︎ report
Pré-venda para o novo Homem-Aranha lota salas, mas nova variante permitirá cinemas abertos? | Com países europeus entrando em lockdown e estados e municípios cancelando festejos com aglomerações, mundo parece viver reprise de 2020…
👍︎ 21
👤︎ u/rossmark
📅︎ Nov 30 2021
🚨︎ report
No Afeganistão, avanço do Estado Islâmico representa ameaça crescente ao novo governo do Talibã…
👍︎ 34
📅︎ Nov 07 2021
🚨︎ report
Propaganda do Estado Novo a promover o café do Ultramar (Panorama : revista portuguesa de arte e turismo, Agosto 1941)
👍︎ 144
👤︎ u/Ta_bem_ta
📅︎ Sep 18 2021
🚨︎ report
″Deus, Pátria e Família″: a frase do Estado Novo repetida no congresso do Chega…
👍︎ 18
📅︎ Nov 28 2021
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Preço da gasolina sofre novo aumento em 18 estados…
👍︎ 50
📅︎ Sep 24 2021
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Communist Portuguese flag int the style of the Novo estado flag
👍︎ 75
👤︎ u/Hyperjorea
📅︎ Sep 23 2021
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Quem tem influência$$$ ocupa a faixa próxima do mar, transformando um bem público em "semi-particular". Quando a conta chega e a onda bate na parede do condomínio, aí chamam a verba do Estado para o resgate. A especulação imobiliária agradece. E repete, de novo e de novo.…
👍︎ 149
📅︎ Jul 28 2021
🚨︎ report
Amapá sofre novo apagão, e 13 de 16 cidades do estado ficam sem luz…
👍︎ 89
📅︎ Aug 25 2021
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[EVENT] The August Coup of 1959, End of the Estado Novo.


The continued radio broadcast was sent at 10:00 AM on all stations and portuguese wavelengths. As terrified and confused civilians look around, columns of tanks and armored vehicles race throughout Lisbon, seizing key areas of the city. The military has taken important sectors of Continental portugal.

The National Assembly was convened today and rudimentary legislation was frozen as armed soldiers enter the Assembly. The guards and PIDE officers tasked with the protection of the building surrendered and were detained by hundreds of Portuguese soldiers. A noticeable difference is that these soldiers utilized blue armbands. The soldiers were met with heckling and boos calling then traitors to the Estado Novo only to be called into order via gunshot to the air.

Salazar was in his residence at the time of the coup. The Prime Minister arose to meet soldiers guarding his residency.

“Prime Minister, you have been placed under house arrest by orders of the Portuguese High command.”

“This is ridicilous, they awnser to me, release me this instant.”

“No longer, your Excellency”

Shortly at 11:00 am a radio broadcast was delivered to the entire nation adressing the crisis.

“My fellow portuguese citizens, these are trying times in which the Estado Novo has failed to deliver. From this point fowards, Salazar regime has ended. A new provisional government by the name of the National Salvation Junta will take its place as the supreme governmental body of Portugal. We shall govern Portugal under the fullest extent of the law and remove Portugal’s enemies that attempt at sieging down our republic. LONG LIVE THE REPUBLIC, DOWN TO THE ESTADO NOVO GLORY TO PORTUGAL.”

Effective immediately the National Salvation Junta is to be regarded as the sole legitimate government of Portugal. After hours of tense standoffs, President Americo Tomas capitulated to the Junta and was instructed to legally remove Salazar from the premiership. The National Assembly was on lockdown and much of the Estado Novo leadership is on house arrest. The Estado Novo after decades of rule is now at an end.

👍︎ 7
📅︎ Nov 12 2021
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[SECRET] Fury of Salazar, Political Machinations in the Estado Novo

Que diabos Francisco!

Salazar enters the President's office with a rage.
Lopes: "Prime Minister what is your grievance," says Francisco Craveiro Lopes, President of Portugal
Salazar: Goa is rightful Portuguese territory and it is an absolute travesty that we are just handing it over to the Indians. Are you out of your damn mind? This is a precarious time for Portugal especially at a time where we should show strength.

Lopes: "With all due respect your Excellency, We would stand no chance of an Indian incursion, their repeated interest in the region and warfare made them proficient and well equipped compared to ours. We might obtain the glory of combat but at the loss of Goa, our soldiers, and our detachment. The Indians were considerate enough to concede commercial favors which will allow us to keep us on edge in the Indian market. Was not that the original goal of the Indian station? Our economic ministers see a great promise from this deal, I assure you.

Salazar grumbles
You do not understand, we have commitments overseas beyond Goa, Acquiescence to India sends a bad omen to all our colonial governments, it will make them think that we will give them up without a fight. If the fate of Goa was surrendered, what would be the fate of East Timor, Macau, and West Guinea. I should not have trusted my diplomats and advisors to handle the Indians themselves. I should have met them myself and firmly tell them that Goa is rightful Portuguese territory.

Lopes: "I should, I would have, but no "I have done" You are discussing possibilities that you have not done. The choice done was strategic in nature. Sacrifices sometimes must be made to protect the Portuguese Empire and Goa unfortunately must be that. Trust is the currency in this new world and breaking such trust or acting combative to an emerging power is not advisable. This is why i have blocked your veto on our diplomatic ops in India. It is in my view that we would be endangering Portuguese servicemen and jeopardizing our interests in Asia should we refuse that deal.

Salazar: "There will be consequences to this, As longtime friends however I still hold out trust that you will see the light. However, do not expect me to support you in the 1958 election.

Lopes: "No need to worry your excellency, I believe in the end we made the correct choice." O Deus, Pátria e Família, Viva o Império Português"

Salazar leaves the office while Lopes murmurs: *"Old man still stu

... keep reading on reddit ➡

👍︎ 9
📅︎ Oct 26 2021
🚨︎ report
[EVENT] Craveiro steps down as President, Salazar attempts at a purge of the Estado Novo.

