Punrelenting word play at the Rose Parade

New Year's Day... The start of a fresh 365 sunrises that symbolize a turning point in lifestyle and spending the entire day recovering from a dreadful hangover. Like many other people in America, this relatively fake holiday is a time that I spend with my family. One of my family's many traditions (alongside annihilating plates of buffalo wings and watching college football until we pass out on the couch) is watching the Rose Parade. At the very beginning of the event, before all of the flower-covered floats and high school bands came marching down the street, there was an introductory ceremony complete with a B-2 stealth bomber flyover. As soon as they passed by, zooming out of the camera's frame, my dad leans in closer to me and says "Well I sure didn't see that coming!"

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📅︎ May 06 2015
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And you can dance to it!

My mom, my aunt, and I are walking down a London street. My aunt comments a shirt that a girl walking in the opposite direction was wearing.

Aunt: "Why would you wear a shirt with "suicidal tendencies" on it?"

Me: "It's a band name."

Aunt: "A what?"


Aunt: "..."

Aunt: "...Well that's upbeat."

👍︎ 2
📅︎ Jun 07 2014
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