As the National Assembly is the sole supreme legal body of the land, its decision overruled the results of the 1958 election which resulted in Admiral Americo Tomas ascending to the presidency. While the decision was met with support by the more conservative wing of the Estado Novo and the hardliners supporting Salazar, it was met with resolute condemnation by the reformists and the Portuguese opposition. Craveiro while himself a legalist and willing to comply with the law, argued that the National Assembly's decision was "tampered" by Salazar's middlemen in a bid to remove him from power at all costs. While Salazar may have consolidated his influence, it came at the cost of angering powerful sections of the Portuguese population, especially the new Portuguese General Staff who have been the biggest advocates to democratization influenced by the MSO and the United States since they saw Salazar's hostile takeover as mobilization by the Portuguese right firmly against reform and that a Portuguese Spring may not be possible peacefully. Thus rumours in the upper annals of government and the military of a coup d'etat are mounting.

Salazar was advised that if he pokes the wasp's nest that is his General Staff by purging it he may risk his position. Americo Tomas while himself a conservative attempted to posture himself as a reconciliatory figure to mend the wounds the Estado Novo presents itself. However his plan backfired tremendously as his evident status as a puppet of Salazar did not convince the rapidly growing reformist faction, claiming that his refusal to counter Salazar is clear evidence against his pleas. As time goes on after March 5th 1958 when the deadline for Craveiro's withdrawal arrives, the military waits and plots. Fortune has come to the plotters as the PIDE have been largely unsuccessful at rooting out the plot, with their efforts hamstrung and overextended by the conflict in Guinea and the investigation of dissidents to the regime in the general public.

Then on June 8th 1958. Salazar raised the gavel.

Salazar: "I want the entire Economic Ministry cleaned up, Craveiro's men should be replaced with the men i proposed. Any elections that will be celebrated from this point forwards shall be relegated to the National Assembly instead of a popular referendum. I believe the National Assembly to be fit for such a job and thus no elections are planned in the near future by popular choice."

While the language of his decree was vag

... keep reading on reddit ➡

👍︎ 7
📅︎ Nov 10 2021
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Marcelo vai convidar novo PR de Cabo Verde para visita de Estado a Portugal no início de 2022…
👍︎ 2
📅︎ Nov 09 2021
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Sete estados NOS EUA com as taxas de vacinação contra covid-19 mais baixas. Responderam por cerca de metade dos casos novos e hospitalizações do país

Os Estados Unidos atingiram o número mais alto de novos casos de covid-19 em seis meses ao passar de 100.000 infecções relatadas na quarta-feira, de acordo com uma contagem da Reuters, enquanto a variante delta se alastra por áreas onde as pessoas não foram vacinadas.

O país relata 94.819 casos na média de sete dias, um aumento de cinco vezes em menos de um mês. A média de sete dias fornece o quadro mais preciso do quão rápido os casos estão aumentando, já que alguns estados só relatam infecções uma vez por semana ou só nos dias úteis.

Sete estados com as taxas de vacinação contra covid-19 mais baixas — Flórida, Texas, Missouri, Arkansas, Louisiana, Alabama e Mississippi — responderam por cerca de metade dos casos novos e hospitalizações do país na última semana, disse o coordenador da Casa Branca contra a covid-19, Jeff Zients.

Nas próximas semanas, os casos podem chegar a 200.000 por dia devido à variante delta altamente contagiosa, disse Anthony Fauci, principal especialista em doenças infecciosas dos EUA.

👍︎ 41
📅︎ Aug 06 2021
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[EVENT] Rumblings in the Estado Novo

January 16th 1957

Antionio de Oliviera Salazar rules Portugal and her empire with an iron fist, dedicated to his conservative, nationalist, corporatist ideals and lush tropical imperial philosophy, he has guided the Portuguese ship of state for 25 years which under his rule avoided the tumult of the Second World War and aligned towards the MSO and the West in its struggle against Communism. However, His Excellency is now old and decrepit, nothing like his young former self. His authority grows less and less stable as colonial discontent and the brutality of the Portuguese regime with the PIDE silencing opposition and colonial forces quashing dissent. The Estado Novo is fracturing at the seams with members from Salazar's own ranks murmuring the possibilities of a coup against his reign while members of his chief of staff privately voice disloyalties to Salazar. These key figures which surprisingly include the President of the Republic and chiefs of staff disillusioned by the Portuguese Republic's decadence and alarmed by the Empire's decline secretly are in talks for Salazar's eventual replacement as he refused to consider a successor by this point.

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📅︎ Oct 25 2021
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Today, 47 years ago marked the 25th of April, the day that the "Estado Novo", ended and with it, the dictatorship in Portugal!
👍︎ 325
📅︎ Apr 24 2021
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Este novo estado de emergência é uma grande confusão

Venho aqui desabafar a minha surpresa ao perceber que apesar de estar tudo a reabrir, o dever de recolhimento domiciliário continua em vigor.

E segundo alguém da ordem dos advogados que acabei de ouvir na RTP, podemos viajar para longe da habitação para ir visitar um museu ou ir a um restaurante, mas se formos simplesmente passear de carro, podemos ser multados. Que sentido faz isto?

👍︎ 98
👤︎ u/rand06om
📅︎ Apr 06 2021
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Walmart revela novo jogador nos Estados Unidos...
👍︎ 2
👤︎ u/Potenkss
📅︎ Sep 29 2021
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This statue that was gifted to Canada by the Estado Novo regime has some new paint
👍︎ 152
👤︎ u/xzry1998
📅︎ Jul 05 2021
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